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4.0k · Feb 2020
Michael Demian Feb 2020
She is as beautiful as sunrise.
He is as beautiful as sunset.
Two stunning people with shining eyes,
They are so happy that they have met.

She is as beautiful as the moon.
He is as beautiful as the sun.
Their love is playing a splendid tune
That can be pleasant to everyone.

She is as beautiful as the sky.
He is as beautiful as a sea.
I hope their feelings will never die
I hope together they'll always be.
1.4k · Feb 2020
When I hold you in my arms
Michael Demian Feb 2020
When I hold you in my arms what do I feel?
Something I cannot express with words.
It is tenderness that warms my heart.
When I’m injured, your warm phrases heal
Every wound that tortures me and hurts,
Every pain that tears my chest apart.
It is happiness that I do not know how
Makes me fly up high and touch the sky,
Makes me smile when I wake up at dawn.
Everything around gets bright somehow,
And I’m sure this feeling will not die.
What’s inside my heart cannot be gone.
It is peace that everybody needs,
Even those who like to live at strife,
Those who very often draw a sword.
And you show me with your words and deeds
That you wholeheartedly want your life
And my life to be in full accord.
It is passion that inflames my flesh,
And sometimes its fire is so strong
That its tongues can even scorch my bones.
Such a heat is able to enmesh
All my heart and body for so long,
That by touching I can melt the stones.
It is love, a gift sent from a star.
And this feeling is so great and pure,
It enslaves our souls and makes them free.
And in love with me you also are,
That is why I am completely sure
That together we are meant to be.
377 · Feb 2020
Michael Demian Feb 2020
They are so pleasant to our eyes,
The flowers, nature’s great creation.
Though their apparel is so nice,
Their blossom has a short duration.

But beauty of a different kind
Can be contrasted with a flower.
It constantly excites our mind,
Makes us do things beyond our power.

Great artists laud it day and night
And it is worth our praise and duty.
You, pretty women, have the right
To wear this splendid crown of beauty.
253 · Mar 2020
Foreign languages
Michael Demian Mar 2020
A lot of places in this world
Are waiting patiently for you,
So you should keep your sail unfurled
Toward what’s challenging and new.

Then you can find a lot of friends
That will support you in your strife.
Your future certainly depends
On what you have achieved in life.

So fight for what you’re really worth
And never let yourself give up.
Inherit happiness on Earth,
And life will offer you its cup.

No matter what you keep in view,
A lot of places can be yours.
If you speak languages, then to you
The world will open all its doors.
My native language is Russian but I like English. So I dedicated this poem to the English language.
246 · Feb 2020
Michael Demian Feb 2020
In the evening having inked his feather
He engenders beauty line by line,
Writes a manuscript that joins together
Ice and fire, darkness and sunshine.

He is looking for his lot no longer,
But he strikes the lyre on the stage,
Showing humankind that love is stronger
Than injustice, enmity and rage;

It is more than life and nonexistence,
It can give downhearted people wings,
Neither flow of time nor any distance
Can destroy love’s harp and tear its strings.

He narrates that standards and traditions
Put sometimes a lot of lives at stake,
And that human honor and ambitions
Should exist for other people’s sake.

Every moment of his life he's ready
To amaze his audience and thrill.
Many centuries have passed already,
But he still creates and always will.
241 · Feb 2020
You are reliable
Michael Demian Feb 2020
You are reliable and kind,
The words you say are always true,
And everybody wants to find
Such a devoted friend like you.

Because when somebody’s in need,
You always try to help this one.
And all your actions are indeed
Worth praises for they are well-done.

Your smile is so sincere and warm,
Of sunny days it does remind.
And in your eyes there is no storm,
They mirror joy and peace of mind.

To you so skillful hands belong,
They add nice touches to our world.
Toward adventures with a song
You always keep your sail unfurled.

So every day be on your best,
Rejoice in everything you do.
Let all your days on earth be blessed
And always all your dreams come true.
235 · Feb 2020
Michael Demian Feb 2020
He takes a fiddlestick and gently
Starts to caress his violin,
Creating magic sounds intently
That take all those around him in.

A miracle enfolds our bodies,
The real world exists no more
When into music he embodies
What was concealed in him before.

Celestial, amazing beauty
Flows to our ears from fairy lands,
Enchanting splendor that’s on duty
Of his divinely gifted hands.

And in our world that’s getting rougher,
By shedding music from above,
He comforts those who deeply suffer,
Inspires those who are in love.

This man’s a gift the world desires.
His talent makes our hearts rejoice.
So strongly humankind admires
And loves his soul’s amazing voice.
180 · Feb 2020
Be a good friend
Michael Demian Feb 2020
From those who love you don’t avert your eyes,
Do not turn back from real friends of yours.
To keep away from them it is not wise.
Before such people never close your doors.

And when they ask for help, give them a hand.
Be generous to those who are in need.
Our life itself will help us understand
That faithful friends are human wealth indeed.

When they are thirsty let them come to you
To drink a glass of water from your well.
Keep always interests of your friends in view,
Within your heart let them forever dwell.

Be with your friend when he is ill on bed
To comfort him or just to lift his mood.
And if with hunger he is almost dead,
Then break your bread with him and share your food.

When he is tired and from home too far,
Invite him to your house to have a rest.
By doing it you'll show that kind you are,
And with a lot of friends you will be blessed.
165 · Mar 2020
Michael Demian Mar 2020
In ancient times the world was sad and gray,
And with a drama life could be equated;
But everything did change in a good way
Right when from Adam’s rib Eve was created.
The Earth has been so beautiful in space
From the beginning and until the present,
But if the women weren’t upon its face,
The life on it would never be so pleasant.
The secret of existence on the earth
Is deeply kept inside of woman’s body,
That’s why she is so honored to give birth
To a new life whose shape she does embody.
The woman brings a baby from above,
And with her heart she warms this little treasure.
When mother holds a child, gives him her love,
Observing such a scene must be a pleasure.
Though woman’s vessel’s delicate and weak,
Her mighty deeds astonish all beholders.
She has the strength to conquer every peak
And carry every burden on her shoulders.
The woman starts to labor at sunrise,
Her diligence deserves to be admired.
Until sunset she does not close her eyes,
But does not seem exhausted and too tired.
In any circumstances she looks great.
Her beauty makes a lot of hearts beat stronger.
And seeing it the flowers start to fade,
So jealous, they can’t blossom any longer.
The woman makes our world a pleasant place,
To spoil her charm time current is not able.
Her physical and inner beauty stays
In every age unchangeable and stable.
158 · Feb 2020
Michael Demian Feb 2020
Live even when you want to die,
When having strength to fight no longer
You gnash your teeth and want to cry
Because the pain is getting stronger.
When meaningless and silent strife
Has made your spirit deadly tired
And freedom from these chains of life,
Is very ardently desired.
When you cannot endure your pains,
Do not let death embrace your body.
The blood is icy in its veins,
Its tongue transfixes everybody.
The eyes of death are blank and cold,
They tear to pieces and devour.
Its ruthless hands so strongly hold
The reins of such enormous power.
When seeking peace, on the deathbed
To fall asleep do not endeavor.
Be open-eyed and look ahead,
Face troubles boldly more than ever.
With time the pain will go away,
To heal all wounds the time is able.
But if you choose the death one day,
You will be eaten on its table.
And being breathless, deaf and blind
With ground your body will be covered.
Fight for the life, and to your mind
Its beauty will be once discovered.

— The End —