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 Feb 2017 K M M
dear soulmate
 Feb 2017 K M M
i can't explain you
i can usually make sense
of these feelings i feel
but for some reason
this is failing me

maybe it's always going to be a mystery
how some people can just crawl inside your heart
and make you feel like you're finally home

i hope you know
i've never felt this way
about another soul before

and naturally i should be scared
but this is one of the most peaceful things
i've ever felt.
you you you
 Feb 2017 K M M
Over and over
I have felt the love that sets a heart free
Over and over
I have felt the hurt that cripples
Over and over
I have built myself back up again
Over and over
I have tried to be optimistic
Over and over
I have given love one more shot, and then I'm done
For real this time

How many more times will I repeat this cycle?
Over and over until I die?
How many more times can I restore my heart?
Over and over until I run out of glue, cement, and paint?

All I want is to be done.

cloud in the sky,
drifting, rose of
the skies, wanderer.

elation, wild heart,
sea of wild stars,
sea, incredible love.

winter sea, wilderness
and wild flowers,
stars burning the skies.

i am jealous,
because all of my
love wants you,

i am jealous,
because my beautiful
love wanted you

rippling like a stream,
sighing like a ghost,
like the waves of the sea i so love.

tonight i want the sea more
than your love, some days
my heart just longs to be wild.

tonight i will make you jealous
of the sea.
 Feb 2017 K M M
Mila Berlioz
Some nights I can see that same star,
The same star we stared at together.

How could we be so calm staring at the dark blue sky next to each other?
My heart was raising, my eyes were dilatating,
But, the thought of having you by my side,
made me calm.

Some nights I think of that night, those kisses,
Those hugs, those "I love you"s , oh darling, that night.

I want you back, because your bones are made out of stars,
Your heart is made out of the nebula, and your brain, oh your mind,
It's made of a galaxy. A bright, big, beautiful galaxy.

Shall I keepm on staring at that star? Or should I wait for you?
Stars keep on showing up, but you haven't.
 Feb 2017 K M M
Cassidy Jackson
the meaning of beauty are
bones without skin
it repeats in my mind for hours
 Feb 2017 K M M
The setting was beautiful..
Some forest somewhere as green as envy itself..
There was a very calm river with a covered bridge that ran over it..
The bridge was all white and looked like a house..
I went inside and found that the ground was made of glowing green grass..
The walls were made of dirt with flowers growing out of them..
The smell was so nice..
It seem cooler inside the bridge..
I walked on through bare foot..
The flowers were now an aura of colors..
Endless colors..
I awoke from this dream..
And I can't stop thinking about it..
I crossed a bridge in my dreams. A bridge that I made over a river inside of me..
 Feb 2017 K M M
You can ignore me,
but remember that you once loved me.
Yes, it hurts me sometimes,
but then I remember what you've done.
Taking screenshots of my loyal love,
and making fun of me for my feelings.
Thinking my heart was just a pawn,
a pawn in a board game that you'll forget about.
This bitterness against you isn't me being a crazy ex girlfriend,
it's me being human and having feelings.
I just don't understand how you could tell me that you loved me,
but leave me for the girl whom you told me you couldn't stand,
and do this all in one day.
 Feb 2017 K M M
 Feb 2017 K M M
I remember when your words were a caress
But now that's gone and you're all business

It's not just warm touch I miss but how you were so present even when virtual
Now you're short circuiting the connection that was physical and emotional,  allowing only intellectual or spiritual.

Affection requires all those elements.....
But you seem to have no patience for sentiment

You say I'm just nostalgic for the romance,
And these are the realities of a relationship at Long Distance.

So I wonder if I've committed to a love that won't last....
Because I do want the romance and won't settle for something half assed.

Where's the open hearted warrior who arose to love's divine quest?
Remember when you promised to treat me like I'm precious?

How quickly you forgot that vow
Or maybe you don't remember how

Because for months despite the miles we were so close
And I did feel cherished....but where is that man my heart chose?
I'm no good at head games and I just need a man who can stay constant  and treat me with love and affection every day.....
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