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 Jan 2017 J B
Man, why do you drive me crazy,
Decisions of your's are more than hazy,
In front of the tv again!
Dear God above... are you lazy?
I try so hard to figure you out, not another bout.
Give me a map of your mind
and I promise in turn to be very kind.
Because I realize we are the smarter and better ***.
Please communicate for me to escape my vex.
Should I talk slower,use puppets or interpret dance,
Because in this battle of ours, you can never advance.
So I am Woman and hear me roar
I can nag and tell you the "What For"
With my mind I am a real "Know it All"
Have the answers and will never fall,
Why am I crying,I need chocolate,do you think I am fat?
Hormones? No there is nothing to that.
Battle of the Sexes, who will win,will we ever see?
At this point,don't care, Honey? Pay attention to me!
Being in a relationship is not easy.
 Jan 2017 J B
Time was chasing me,but I was fast and swift,
it was time to run,laugh,be as dramatic as I could be.
It was the best time of my youth.
Nothing could stop me,I was invincible,
No ache or pain could harm me.
I was young, beautiful,flawless...
Why could I not see the full scope then?
Feeling sorry for myself because he wanted you,
not me.
I was the friend the buddy.
Drowning in low esteem,my friends,
determined to make me happy.
Why can't I find a person not squeezed by their personal
selfishness, now in this time?
My friends gave me humor,encouragement,love.
My youth has been the softest blanket I have ever been wrapped in.
The silly, crazy things we did,
protected by the law and our own ignorance.
Running and running we could not be caught...
except by our broken heart.
Why do I romance my youth,
far from perfect,
but I had so many perfect moments.
So young knowing nothing of the world,
except our dreams and fears.
I miss that girl I was.
God please just one more moment with her with me,
to feel her strength,desires,hopes,dreams.
I have to work so hard now to dream.
I want the breath she breathed,
I just want youthful me.
 Jan 2017 J B
The Fight
 Jan 2017 J B
You talk
I talk.
Do we understand?
I know I don't.
Can I hear you?
Do you see my lips move?
Of course not.
I speak,
you yell,
without a sound.
Sigh's between us
speak a new language.
We understand not.

I love you.
You love me...
Then why is this so hard?
Does not love cover
a multitude of sins?
I don't want to fight...
My Soul is exhausted.
we want sleep,
but I need resolution.
Is their a manual for us?
Telling us the do's and the don'ts.

We must honor...
each other
and our covenant.
More than the thoughts
of anger
and being right.
More than the words
we wish
in our hearts,
that we could erase from
time itself.
Walk in forgiveness,
make forgetfulness
a pass time.
Take a leap of faith
to walk in love,
in this moment.
For that is all
wisdom requires of us right now.
 Jan 2017 J B
Who is Husband?
Can I put him to the left or to the right,
no he is more than the fork in the road,
he is the road.
On the path I walk and see the most handsome trees
filled with such vibrant color and strength.
The color captures the eyes of my imagination,
the strength makes me feel safe in spite of the gale that blows.
I see all kinds of strange and wonderful things that is the compass of his soul,tears of joy dance across my face and make me forget my troubles.
His spirit has such grace and wisdom,he stands in understanding
and I know I can bring any problem to the chamber of comfort that is his embrace.
I walk my path and fall from exhaustion of breathing the breath of Woman,
and he comes in gentleness and surrounds me with the kindness and mercy of my Godly Father.
His words clothe me when I am naked and afraid,
and no judgement can wrap around me for he bends it to his loving will.
He came into my world inhabiting the presence of devotion, revealing to me true love.
 Jan 2017 J B
I thought the pain of not being respected by my peers was the worst
Until I met Social Media
She is a selfish dictator
Dictating who I should be,who I need to be
Telling me in every moment I am not good enough
Now if I get praise then I am elated,in such madness I feel accepted for my personal moment
Then the next day comes and I have to prove myself all over again
I am a blank slate,time for my begging
Social Media you have ****** my moisture dry in the deepest of my ligaments and bones
Who do you think you are?
How dare you tell me who I am?
You know nothing...nothing at all
To live ones life in constant expectation
left wanting to be liked,even appreciated for your work
Are you a photographer,writer,singer,lover of the Arts that have given you such joy
Artists of our past put out their work every 6 months to a year or even years
And we are expected to come up with something magical everyday,multiple times a day...again I scream,"Madness!"
I have been a people pleaser my whole life.
Beginning my life yelling at the adults,"Look at me,look at me!"
I grow tired of this impossible grind
Weariness is my comfort(how twisted)
Forget this,forget them all
I am going to go read a book now
 Jan 2017 J B
Where do I go to get more of you,my dreams or my reality?
In my dreams I,me,you,we can be anything,go anywhere
Alas,in reality your touch overwhelms my senses,
my soul and what makes up my soul; my mind,will,and my emotions
When we have no provisions and we are impoverished of our wishes and whims
We dream and travel through reflection to go to our beautiful Ireland,where the music
plays on the wind and the water crashes against the glorious bluffs
With reality we can dance on love's tender air,where I float and go nowhere because your strong chiseled arms keep me close
Oh,my Love I cannot choose,just like I have no choice whether or not to love you
I will just be your joyful Bride to live my life with you in my awesome reality and my faith filled dreams
I love spending my life with you.
 Jan 2017 J B
The reason for the season is my Lord,but
what makes my heart warm with love on Christmas
is your embracing love for me
I love you more than all the times you've caressed me added together
I listen to Christmas music while absorbing the crackle of the logs in the fire,dancing to the music we make to each heart beat

My Love you are my Christmas, without you their is no food,no song, no present that can take your place
I dreamed for so long to find someone like you or rather just you
to love me so deeply that I am filled and I no longer feel empty
You are and always will be my Christmas Wish

Merry Christmas all
 Jan 2017 J B
There is a Story in my soul
but I have no idea where to go
The story fights against my will
so much to think,to feel
Heart's desire is to write
but with fear and anxiety do I fight
Comes down to who I am
feeling like my will is out on the lamb
I need Someone to be my lead
so I can rest and think in the mead
Story let me know you and you me
so my will and soul can finally be free
 Jan 2017 J B
My inner self thirsts for the Living God
yet my spirit struggles with the darkness
Why are you cast down,O my inner self
you moan and weep over what you cannot change
the darkness tries without ceasing to cover my light
for it cannot darken my light,for my light comes from You
Weary my form is,it needs Your rest,calming my tears
Why are you cast down,O my broken heart
Hope in God,trust in faith,long for love
Wait expectantly for He Who is the help of my countenance
Who restores my inner self to the Everlasting to Everlasting Light
 Jan 2017 J B
 Jan 2017 J B
Spirit of Wisdom I call out your name
will you sing your song to me and soothe my fears
Fear, alas he knows me,from seed to tree
working hard to confound my limbs
to break down my branches
O Great Spirit I wept a melody only You can comprehend
The wind blows through my leaves
and I am barely holding on
I feel myself falling,falling to the ground
I look to the Heavens to restore my grandeur
or at least a moment, a quiet moment for my end
But my spirit would not die
I became apart of that ground
my blood going through the veins of Father Earth
creating me,molding me,becoming apart of that tree again
Another chance to breath each season in,to hang on
and drink the mighty brook that flows next to my trunk
Wisdom I hear her now,now I am ready
Fear now he has a proper foe
being the mighty oak, I am my own defense
Imagery Poetry
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