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I really want to be strong,
                                                           A warrior.
No fight or flight,
                                                          Just fight.
I want to be tough and wise,
                              A survivor and a fighter.
I WILL become more than these things,
                           I will emerge their leader.
Blood, fire, ice, wind
Love is strong
Lust is weak
Have faith you faithless one
All will be okay
For I am here for you

Lord I am weak
But you, you are strong
I ask that you fill me up
Give me purpose
Give me life
Spread the light
Sometimes I really hate myself
Not because I don't like myself
Because of how I feel
These emotions that I just can't control
Sometimes I hate myself
Not who I am
But how I act due to my emotions
How I feel
It kills me
I don't want to be nervous all the time
I don't want to feel the way I feel
That's what being human is
Its not something anyone can control
You don't mean to feel
You just do
The hair on my head has never been touched by you.
Every couple years we gain new cells and skin too.
One day I will never have been touched by you.
One day you won't know me.
I'll only be a distant memory.
Let me fade into the background of your mind.
You don't need me in your life.
Please move on.
I'm not the girl you used to know,
I'm a woman now.
Full grown.
You were always full of lies.
Your butterflies have morphed into nothing more but flies.
I wish you would leave.
My eyes are dry can't you see?
When I see your face or the back of your head,
My heart starts to pound.
Not in love or excitement.
But in a nervous, anxious, fright.
Your memories are lost in the depths of my mind.
But when anyone mentions your name...
They crash forward like a tidal wave.
All the laughs and smiles...
All the lies and cries...
The hurt.
The betrayal.
One day...
You will have never touched me.
Let me fade in your memories.
I'm new.
I'm not the girl you used to know.
I'm a woman now.
Full grown.
No longer naive.
Or filled with silly dreams.
My hair you once touched...
Long chopped off.
And in another couple of years,
My cells and skin will be new too.
One day I will have a body you have never touched.
So let me fade in your memory.
I'm not the girl you used to know.
I'm a woman now.
Full grown.
Chaos ensues
Thunder booms
Making anxious people fright
Lightening consumes the sky
The world is being judged tonight
Loud and monstrous
Poisonous belongings
Becoming homicidal
Howling, moaning, cursing this mortal world.
Angels are crying
Orphans hide under their beds
Find solace in the night
Find peace in solitude
No one is safe tonight
Many will die
Some may live
You can taste the tension in the air
A baby sleeps safe from harm
While the mother's husband lies in another woman's arms
Still the thunder screams for all to hear
Lightening flashes angry with all
Chaos, ******, judgement
Is upon us all.
Oh the world I want to see
Anything and everything
All the adventures out there to be had...
The desires in my heart...
They clash
I want to travel the world
But not without you
Could we make it?
Would you try?
Help me make my dreams collide

Ireland, Italy, Spain, France
England, Australia, Austria, Japan
All over England, then wherever calls to us
So many places
Such a short life...
I'd give it all up to keep you by my side
I want a family too...
Kids of our own
We can show them the world too
After we've had our fun
Oh the adventures, Oh the laughs
Places to discover, People to meet

Mountains, Oceans, Trees
So much to do...
So much to see...
I have one question ,
Will you come with me?
I make such big plans
Create enormous ideas in my mind
But I'm really bad at following through
I can't live up to my own expectations
Say? Do you think you could help me make my dreams a reality?
I want to see the world so bad
Write about all the experiences I have
In the end there is only one thing to ask,
Would you like to experience it together, cause oh won't it be better
With you by my side
My incredible lover for all of time
I would love to travel the world with my one and only love. There is nothing more I could ask for than to have him by my side for as long as I live where ever we decide to live our lives
To become one with your breath is such a freeing thing
To calm your mind..
All you think is in... and out...
Your stomach expanding, contracting
The slight stretch as you shift into the next pose
Be gentle
Look inside yourself
In that moment nothing else matters
Don't think think 'Am I doing this right?'
Just think of your breath
Lavender scents my room
But I'm not here
I'm my breath
The air..
The wind..
Caressing the earth somewhere miles away
And here at the same time...
I am free
And it is time to free myself
Of all the toxic things..
Breathe them out
Send them away
Invite in healing and light
Magic in your way
To cleanse the mind
To cleanse the soul
All you need to do is...
Close your eyes...
And breathe...
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