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Nov 2014 · 8.3k
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Gliding along the currents,
Singing the songs of war.
Fire breathing Dragon.
Coming to settle to the score!

Wings of fiery hellsong,
Bringing light to the land.
Scales and hearts adamant.
To end the world of man.

Millions of dragons,
Flying overhead.
Wraiths of the underworld.

Tamriel is in danger,
The time is running short.
Alduin is coming.
To end the world of man...
Nov 2014 · 240
Reaping to Sewn
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Under that you will always,
Reap what you sow.
Nov 2014 · 821
Aggravation of Judgement
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Aggravated to my core,
Hearing things I'd rather not.

Why does everyone judge?
Let me be me.
This is who I am,
Gloves won't change that.
Nov 2014 · 236
Heart Ache, Comparison
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.

My heart aches now,
Because of you.
Nov 2014 · 766
Roses and Violets Simile
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Roses are Crimson,
Like fire a'blaze.
Violets are blue,
Like the sea.
Always flowing.

Crimson desire of fire,
Blue aquamarine.
Roses and Violets opposite,
Directly from their genes.
Nov 2014 · 317
Only Poet
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Being the only poet in the family,
My mind comprehends.
Nov 2014 · 478
Testify to be free
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Testify to your right,
Declare anarchy upon the enemy.
Swing your sword.
Take down the king.

Rebellious servant,
Assassinating your master.
Saviour of slaves,
To escape Hell's kingdom.
Nov 2014 · 477
Iliad, Soul Gem of War
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Illiad of power,
Taking their breath of Dragons.
Mythic Power,
Inside a soul gem.
Of War.
Nov 2014 · 700
Dark Soul(10W)
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Why would bloodshed please you?
You are a dark soul.
Nov 2014 · 219
Secrets of life
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Secrets of life,
Kept from brighter souls.
To keep them safe.

They don't understand,*
How I may feel.
That's okay.
Secrets are to be kept,
For a reason.

Nov 2014 · 218
Ravens And Demons
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Nevermore, Nevermore.
Is that all you say?

Stop it!
Foolish bird!
Cast thee away demon!
Nov 2014 · 420
Violets and Tears
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Violets are blue,
Like tears on red cheeks.
Like sorrowful petals.
On a Violet peak.
Nov 2014 · 310
Roses and Knives
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Roses are red,
Knives are of steel.

One rose for you.
As your lay there.

*In your pool of dreams...
Nov 2014 · 197
Please, Don't turn away
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Don't turn away.
Don't hide that emotion.
That I can see in your eyes.

I know your worried,
I know your scared.
Just kiss me,
All will be clear.

I may serve the dark,
But I save the light.

Don't turn away,
Don't cry for me.
I will return,
On a day of holy.
Jaedin Scarlet Wolfe Locke
Nov 2014 · 568
Blissful Wings
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Blissful kisses,
Into the winds of time.
White as snow,
Blissful lines.

Wings of bliss,
To propel an angel.
Away from darkness,
Into the arms of the lord.

Blissful angel,
Elegance is the key.
Living in heaven,
On top of royalty.
Jaedin Wolfe Locke
Nov 2014 · 414
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Frozen away,
Into hibernation.
Nothing magnifies,
Until I awaken..
Jaedin Wolfe Locke
Nov 2014 · 371
I will not Surrender
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
To never surrender,
To never live another day.
Dying alone in solo-weight.

I must reignite,
That flame of blossom.
Its fiery blaze of roses.
Fiery and Swift,
To light up my souls abyss.

I can't...
I cannot surrender.
My family, my friends.
Their depending on me.
Their counting on me.

To end this war,
This battle of governance.
Within myself,
I must win this battle.

Or die trying...
Jaedin Wolfe Locke
Nov 2014 · 643
Undead Spacemen
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Beyond the galaxy,*
Fading away.
Men of war.
Dying away...

No oxygen,
No relic of the living.
Becoming Undead.

Nov 2014 · 471
Lords of War Fading
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Far over the mountains,
Misty cold air.
Fogging the land,
That lies beyond.

Roaring war,
The men moaning.
As they fade.

Broken by the oath of many.
Elves, Dwarves alike.

Arrows fly,
As all.
Shall Fade..

To the edge of the night,
The shadows wisp.
Fading away.
Nov 2014 · 605
Sensational Burning
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
The burning sensation,
So hot and magnified.

It heats the surface,
Warming the insides.
Nov 2014 · 342
Machas Heir
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Spreading wings,
Hourglass body of beauty.
Aphrodite is born.

A goddess of War,
Beautiful and Evil.
Eyes of red.
Macha of Renes.

Spreading wings,
Eyes red as fyre.
Macha's heir to her throne.
Born under the fiery sun.
Of a dragons breath.
Nov 2014 · 590
Pirate Captain, How dare ye
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Unkindly are you,
Who steps into the light.
Who mocks my ways.
Who plunders my ship.
Ye scallywag.

You landlubber,
You crawling insect.
Step away from Mara,
My ship of Daedra.

Unkindly are you,
Who mocks the pirate captain.
I care not for your games.
And will shoot you,
With my dual cannon.
Nov 2014 · 275
Wrapped; Slipping away
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Wrapped in a bag,
Of cards and wallow.
Sorrowful days to follow.

Transcendence of morrow.
Deathly whispers in the grain.
Stealing souls; swallowed.
Inside the frozen-teared rain.

Sorrowful day tis.
Tis all tangled.
Tis all sad.
Remorse absent.
Inside eyes of plaid.

Sorrowful day...
Nov 2014 · 393
Winter hath come
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Winter has come for many,
It shows its white mask of fate.
Casting a blanket of snow,
Upon the frozen ground.

The moon shines,
Making it look like heaven..
Instead of a frozen wasteland.
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
This feeling,
It's of pain.

This wrenching pull,
The gaze of ******.

You rejected me,
For many years.
You have rejected a mother before.
Now your daughter is next.

How do you feel?
Now that your have ripped my heart,
From the weakened rib cage.
Tearing it to pieces!

How do you feel now?
Now that I see the truth.
It's over.
Oct 2014 · 330
Assassin's #1
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Nothing is true....
Everything is permitted...

We do not **** innocent,
WE ****** the evil.
Oct 2014 · 342
Assassin of Light
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
With thy blade,
I glide into the crowd.
Moving silently,
Cascading my eyes along mortals.

I walk with haste,
My eyes hazel like an eagle.
My hood hiding,
My scarred face.

I stride in the dark,
To serve the light.
Innocence is my goal.
I protect people,
To slay the evil.

One rule,
That may come to mind.

Nothing is true,
Everything is permitted.

Vittoria Assassinni,
Inside Roma.
Oct 2014 · 444
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Creation of the sword,
Requires a steady hand.
A heart of pure steel.
A colour of fire,
Or a color of Zeal.

Zealous warrior,
Come to thee now.
Proud and strong,
Save thy Damsel.
Oct 2014 · 236
Afraid for Him, for Me
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
My heart is dancing,
It felt the stab of fear.
Wrenching it out,
Into the cold air.

He seems to love me.
He seems to care.
It's too dangerous for us,
It's killing me.

My heart has been naive,
I must be careful.
IF they find out,
My whole world will end.

Crashing down into the ravine,
Of depression.
Oct 2014 · 561
Writer by Heart
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
In the mist of all,
The pen is thy sword.
To guide words to a page.

Scribbling words,
Phrases forming.
Metaphorically speaking.
Like an actor with much,
Or too much.

A heart is guided,
By its words.
The mind forms the phrases,
Pasting it to the page.

In the mind,
Images are forming.
Figuratively dancing,
In the eyes of the reader.

Many forms used,
Many styles created.
Forming phrases of wisdom.

The creator,
The master of this piece of art.
Forms Metaphors, Similies.
To say something.

A las!
Thy master piece is created.
Words pasted to the page.

This piece of art,
Was created by the writer.
Who is not afraid to share,
Their life story.
A writer by heart.
A Shakespeare in the making.

Creating poems of art,
Sharing their integrity.

They post their poems,
Unafraid to show their life.
That they live,
Oct 2014 · 1.8k
Adorned Howl to Thy Mate
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Wolf adorns her howl,
Almighty Jewel of Snow.
Controlled by Auroras shadow,
Slipping through the wood.

She is a beta,
Walking in the path of Omega.
She is marked by the moon,
A star upon her brow.

White as snow,
Pure holiness.

She searches for mateship,
Someone to be with for eternity.
Even as wolf of Aurora,
She is Mortal as can be.

Thy Jewel of Snow,
Tranquil by Ice.

She will become Omega,
To find the mate.
For the rest of their lives.
Oct 2014 · 3.9k
Elegant Love, Royalty
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Elegantly Dancing,
Remembering thy night of torch.
Your touch overwhelming,
Transcendence into thy court.

Elegantly laying,
Bodies pressed together.
Hearts beating rhythmically.

Fiery love,
Elegance of Royalty.
Born of an Heir,
The Saviour of Humanity.
Oct 2014 · 2.9k
Saviour Of Erinn
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Hailed by your power.
Beside Bhafel the ill,
Cause chaos and fire.

Beyond a shaman,
Only power of the Falcon.
Shall save Erinn,
From the War of the Fomors.

Will await her arrival.
Precious Triona's dead knight.
Move on and reconcile.

He will fight,
Ending the fire.
Ending the hell,
But destroying the Goddess.

Thy Falcon,
Thou must saveth Morrighan.
To keep balance,
In Erinn.

The soul stream call,
To its Guiding Hero.
Man and Woman,
Will Save this world.
Any who play or research Mabinogi will know who the two Dragons are and the Black Knight. Triona was a Fomor.
Oct 2014 · 447
Glowing Embers of Fyre
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Faint glowing embers,
On the open fyre.
Timber and Veils,
Under Giant choirs.

Faint glowing embers,
On thee open Fyre.
Praise the warmth.
Cradle your child.
Instead of Fire I used Fyre on purpose. It's Archaic writing.
Oct 2014 · 1.8k
You are Poison
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Poison in your lips,
Soft yet evil.
It conquers my soul.

Poison in your touch,
Yet hidden by your romance.

I am hexed,
By your masked love.
The poison,
It enchants.
The purest of souls...
Oct 2014 · 1.8k
Roses like poison
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Roses like poison,
In the folds of a Diary.
Marking every contract.

A rose for a life,
To create a death.
Unspoken bloodshed.

A rose is poison,
With thorns of words.
A service to its master.

A rose is like poison,
It makes no difference,
If you are forgiven.

A rose is set,
Your blood is mine.
The Contract begins,
Bound by Blood.
Oct 2014 · 1.6k
This is Love
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Thy body caressed,
By his guiding hands.
My nerves relented.

This is love,
In its own lust.
For power.

Man or Woman,
One strives more than the other.
Guiding hands,
Caressingly Hearted.

Thy kisses of fruit,
Desserts delighted.

His warmth within,
A heart pure and whole.
To heal her wounds,
Of the past Untold...
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Beyond the past,
Beyond our future.
Evolution is inevitable.

Will always be apart of,
THIS sand of time.

AS the dreams commence,
As our path becomes clear.
The treasuring reward,
Is within the crystal sphere.

One finds its true dream,
Within the universe that bonds.
Finding Thy Destiny,
Beyond the red sands.
A poem that was revised for a Book presentation
Oct 2014 · 297
Pain of the Body
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Pain seeping through the cracks,*
Denied by the bone.
Tendons stretching,
Nerves becoming unstable.

Becoming a *******.
I wrote this because  of my knee. I'm beginning to have issues and I may not be able to continue training.
Oct 2014 · 380
Brilliance of Brokeness
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Brilliant Crimson,
Staining pure soil.
Barriers broken.

Pleasure of the Spoils.
Oct 2014 · 513
Iria Saga Elf Chosen
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Elven eyes gaze...
Down the path of Righteousness.*

Born in Filia,
Speaking for her people.
She stands ready,
To face the Great Dragon.

"Deceitful Bhafel,
Your games are tiring."
The Elf awakens her Falcon.

Beside her stands her family.
Ready to fight alongside her.
To bring Peace to Iria.

Bhafel will be destroyed,
There will be retribution.
When this Saga ends.
Mabinogi has inspired me!
Oct 2014 · 1.0k
The Dark Knight- Mabinogi
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Beyond the grey waters,
Upon the rocks they stand.
In dark robes,
Awaiting the war.

Wings spread,
Their leader stands.
Eyes perceptive,
Soul hungering to find her.

The Dark Knight,
Ruairi of Emain Macha.
He despises the Paladin Knights.
And Will destroy them,
For Triona.
Oct 2014 · 396
Mabinogi- Morrighan
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Thy dark jewel of beauty.
Eyes of mischief,
Wings spread.
Onyx Death.

Red eyes of Blood,
Dark Jewel has awakened.
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Distant cries,
Fiery flames of ashen pawns.
A cat is born,
Under the desert sun.

Darkened Jewel,
Eyes of lightning.
Cobalt blue.

The fur of brown,
Ears of perky sounds.
Cat of the Pride.

Dark Jewel,
Eyes of the lightning hue.
The cat,
Of Elsweyr.
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
The Change of the Last Child
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Everything That you thought,
That I would be.
Has fallen apart,
Before your placid eyes.

My ambitions have changed,
So that I can see you proud,
Of your final child.

I am the last born of three,
The only Female of the litter.

My siblings have failed,
Where I can still succeed.

I've become numb to society,
The mask is all I have.
It keeps me alive.

Even in this battlefield.
I can see a story unfold.

My life,
Has changed.
The adult.

Has awakened.
This will always be known.
As the Change,
OF the last child.
Time to grow up.
Oct 2014 · 925
Job Lost.. Bad Weekend
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
My weekend was hell,
Always hell it tis.

Among sneers and disrespect,
A job is lost.

Frantically searching for Salvation.
I will lost money,
My lifes ambition.

I must keep going,
Torn by stupid people.
Curse you Mcdonalds!
I will find a new Job,
I swear it.
Oct 2014 · 323
Goddess Assassin of Light
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
In the shadows,
Eyes are no where to be seen.
Under thy hood of black.

My bracer is flexed,
Shooting a blade out from underneath.
I spot my target,
Moving quickly.

In the crowds of people,
I tail that specific one.
Whose committed ****** and crime,
Deceiving the Creed.

Dashing forward,
I pounce.
Bringing him to the ground.

The knife pierces his throat,
A feather of blood.
Respectfully giving him his final words.

All you can say.
"Requiescat en Pace."
You *******...
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
The Kel (The Elder Scroll)
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Krosis Dovahkiin."

"The answer you seek,
Is within the Kel.
The Elder Scroll."

Staring blankly,
To comprehend thy dragons words.
I went from Dragon Slayer,
To Dragon Rider.

I was too defeat Alduin,
Saving the world.
And Sovangarde.

The Elder Scroll lies with Blackreach,
Others within Castles and Crypts.

Now to begin my journey...
Oct 2014 · 840
Blade of Protection
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Blades of shadows,
Eyes of Ocean blue.

Parkour to the rooftops,
No fear to death.

Now my training begins,
To achieve agility.
And Balance.

With my new blade,
I will defend those I love.
Instead of cowering.

I will defend my love,
My family.
The future of my life,
Is encrypted inside Arros.
Oct 2014 · 296
My Poor Girl :(
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
A motherly instinct is awakening,
Within my heart of toil.
I see her crying.
Curled up under the sheets soiled.

I gather her in my arms,
As she cries herself to sleep.
I wish I could save her,
From this broken family.

They don't care about her,
They leave her to starve.
She has medication,
For all the problems in the world.

I will save her,
Hopefully my mate will accept.
I want her to have a home,
Where she is safe.
And Content.
This poem is for my little friend who is a little younger than me. She needs prayers and to get out of where she is currently..
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