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 Jun 2015 Mike lowe
Nicole Dawn
Didn't you know?

Was only chased by the prince
For the mystery
Not the girl

Snow White,
Was never wanted by the prince
He just wanted
The adventure
Not the girl

Was never loved
By the beast
He just wanted
To escape the curse

So didn't you know?
The only real prince
Disney ever made
Is named Hans

Who was greedy
And just wanted
Money and fame
And tricked a little girl
Out of her innocence

Didn't you know?
 Jun 2015 Mike lowe
Nicole Dawn
It's odd

At first
We were simply polite

We were friends


We are sometimes
And talk
Of petty things

We are sometimes
And talk
Of stress, sadness,
And other things
Not for children

We are sometimes
We will take turns
Telling the other
Why they need to live

But most of all
We are always
Honestly, you are my best friend
 Jun 2015 Mike lowe
Yung Wifey
every time I tell myself to breathe
it works for 10 seconds
but then my heart, shrivelled and dry, ironically bleeds
what if I'll forever feel this way? I start to reckon

I feel the anxiety creeping up on me again

what is the maximum threshold?

how much would it take to bend before I break?
Not the best piece, but I just feel a lot of anxiety right now and I needed to vent.
 Jun 2015 Mike lowe
You ignited within my soul a flame,
A flicker of fire, I fear I won't be able to tame.
I must warn you, I'm a rebel.
And right now, I have an overwhelming desire to play with your fire.
 Jun 2015 Mike lowe
 Jun 2015 Mike lowe
I am one of the biggest hypocrites I know
I'm one of those, "Do as I say, not as I do" kind of person
I will feed people my advice
And do the exact opposite
“Love yourself”
“Be your first priority”
“Never settle”
All of these things I say should be done
Yet I can’t do it myself
Here I am, trying to fix people
When I am broken as well
I try to show people the beauty of the world, when a majority of the time
I see it as a dark place.
I focus on trying to make people happy, hoping it will bring me peace
Here I am, trying to help others when I can’t help myself
Trying to pick others up when my world crumbling
Right in front of my eyes
 Jun 2015 Mike lowe
Nicole Dawn
I used think
Of suicide
All the time


But really,
Sounds like a lot
Of work

What I really wish
Is that death
Would just take me
And I wouldn't have to come
To it

That I would fall from great heights
But not on purpose

That a bear would eat me
Without prompting

That water would take me
Without my help

That I would just die
But not on purpose

Or even better
But truly impossible,

I wish I had never been born

That I had never disgraced
This world
With my presence

That I never
Met you
So you wouldn't have to pretend
To be my friend

That I never
Forced my
Ugly words
On people

I honestly wish I had never been born

So no,
I do not
Want to commit suicide

But yes,
I do want to die
Or have never been alive
Sorry, this is really sad, but it's how I feel so....
 Jun 2015 Mike lowe
Amy Perry
Your silence climbs like vines,
I hardly notice it binds,
Past my grounded thighs,
Twisting all up my spine,
My heart's furnace, it shall find,
And attempt to smother it alive.
I know we're on year nine,
And you've always been on my mind,
But now there comes a time -
That the Sunshine, I just can't find,
Your contempt for me is all that you remind,
The only time you direct your energy towards mine.

I can stand tall on my own.

Through Winter, I did not wither,
From my keeper, no compassionate water delivered -
The blood from within my veins of river,
From my own flourishings, is where I beat the shiver.
Let it be known:
Nourishment & Encouragement
Is what you couldn't give her.
What she found instead:
Her inner self is her giver.
 Jun 2015 Mike lowe
Julie Butler
love is
it is;
to wish you
not to dissolve

while melting
and honey,
I'm melting

why can't I
can't I
I can't
catch this
catch my
gasp, ******
this breath

why can't I have it ?
I've had it
astronaut emotion
head in outer space
what goes up
must come down

but I've been


drowned & coming up for air
at the last second to explode
the need to inhale
you or air

I c a n n o t decide which feels better
 Jun 2015 Mike lowe
Alexis Martin
sometimes I think I am loveless and cold, and that's why I hate the heat and get sick all the time
but she reminded me of all the love I do have
love that fills the room and echoes like a choir's song on a Sunday
love that burns through me like a match in a grassy field
I have love for the trees and for the river and for the smooth rocks and even for the jagged ones that cut my knees
there is love every time she forgets to put on sunscreen and there is love when I take care of her so she can be high on acid
I give love to my father and mother, who watched me destroy myself for years and held my hand as I walked out of the darkness
but I think most important of all
is that I have love for myself
for my scars and my freckles and my stretch marks and my illness and my flat feet and my small hands and my messy hair and my sweaty palms and for everything that makes me who I am
I have love
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