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Apr 2024 · 471
The Wish of Troubled Souls
J-J Johnson Apr 2024
Oh my friends and foes of yonder realms
Tell me,
How strong the irony of the wish we hold
That the now may be the later peace
And the later may feel the feels of now
To lay with the beating of a heart that hurts
To run with the void of one that rests
To find reprieve in a soul that feels the void
To sing of the joys of a song that warms the soul
Say oh say, let the truths that binds be known
That nothing but the vast embrace of time
Ties and binds both souls as one
Aug 2023 · 1.4k
An Ode of Auld
J-J Johnson Aug 2023
Ode to the clouds of the far west
The rains that fell on the absence
Kept to grieve the sorrows of tomorrow

Ode to the waters of the blue seas
The waves that crushed on the bare soles
Left to sweat the love of the shy heat

Ode to the joys of the tears not cried
The smiles that faded with each warming heart
Bled to keep the life from the twinging strife

Ode to the war that never will end
The love that stokes the silent wails
Felt to **** the death of an aching soul
May 2022 · 319
The Pangs and The Pain
J-J Johnson May 2022
There is a fine line between sanity in-sanity
Be-twin bequeathed and beheaded
The lie and the truth
A cradle to crave
From stable to grave

Live to be-seech
And like life to know and to love
The chaos within the happiest withouts
That which ensued in the meantime
Knows not how thin the line straddled

How quiet the madness
Carried with the silent veil
Masked with the malice
That held the buried hurt
Apr 2022 · 198
For what it’s worth
J-J Johnson Apr 2022
I make a toast
To the most that we made of it
I lift my glass
To every second that passed
Down to the last.
Sep 2020 · 430
In Your Sound
J-J Johnson Sep 2020
My soul echoes your rhythm
   My arms sway to your tune
      My body moves to your music
         But why do they watch for long
          Like they hear something so violent
         Why do they stare at your sound
     Why has your sound become silent
   Why am I still stuck in the motion
Dreams carry my love  in your sound
Dec 2018 · 7.3k
J-J Johnson Dec 2018
My grandpa
             Words he gave
                            To me once upon a full moon
“Son” he said
            “When you go into this life”
“Remember, that love is a language “
             “So find, my son, find someone”
                     “Who speaks your language “
      “So you don’t have to translate your soul”
Aug 2018 · 825
Do you remember...
J-J Johnson Aug 2018
Do you remember...

When the fields bloomed
And the winds blew

When the birds chirped
And the butterflies floated
Above the daisies

Do you remember...
The sweet redolent fragrance
From the colorful flowers
And her skin

Mingling with the smell of the dirt
And his skin

Do you remember...
The sound of the silent wind
Rushing through the petals
And the soft moan
That chased after her breath

Do you remember...
The beauty of the tired sun
Dipping down below the sky
To hide from the night

And the softness of his chest
On her back as they watched it dip
How they intertwined their fingers in the passion of the song

Do you remember ...
Apr 2018 · 345
We are the same
J-J Johnson Apr 2018
You are so ******* up that you make me makes sense... You and me...we just fit
Jan 2018 · 674
J-J Johnson Jan 2018
It is Just...
... it’s just something about how her sleek black eyebrows meet her glittering brown eyes where her nose begins.
So beautiful...
Jan 2018 · 397
Smokey love
J-J Johnson Jan 2018
Your love was like air
When I loved you
I inhaled
And oh it was amazing
Like a new born
I tasted it in the beginning
And I wanted more of it
I wanted
To make it mine
Then and forever
Now more than ever
It feels
Like I am in a cloud
Filled with particles
Of smoke
Obstacles of love
Where oh my lover where
Is the air I once live for
The love I once felt
This cloud of smoke
That we’ve made ours
The bitterness
The air that goes to my heart no more
But to my lungs
The love that gives me fresh air no more
But smoke to fill up the space
The vacancy in my life
Gripping and choking
Ripping apart and bleeding out
Oh the betrayal
All for the sake of the fleeting
The passing
Like the smoke
My lover
I hurt
My lungs
They burn
My heart
It chokes
On your smoke.
Nov 2017 · 493
Four pews up
J-J Johnson Nov 2017
Four pews up
Beyond the long isle
So close but so distant
Closest in thought
Farthest in sight
A flower created by mine
A blossom in print
Full of color, oh so colorful
The buzz i feel
Sweet scented honey
Craving from the cradle
A beauty for a beast?
Beastly beautiful
With radiant love
Rising flowing tide
A river of wide wishes
Far and beyond class
Yeah, Four pews up
Beyond the long isle.
Melanin  Extras Guilt And Nothingness
Mar 2017 · 494
Sour Peach
J-J Johnson Mar 2017
Love is exaggerated
intimacy is over rated.
Oh wait!
Maybe it was the first,
maybe... it was her,
Maybe it's misplaced,
but by gosh! the movies
are definitely wrong.
May 2015 · 2.7k
May this day be Good
J-J Johnson May 2015
May this day be good
May this day be a total rebirth
May this day be blessed
May this day be filled
With the newness
And freshness of a prime
May this day be joyful
As it was a decade and nine ago
May this day be what you want
May it be what God wants
May this day be good.      --------------------------------------------
May this day be good May this day be a celebration
May this day be an epic
May it be a remembrance
Of the most cheerful moments in the life of a mum
May this day be heart warming
A blithe past the zenith
To be remembered many years more
Ever sweet and merry
May we smile with glee
May this day be good
-------------------------------------------------                            May this day be good
Just like the first
And just like now
May this day be remembered                May this day come again
May it come again just this time round               And the next
And the next of years unceasing
May this day be my joy And yours
And yours also my friend
May this day be your birthday
May I wish you a happy birthday...
May 2015 · 623
Love Is a gift....
J-J Johnson May 2015
Do more than exist while you have the chance to;
Do more than receive while you have the chance to;
Do more than be nice while you have the chance to;

Because life was given to love
And to give some love is the essence of life
Love is a gift of life
Mar 2015 · 10.4k
A scream
J-J Johnson Mar 2015
"No! No! This cannot be happening"
The words stumbled out as I tried hard to keep the sogged eye from draining
My vision became blurrer
And blurrer as I turned and run out of the house
Grabbing my stiletto as I did
Under the pear tree in the garden I stopped
And allowed the now heavy eyes
To drain the burning water
They flow on like pain from broken heart
Bitter and hurt
Bitter from the disappointment and forlon
From a mixture of shock, disbelief and loss
Served in a glass of betrayal and a tray of painful regret
I raise the dagger in a drunken cognition
For my sob now has become the cry of a damage soul
A disfigured spirit
I can barely hear them from without in the midst of the caos
Those little voices in my heard
Screaming out at me
Hitting ******* the walls of my mind
Pushing my conciense
"Do it!" one says
"It wouldn't solve the problem" the other retorts
"But it will end it!"
"Leaving bigger problems"
The blood in my head boils
The heat rising in exponents
The tension now causes my whole body to trob
To ache
My mind cannot hold it any longer
The quicker the better
I opened my mouth to say my final words
But all the came out
Was a scream.
Mar 2015 · 615
J-J Johnson Mar 2015
I don't have to explain myself to anybody,
Nobody really knows who I am.
Think whatever you want to think, I don't care;
You don't know what I have been through.
Say what ever you want to say,
I dont have the words for you!
You think you know the meaning of fthe words but you don't.
I am ME!!
Mar 2015 · 801
My muse
J-J Johnson Mar 2015
Let me tell you about an adventure of my mind
So calm and simple was she
Tremendously smart and immensely beautiful
I muse almost and always on how the elements were cherry-picked and made into such a wonderful whole
A genius in the embodiment of one of us
An angel in the wrong place but at the right time
Some kind of a mortal immortal
It was a decision to approach her
Now. No, maybe later. Better still never.
She made me for at least a moment have one wish in life
A wish in gold for the price of a bow
Oh Cupid look how you made me seem
So stupid, but yet for serendipity sake.
I brood on her thoughts in my mind more than I do myself
After my muse I am left drained of every modicum of vocabulary
Except one

— The End —