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 Apr 2016 Mrs Grey
 Apr 2016 Mrs Grey
Committing suicide is harder than you can think. And here i describe the various ways. A bit long but you'll enjoy reading.

Fall in front of train or bus
Alright but that won't be easy. First go near a train, than father courage to fall in front. If i had half that courage, i would have fought and live through hardships

Fall from top of a building
It would be hard to go to top of a too high building. And if i fall from a bit small building, i would be alive and it would be too painful and then hear the scold for an year and no poket money too because it would be used in operation

Hang yourself
The classic way. But too hard. First arrange chair, a rope and then learn to tie the rope and then hang yourself. It would be slow and painful. And there is always a chance someone breaks the door and you survive

Eat poison
Hard to get and slow. And i wont eat what the rats eat ever. Other good poison would be too pricey Next one. I don't like choking

Stab knife in stomach
Alright i tried but hands were shivering. Couldn't get the knife even the clothes

Cut the veins of hand
Eww. It's soo slow. Bleeding to death and messy blood all nearby. So *****

Commit crime of killing
Go by the law. And **** some others like you and then you get caught by cops. You'd be on trial and then the law would put you to death. Too slow may take years

Pay to hitman to get yourself killed
Find some hitman. Pay him to **** yourself. Hitman are expensive

Drown yourself
Those are lucky ones here who don't know how to swim. Painful death. Lungs filled with water. Uhh. Someone may come and save you. Risky

Make yourself feast of lion
Lions are hard to find. And thy don't eat humans mostly

Inhaling gasses like helium that prevent inhaling of oxygen or usage of plastic bag. Expensive gasses they are. And I'm not gonna die with some cheap plastic bag. Swag

Electric shock
Giving electric shock to yourself. It would be hard. Pull wire and then tear their plastic coating and common household don't have enough electricity to ****. I would need more. Hard work *****

Of everyone i know, no one has a firearm. Out of option

Car crash
I don't own a car yet. It's out

Drug overdose
Aargh. Drugs are too expensive. Can't someone even die without money?

Setting yourself on fire
Sprinkle petrol over yourself and burn yourself with match stick. On no. My soft skin will burn. I won't attempt this one

Starving oneself to death. I can't stand being hungry. It triggers a reflex to eat in me. I can't die with this one

Inhaling carbon monoxide
I don't know how it works but Google suggested it to me. I don't know anything about it so it's out of the way

Sleeping pills
The best way to die. No disadvantage. No pain even if slow death. Gulp half the bottle with lots of water. And then just lie down. Eat at night so no on gets suspicious. Peaceful death

**Alright now don't try this at home. I've wrote the poem as a fun write
My first fun write.
 Apr 2016 Mrs Grey
in this quiet room
i can only hear the rain knocking on my window
i can only feel the storm in my head
dark and it's getting darker
light won't ever shine
cold and it's getting colder
it's autumn in my heart
dying with every leaf
i haven't got the will to live
my body aches
millions of needles through my skin
my heart dies little by little
i embrace the pain
i'm holding my breath
i find joy when closer to death
i am drowning in tears
cutting in my flesh
the rain from my veins falling harder and harder
red on my legs
red from my wrists
an ocean of misery i'm falling in
i cannot swim
i'm drowning in a sleep
that i'd like to last forever.
 Apr 2016 Mrs Grey
Anthony Perry
Creatures crawl from under the roots of trees and bugs scatter from the pockets of the lost to the cadence of sprinkling rain

Silence in the woods of missused life brings out the sounds of wind screaming past the tightened ropes and rusted knives

Those who walk through the aokigahara forest hear a symphony of life that persists through the maimed, a festival of tents and people strung up like decorations as if it was meant for a parade

Nature reclaimed the unused death of unwanted bodies and the rain drained flesh from bones, simulated hell and suicide is what's found soon after passing the warning signs in red and white marked zones.
 Apr 2016 Mrs Grey
Dina Zivkovic
when insomnia strikes, I try to hide
it shows streams of restraint that need hiding...

it. I.  me. do. The. Beginning.

I don't think I really know.
I just wanted to be left

do it for the cause.
do it for those who can't
make it look effortless
and do it without a pause.
it can't be done overnight

but remember that you have to go through this week without being right.

Forcing rhyme won't help you this time... oh well, here it is...

can't say I didn't try...
I tried...
 Apr 2016 Mrs Grey
 Apr 2016 Mrs Grey
Restlessly bleeding words onto a page
And looking past cliches to realize
Just how beautiful they are
Can only mean one thing.

The monster is back.
 Apr 2016 Mrs Grey
Trembling over my haunted thoughts,
Deciding whether to listen to songs or not,
My playlist plays all songs I have no mood to listen,
My books are all placed on the table,
Yet my imagination run so wild that I couldn’t focus on anything,
I don’t know how many times I switch off the air conditioner,
Or do I want to curl up under my blankets?
Should I grab some chips and watch a movie?
Ah, but I already brushed my teeth,
Should I reply to the unanswered text messages?
Should I sleep, but I already slept five hours earlier
Or should I check my social medias?
But I would just be sad again viewing other people’s profile and pictures
I don’t know what to do,
I feel like I’m trapped into a loop of indecisive nights,
Should I click game over so I won’t wake up?
I bite my lips and scratch my wrist,
Because they were so dry yet so sore at the same time,
I feel silence and silence is so loud I’m deafened by it,
The color of my lips is pale peach,
And my eyes are empty,
This is my indecisive night,
The night which I do nothing but write my thoughts.
 Apr 2016 Mrs Grey
It's been a few years,
since I picked up that blade
determined to slice the sadness
out of my viens.
Ridges and indentions
of scar tissue
litter my body.
Yet, even now,
when I get really down,
I still want to add to my collection.
I am starkly aware
that it's not right,
not at all; but,
nothing else works quite as well.
perhaps it's a punishment, too.
One that I deserve.

 Apr 2016 Mrs Grey
That cold street I walked
Was once a place full of memory
Your smile and glimpse that could light up the world
Now are just pictures I dearly treasure in my mind

Since you've been gone
Nothing seems to matter
Nothing seems to care
Now I can bargain everything just to see your face again

I dreamt last night
I was granted of a wish,just one
Hell I didn’t wish for luxury
I did'nt wish for immortality
I simply wished for another moment with you..

For I just want to say I love you
That I really missed you
And most of all
Im sorry for not being there when you're about to go

But I know I have to wake up
And face the day and the day after
That you are not here with me
And I am all alone
 Apr 2016 Mrs Grey
I went rummaging through my mistakes tucked under my bed behind the closet. I have skeletons sleeping back there that don't exist in the future.

When I opened my heart to grab onto my spinal cord and snap myself out of it I found mirrors of my childhood girlfriends, a picture of the time I went to McDonald and got the chicken nuggets when I was four, and a bucket hat that my mother never should have bought me.

These were things I wish never happen. Hannah, she cracked my femur with the pressure of a goodbye laid across the never happen. We were 1822 days old and going on stronger than ever.

It was here that I learned that I love my stuffed animals too hard, because I often wear them down from all the attention smothering their jugulars and stitching my loneliness into their knee caps. We were. There is a storage space so wide open and full of grace waiting for a  soft hand to lift its spirits, i need a drink.

It stands two feet tall in a colony of insecurities so intricately woven into patterns of bad ideas that i don't think it ever had a chance. I've never been good at telling the difference between the color of the floor board and the bleeding pattern of the ceiling.

And I could never fully grasp the reason why ***** packs are not only socially looked down upon but completely misunderstood. Efficiently storing every secret at waste level.

I have a lot of regrets. I'm not proud of most of them. But from them I was drunkenly spit into my present form. And from here I will always wear ***** packs.
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