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 Feb 2016 J B
Alone,I am uneasy to be alone,
I need a true friend to help end this loneliness,
Can anyone truly understand my aching inside,
How I pine for someone to be close to.
Trusted enough to hold my heart,
Loving me so, they never part,
My Soul tells me to be brave,
But it is hard not to cave into the pressure.
I must think like my Heavenly Father thinks,
Hope,Faith,and Believing in my Father,
that He will never leave me or forsake me,
that He always hears and heeds my cry,
that He will wrap me in His infinite mercy,grace,and love,
Strength in that will get me through this night,through the darkness,
That in truth...I am never alone.
 Feb 2016 J B
Not listening, you don't hear,
Hating this about you,in so much fear.
To make a relationship you must communicate,
Without it you'll meet an awful fate.
Will you understand, will you see,
You need this to really love me.
I know it's not just you,
Because I am to blame too.
We must work and work hard,
Talking to myself as this Bard.
It's going to take effort and lots of time,
But My Love, I am willing to do it for you to be mine.
 Feb 2016 J B
 Feb 2016 J B
Regret has been the bane of my existence,
It has guarded me with a gilded fence.
Looking back into my past,
Wishing I would have been in a cast,
As the leading lady of my story,
Where I could show my enlightened glory,
And not the constant darkness of my mistakes,
Making the right choices would I make.
There would be no wrong,
In my Life Song.
But Mankind has a melody of good and bad,
Happy and sad,
And if I live in my past, I will miss out living in the moment,
And I am not willing to continue being my own opponent.
I will learn and I will try,
Beginning to learn about the Why.
 Feb 2016 J B
Emily Dickinson

The Butterfly upon the Sky,
That doesn’t know its Name
And hasn’t any tax to pay
And hasn’t any Home
Is just as high as you and I,
And higher, I believe,
So soar away and never sigh
And that’s the way to grieve—
 Feb 2016 J B
 Feb 2016 J B
I wanted to die
desire almost came to pass.
Wanted to hide,
but the darkness was to vast.
I felt the spark of that piercing light,
felt smaller than my fear,
but it was stronger and it gave me might
even with the down pure of the individual tear.
I had to give my permission
to let the light grow
it was my new mission
opening up to the wisdom to let in the know,
that I was not alone
their was someone there,
it was not the world's tone
it was God and He did swear.
Never to leave me or forsake me,
surrounded by His overwhelming Love,
voicing that He could and would be
Loving me from right above.
 Feb 2016 J B
 Feb 2016 J B
Tonight I need something...
something more.
I need to dance in the starlight,
I need the stars to put the light back in my eyes.
I need the sky to clothe my bare skin,
giving warmth to my body yet showing
the deep blue in my green eyes.
I want the stars to help me fly again
giving flight to my reborn innocence
seeing the world only in the reflection
of the North Star to always be my compass.
It does not fall or fade
always burning bright just for me.
Tonight I see the stars in God's hand,
the Artist of my favorite Masterpiece.
I need the stars to give me just one more breath,
so I can feel...something.
 Feb 2016 J B
Desiring a child,
softness of skin
revealing the tenderness
of their hand in mine.
Stroking the beauty of innocence
that of yet is not tainted by
the sins of this present world.
Overtaken by the righteous indignation
of protection,
possessing the fierceness of the lioness of her cub,
not allowing any evil into there world.
Mother, breathing strength to encompass
the purity and virtue of her beautiful baby.
Rocking in the darkness of night,but it is
distinguished by the light of those eyes,
looking up at you while giving them warmth and
Please Lord,bless my womb so I may bear a child.
I want to be overwhelmed with love for them.
Compelled to mother their needs,
while being permeated by their love for me.
Please Lord bear me with a strong will,
while I wait for my Precious child.
 Feb 2016 J B
I am so lacking in the truth,
to find out why you did what you did?
I need answers, not the vacant winds
that inhabit my soul.
Why did you do what you did,
how did I cause this aching pain I feel?
I took care of you,I adored you,
I met your needs,yet this knife in my back cannot
become unhinged.
In days past you looked at me with pools of adornment,
now just discontent.
Can you,will you ever change your mind,
and the song becomes ours,the blessed duet.
I long for you and your warm touch,
is their not one note of our song stuck in your mind?
Now I am alone,breathing just for one.
I miss the sound of your heartbeat next to mine,
Lord, help me to learn, how to say goodbye.
 Feb 2016 J B
Lord,I am so tired.
Body aches from the pain of disappointment and fear.
I wish I could be there with You and not here.
Last year, was so close,so close to touch,
But You wanted me here,for me here their was so much.
I don't want to drown anymore in the pain of my doubt,
Just tell me please what my life is about.
I want to be loved,
with hands of purity that are gloved.
I pray O' Father heal my heart,
from the hands that abused me,yes heal me for their part.
I need You now,I have to have Your healing Hand
to heal me of that word "victim," heal me of that burned brand.
Redeem me Lord of my life and it's scar,
reminding me You are so close,and never,ever,very far.
 Feb 2016 J B
Could you love me when I laugh,
Could you love me when I'm daft?
Could you love me when I cry,
Could you love me when you don't know why?
Could you love me when I don't feel pretty,
Could you love me when I want your pity?
Could you love me when I feel pain,
Could you love me when you feel the same?
Could you love me when I love you,
Could you love me and love me true?
When I feel insecure.
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