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Josiah Wilson Feb 2014
She lays on the bed
Eyes half closed
And I wonder if
She really knows

What she does to me
How she makes me feel
Pinching myself roughly
I wonder if it's real

You are everything
That's good to me
And I just hope
That you can see

How much you are
To me
Josiah Wilson Feb 2014
This whimsical mask alight in my arms
Such a light, cheery laugh
Surely I mean no harm

Just a little, slight push and it's up on my face
Now I tumble and flip
To the clouds I give chase

For I am the tumbler, the jester, the clown
I make people smile
I chase away their frowns

With a flip of my hat and a twist of my tongue
I make all the oldest
Of tales seem young

I am the gleeman, the poet, the bard
I see your future
In the face of my card

So come watch me now, as I put on a show
I'll make you laugh
As this happy crowd grows
Josiah Wilson Feb 2014
Who am I?
Who should I be?
What makes me me, what do others see?

Who am I?
A broken man?
Shattered and weak, unable to stand?

Who am I?
Lost and alone?
Have I misplaced the light that You have shown?

Who am I?
Just a small, dreary soul?
Have I given up hope; have I lost all control?
Josiah Wilson Feb 2014
Red hair, soft lips
Eyes closed tight
Let me be the one
Who wakes you up tonight

With a soft, soft kiss
And a gentle touch
Girl, I need you
So very much

Just open your eyes
And hold me tight
Let me be the one
Who stays with you tonight
Josiah Wilson Feb 2014
Here I stand
With the world in my hand
Yet somehow I feel so empty...

Covered in blood
This doesn't feel as it should
This victory feels so empty...

My armies flood the plains
Trampling bodies of the slain
And yet, I am alone

Above the crowd
I stand tall and so proud
But I am hollow inside,
Left with no fight
Josiah Wilson Jan 2014
Under the mountain
The dragon does sleep
His silver and gold
Under guard does he keep

Make haste, flee away
From his fiery breath
For his eyes they see far
And his claws they bring death

He flies through the sky
With a vengeance filled mind
An anger undulled
And unwearied by time

His enemies burn
From the flames of his tongue
He slays one and all
From the old to the young

And once he is sated
He slumbers once more
And pray ne'er again
Will we hear his great roar
Josiah Wilson Jan 2014
Late night sadness
Always haunts me
Thoughts of you
Are so depressing

When I wish that
I could hold you
And I don't know
What to do

Creeping shadows
Lonely moonlight
My companions
So late at night

Late night sadness
Darkens my room
But don't worry
Morning comes soon
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