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What if dying isn't death

If when we leave this world…

The weight of it is simply off our chest

When we take that final breath

We live the most memorable of moments all over again

But this time…

We’re at our best

What if only the best of memories replay

All the sadness,

The shame,

The madness

The blame and the anguish…

What if they’re cast away

What if it's like waking up to not just another day

If only the happiness is the feeling that stays

What if…

Death is truly the end of all pain

If love is all we retain

What if…

The night sky…

And all the stars from above

Is all that remains


I’m wondering about those stars

They too some day die


What if we’re like stars…

We only shine bright when alive

Just a small light in a vast world that one day burns out…

What if the weight of the world’s what living life’s all about

All the people,

The places,

The sorrow and joyous filled faces…


Each of our books of life and their;

Some better,

Some worse but…

Still lively filled pages…

Are what leaves those we leave behind with heartbreak and…

Sorrow filled grievance…

What if our memory is truly all that's left when we pass into the unknown

An empty bed in a place we once called our home

A place where in our old age we had grown…

What if our lasting legacy is only the moments in which we shared an experience


The wisdom,

The kindness,

And the hard work filled progress…

Is all we leave behind

If we only leave what we project into those empty filled spaces

In our loved ones' hearts and loved ones' minds…

I wonder what I'll see when I'm staring up at the ceiling or sky…

Somewhere down the line…

Life hanging by a thread

Watching the story of my life as it flashes by...

Will there be regrets,

Goals never met,

Things never said,

Thoughts trapped in my head…


Will I be able to say

I did all that I could

Willing to die without needing to lie…

T o  m y s e l f

What if…

The money we made

The status we gained

The list of the people we blame

For the shame on our name…

If none of that ever really matters when our…

Book of life comes to an end…

What if

It was only ever about the mark on everyone's hearts we ingrained

If like stars we burn out but…

Just burn out much faster

The difference for us is…

No tomorrow can be guaranteed


This life…

Was the only book you could write

If tomorrow was your final chapter…

Can you say your book of life was the best it could be

Like only the greatest of books

When they end...

They leave the world with sadness and grief


Wonderment and pure disbelief

If your life was the best it could be

Can you close your eyes

Fall into that endless sleep

Feel your heart's final beat

Come to a close as you cease to breath

And go satisfied…

K n o w i n g   y o u r   b o o k   o f   l i f e ' s   w o r t h   t h e   r e a d
You saw me naked.
Not without clothes, but without my wall.
The 10 foot, steel reinforced, wall around my heart.
You broke in, brick by brick.
And I let you, I let you see me vulnerable.
Forgetting what others had done to me when they saw me the same.
I wish I could say you were different.
But, you saw me naked.
And you laughed, pointed out my insecurities, and broke me so much that I rebuilt my wall.
I rebuilt it higher and stronger than before.
Protecting my heart from so called love.
You also saw me without clothes.
Burned your touch into my skin.
Whispered sweet nothings into my ear, and that's just what they meant.
I can't look at my body without thinking about you.
Because, you saw me naked.
Defenseless and with open arms.
I shouldn't have trusted you.
But I did anyway.
I thought that since you had a wall to we would be amazing together.
I never saw you naked.
Tasa Jalbert Original Poem.
Copyright 2018
 Jan 2018 Fritzi Melendez
H Phone
A miss taken.
A misstep taken.
A misstep is all it takes.
A misstep takes it all.
Take a misstep, all breaks.
A misstep is all it takes to break.
A misstep is all it takes to break your spirit.

Do you know the feeling
of adding onto a mistake?
Switching, twisting, making it more appealing,
but no matter what you make,
what it used to be leaves an imprint on the paper.
Black on white.
Wrong on right.

Don’t you wish it wasn’t so?

But you can’t delete your save data, like in some game.
You can’t just start over, blank slate, new avatar, new name.
The system will never forget;
On that, you can place your bet.
And in case you’re wondering why...


Like a whirlpool out of control,
like a rampant snowball,
runaway, amassing all
intrusive memories it can gather,
moments and details you would rather
forget, but the fact that you remember makes you madder!
And it is as such with all matter.

Mistakes leave a stain
on your brain.
Wipe the muck?
No such luck.
Because that’s not how the world works, you see?
The way of the universe is entropy.
Entropy is a measure of the chaos in the universe. Everything adds to it, nothing can remove it.
 Jan 2018 Fritzi Melendez
i try not to blame her
she makes you happy
and if you deserve anything
it is to be happy but
every time i see your eyes light up at her
brighter than they ever did at me
there’s a pang of aching jealousy that
hits me and my stomach drops to the floor
i wish i could be her
i wish i had her long blond hair,
perfectly shaped lips and thin hips
i wish i could’ve made you as happy as
she makes you.

soon i’ll be gone from your memory
i’d like to say the same for you of mine but
i know the thought of you kissing her will be
enough to keep me up at night for weeks

it’s not her fault, it’s not her fault, it’s not her fault
(is it mine?)
 Jan 2018 Fritzi Melendez
I love you but I hate you....

I want to hurt you... make you feel my pain.. but I can't find myself to...

Why do we fight when all we want is each other...

I swear Ill love you till death and in death

I don't blame you for hating me ....I always try so hard in turn it blows up in my face and others...

My anger **** it keeps me big mouth... Why can't I let sleeping dogs lie...

Then there's my what ifs .... Sometimes I'm worried that my mind and heart will never agree on anything constant competition....

Everything good seems bad ..I'm confused and sometimes I try to convince myself that everything will be okay but it's even harder to believe...., me....

Sometimes we try so hard to end up failing  in the long run.
i told my therapist about you,
while your lips were still slathered alllll over my body.
i showed her the places we had been,
and all the things we had seen.
i told her what lies underneath that pretty
skin of yours,
and i told her how i knew.
i spelt out your name as she scribbled it on her cute little clipboard,
i told her about the   first     night
and the      second
and the   fourth
and that time in the closet.
i told her everything,
i really just wanted to   get
of my brain,
it didn't matter if saying these things put me in  sososo  much pain.
because you've  moved   on  so why can't i?
i told my therapist about you,
but i still can't tell you
i know i'm  s t u p i d,
for holding on this l
                             ­    g,
i know it's useless,
for wishing you weren't                              gone.
but my words carry on like a heartbeat
s     l      o      w
u   s   e   d
  n    t   a   y
i   keep   keep   keep  breaking and breaking and breaking and
i told my therapist about you.
i think part of the reason why we hold onto something so tight is because we fear something that great will never ever happen twice

i was in so much pain when i wrote this, my lover had just left with two years of my life and i felt so so so alone. i chewed through therapists constantly, they left me behind because i was too broken to fix. i hated them all. but there was this one, this one singular human being that listened to me. she didn't flinch, she didn't look at me like i was a broken puppy left for death. she just listened. i was all over the place, but i managed to lay out my entire mind for her to dissect. and she did. she helped me so so much, and i could never repay her enough for how she has helped me. when i got home, i wrote the basics of this. it was like 12:30 when i wrote it and i couldn't sleep the next night so i decided to make this look exactly how i felt when i wrote it the night before. how my lover made me feel for so long. so i did. i was crying mountains, i was hyperventilating, i threw my phone through the wall. i put all my anger, blood, tears in each letter, each space. i put it all in there and then posted it a couple weeks later. i didn't show anyone. i just put it out there, hoping my lover would see it. but it didn't even matter cause when i woke up, the whole world saw it instead. thank you. i love you all.
Sending the world into peaceful silence;
a fire burning for eternity;
a love lasting forever;
a darkness so calm and neverending.

Sending the vision of the past;
never letting you go;
never letting it show;
never getting a chance.

Wanting to say the magic words;
to make it okay;
to tell them to wait;
to let them be free.

I love you, my dear;
these five simple words;
never ever heard;
in the silence of the world.
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