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Nov 2016 · 1.9k
Burning Bridges Lay
Luminosity Cat Nov 2016
A moonlit era of unspoken passion that faintly echoes into day
collapse into an eclipse as burning bridges lay.

Misguided trust of secrets echoed while the moon was at bay
rips into the mindless flesh and terror soul as burning bridges lay.

They foretold the truth that should unfold as they speak  their say
scared little child as truth unfolds and burning bridge lay.
Here is to the people who can't keep their mouth shut, and hurts you with the truth.
Jan 2016 · 478
Infinite Pieces
Luminosity Cat Jan 2016
You keep breaking my heart into an infinite amount of pieces, but I keep picking up the pieces and placing them back in your hands.
Jan 2016 · 573
So I Medicate
Luminosity Cat Jan 2016
I hate nights like this. When you want drink so you can drown your sorrows. Make life disappear. Make it all go away. Yet, it won’t last. Joy never does, but that wouldn’t even be joy. It would just be numb. No feeling. No perception of pain. No perception of right or wrong. Just numb.

All of the drinking, cutting and the running away is temporary. It eases the pain for a while but what happened when you wake up. When you can’t get ahold of a drink and the cuts get deeper with every pacing razor. You can only run for so long before your legs just give out. So, then where do you turn?

People tell me to find someone to talk to but people are human. Intentional or not I end up hurt. They are backstabbing, lying, cheating humans who cannot keep their own self preservation and if these people where to ask “what was wrong” I could not answer. I have no answer because I don’t know. I have drowned out my feelings to where I have become so numb I cannot remember why I felt the need to do this to myself to begin with. 
Yet, it is no longer medication to make the pain lesson, it has become an addiction. I cannot stop myself anymore. I am a monster and I am uncontrollable.

I am alone not because I choose to be but because I don’t want to be hurt again. I am alone. I am broken. I am a monster. I don’t even remember what joy feels like.

So I medicate.
Jul 2015 · 681
Luminosity Cat Jul 2015
If you ask me if I'm okay, I'll tell you that I'm perfectly fine.
I stand in a sea filled with people, how could I not be fine?
I'm fine. Its a word that crumbles into its very existence.
It's a word that means something it was never intended to be.

If you ask me if I'm okay, I'll tell you I'm fine.
Yet - I wonder what would happen if I told you the truth.
I stand in a sea filled with people, but the one who doesn't like me rips me to shreds.
I'm fine. Its a word that means I'm crumbling into pieces.
May 2015 · 486
Luminosity Cat May 2015
I'll admit,  I was scared to trust again.
To love whom had human nature to guide there selfish ambitions.
But you looked at me and realized I was not who I hid behind - I am so much more.
Apr 2015 · 621
Luminosity Cat Apr 2015
I search frantically for the eyes of which I loved.

I swing my arm uncontrollably reaching for the grasp that is no longer there.

Long for the bed that we used to sleep in.

My heart aches for the breath that used to tickle my neck.

I loved you and only you, but you walked away from me.
Apr 2015 · 313
Luminosity Cat Apr 2015
Conforming to the wicked ways that we have been told to shape into.

Told to mold ourselves to who they want us to be, then insisting our dreams are to big.

Don't be that person who listens to society's every beckon call.

You are not defined by like on a picture or a comment on a status, or the words whispered behind your back.

You are defined only as you define yourself and if your dreams seem possible than they aren't big enough.
Luminosity Cat Apr 2015
To whom it may concern,
He is prodigious and amicable. He is without fault, in a sense that his faults are the very thing that makes him flawless.
He is compassionate and sympathetic. When words flow from his lips, it makes you weak at the knees and it makes you forget about your anxiousness.

He makes my heart beat to a pulp and race a million miles pure second. It's odd though, his track record isn't the best.
He doesn't seem to stay with any one person. He is afraid of losing the people he loves, I guess. (We have that in common)

So, no, he doesn't stick around, and, no, he won't be staying with me.
Yet, he deserves a chance at a little piece of heaven.
I pray to God one day he'll find that person that makes him happy because sometimes you meet someone and they do this thing called falling in love. That's what he and I did, but I know we weren't meant to be.

We were just two sparrows who met in the middle of flying in opposite directions, but - to whoever this may concern - you found him next, and I loved him once, odds are you will too. He was my first, and my only first true love, so take care of him, because when he falls in love, somewhere deep in his heart even when you're gone, he will always love you too.

And when you find out that he won't stay, and you ask me if he is worth it my answer will always be - you could live a hundred years, but only have one here and now. If even just for a moment you really do love him you'll stay until he leaves because it isn't very often in a life time that something or someone comes around and it is worth getting your heart broken for.

I promise you, I will always have a place in his heart and he will always be in mine, but you will hold a new place in a whole new part of him that I had yet to unlock. Thank you for loving him and wish you all the best. Maybe you'll be the one that sticks, but if it doesn't come find me - I know what it is like to watch him walk away.

With sorrow and love,
His former beloved
To him,
I loved you so much and you'll probably never see this. We fell in sink before falling a million miles apart but each moment with you was worth it. You deserve love, and I hope you find it. The hardest thing is letting you go because I still love you but I know you are scared of being hurt. I'm not the person you'll spend the rest of your life with and open up to, but do me a favor and find yourself that one person eventually. You deserve that.
Apr 2015 · 463
Person of Glass
Luminosity Cat Apr 2015
It isn't that I don't love them, because often I do.
It isn't that I don't care, because I do that too.

I guess its just that I don't think someone can love someone like me.
I build my garden walls so high that they are impossible to break down.
I'm moody, depressed, and a hot mess.

I'm a blazing fire that will never be put out, and people always get burned playing with fire.
I am an emotional wreck of shattered pieces, and it is easy to get cut on the glass.

Yet, when those class pieces hurt others, it is never because I don't love them, its because I'm a girl that can't handle being hurt again.
I push them away so I can't break anymore.

I'm tired of being like this.
It's just kind of sad that they don't try to fight when I push them away.
Mar 2015 · 474
No Fear, Live Life
Luminosity Cat Mar 2015
I will not stop swimming in a sea because I'm afraid of sharks.

I will not stop dancing because I'm afraid of tripping.

I am not going to stop smiling for fear that you won't smile back.

For that same reason, yes the very same - I won't be quiet for fear of not being heard.

I won't stop being me for fear you may judge me.

We're all going to the same place - down in the ground.

Most of our lives will be summed up in a dash between two dates on a slab of stone.

I'm going to live, and I will be heard because I'm not afraid live - truly live.

Live life to its fullest, you only have one.

Don't let others talk you into silence.

Don't go in your grave before you get a chance to live.
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Lies and Deceit
Luminosity Cat Mar 2015
In a secret tomb, my ashes lay.
          It's ashes plea in disparity.

Buried miles deep, in false deceit.
          Suffocating, alive, in agony.

Given freely, my light is gone.
           I've lost myself to a blackened            
Feb 2015 · 832
Luminosity Cat Feb 2015
My heart won't rest.
My mind won't relax.
My words are stained blood.
Your heart I will break.
Feb 2015 · 481
Find it where Lost
Luminosity Cat Feb 2015
We write poems, and dance.
We sing and we act.
Sometimes we draw and paint,
        but for what?

Someone once told me,
Write and dance to loose yourself.
That's what I then thought I had to do.
         I was wrong and that was then

I used to think the purpose of art was to loose myself,
but I quickly learned it was to,
         *find myself where I lost myself.
Feb 2015 · 459
Weight Damage
Luminosity Cat Feb 2015
Hey, fat child, look at yourself.
You can't possibly be happy with the way you look.
Let me help you, child.
Just loose one pound, its all you need.

Hey, fat child, look at yourself.
You can't be happy with that fat!
One or two more pounds can't hurt.
Look, now you've lost three.

Hey, look, your still fat.
Loose a little more weight.
Just a few more pounds.
Soon no one will hate.

Look at how much you've lost,
you poor, fat, child.
Are those ribs?
Just a few more and you'll be perfect.

There goes four,
then five,
six, ten, soon twenty five more.
Look at your ribs.

Skinny, dumb, ugly, child.
You've ended up in the hospital!
Don't you know your supposed to eat.
You were so dumb to listen to me.
Its funny how society tells us to loose more and more weight, but as soon as a teenager or child ends up in the hospital for starving themselves we look at them as if they have damaged themselves. WAKE UP! We've damaged them. They never damaged themselves.
Feb 2015 · 672
Luminosity Cat Feb 2015
I'm trying so hard.

I'm pulling for my words.

I'm stammering.
           I'm stuttering.

It is a sudden rush of worries.

My mind is swimming in thoughts I can't sort.

I'm getting clammy,
            People are staring.

Everyone is going to see the real me.

My heart is quickening.

I'm drowning,
             but everyone else is breathing.

Someone, help me.
Feb 2015 · 456
Luminosity Cat Feb 2015
There is this wound,
                  its on my left arm.
It kind of resembles the one on my hip,
                  but this one was longer and more jagged.
It'll heal like the one on my hip,
                   but it's cousin will appear very near.
It oozed blood at first,
                   but it stopped bleeding after a few minutes.
Oh, look,
                    now there is another right next to it.
And another, and another,
                    and another, and another.
Its like medication,
                    for the pain that hurts the most.
The pain of my heart is to great,
                     the knife keeps my wounds coming and the pain at bay.
Feb 2015 · 448
Luminosity Cat Feb 2015
If you looked,
I mean really looked,
would you see me?
I mean really see me.

I don't mean the side of me that smiles,
or the side of me that laughs,
or that seems care free,
or loving.

I mean the side of me that cries,
that is flooded with pain,
with blood on my arms,
and feels alone.

When you look at me,
do you look at my appearance,
or do you look in my eyes,
or do you even look at all?

Please, tell me what you really see.
Look at me.
Really look at me,
because I don't think you really see.
Maybe its time you really looked.
Feb 2015 · 482
Luminosity Cat Feb 2015
I suppose this wall is to blame.
No windows. No doors. Just brick.
No way to claw out of it,
But the effort is killing me.

I suppose the construction worker is to blame.
No ladder. No rope. Just height.
No way to climb over,
But I try in desperation.

No tunnel.
No passage.

I suppose I'm to blame.
I did built it so long ago.
I forgot how to get out.
This is my mind after all.
Nov 2014 · 1.8k
If Broken
Luminosity Cat Nov 2014
It is such a strange word.
It is such a strange definition.
Can't what is broken be fixed?

If that which is broken is fixed, is it still broken?
Perhaps it is just brokenly new.
A broken heart can lead to joy.
So if a heart is sad, is it truly broken?

Such a strange thing.
What a strange concept.
What a strange sound.

Why do humans call themselves broken?
Perhaps being broken, is nothing more then an allusion.
Why do we cry in despair when we seem to have broken?
Being broken only allows light to shine through the cracks.

What a strange allusion.
What a strange existence.
What a strange state.

So, if broken can be fixed...
If Broken leads to joy...
If broken is an allusion..
And if light shines through the cracks of things that are broken...
Then it means two things...

Broken is a temporary state for humans.
Broken never existed to begin with.
Oct 2014 · 458
Luminosity Cat Oct 2014
Hush little child, don't you cry.
Don't cut your arms, I can't say goodbye.
I know it hurts, but you'll be alright.

Careful little child, that's a very sharp knife.
Try to put it down, it won't help you tonight.
I know it's painful, but it will be alright.

Think darling child, it's a long way down.
Jumping off a roof, might **** you  now.
I know it's painful, but you might be alright.

See you, lovely child, you have said goodbye.
You jumped off a roof, now you've lost this fight.
I'm sorry I couldn't help, you tried to hold on tight.

Life isn't easy, and sometimes you can't win this life.
Sep 2014 · 536
A Suicide Forever
Luminosity Cat Sep 2014
Last week, I lost you, and now I'm ripping at my flesh.
Last week, I lost you, and now I'm swimming in regret.

I didn't want to loose you.
I wasn't ready for this pain.
I didn't want to say goodbye.
I wish, your life, I could have saved.

I remember when you told me.
How you cried a river's flow.
I remember how you took the knife,
and cut almost to your bones.

You told me, on that Monday, that you'll love me for eternity.
You told me, on that Tuesday, that some goodbyes weren't forever.
I told you, on that Monday, that I'd be with you always.
But by your face, on that Tuesday, I should have known you were telling me goodbye forever.

I got the call, on that Wednesday, that your soul had slipped away.
I got that call, on that Wednesday, that you had hung yourself to lay.
I was told, on that Thursday, that the funeral was Saturday.
I told them, on that Friday, I couldn't bare to go.

I remember, the day I met you, the day we won.
We won a friend, the day we met, that we both claimed forever.
Now your gone, on this day, and I can't stand regret.
Now your gone, on this day, and I just want to rest
eternally - forever - always.
I miss you Julliet. I loved you. I just wish the others could have seen what I did.
Aug 2014 · 671
Yelling Object
Luminosity Cat Aug 2014
A stolen child glares at a clock.

The child yells, "when will life's pure sting stop!"

Yet, the clock just screams, "tick tock."

A kid, who's life is a blended mess, stares at white walls.

The kid screams, "when will this demon come to a stop."

But the wall doesn't scream, it's sweet silence never cease yelling.

A teen cries from his depths as he trips on his chains-

"When will this burdon leave, my body is screaming from pain."

His cry from the depths, and his screams in the night burry the joy that will not reside.

I pray for the day when the burdon flees from his mists. I pray for the hour that teen is remist.
Jul 2014 · 399
I have a Secret
Luminosity Cat Jul 2014
I have a secret that burns my flesh.

I have a secret that takes my breath.

A secret so impure.

A secret so secure.

It is buried in my soul.

It digs a never ending hole.

When it speaks, it tells story.

When it speaks, it tells of death's sure glory.

When I cry, I feel it's pain.

When I cry, I hide in shame.

I have a secret, plain as day.

I have a secret, till the grave.
Jun 2014 · 351
When it is Dark
Luminosity Cat Jun 2014
When the pain is to great, and you feel you are falling just look to the stars, and know he is watching.
When the days are like night, and the devil is attacking.
If the darkest of days just keep on coming.

When a hero won't come, and you think you are done just look to the stars and know he is watching.
When a knife leaves a scar, and blood keeps flowing
When your mind keeps on shouting, and addictions are running.

When you can't see the day, and death seems the way.
If the past is to great to carry its weight.
When life is to grim, and you just can't fit in.
If life is to grey, to keep seas a bay.
Look to the stars, and know he is watching.
Look to the stars, and know he is coming.
May 2014 · 376
Luminosity Cat May 2014
The place at which my roses laugh.
The place of which my garden's craft.
The  place in which I beg to seek.
The place through which heaven I see.

It is the place where my heart resides.
Where bombs were ticking at my side.
When it blew, it took my pride.
Yet, it still is where my heart resides.

I long to hear my rose's voice.
I long to walk in my garden's joys.
I long to speak with my colorless friend.
I long to feel passion again.

Alas, I miss my home.
Where my friends, they are my rose.
A clump of roses, in a bed of thorns.
Yet, still they are where my garden was born.
It is days like today, where I miss my home. It is days like today I miss my friends, the roses of my garden. Days like today, I feel like I could die because I know they've moved on. Yet, I can't. I know every step I take is a victory, and no matter how alone a feel, this pain can't possibly last forever. I miss home, but I can't go back. I miss home, but it is a distant memory that is fading to dust.
May 2014 · 479
It is Okay
Luminosity Cat May 2014
Demons echo through the night.
She seems to cave without a fight.
The pain is to great to keep on running.
You may never again see her dancing.

Hell's gates greet his pain.
No one cares to tame life's mane.
His life seems be burning in hell.
All because of the secrets he can't tell.

Look at the girl who sits all alone.
Dying inside because of her mother's cruel tone.
Her life has been taken by man's cruel thief.
Nothing can bring her true piece.

He takes the gun to school one day.
Everyone keeps walking away.
He planed the shooting, and took the lives.
He never again plans to look at the skies.

To all those who feel this, know I do too.
It just isn't fair what life has done to you.
I know what people have taken away.
Just remember,
it is okay to not be okay.
It just isn't okay to stay that way.
It is okay not to be okay. It just isn't okay to stay that way forever.
Apr 2014 · 392
Who Time has Stolen
Luminosity Cat Apr 2014
Time is slowly turning.
I'm staring at the clock.
Every time I hear it's tick, my heart slowly stops.

They are quickly leaving.
I'm still stuck in the dust.
Each time a "Goodbye" is echoes, my heart shatters in the grave.

He is still persisting.
I'm just trying to avoid.
Every time he comes I around, my heart tries to run away.

She was the one I turned to.
Now I'm lying to her face.
Every time I speak a lie, my heart tries to turn away.

She was the friend I trusted.
It was her who always cared.
Now every time I see her face, my heart screeches out in pain.

He was the one who made me laugh.
He always seemed to care.
Now every time I hear his name, my heart turns to rage.

She was the one who understood.
She always stood right there.
Now whenever I talk to her, her heart seems to move away.

She is the one who moved away, and the only one who remains.
I fear my heart may loose her,
and every time I hear her voice, my heart wonders how much longer.

He was the one who hurt me.
The one who never cared.
Now when I see his face, my heart turns away from fear.

Ask me who these people are, but I cannot give a name.
These are the people my heart loved.
Some friends.
Some mentors.
Some family members.
All of which time has took, and left me in the dust.
It is hard to move on, when my heart is still living in what was.
My heart cries for who I lost. My mind is raging out because I miss the people I can't have back. I try to move on, but I can't. When will this wretched war of loosing and finding ever stop? When will I stop feeling alone? Is no one listening to my cries?!
Apr 2014 · 518
This Generation
Luminosity Cat Apr 2014
Can't you hear what is screaming out in pain?
Can't you see the hearts that are screeching out with shame?
Can you not feel the silence ripping through the cracks?
Why won't you see the hurt that cannot turn it's back?

The voice has been taken.
The choice isn't being given.
The scars are self-inflicted, and the parents don't see there hidden.
Molestation has come creeping, and the Devil keeps on prancing.
Yet, all along the cries still rage, while silence echoes through the age.

I'm begging you to see this.
I'm asking you to care, because I know something is coming.
You just can't see it there.

I see a future generation, rising through the dust.
I see chains falling, and bowing before the King.
I see a future for those who cry out for help.
I see a healer coming, he is riding on a cloud.

This is the sound of our revolution!
Listen to the sound of the prophet's cry!
This is the sound of reformation!
I can hear the warrior bride!

We are the royalty in this land.
We have a divine destiny!
We are going to shake our nation,
and we are going to change our world!

So, find your voice!
Proclaim His name.
My generation will not be gripped with shame.
Again, not going to get into a religious debate. Like, and comment if you have something nice to say, but if you don't have something nice to say, and so feel inclined feel free to inbox me.

"This is the generation who will seek Your face."
If you want some music this song was kind of my inspiration:
Apr 2014 · 484
Then, Now, Soon
Luminosity Cat Apr 2014
Then I danced before your eye, while you watched grand jetes fly.

Then you guessed my heart aches plea, so you spoke truth into me.

Then you saw my secret's pain, so you tried to tame it's mane.

Now you see me speaking out, because you were the first to shout.

Now you see me living free, because you broke through reality.

Now you see me chasing dreams, because they no longer frighten me.

But soon I'll be all alone, and all you will leave is a phone.

Soon it will be your time to leave, and I will beckon with a plea.

**A plea begging you not to leave.
One of the downfalls to being me, is that you get emotionally attached to people, and they just leave. Like I have said before, I could beg her not to leave, but how can you beg someone to leave knowing their heart wants to flee?
Apr 2014 · 424
Your Eyes
Luminosity Cat Apr 2014
The stars, they sparkle in the night.
The diamonds they dazzle from within.
The truest form of love so pure.
They say their the window to the soul.

Blue from the sky's summer day.
They seem to take the pain away.
Wise from youth beyond your years.
It seems as if they bleed no tears.
Apr 2014 · 372
Luminosity Cat Apr 2014
There can be no excuse for your lie.
It isn't even worth giving a tittle to something so simple, pure, and true. A tittle would just make it more of something. No, for once I right a simple something that takes my heart and rips it to shreds.
Apr 2014 · 576
A Human Bottle
Luminosity Cat Apr 2014
Bottle it up.
Keep it in.
Don't let it out.

I can't let them see, what is raging in my eye.
They don't dare to ask, why it is I'm so shy.
I can't let them see me cry.
I have to stay strong.
I hate that my pain is lasting this long.

Bottle it up.
Keep it in.
Don't let it out.

I can't let them see my anxiety.
I can't let them see the pain that's gripping me.

Bottle it up.
Keep it in.
Don't let it out.

I can't take it anymore.
I begin to shout the gore.
I begin to speak with disrespect.
Not meaning truly what I say.
Just not wanting them to see, the pain that is truly gripping me.

Take off the lid.
Kick it out.
Let it go in.

Finally, I finish.
I can go back to handling the pain.
The pain that keeps me chained.

Bottle it back in.
Keep it all in.
Don't let it all out.
Apr 2014 · 380
Stakes in the Land
Luminosity Cat Apr 2014
The oceans hear their cry from it's depths,
and when their hearts are breaking its the waves that are cracking it's

The scars streak blood across the skin.
Anxiety is raging a monstrous war that's within.

The nails that bare across the flesh,
leave wounds created by it's tips.

Words thrown as stones, and used on their bones,
break their backs with all their attacks.

When will the people of this land,
stop and consider the stakes that are at hand.
Apr 2014 · 9.8k
Crying at Your Holy Feet
Luminosity Cat Apr 2014
I'm begging you to break my chains.
I'm asking you to carry my pain.
I'm sitting at your mercy seat.
I'm crying at your holy feet.
I cannot dance, and I cannot sing.
I know you have a plan for me.
I have heard that you have paid my fee.
I am trying to set my sight on thee.
I'm begging for eternal grace.
I need your help to run this race.
I am not about to get in a debate about religion. I don't care if you completely despise it. This poem describes where I am at right now. Yes, I believe that my God reigns, but I will not fight with you over it. If you don't agree with religion or like this poem, just move along. Simple as that.
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
Scattered Scars
Luminosity Cat Apr 2014
Not a word has been spoken since that night.
The night where words ran wild, and no one saw the light.

                                         My heart is breaking from the people who leave.
                                             My heart was stolen by night's terrible thieve.

                          The secrets and lies that people deny.
                          The heart and pain that is dying in time.

The blood that is streaking across the skin.
The razor can't stop digging in.
                                           ­             Words of hate leave ink on your bones.
                                                        Wa­nting no more to pick up the stones.

                   I wait for death to take me home.
Mar 2014 · 425
Luminosity Cat Mar 2014
I knew you would leave.
I knew it wouldn't be long.
I just didn't imagine life without you.
Without you to sing your song.

You were there for me when I was hurting.
When pain was ripping me apart.
I don't know how I'll survive without you.
Without you to sing along.

I know why you are leaving.
I just can't bare to see you go.
My anger dwells within me.
I know it shouldn't though.

I know you aren't really moving.
You aren't leaving me alone.
Your just leaving me excuseless for me to see you.
I know its not on purpose.

I know facebook works wonders,
and our cell phones always can be used.
Its just not the same.
I hate watching you go.

I would ask you to stay.
I'd ask you not to go.
I know my pain is great,
but not as much as it would be if I asked you to stay,
knowing your heart is telling you go.

So, go ahead follow your path.
Just don't forget me and how I looked up to you so.
The tears I shed, you will never see.
I don't want to see how much I dread you leaving me.
Mar 2014 · 950
Tearstained Dread
Luminosity Cat Mar 2014
Drip. Drop. Drop. Drip.
Drops fall like rain from my tearstained eye.
I cannot hide.
There is not a soul in sight, but I dread the coming ghosts that hide in the night.
I run not from the ghosts themselves, but my past, that so haunts me like a parasite that infest in ones soul relishing on crazed minds!
I dread the waking dead.
The cells that captivate the soul into dread.
No guards stand watch over my cell of dread, but they aren’t needed!
I have no way of escaping my captors that rage the wars that festers inside my head!
Where can I run?! Where can I escape the waking dead!?
Tricky is the mind.
My perplexed mind plays tricks on even the sliest of people.
“Dread. Dread. Dread,” Echoes through my mind - perplexing me to dread even farther!
Until… Silence...
My tearstained eyes drip, drop, drop, drip no more.
My mind ceases to implement dreadful parasites that fester in my mind.
My mind ceases to work. The waking dead has caught up with me.
They had driven my crazed soul unto death.
No air filled my lungs.
Just... Silence.
I warn you -
When the dreadful night no longer wakes,
When thy sleep comes shy,
when terror turns to horror,
When thy tears fall while you dread the dead
Shackles will come to bind you in your parasite infested mind.
The parasites then will fester in your crazed mind.
Until… Silence reaches across your tearstained mind.
I posted this on my old account before I deleted it for a while. Its one of the favorite's I've written, so I'm posting it again. Enjoy!
Mar 2014 · 629
Depression's War
Luminosity Cat Mar 2014
Depression is a war that rages.
You either win, or you die trying.
You can't escape because it binds your soul.
The pain it causes is like a whip against your back.
The pain isn't as much physical as it is mental.
The razor is your weapon against the infection.
It is a weapon, but on your own skin.
You can't snap your fingers and make it disappear.
You can't run.
It follows.
You take medications, but where does it lead?
Some people think you belong in a mental hospital.
Others.. they just think you want attention.
Most don't even look at your past to see what got you to this point.
It leaves you friendless.
It makes you shutdown.
It leaves your smiles fake.
Even if the war doesn't **** you, it still makes you feel like you died.
Even if it doesn't **** you, you are never the same again.
It brings you the point of no return.
Mar 2014 · 397
Luminosity Cat Mar 2014
My only relief is to be sleeping.
When I'm sleeping nothing can hurt me.
I can't be angry.
I can't spend my hours crying.
I won't feel like dying.
I can't feel the emotions that ****** me.

But when I'm awake..
I can't take the pain the surrounds me.
I become angry.
I can't help, but cry.
I just want to die.
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
I'm Tired
Luminosity Cat Mar 2014
I'm tired of running.
I'm sick of trying.
I want to stop crying.
I don't know why I keep lying.
I can't keep living.
I know I am dying.
My time is ticking.
My God I'm denying.
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
I See a Fairy Tale
Luminosity Cat Mar 2014
I smell the rose at beauty's end.
I see the darkness of a friend.
I see princess pure and true.
I see a blackened heart pulling through.
I see a heart with love long lost.
I see the queen becoming distraut.
I see a fairy tale's endless night.
I see a child, pure in sight.
I see an adventure burning in the dust.
I see the prince beginning to rust.

I found an apple that brings eternal sleep.
I found a spindle that puts my heart at ease.
I found my petals lying on the ground.
My clock strikes midnight,
my time is running out.
Mar 2014 · 1.7k
I am just fine... Not.
Luminosity Cat Mar 2014
I am just fine... not.
I am the daughter who is fighting her depression.
I am the friend who is trying to show compassion.
I am the stranger who is sitting there with a horrendous expression.
I am the victim that raves with passion.

I am the child who was molested.
I am the person who can't confess it.
I am the human that craves death.
I am sitting on the devils bed.

So, yeah, you could say I am doing alright,
but in reality I'm not.
I am just a child, scared and true.
Mar 2014 · 482
Death I Greet
Luminosity Cat Mar 2014
I feel deception's grip as the Devil
pulls me to his pit.
I feel Satan's warn embrace as he helps
me to my grave.
Demons come to flog my soul.
My spirit dying, chasing through
the haunted cold.
Heaven's gate shut me out.
Lucifer's beckon with a shout.
Arms spread wide, for death I greet.
At long last I shall go in peace.
Feb 2014 · 822
World's Deceptions
Luminosity Cat Feb 2014
A ****** in deep disguise.
Pain in which I despise.
The thing on which my anger dwells.
It causes so much living hell.

A killer that is true and pure,
and it seems to hold no cure.
The thing that plays hide and seek.
The thing that I don't want to peek.

A liar, clear as day.
It causes those who seek her to wander astray.
  The thing that holds deception's law.
It seems to strike the devils claw.

An enemy, clear and true.
I've nothing more to say to you.
The thing that causes heart break's song.
It's pain seems to last all to long.

Societies downfall.
It says things that are not true.
It causes so much fear and deception.
A cereal killer, isn't it true?
The pain in which it's causing you.
Feb 2014 · 423
The Boy I Loved
Luminosity Cat Feb 2014
I long for your affection.
I long for your praise.
I long for the love you gave me, on that sorrowful day.

I miss you like I miss the dark.
I loved you like I loved the scars.
I miss the way you kissed my cheek.
I loved the times you gave to me.

I don't regret my time with you.
I do regret that you didn't follow through.
I don't regret the love we shared.
I do regret the way I cared.

I hate myself for running back.
I love myself for giving you the chance.
I hate myself, for pain you caused.
I love myself, for joy the joy you brought.

I miss you like I miss the dark.
I love you like I loved the scars.
He brought my joy, and he brought me grief. I love(d) him deeply. I wish I could just let go. I miss him a lot, but chances come and go.
Feb 2014 · 1.2k
Luminosity Cat Feb 2014
A psychopath, that I am.
Some say I belong in a mental institution.
I can plan the perfect ******.
I can be the perfect killer.
I can bring gloom to day.
I can take the joy away.
I can sing depression's song.
I can make your pain last long.

I've never seen a light in day.
I always just run away.
I'm scared of where my future lies.
I'm scared of where my past resides.

Did I mention I can plan the perfect ******?
I have a friend, she'll hide the body.
Then we'll head to a party.
We probably will never try our plans out -
but be sure we can bring you living hell.
Note: No, I have not committed ******. No, I will not attempt ******.
Feb 2014 · 451
Beautiful Flaws
Luminosity Cat Feb 2014
I see her so clearly.
The young teen, filled with such beauty.
If only she could see what I see so clearly.

I see the way she looks at her reflection.
She looks at herself filled with hate toward her precious image.

I notice when she doesn't eat.
I see her ribs come for a peek.
I hear her when she pukes at night.
I know the pain she feels inside.

I wish I could let her see, what I see so clearly.
I see a girl with beautiful flaws.
I see a girl who dazzles.
I see the way he lusts for her.

I see the way society murders.
I see the way covers conflict pain.
Their trying to change the generations ways.
I am sick and tired of society telling teens what they should look like. Beauty is what is on the inside, not the outside. I can't stand the way the media gets into the heads of the generation and tells them they have to look a certain way to be labeled as pretty. For the love of humanity, can we just teach the generation to look at themselves as gorgeous?
Feb 2014 · 1.2k
Can I meet my Trenzalore
Luminosity Cat Feb 2014
My friends are all gone, like companions long lost
The battle is lost
Death has won
I count the costs

Scars appear upon my skin
My soul finally caves in
Running from eternal hell
Wishing for The Doctor's help

A past that always haunts my sleep
I'm praying for eternal peace
Blood running in the streets

I pray I meet my Trenzalore
The day I finally fall to sleep
The day that brings eternal peace
Feb 2014 · 751
No Regrets
Luminosity Cat Feb 2014
In hell I roam.
For that is life, is it not?
A living hell in which we must reside.
A place of sorrow, a place with no joy.
A place where pasts haunt a lonely path.

I live in a sea.
A sea of people, but I'm just pretending.
Pretending to be something I'm not.
Hurting and crying from the depth, yet no one echoes in response.

I believed.
Yes, indeed, I speak in past tense.
I believed in something that never followed through.
I believed in people who fed me lies.

I was hurt.
Hurt by the one person who should have loved.
Not loved the way he did.
Loved the way a brother should love his younger sister.
Instead, he loved in a way the scared.

I don't regret.
Regret is such a strong word.
I wonder what life would have been like, but no regret do I hold.
The past is what brought me to this moment.

The moment where I can look at the people who have stayed in my life, and not regret where my path has brought me to.
To look and see that what happened six years ago, made me stronger.
It made me hurt, and it makes me suffer still.
However, it brought me to a place where I had no choice but to turn around and run.
It brought me to freedom.
I was chained, but now I'm free.

No, I regret nothing.
Just wonder what it might have been.
I don't regret what happened to me. I wonder. I wonder what it would have been like if I would have done things differently. Yet, it brought people in my life that I could never have had in my life otherwise. People who have mentored me, supported me, and brought me closer to the truth.
Feb 2014 · 902
Curtain Call
Luminosity Cat Feb 2014
The tears they come, flowing down my cheek.
My friends have left, their voice I cease to seek.
I cannot dance, classes I must cease.
Ends draw near, the end I fear to see.

The show it proceeds, but in fear I proceed -
scared of what the end will bring for me.
Will it bring more tears, more loss of friends to haunt my sleep?
Curtain call must sing along.
Alone I tread, always in dread.
My hope, forever looses its light.

I know I cannot run for long.
I know truth will sing its song.
I cannot bear the weight of shame.
Scared that judgment will forever reign.
I'm still in a musical in my home town even though I just moved. I'm terrified of what will happen when it ends. I don't want to loose anymore friends then I already have, but I know when the show closes the distance will set in. I don't think curtain call will ever be this painful. While in the mist of all the goodbyes I just keep running from my past. I'm so tired of lying.
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