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 Sep 2015 Mike lowe
They say that love,
Is a basic necessity of life.
The same as we need water to ingest
And a constant breath in our lungs.
As the lover I am, I agree.
I agreed when I was young,
I concur now
And I will forever feel this is true,
But love is more than what people think.

Love can be holding hands in silence
On a long drive home,
Love can be looking into their eyes
And feeling the world fade away,
Love can be breaking away from a kiss
Because you can't help but smile,
Love can be seeing a person
Doing nothing special, like watching tv
And suddenly falling in love
All over again.

When people think "love", they think these things,
But it's still much more than that.

Love can be the happiness you feel
While dancing in the rain.
Love can be holding your child for the first time.
Love can be a tight hug when your friend is crying.
Love can be a homemade meal for all your family.
Love can be giving them a blanket,
After they unintentionally fell asleep on the couch.
Love can be staring in awe at all the beautiful stars in the sky.
Love can be buying a meal for a stranger.
Love can be playing with your dog.
Love can be sitting by a window with tea and a book.
Love can be dancing to your favorite songs.
Love can be looking in the mirror
And knowing that you are beautiful inside and out,
Flaws and all.

Love is so much more,
Than a man and a woman.
Love is parent and child
Woman and woman
Man and man
Friend and friend
Sister and brother
Human and human
Human and self
Human and animal
Human and nature
Human and life

It is the spirit of the universe
And that's what makes love so important.
I believe in this beautiful thing called love
Because my soul was made for loving.
*And so is yours.
I believe if everyone learned to love, we could all live in harmony.
 Sep 2015 Mike lowe
I find it ironic how
We get warnings for how to deal with hurricanes weeks in advance
But you...
No one tells me how to deal with you
You crashed into me
Brought out things in me
That I didnt remember I had
And showed me things I didnt even know about myself
But instead of leaving me like a shell
Like hurricanes do
To homes, towns, entire cities
You left me with wind in my heart
Thunderstorms in my soul

The rain you left behind in your wake wont stop
The wind hitting the walls of my heart whenever i think of you
But youve moved into a different country
Even so You'll be my storm rescue soon enough
how did i get here- odesza
you are why storms are named after people
 Sep 2015 Mike lowe
Walk on Me
 Sep 2015 Mike lowe
Warm coffee
Cold days wrapped in your arms
feel you wheeze
when you breathe like the leaky pipes in my apartment

Cold coffee
sunny days
do you love me
Waking up barefoot,
tiptoeing on my creaky bones
Just like I walk on old wood floors

Im not a home
Cause you don't love me
Perhaps because i cant hear my pipes or floorboards
coffee- sylvan esso
 Sep 2015 Mike lowe
She sat alone on a pretty park bench, breathing
in the ugly air. She had encased her body in layers of
wool and worry, but it didn’t keep the cold out.
She felt. She felt the hard wooden boards beneath
her thighs and the metal pressing into her vertebrae.
Her fingertips secretly snuck out of her unraveling
gloves; they were still chapped from endless empty
nights, still grasping for a warmth they knew long ago.

An odor emanated from a pile of courage
in the corner. The lump moved to her throat
and conjured a swarm of guilt like spears that left
scars on her lonely lips and bruises on her unforgiven
hips. She watched as the men splurged together on the
serendipity found in a half-eaten, tofurkey concoction.

Killing the ruins of peace in her desert
chest, she was pulled to the shore. Tasting
the salt on her cheeks and the salt in the air,
gravity guided her to her knees. The water
soaked through her jeans, chilling her knees
and conquered the remnants of her soft spine.
Two bony hands then emerged from the dark
and encircled her homeless heart.
 Sep 2015 Mike lowe
he had galaxies turning slowly within him
and she crawled inside and kissed every planet
Some days I wish I was normal.
That I wasn't plagued with all these problems.
The depression.
The anxiety.
The addiction.
Not to mention the physical disorders.
Somedays I wish I felt whole.
That I had the ability to feel love again.
Feel true emotions at all.
I feel almost good somedays.
I feel anger occasionally.
Normally it's just a crushing feeling of dread.
I wish I was normal.
Maybe then I wouldn't have made all those bad choices.
Wouldn't be as rebellious as I am.
Maybe then I would still have all the things I've ended up losing.
But then...
I have to remind myself that if I was any form of normal...
I wouldn't have all of the things I do.
I wouldn't have been able to make my favorite memories.
I wouldn't have the friends that I adore.
The wisdom my life has created.
I wouldn't be me.
I may not be normal.
I may not feel whole.
But I am, who I am.
I think it's finally time to embrace it.
Finally time to start learning to love myself again.
 Sep 2015 Mike lowe
Skin red left in the wake of gentle kisses
Tender to everything
From the star light that touched my arms
that peaceful night

It was a cosmic reaction
A total light show
All because you where there
That first kiss under shooting stars

we created the most magnificent show
Lighting up the skies
Even if it was behind closed eyelids

People wonder How you can make me shine
Even from so far away
But they don't know what an ache we have
Or how much we need each other

So while the lights shine and you are away
Every glimmer reminds me of you

So Ill shine for you
Till we can be together
and we will live in the land of a thousand lights
So light up Babes
stars- the **
 Sep 2015 Mike lowe
It still hurts..
How do you forget
the thing that crushed your heart?
The pain is still there,
haunting me.
It goes away,
but it always come back.

and it still hurts the same way it hurt before
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