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Sep 2015 · 585
br o ke n
Ordinary Sep 2015
you came to me broken
little do you know
you were the pieces i was looking for
perfect to me
May 2015 · 2.6k
imperfect is perfection
Ordinary May 2015
I saw her scars from the staircase, and her demons from the doorway
but I still couldn't see a reason not to welcome her in
May 2015 · 323
Ordinary May 2015
Love is a drug
But you're one addiction I would die for
May 2015 · 335
Ordinary May 2015
you say you missed me
but you didn't miss,
you hit the other target you were aiming at
Apr 2015 · 348
Ordinary Apr 2015
usually i can't remember how my dreams begin, but this one is different

I remember walking you home and kissing you goodnight

is because that its not a dream at all?

or had our beginning started long before either of us knew it
Apr 2015 · 360
Ordinary Apr 2015
take my hand, rest your head and ill rest mine, never a dark sky because my star always shines, with you by my side I can't know worries, take my hand and lets make those fairy tails our memories
Apr 2015 · 624
our Home has no address
Ordinary Apr 2015
we may be broke, but richer than most

ceiling caving, walls cracking, and floor crumbling, but when our fingers hug and our palms kiss, its as if our souls take a sign of relief

we could be sleeping in the gutters, but baby we'd be home
Apr 2015 · 384
Id Rather be Coal
Ordinary Apr 2015
you be the diamond, Ill be the coal
Ill be broken, and burned
Ill be the one moving trains, and illuminating your home
You be the one that makes mega bucks, ill make mega watts
People want you for christmas, you'll be ****** to find me in your stocking?
Worth thousands, I say worthless. Im the one who is valuable. People think they like diamonds more. Go a day without me, see how dark it gets.
value isn't face value, its your potential
Apr 2015 · 3.5k
Ordinary Apr 2015
You're his now
Just like how they say "Exactly, it was your seat"

I thought that was my spot, I guess I was just keeping it warm for him
that was my spot
Ordinary Apr 2015
The problem with emotions is that they aren't backed in gold
It doesn't matter how much you have, how great your GDP is or who's on the bank note. It doesn't matter. Without a gold standard your notes are just paper to others. You're one economic crash from having all of your worth becoming valueless to other countries. There is no exchange rate. it doesn't matter how many marks you have after that war. Everything you have, all that you're worth and all your desires, can't buy ****. They are now only good for burning and keeping you warm. Because emotions aren't backed in gold, their only guaranteed value is in yourself.
it doesn't matter who powerful your emotions are for you, they remain inside you and do not have an exchange rate.
Apr 2015 · 395
Ordinary Apr 2015
With enough pressure

it either breaks
or it creates

I choose to be a diamond
Feb 2015 · 2.8k
Ordinary Feb 2015
I curl up at night to the warmth of your memories
The flame from these fossil fuels furnish where our love used to live
before you moved out that is
this bed was made for two, this bed was made for you
Feb 2015 · 487
The Eye of the Storm
Ordinary Feb 2015
I wasn't afraid of the angry skies with the whipping winds or floods of rain with the lighting or the thunder-striking and shaking

But, because everything is now a sea breeze, because everything is actually peaceful,
and thats
Its too good to be true, or to last
Feb 2015 · 308
Ordinary Feb 2015
I tasted your love laced lips
and I felt the way you saw me
and fireworks and flutters were
in infinite supply and I saw the universe
and my whole world in your eye,
and then disappear with its blink.
the blink wasn't fast,
But like a slow fade
to sleep that
you try to
Feb 2015 · 506
I am a fly
Ordinary Feb 2015
You are the bright beautiful light that mezmerizes me
pure, pristine, and pearly white
Every part of me is drawn to you. craves you
As I approach I forget all thoughts, forget all       fears

do I not remember what happened last time I got close?
do I not remember the ZAP? the PAIN!?!
*why do I keep coming back to the light?
I am helplessly drawn to her like a fly to a Zapper
Feb 2015 · 446
Ordinary Feb 2015
I hate that I hate you
and I do ******* hate you
I hate how hate fills the void you left in me
and I do hate how you left
I hate who you are
because its not who you are
I hate how I have so much to say
but nothing to say to you
I hate that I love you
and I do ******* love you
You were perfect, why'd you change?
Feb 2015 · 450
Please, no
Ordinary Feb 2015
People are more than willing to talk about death behind its back,
but remain tight lipped when confronted
They are told the diagnosis but won't hear it

I stay silent
The signs are all there, but
Even though it hurts I still stare into the sun because the warmth is dear
I won't believe it. it can't be
I'm afraid of letting go
You don't get it, I'll die too
I'll keep ignoring the signs and find comfort in my own lies
I won't believe it
please, **no.
letting go of anything you love is hard
Feb 2015 · 446
Ordinary Feb 2015
It's art for sure.
Pity, those onlookers who are near sighted,
Nothing but colors and patterns

I deny my eyes were made just right for the art,
But rather claim the opposite
Some look, but maybe I just know how to see

Because when I gaze, there she is
Look beyond the foreground, thats where the beauty lies
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
Ordinary Feb 2015
She is the fireplace which radiates inside my rib cage
My insurance for when my thoughts crash, and we both know they will
My perfect prescription for illnesses undiagnosed
My introduction to the kid formally known as myself
My captain, my first mate, and the wind in my sails
She is my

She. is

the pillow i rest my head upon and the director of my dreams and to others she may appear as one number but her beauty, oh her beauty, is pi

oh how i wish,
she could here,
how she is
One of a kind, like a snow flake. She's everything and more, just wish she was here to hear it
Feb 2015 · 955
To My Killer
Ordinary Feb 2015
When my body can no longer dance to the beat of my heart
I will be gone, but not dead
When memories of me are buried inside their departed keepers
I will be gone, but not dead
When my family tree withers and my bloodline runs dry
I will be gone, but not dead
But when my name is spoken that final time
When the remaining trace of me leaves lips and along with it, existence
I will be gone, and I will be dead.

I dream of an ornate death
A sweet terminal sentence, not too long, not too short.
Embellished, with reverence and respect

I don't know who will **** me,
but I hope they do it *perfectly
The question "when will someone speak of me for the last time," along with who the speaker will be and the context, has always fascinated me. Will it be about some future accomplishment? Adoration? Worse? I guess we'll have to wait and see

— The End —