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Tonight the very notion that steals my mental devotion, is that chance play a motion in that commotion concerning whether one receives a demotion or a promotion
To be lucky or  unlucky! It must feel a little yucky, perhaps a bit sucky, that your ability to forsee outcomes is a tad mucky
You might play your hand and find your decision be grand, or life may demand that you be reprimand, where things may not go as planned as you receive a backhand
Hell you may just strike gold, where you luck begins to unfold, where your wealth was withhold, it may just so happen you behold your gold increase eightfold!
People like to be upset due to all the others they've met who don't seem to sweat and carry no debt, people who fret thinking they deserve a corvette or a big shiny jet that they'll get when they win the grand luck roulette.
Still I think that it shows that even if life blows, when the sky fills with crows and your luck seems to have froze, luck is just a fact of life that nobody knows
With the good comes the bad, with the happy the sad, with the boring the rad, that luck is quite a fad
Just know that whether you're hung out to dry or live in Versailles, whether you hit the bulls-eye or things go awry, have everything money can buy or just barely scrape by, you just can't deny your life is at the mercy of life's invisible die
This is actually really tacky but I'm experimenting.
 Apr 2016 Heliza Rose
why do you wait until i've fallen
to try to hold me up?
why to you wait until i'm broken
to try to hold me together?
why do you only meet my eyes
when they're swollen and red?
is that when i'm worth noticing,
when my heart is all but dead?
 Mar 2016 Heliza Rose
A Mothers Voice
The first that you hear kisses your tears and soothes your fears
A Lovers Voice
Who's whispers of *** entice and perplex your body's reflex
An Awesome Voice
That shouts out loud stands up and is proud not lost in the crowd
A Powerful Voice
One that rallies and fights without losing sight asserting its rights
A Survivors Voice**
Riddled with pain no longer in chains her monsters slain
A Warriors Voice
Strong and controlled without being told breaks free of the mold

This is My Voice

All the above
Warm like a glove
And full of love

(C) Pixievic
Happy International Women's Day!!
 Mar 2016 Heliza Rose
Dear night,
my old friend
In need of your serenity
I sit here staring at my hand

I need new words
I'm out of lines
Too much emotions
Struggling times

A great companion
Standing by my side
A secure feeling
Is what you provide

We've been writing poems
Together, from the start
Please don't fail me
Help me create another piece of art
I write poems in the middle of the night, so it is my loyal and taciturn companion. But it never fails to provide the enviroment most comfortable for writing poetry.
 Mar 2016 Heliza Rose
Three long years
Longing for each other
Waiting in incertitude
Maybe one day...
 Mar 2016 Heliza Rose
A leaf clings helplessly as all its

companions grow weary

and weak and let their

holds fail.

This leaf

refuses, despite great

winds and storms of both

rain and snow. It holds on

and I'm reminded every time I walk

on by, that the battle is well worth

the effort.

Hold on,
           lonely leaf.
Maybe I'm just a black hole
Constantly trying to be filled with love, happiness and friendship
But somehow, at 2am,
I find myself just as empty.
Just as unhappy.
And just as alone.
#alone #unhappy #2AM #blackhole #alone #love #friendship #empty #maybe
 Jan 2016 Heliza Rose
You don't riddle my thoughts in the way that you used to,
back when all I saw on the inside of my eyelids was your face.
Slowly I have moved forwards,
I have made progress and become the person you always wanted to see me be.
But sometimes I still think of you and it feels like a weight is pulling on my heart,
and I get ****** back into the void of missing you.
It's not a feeling dissimilar to the longing of another beside you,
however paired with the craving for that person is the undeniable knowledge that they will never be with you.
It took me a long time to realise that;
you're not coming back,
you're gone forever.
They say acceptance is the first step in moving on,
but what if I don't want to move on?
You are a piece of the person I am today,
you are the part of me that glows and gives me strength to say
"I can do this."
you are the voice in my head telling me
"You are better than this."
you are the smile on my face when I realise I am on the road to recovery,
the worst has passed and one day this will all be just a memory.
So even though you're not coming back,
and even though sometimes I think of you and my eyes blur from tears,
and even though you can never see me become the person you wanted me to be,
I carry your strength and positivity with me always,
you are in my past,
but you are also a piece of my recovery,
which means you are in my future too.
To Ale.
My first real friend, whom I could trust with my life. We never got to meet but you helped me more than anyone else I have ever met. You skyped me at 4am when I couldn't stop crying and at 4pm when I was too sad to leave my room but still wanted someone to talk to. You didn't mind that I was anxious a lot, and that I often wanted to stop existing. You always stood by me and helped me, you made me laugh and feel appreciated and understood and loved. I was so busy receiving your help, I forgot to return the favour. I didn't see how much you were hurting while you projected all your positivity onto me. And so I lost you. For a long, long time I blamed myself for that. I told myself it was my fault you were dead. But now I just think that the only thing I can do is take what you gave me and use it. So I take your positivity and your kindness and I slot it into myself, like a piece of my own personal puzzle and carry it with me always. You helped me to keep going, and your memory is still helping me recover, and one day the traits of you I have held for my own will help me build the life I always told you I wanted. One day we'll meet, I'll tell you how much I miss you and I might leave you some flowers. I wish I could have touched you, laughed with you, hugged you. But saying goodbye to the plants growing where you are scattered will have to do. I love you so much. Thank you for being a part of my past, present and future. I am who I am today because of you. I miss you.
Skin pinkish red
A sparse covering of dark hair
Dark little eyes
Tender lips that turn upright in a smile
Little fingers that can barely wrap around the tip of grandpas
Cheeks as soft as a cottonball
A face of indescribable beauty
Spending the day sleeping in peaceful rest
This is Callie .
Born at 4:07 PM
Jan 12,2016
 Jan 2016 Heliza Rose
 Jan 2016 Heliza Rose
The feeling of morals and values dwindling
Step by step
As the minutes go by
My mind working strenuous
Trying to forget the past
Decisions I've made
Lose significance
Suppressed by decisions as bad
Maybe worse
Trapped into a facade of being perfect
The need of breaking out
Showing off the
Abysses deep within my soul
Not able to patch that hole
No love in this world
Seems to be strong enough
Stop forcing me to be perfect
I'm not, neither do I want to be
When the night begins
I leave my perfect mask at home
Two sides within the same soul
Two sides of the same coin
Tonight the dark is taking over
It's hard to be forced into being perfect all the time, to be responsible, to fall in love with the right people. Sometime you just feel to revolt and show them and rub it in their face that you're not perfect and neither do you want or have to be. It's important to learn from mistakes so let us make bad decisions and hopefully learn from them. Our mistakes play a big part in forming our personality. They are a part of life and some need to realize that.
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