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They say falling in love is not easy, but all it takes is a shot glass glance, and no sooner than later you’ll look at her profile in the dim light, and you’re in love.

Everything then becomes crimsoned, not because you are in a pub,
but rather because it is the shade of passion,
And no sooner than now, you are dreaming of throwing your hands beneath her dress,
and thinking of mouthing, “I love you” from your eyes, to hers.

But no, she does not walk up to you, and you feel that the stereotypical misconception of a woman never making the first move, is true.

This is a man’s work, you tell yourself, dubiously forgetting what too lies between your legs, is nothing that of a man.

You’re intoxicant now, perhaps from the four Pabsts you've downed because you’re cheap and cool,
and you are incoherently waltzing
on over to her, and of course she smiles,
either because you look like an idiot,
or because she is charmed.

You cup your hands on her face.
The skin is soft, she says nothing,
but feels warm.

This is not love. You’re just drunk.
I wish I was who you think of, when drunk.
Eyes closed, there is no escape.
Might as well not look
Or pretend you're asleep.
A struggle. You lose.
A cry emerges. "You ****!"
There are more noises, violent
Slapping you into silence
You are not heard.

Restraining you, they care
For none of your words

Slowly, but surely, you mimic a caged bird
Maybe a squeak here or a scratch there
But nothing more, you cannot be heard

There's no way to raise the alarm, no way to escape
Might as well not look
Might as well give up.
Might as well break.
 Apr 2014 Kait Zinke
The Haywire
In the hazy lines
When I saw your face
Imperfection adorned

In the silent nights
When I heard your voice
Imperfection endured

In the blinding lights
When I glimpsed your being
I fell for you.
 Apr 2014 Kait Zinke
Sometimes I wonder if I should give up on you...

My heart can't take the hurt anymore,
Maybe I should get up and walk out that door.
Seeing you everyday, I wish you would come and take the pain away.
But I know that you won't.
And I just don't want to see you with her any longer.

Maybe if I move on I could become so much stronger?

It may take awhile, but someday I will find someone and instead of tears,
They will make me smile.

Should I give up on you?

Please, I'm begging for an answer.
But I know that I will never get one from you,
Will I?

As for now, I will continue to love you until,
I start to doubt my feelings once again.
This endless cycle will probably never end.
So I will keep on asking,

Should I give up on you?

The answer is no,
Not quite yet....


Who's to say I know best?
Everyday is just a test.

To move or to stay.
To breathe or decay.
To love or abate.
To rebel or obey.
To commit or to stray.

Every kiss begins with K,
but then you factor in fate.
I lead a life of ambition,
with no room for indecision.
But I just don't know what's next.
All I do is try my best.

I can't complain or compare,
The results would be unfair.
I have lots, and others little,
yet life, still gets fickle.

I have little family and fewer friends,
who stay until the end?
I'm not worried or sad.
I just wish that I had:
or given away.

You live and you learn.
You decide and get burned,
but thus is life.
Everything happens for a reason.
We'll see what happens next season.

Time to pick.
Time to choose.
Time to stick.
No time to lose.

Pro vs Con.

"Decisions, decisions."
I knew all along.
The first thing I've written this year that wasn't for work. Just venting the typical thought of a 20 something, "What's next?" Having more opportunities doesn't actually make it any easier. "But I digress..."
 Apr 2014 Kait Zinke
Simon Obirek
You stood there
wearing your hurricane dress.
And all that swept across my mind
was how the gale would clash our bodies together.

After-party, the people were firmly rooted
bored, long-winded.
You were in the bathroom stall on the second floor
blowing me away,
blowing me in gusts
and launching a chilling breeze
down my spine.

Years later, the sweet tunes
clanged by the wind chimes
reminded me of you
wearing your hurricane dress
leaving me breathless.
Before you stormed off.
 Apr 2014 Kait Zinke
Things that **** me
Only thrill me.
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust,
Drinking in the hopes that my bones
May begin to rust.
It may be a little crazy,
But I like to see the cuts.
Shoot me shoot me
For the ****,
I know its deadly
To take these pills.
Mirror mirror
Can't you see?
All I am
Is killing me
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