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 Aug 2016 Heliza Rose
Dana Colgan
Peering through crimson curtains,
Into the life of someone new.
Peeling away their layers,
Until all becomes black, just like you.
 Aug 2016 Heliza Rose
I didn't ask to be born.
Did I give you permission to have me?
I'm just not cut out for this, really...
I think about suicide constantly
Everyday I question my sanity
Am I okay? Stop starring at me!
You're only worsening my anxiety
They saw me crying.
I don't want them to think that I'm attention-seeking
Because I'm not:
I just have a lot of ****** up thoughts.
One day I'm calm and the next I feel forgot-
Ten: they told me when I grew up I'd be that number
Not someone who's chubby and refuses to go to slumber, part-ies
They were just never for me
But don't get me wrong I tried to participate
Just no one ever really included me unless it was a one-on-one standing
I get it, I'm a fill in.
That's always been my role
Someone who's just there
For when others couldn't be.
That's me.
The girl I'll hit up tomorrow because my other friend is busy
On a new note I'm about to be 18
My parents could kick me
out or disown me
Send me on my way
As if they never had known me
I'll eventually be on my own
That's the point of this right?
To witness someone's life and
Then toss them aside but say
That you'll be there until the end of time?
I always feel that way when
I'm singing this song
Titled: strife
It makes me not want to go on
But it remains
Always in my veins
It tells me to stay
On the worst of days
It triggers me hard
I just want to go away
Just let me already
Why must I stay steady
Can't you tell I'm not sturdy
And just want to yell
At everybody
I'm in tears already
As I pull the cord on this bag
Helium fills my lungs
I no longer feel sad
I laugh continuously
As I'm  being poisoned
I'm mad; crazy
I forgot to write a note
Don't hate me
You all knew me in the past
For a time being
You had your chances with me
There was no right or wrong
I was just always singing a different song
So don't feel bad for my no longer going on
I was never meant to be here
Please. Stay strong.
I didn't know what else to title this.
 Aug 2016 Heliza Rose
Wait... Don't leave, please; come back to me
I've been getting into drugs and other things
I am fearful for my own well being...
But these actions I am taking hold of
Keep my mind off from what's truly going on,
I'm not sure that I'll ever really stop...
It's not yet night for her to sink
But she closed herself and sank
Like eyes that are too tired to blink
And gazing upon the muddy river bank,
Suddenly, there were ripples in the water
As she sinks down into the river bed
But there was not a single call from her
As if she let herself be led
By water currents she knew so well

Have you forgotten how to float?
Or are there no souls around to tell,
About silent screams with a sore throat?
Did your roots pull from the mud?
And the current strong enough to break it?
It's a tragedy of the tiny pink bud,
who once sat on the murky water of two feet,
Being swallowed whole into the water
and not once experiencing a genuine woo

Oh, lovely water flower,

....Did you regret it too?
This is for a dear person of mine who took away her own life. Please don't give up and think about killing yourself. The pain won't go away after you **** yourself, it will be passed on to the people who love you.
 Aug 2016 Heliza Rose
In the end
you're alone
and nobody cares
except your own
self's conscience
so what's the point?
 Jun 2016 Heliza Rose
Tin Ferrer
I heard you're a traveler.
No wonder you always visits my mind.
 Jun 2016 Heliza Rose
Tin Ferrer
What's Mickey without Minnie,

Donald without Daisy,

Buzz without Woody,

Ken without Barbie,

Beauty without Beast,

Lilo without Stitch,

What's me without you?
 Jun 2016 Heliza Rose
Tin Ferrer
Are you a book?
Cause you're a
You make me turn the next page of you.
You make me smile in every words of you.
You make me fall in love with you.

Are you a fiction?
Cause you're
Too good to be true.
Too hard to reach you.
Too impossible to find you.

I am always here to read you.
Hays. Perks of being in love in Fictional characters!
 Jun 2016 Heliza Rose
Tin Ferrer
I want a place.
I want a place where my mind can rest.
I want a place where my soul is free.
I want a place where my  heart feels like I'm home.

In short,
I want a place in your heart.

But I know,
Inside has already a name shouting for your love.
And here I am,
Always wanting to be that name.
 Jun 2016 Heliza Rose
I'll never say that I need you, but you should know I think I might
I'll never try to stop you from leaving, but I hope that you'll stay tonight
There's so many words that I want to use
I've measured their worth and they're worth y of you
If only you knew just what I thought,  just how I took off when it was you I saw
And all the reasons why I've tried to hide all the love I feel inside
There are so many things that I'll never speak
But one day I may be able to say, just how much you mean to me
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