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Sep 2015 · 826
A Ride
Nithya Venkat Sep 2015
noisy leaves rustle
as they frolic with the wind
begging for a ride
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
Till we meet again
Nithya Venkat Sep 2015
Goodbye am departing
Falling down
Way down
Far beneath your reach
As I leave you
You slowly disappear
Into sheer nothingness
Disappearing into thin air
Of this I am sure
I will find you again
Some place
The river
pond or lake
I will meet you
When the sun shines
And the waters rise up
You will take form
As you appear
I can see myself in you
We join together again
Forming clouds
Where dreams are made
Till we meet again
I wrote this thinking about the rain departing from the clouds and rising up once again -nature in it's many forms
Jun 2015 · 2.4k
Heal my heart Heal my soul
Nithya Venkat Jun 2015
Heal my heart heal my soul
Let your spirit take control of what little there is left of me
Heal my heart heal my soul
Set me free from the strong tethers that bind me
Heal my heart heal my soul
Help me fly span the skies that beckon to me
Heal my heart heal my soul
Guide me to a land where freedom awaits me
Heal my heart heal my soul
Together let us take control of our destiny
Let us walk holding hands
Into a world that understands
Peace and harmony
Hoping to live in a world where peace and harmony exist and let the wounds heal.
Jun 2015 · 625
In Love
Nithya Venkat Jun 2015
Glimpses of me
I can clearly see
In your eyes
Every time you look at me
You pretend not to be affected
By my mere presence in the room
Even though I may not talk or walk
Next to you
I can still catch glimpses of me
In the way that you speak
The words that come tumbling out
One spilling onto another
Not making any sense
As you try to babble on and on
Whenever you talk to me
I can still clearly see
In your eyes
Your love for me
Why do you try to hide
When you know
That you are still in love
In love with me
A figment of my imagination.
May 2015 · 8.9k
Summer Breeze
Nithya Venkat May 2015
teasing summer breeze
swirling in and out of leaves
pretty flowers blush
Apr 2015 · 580
Do I have to?
Nithya Venkat Apr 2015
Is it time to leave
Do I have to go
Do I really have to leave
Tell me it is not so
Look deep into your heart
Is that what you see
Come on tell me now
Do I have to leave

Think about the times
I was the only one
Who lit a fire in your heart
Embraced you in my warmth
Tell tell me now
Is it really so
Do I have to leave
Do I have to go

Even though I depart
I have you in my heart
All your memories
Buried deep inside of me
I only want to tell you
Oh my dear sweet love
I will never forget the days
We were truly in love

Do I have to leave
Do I have to go
Even though I say goodbye
I do not want to go
I wrote this poem thinking of broken hearts and sad goodbyes.
Apr 2015 · 855
Blown Away
Nithya Venkat Apr 2015
You may feel this way
Times are bad
Life is no good
It hurts a lot
I do not understand
Why it should
The pain is deep
It does not go away
Throbbing on and on
Feels like it is here
Forever to stay
Remember this
Bad times like dark clouds
Can never stay
The wind
Will always
Blow them  away
Bad times like dark clouds
Can never stay
The wind
Will always
Blow them away
Mar 2015 · 503
Nithya Venkat Mar 2015
Flames swallow my heart and soul
As you hurl hateful words in anger
Words that never die and live on
In my memory
Like glowing embers
They keep hurting
Slowly but surely
They hurt
Is it that you hate me?
Is it really so?
Is that why you hurl words
Hurtful words
Sharp as knife
****** deep into my heart
Not satisfied
You take hold of the handle
And twist it right in
Till it cannot be pulled out
By any force on earth
Never wanting to stop
You keep twisting and turning
In anger and hate
Your words **** me
And suffocate my living spirit
I am alive but still dead
Are you happy now?
Some people hurt the others so deeply with their hateful words and try to **** the spirit of life in them. Such people do exist on earth and take great pleasure to hurt the other. I wrote this poem thinking of the person who is the target, the suffering soul.
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
Still Life
Nithya Venkat Feb 2015
Life drained departed
Into a land of silence
But somehow
I feel you
In the night's breeze
In the whisper of trees
Rustling in the wind
I can hear your sigh
Your voice echoing
In the silence of the night
All of a sudden I realize
That you are here nearby
I feel your presence
Up close next to me
Trying to tell me something
Suddenly I awake
Feeling your presence
In my room
I see not nor do I hear you
But I still believe
You have never left me
Living on forever
Even in still life
Dec 2014 · 1.4k
Happy New Year!!
Nithya Venkat Dec 2014
Happy New Year
Hoping that waves of joy
Rise high to wash away the sorrow
Take away all the pain
Hoping that each tomorrow
Brings on waves of happiness and joy
Days filled with warm sunshine
That warms soothes heart and soul
Hoping that the scorching heat of war
The pain of losing loved ones
Be washed away by gentle waves
Stop forever never to occur again
Hoping that the New Year
Will bring good tidings
For all of us
To enjoy to live
In peace and harmony
Happy New Year!
Dec 2014 · 767
On the Other Side
Nithya Venkat Dec 2014
Without a doubt
I know it is you
Calling out to me
Your sweet voice
Ringing in my ears
Singing your true love
Humming a tune
That makes my heart beat
A mile a minute
In leaps and bounds
I cover distances to meet you
On the other side of the universe
Dec 2014 · 2.2k
Star Studded Night Sky
Nithya Venkat Dec 2014
Night Sky
Stars twinkling vibrant
Glowing in sheer darkness
Reminding me
That there is a heaven up above
A heaven
Where all goodness prevails
A  heaven
Where there is no misery no pain
A heaven
Filled with pure joy and happiness
A heaven
Where peace rings true
A divine paradise

Star studded night sky
You make me hope
That one day
Will be
A reflection of heaven
Where all live together
In peace and harmony

Night sky drenched in dark
Lit up by twinkling stars
Giving me hope
That all darkness will fade away
Filled with twinkling stars of hope
A true heaven on earth

Star Studded Night Sky
Nov 2014 · 622
Are You Human?
Nithya Venkat Nov 2014
Is this how you lose control?
Your anger scorches me
Burns me to cinders
Do you not know how to be human?
To be considerate and kind
Are you a beast?
Quenching your thirst
With drops of my tears
Are you satisfied?
That you have made me cry
Buried me in sorrow
And wonder if my life is worthwhile
This cannot go on
Look into your heart
Search for the soul in you
Are you human?
This is a poem describing the how the hurt one feels when subjected to harsh words and inconsiderate behavior. We all need to be human, considerate and kind.
Nov 2014 · 771
Your Mother
Nithya Venkat Nov 2014
Dear child
I am your mother
I am your friend
I love you and care for you
Hold my hand and let me guide you
Show you the way through the jungle of life
Hold my hand don’t shrug it off
I am your true friend
Who will laugh with you
And cry with you
Help you stand when your legs are weak
Dear child
I truly love you
I only want the best for you
Do not reject my help
I know you can stand on your own
But now and then my dear
You may need a helping hand
And remember this
I am there always around
To help you in times of need
I am there like a shadow
Always around you and inside you
My love will take care of you
And warm you
Wherever you are
Dear child
I love you
This is what a mother would like to convey to her teenager child.
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Sound of Silence
Nithya Venkat Oct 2014
Words never spoken
Feelings never expressed
Buried deep inside
Forever encapsulated
In the heart
Imprisoned in the soul
Not a word uttered
Not a sound heard
Words filled with love
Blanketed muffled
Only to echo
The deafening
Sound of Silence
It is sad that some people never have the courage to express their love.
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
Death Haiku
Nithya Venkat Oct 2014
Forever hidden
Shrouded dark mysterious
Hard cold gripping death
Oct 2014 · 1.4k
Nithya Venkat Oct 2014
You lie to me
Every time I look at you
You never show me
My true self
Instead you chose to show
What everyone can see
Can you not reflect my inner beauty
You are so vain
You cannot see beyond
I really cannot blame you
You are never the true one
It took some time
But now I know
You can just reflect but cannot see
Every time I look at you
I tell myself
This is not the real me
My mirror
You are a liar
You do not know me
This is a poem about how the mirror cannot reflect true inner beauty. The inner soul is truly beautiful! Each and every one of us are special in our own way.
Oct 2014 · 4.3k
Dancing Feet
Nithya Venkat Oct 2014
Happy dancing feet
Never stopping when you play
Drumming out each beat
Oct 2014 · 633
Slip Sliding
Nithya Venkat Oct 2014
Glistening dew drops slowly fall
Tickling the green blades of grass
Enjoying the downward slide
Falling down to rise again
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
Heart Beat
Nithya Venkat Oct 2014
Thoughts of you
Makes me dance
To the rhythm
Of your heart beat
Oct 2014 · 813
Flames of Love
Nithya Venkat Oct 2014
burning in your flames of love
consumed in sheer ecstasy
dreaming of your tender kisses
i go to sleep with sweet dreams
Oct 2014 · 408
Life With You
Nithya Venkat Oct 2014
you make my life
a true delight
you transform my world
into a beautiful sight
you show me worlds
that I have never seen
you spin and weave
a magical dream
you fill my heart
with your love
when I am with you
life is splendid
Sep 2014 · 477
Heart of Mine
Nithya Venkat Sep 2014
this heart of mine
speaks to my soul
asks countless questions
to my inner soul

my soul replies
Oh dear heart
wake up wake up
don't you realize
that you and I
are one and the same

the answers
lie deep within you
wake up and listen
to your heart beat
Sep 2014 · 496
Pushed Over
Nithya Venkat Sep 2014
A little bit more
Just a little bit more
Pushed forward slowly
Steadily moving

Edge fast approaching
Pushed little by little
Step by step over the edge
I fall, Down I go

A little bit more
Was too much you know
Accept me the way I am
Do not push me so

Now it is too late
Am over the edge
Where darkness prevails
In the land of the dead
Sometimes when we keep pushing children to do their best, we do not know where to stop. The child may end up feeling down, low and depression may set in. Be your child's friend and listen to them. Encourage them to do their best but do not push them so hard that one day you will have to shed tears for their loss.
Sep 2014 · 3.1k
Memories of You
Nithya Venkat Sep 2014
Even though I depart
I carry you in my heart
Memories of you
Etched too deep
In my heart and soul
Cannot be erased
By the strongest of powers
Clawing at my heart and soul
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
Nithya Venkat Sep 2014
raindrops reflecting
colors splashed across the sky
a kaleidoscope
Sep 2014 · 637
Nithya Venkat Sep 2014
From me to you
You to me
Life goes on
It is not a mystery

From the time
That we are born
We live our lives
Life goes on

Day after day
We live our lives
Do the things that we do
In a routine way

Then all of a sudden
The day arrives
When we have to bid
This world goodbye

The sound is clear
The ring of the death knell
The time has come
To bid fare well

Life has a meaning
We have but one
Let us live our lives
And make it count

— The End —