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 Apr 2014 Kait Zinke
What do you do when your pain killer
Is the thing making you hurt
And its dramatic irony
Because everyone knows it but you?
How do I fix it now?
Because I was chugging down an anti-venom
Only to find out that it was donated
By the fangs that pierced my skin.
What do I do
When theyve locked me up in a padded room
But then I find a way to hurt myself with the cushions?
How do I handle the fact
That the thing that was helping me so much
Was making me go blind
So I couldn't read its warning label?
I was treating you like a ******* medicine
But you turned out to be poison.
 Apr 2014 Kait Zinke
Sam Pable
When I first met you I didn't think I would fall,

Oh so in love with you

I didn't think that the thought of you would make me blush

And fill my stomach with butterflies

I love how when I breathe you in you smell of rain,

And a hint of smoke

I love how you don't treat me like anyone else

It's almost as if you treat me like anyone else I would break,

I love the stupid handshake we have

Like little five year olds with a secret

I love every little tiny cell in your body,

It kills me inside because I know not even in in a thousand lives,

Would you love me the way I love you.
 Apr 2014 Kait Zinke
Sam Pable
I love the feeling I get

When you smile at me,

They way you are the only one who can cheer me up,

The way you hug me

And squeeze me when we're about to pull away,

I love the fact that you are the only one who understands me,

I love how you don't try and be sympathetic towards me

Instead you give me a loving smile,

And kiss me and whisper that everything will be okay

Some people may think this isn't enough,

But it's enough for me, it's always enough for me.
 Apr 2014 Kait Zinke
 Apr 2014 Kait Zinke
it gets to be too much
and the tears spill over
so you run
and try to get away
from things you can't escape
those tricky voices inside your head
the memories of what others have said
but you can't hide from what's inside
so you trip
and you fall
and you just want to end it all
love you lost is but the
#life you found. it's a
#sad thing you had to feel this
#pain. just let the
#depression roll deep and the
#poetry become even deeper.
#death will find us all but
#hope will find us faster.
#you are never
#lost if you follow your
#poems are the map for the wondering.
#me for the love I took from you and
#hurt me by shooting down my
#moon. but know that
#happiness will return with
#time. You will never be
#alone, if let this be the
#suicide of your despair.
seeing the trending tags concerned me that people write about such negative things. I decided to turn it around.
 Apr 2014 Kait Zinke
Chloe London
Whether its because of your body,
your weight,
your "friends",
the way you dress,
your sexuality,
your family ,
or your surroundings...
You've asked to read this poem for a reason and that one reason is suicidal thoughts.
Well let me ask and tell you a few things before you lift up that blade, before you go searching through the strongest pills you can find, and before you tie a knot in that rope.
You have so much to live for!
Think of at least one special person in your mind.
Got one?
They mean a lot to you, right? 
Imagine how they would feel.
Imagine if one day they thought
"hey why don't I check up on him/her?"
Then walked into your house and seen you lying there, pulseless with a note laid next to you.
Maybe that would make them do the same, maybe it would make them follow in your footsteps and go straight after you, just so they don't have to go through the misery of knowing they will never see you again for as long as they live. 
Maybe they won't take there lives,
but maybe they could be close.
Maybe they could start off self harming,
then stop eating and then start to have sleepless nights,
and if they did sleep,
they'd cry for hours beforehand,
draining themselves out in order to sleep. 
What would your parents think?
What if they weren't the reason you did it and they thought they were the main cause. 
What if they couldn't take it and they split up and messed up the whole family?
What if your friends and family were still alive but their lives were filled with nothing but despair and each and every one of them felt like their souls were ripped from them the moment you left, like they weren't really alive at all?
That would make you sad, right?
Well what if you had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Maybe for some people they're the only person there for you through this rough patch,
am I right?
Well how do you think they would feel?
After fighting with you through all of these deep and dark days and then all of a sudden you gave up without warning. Not only giving up on yourself but on them too. Maybe they don't feel exactly what you feel, or have the same depressing thoughts as you, but it's sure as hell just as soul destroying i'm sure.

Look at your body.
You think it's disgusting don't you?
Well it's not.
I'm positive that it's not.
Because male or female,
you're all beautiful in your own way.
I'm pretty sure I know at least one person who would **** to have your body and would be more than happy to show it to the world :)

See those scars?
Of course you do.
You look at them every day and it makes you want to cut more and more every time you look.
But you don't need to feel that way.
All those scars mean is that you're a tiger who has earned their stripes,
it shows that's you're strong and even though you may have wanted to burst that vein yesterday, you're still here
And those scars you made yesterday are an applause. An applause from us all that you never made it up there and you're still with us.
You may not be happy,
but that will change.

No this isn't in a style of a poem,
it's more of a cry for help.
Little do you know that reading all of your posts and for some people,
reading your thoughts and looking through pictures you've sent me hurts me so bad.
And I'm begging for it all to stop for you all.
I'm not going to say "I'm begging for you to stop", because I know how hard that is for you and you can't just you know...
I know that.
So I'm going to help you.
For whoever feels like they're alone in this you're wrong,
that's all going to stop here.
I may only seem like some girl that just wants to help.
And maybe I am to a lot of you,
but some of you know that not only do I WANT to help,
but I CAN help.
Believe it or not, to some people I have made a difference in their lives and the things I have said to them have made an impact on them.
No matter how big or small...
I'm here for you.
You don't have to feel scared or alone anymore.

This is one of the many poems I will be writing,
this one,
as you will know,
covers body issues, scars and the affects on others due to suicide. 
Before you take your life,
Just stop,
Just think,
If this really worth it?
Am I going to let this monster take over me and win?


That was a trick question, of course you're not. You're not giving in that easily.
You're worth so much more than that.
To at least someone,
you mean everything.
Don't let go, it's too soon. 
Listen here,
Im not judging you.
Im not judging on your past or present and i'm not planning on judging you in your future either (yes, you will have a future)
Just remember,
I care.
There is a light at the end of every tunnel and i'm willing to help each and every one of you find it.
I love you all, never forget.
If anyone seeks help and wants to talk, message me privately and we can talk on there or I will give you my "Kik" name.
 Apr 2014 Kait Zinke
Larry B
One of these days, I'll learn how to write
But I'm doing the best I can
I'll probably never be Edgar Allan Poe
Or any kind of famous man

No one will ever know my name
Or even hear my rhymes
I've told myself it doesn't matter
At least a million times

For me this life is over
There's no where else to turn
The time has come for me to end it
I guess I'll never learn

Don't anyone try to stop me
For it will do no good
Things are just gonna happen
The way I knew they would

It's time for me to **** myself
Yes, It's time for the blood to flow
How long does it take to die from a paper cut
Does anybody know?
 Apr 2014 Kait Zinke
Yasu Nemo
"Once upon a time"
she once wrote
on a piece of paper torn out
from her favourite notebook
but she did not know
what else to write
so she tucked the paper
between the pages of her favourite book

the poem did not come to her
a day later
neither did it come to her
all at once

but as the weeks passed by
one more word
made it from her pen
to the paper
and the words
kept coming to her
and she kept writing them down
until the paper
that she kept tucked
between the pages of her favourite book
was kept on her desk
pressed down
by her favourite book
so she could reach it
more easily

and the words kept growing
and they were all meaningful
because each push down the stairs
by her brother
gave birth to a new word
and each insult
by her mother
gave birth to another
and each bruise
by her father
gave birth to one more
and each scar
she gave herself
awarded her with more words
and she kept writing them down
until she filled the whole page
and she finally added
one last word
and kept the paper
on her desk
on top
of her favourite book
and said goodbye
and climbed on her chair
and hung herself
on her ceiling fan
so she could not add
any more words
Inspired by the poem found in "the perks of being a wallflower"
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