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She never knew how much fire
she had inside
She was never told
to dim the flame
She was always burning

Burning everything she touched
melting hearts and igniting wild fires

She was never told to be careful
"not to play with fire"
for she was an expert
that meddled with danger

She was never told to silence the sparks
she let them echo in places where
they'd reach those who need some
spark in their lives

She kept going
moving forward, fire never leans back
She held on catalysts
that fed her flames
She grew more and more
for she was never told to settle for less

She was a fire sign too
what a coincidence
she sometimes found solace in reading
her compatible partner
but never relied on them
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I've never been in love
but I imagine it's kind of like
skiing on a glassy lake
in the fresh July sunlight.

Or the bellyache you get
from laughing for hours
head thrown back, eyes watering.

Or the thud of the ball
on the worn hardwood floor,
the soft swish of the net
when a shot meets its target.

Love is like a lot of things,
and darling, you're a symphony
of sounds and smells and tastes and feelings
I could never tire of.

So maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe I have been in love
with you, and this world, and everything in it

Because love is like everything
and nothing at once.
It's defined by its undefinability.

I watched her smile bounce off,
The reflection on that last teardrop.
Her lips twisted in a reticent scoff,
The grains in the hourglass, begging to stop.
She  looked deeply into my eyes,
Willing every last ounce of truth inside.
While her sensitive heart tried,
Not to take me on a traumatic ride.
I see the glance at the screen,
And her melancholic sigh at the tune.
Trying hard to forget what they mean,
Seeking solace in the rays of the moon.
She remembers the touch of your hand,
When I softly take hers in mine.
How you held each and every strand,
For that she unintentionally pines.
She doesn't want it to be true,
But it always comes back to you.
We took walks by the lake,
Tossing stones into the blue abyss.
The memories I tried to make,
She always seemed to miss.
I looked deeply into her eyes,
While she returned it with an almost apologetic sigh.
The remnants of much stronger ties,
A bond not reflected in mine.
She doesn't want it to be true,
But she's getting closer to realising.
It's something which she knew,
Its effect on me, no less paralysing.
The touch of her hand was tender,
And she smiles softly at me.
Knowing I could not mend her
Heart, something I should've seen.
I look at myself in the mirror,
With her standing by my side.
I wondered what the image was for her,
And was answered when she barely tried.
She can't fight it any longer,
No matter how much she wishes it wasn't true.
No, neither of our hearts were that bit stronger,
As always, it came back to you.
As always, she came back to you.
I came to you
or did you come to me?
Memory may not be a strong suit
but foresight
and hindsight
and ability to see it all
is the most piercing of gazes.

It matters not if I am near or far,
you can pick me out like a white pebble
in a sea of black
like a shooting star.
Yet you refuse to see me.
Reasons do not matter,
nothing matters.
No, it all matters,

that is to say she had to be beautiful,
she had to be full
of what I might have wanted...
or did I want it.
What did I want?
                                what do i have...
you can try, but if it's not meant to be, you'll know.
and please, don't be selfish.
"Where I Belong"

Sometimes you lead me in green meadows and quiet gentle streams
Sometimes you take me into the desert for a while
I will go where you walk before me, where you lead I will follow.

Some days I feel at peace with my life
Other days I feel lost and all alone
And I'm reminded that this is not my home.

I know one day I'll find a place where I belong
I'll be home at long last, I'll be happy and free
All the people living in perfect harmony.

While I'm here Lord living for the moment
Guide me use me show me where I belong
Doing my best to serve you by serving my neighbor.

Help me with the faith to trust in your perfect plan
To believe that all is well when I just don't understand.

When I am lost and wandering you bring me back home
When I crawl back to you humble and broken
You run out to me and hug me and kiss me

And you take me back:
Back where I belong

My soul is restless until it rests in you
And that's where I belong

And one day I'll leave this space to be called home
Back to the place where I belong
Life is just a fantasy
In the light of day
But in the dark of night
That's when my demons come out to play
They whisper and fester
Beneath my skin
They tell me I'm worthless
That I'll never win
They fight all the light
And drag out the darkness
All my pain is renewed
My sorrow and my sickness
They hide behind my eyes
While my life passes me by
But when I'm quiet at night
They're always nearby
To tell me I'm nothing
And to keep me contained
To shake me and break me
While I'm still chained
By my past insecurities
And deepest fears
My demons are my life at night
And have destroyed all I hold dear.
You've gone away now,
and I’m left here alone.
I’m screaming,
but nothing is coming out.
I’m so lost—
I’m so broken.
I don’t know where you are,
and I am so torn up.
Please be safe.
I’ll miss you.
(I love you)
your sadness is showing,
put it away.
no one wants to see
your depression today.

it's not time for that,
some might say,
its so unbecoming
to act that way.

your anxiety is showing,
tuck it in.
the world shows no interest
in what's under your skin.

take a deep breath,
that's where you begin,
or, that's what they say
with a pat and a grin.

your illness is showing,
keep it away.
no one is interested
in that anyway.

but by letting it fester,
and by letting it stay,
it might make me
disappear some day.
I wanted to die.
I want to hate you for this.
Beating a dead horse,

but you taught me love.
You taught me to be patient.
You taught  me to care.

To have empathy.
To be unconditional,
and unrequited.

To give hope away,
to wish the best for someone.
To turn a light on.

You left me behind.
If you are alone, I hope
you remember me.

Remember I care.
I still cared. I don't hold pain.
I hold these fragments,

and offer them to
something in the wind; asking,
"Can this be whole again?"
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