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4.7k · Feb 2016
The one
Jumpsuitriot Feb 2016
I've been single for a while and it's going really well.
Like, it's working out.
I think I'm The One
1.2k · Feb 2016
when I knew it was love..
Jumpsuitriot Feb 2016
Your bright blue eyes,
Shined bright in the midnight sky.
I could feel your heart beat as I lay on your chest,
Not knowing what would happen next.
You sit up, run your fingers through my hair,
And gave me a sensational kiss, and said you loved me
I knew then that you really did care.
I forgot about all my previous scars,
As we continued to look at the stars.
I thought I knew what love was before,
But now I realize,
There was something else in store.
746 · May 2017
Random coming back message
Jumpsuitriot May 2017
Im back.
I've ben super depressed and stressed out. Haven't had a lot of inspiration lately. Just starting To come back to my semi-poem writing self.
Im glad to be back and can't wait to read some material, And finally write some new stuff. ** cheers.
723 · Feb 2016
Wallis Minten
Jumpsuitriot Feb 2016
My heart is full of silent screams
Of anger and of pain
My eyes are always filled with tears
Day, after day, after day
My hand reaches out for help
But all that’s there is empty air
So I fall down into darkness
Where no one can hear me wail
I feel like a wild beast
Locked inside a tight cage
I claw and tear at the walls
And show the entire world my rage
I shall never know the bliss
Of silence in my life
All I feel are the wounds
Made by a sharp knife
721 · Jun 2016
Jumpsuitriot Jun 2016
Take my hand, I'll take the lead
And every turn will be safe with me
I fell in love, despite our differences,
and once i did, something rare and beautiful was created.
For me, love like that has only happened once,
and that's why every minute we spent together
has been seared in my memory.
I'll never forget a single moment of it.
No mountain's too high and no ocean's too wide,
I'll come for you, where ever you go, no matter how far.
Let it rain, let it pour, what we have is worth fighting for.
You know I believe that we were meant to be.
Don't be afraid, afraid to fall,
You know I'll catch you through it all.
669 · Feb 2016
Jumpsuitriot Feb 2016
and he said to her with a vicious grin,
If you do not fight for what you want,
You should not cry For what you have lost.
583 · Jun 2016
Forgiving myself.
Jumpsuitriot Jun 2016
I still don’t know why we broke up really. You ended things so abruptly. And the only explanation you could give me was "it wasn't a good time for me to be in a relationship, and that it's not you its me..” Cliche... But .... just like that you were gone, leaving me wondering where you were for days, worrying, not knowing if you were okay.... I have no idea what you’re doing with your life or why you felt the need to cut me out of it, after thinking about it I immediately began dwelling on what I did wrong, what I could have done differently. I thought that by doing this I was being productive, like I could change what happened. But I can’t. And what happened isn’t my fault. And maybe you tried to tell me that, but no one could have made me think different...I couldn’t believe things were over, not that quickly. I have no idea if any of the things you said to me during our relationship were true. I really hope they were, but with the way you cut me out so quickly, it’s hard for me to believe you loved and cared about me the way you said you did. You gave up on us too easily. I wish you had tried a little harder and I wish that you felt I was worth it, because I know I am.. I wish we had a fight or one of us did something to cause the break up, but the fact that it was so sudden left me feeling completely blindsided. You told me you loved me and that you didn’t want to lose me. And then you vanished. It’s just kind of surreal..... I'm still angry and frustrated... You pretty much left me with a million unanswered questions.. or too long I have apologized to people about who I am, because I’ve always been convinced that it’s always my fault. But not anymore, not this time, I’m not going to apologize to you. Yes, I am insecure and am always trying to figure out what everyone thinks of me. I can be immature and will always be a little girl at heart. I have a constant need to feel loved and appreciated; I have overactive tear ducts, and a tendency to be too clingy. But sometimes when you love something, you just want to be surrounded by it. I overreact about things too much and tend to get a temper when I’m mad. I’m selfish, stubborn, and defensive but I mean well. I’m small and stubby and I don’t like small talk..... And I still want too, really, I still want to hate you, but... I can't. I still like you, as much as I've tried to deny the feelings, they are still there....But I wouldn't want to be put in the position of potentially getting hurt like that again, so I've moved on and I'm doing me... I still wish the best for you, and hope you get what you want out of life.
Until next time...

The one that still loves you.
567 · Mar 2016
Moving forward.
Jumpsuitriot Mar 2016
Things will happen in your life that you can't stop.
But that's no reason to shut out the world.
There's a purpose for the good and the bad.
You can run from the disappointments you're trying to forget.
But it's only when you embrace your past, that you truly move forward.
545 · Feb 2016
Jumpsuitriot Feb 2016
Remember we were so young?
When I would hold you?
I remember it was just us two.
Maybe I should let you go, but,
Nobody's gonna love you, the way that I do.
So, baby come and stay with me.
Come back to me,
Be my one and only.
I promise to love you,
For eternity.
528 · Mar 2016
Jumpsuitriot Mar 2016
You've hurt me once, shame on you.
Hurt me twice, shame on me.
But as much as I try, I can't stay away.
I will repeat the same mistakes over and over,
Hoping one day you'll realize, that
No one could ever love you like I do.
501 · Jul 2016
Jumpsuitriot Jul 2016
I've been trying to find the right words to say,
So I'm just writing it here...
I need to write my feelings down somewhere before I explode..
I've been trying so hard to find my way.
With out you im lost, and
I feel like I have no where left to go.
How am I suppose to do this without you,
How will I go on?
Almost nine years together, and now you're just gone.
I can't breathe, I can't sleep, I can't eat.
I've tried to keep it together, for her, for our daughter.
but when you lose someone so close to you,
You lose a part of yourself.
I have been crying for days, thinking about how she won't get to know the wonderful man you were.
Thinking about how you won't get to see her grow up,
And be there for all the journeys and obstacles.
I'll be sure to tell her but it just won't be the same.
I love you, so much and I miss you're forever in my heart.
Though I don't think it will ever be fixed.
Rest in peace, my love, my soulmate, my bestfriend, and the father to our beautiful 2 year old daughter.
443 · Mar 2016
Jumpsuitriot Mar 2016
A bject
U pstanding
S crumptious
T alented
I nlove
N oble
361 · Feb 2016
Jumpsuitriot Feb 2016
The wind blowing through her hair,
Those red rosey checks and her skin so fair.
He would walk for miles,
Just to see her smile.
But one day she dies,
And he can't help but to hide.
His tears, his fear.
The look in his eyes.
He wallowed and wallowed,
All he could do was cry....
He didn't even get to say

346 · Apr 2016
Jumpsuitriot Apr 2016
They say you're better late than never...
cause' at least we'll always have forever.
And live happily ever after

300 · Apr 2019
Been so long
Jumpsuitriot Apr 2019
After two years , at least i have finally come back. Not feeling any better hut have do kuch vontent i wanna wtite down. I need to or my brains going to explode.
So excited to see everyine elses new content also!!
255 · Apr 2016
Jumpsuitriot Apr 2016
Drink away the sorrows
Hide away in the burrows
Forget the times you used to have
Only to wake up, remember
And do it all over again.

— The End —