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May 2014 · 3.0k
Helen Murray May 2014

(Road signs in Australia thus remind us to keep to the speed limit)

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
William Shakespeare:  MacBeth, Act 5 Scene 5.

Creeping, seeping, peeping, sleeping,
What’s the common factor through these ‘eep’ words deeming?
Shakespeare calls them dusty and aligns them up with death.
Our world calls it shadow but it chokes you out of breath.
Churches cannot see them so they flout invisible.
Jesus calls them idols yet they sound so plausible.
Christians follow teachers in a roundabout way.
Teachers crave disciples which determines what they say.

But these are all poor players on a poorly structured stage.
Their stage gives way.  They tumble. They rise up in a rage.
“Life has not been fair,” they say, and “Where is God in that?”
Did they ask Him in the first place?  Did they call God up to chat?
The churches have no answers.  Now where do I go from here?
Go right back to the Bible, Friend.  The truth is written there.
Check it yourself. It’s relevant to eras far and near.
Like natural laws it cannot change with fashion year to year.

So do not mix the fashion in philosophies of life
With Truth that stands forever among raging seas of strife.
Counselling in modern terms can get you sympathy,
But will it give you backbone for the next antipathy?
Feminism needed to support the weaker staff,
But now of our humanity it rejects one whole half!
And money is too much an issue when it must be said
That what is not of love is valueless to Christ our Head.

Of all the thousands who are found in church each seventh day,
How many can indeed discern the right and faithful way?
How many put their lives on hold for truth and nothing less?
How many first set out their plan and build their faith round this?
Is there not one who will apply to God for his blueprint
So s/he can play the part of power for treasure in Heaven’s mint?
The Spirit of Truth cannot be found where ideas pull such weight.
He’s somewhere else you don’t suspect.  Chase Him, and don’t be late!
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
William Shakespeare:  MacBeth, Act 5 Scene 5.
May 2014 · 817
Helen Murray May 2014
Grim is commanded for poets all round.
Grim has a fiercely protestical sound.
Grim isn’t grime for it’s lacking an ‘e’.
Egrim’s a poet’s insight for today.

Egrim is like the Norwegian style
Of Fairy tale dwarfs who stomped forests awhile.
Their poetic whimsy delights generations
In un-grim and serious childhood contagions.

They catch it from mothers and fathers infected,
Who, laughing at life, and its trials directed
To misery, make of it  light and perjurious
Nonsense, its daggers no longer injurious.

You who are serious, finding life spurious,
Need and injection of fun for the curious.
Let's give our children something they are after -
Life's greatest medicine - outrageous laughter.
This poem was written in response to a forum in which the value of poetry was in question if it were funny.  The tongue in cheek suggestion was that we 'need more grim'.
Feb 2014 · 850
Western Feminist.
Helen Murray Feb 2014
Western women have their rights.
For goodness sake don’t set your sights
On marriage to this sumptuous goose.
She’ll have your kids, and then vamoose,
She’ll leave you very high and dry,
With no-one there to see you sigh,
Your kids are gone and if you want
To see them you must never flaunt
Your rights before her stony face,
But pay full well, or your disgrace
Will plague the daily paper run
While she disports out in the sun.
Indeed you’ll pay for all her joys,
Your house is hers to sell with poise
And re-establish somewhere else,
While you must foot the bill or else.

This is the feminist home ground.
You want to go another round?
She’ll run your nose in all the dirt
So when you finally lose your shirt
With filling lawyers’ purse profound,
And get up, snivelling, from the ground,
You’ll find your company’s hers as well.
You know you’ve landed merry hell.

So if you marry yet again
(when finally recovered,) then
Look somewhere east but never west.
They’ve failed relationship, you’ve guessed.
Feminist rights seem to have destroyed many a reasonable marriage and many a not unreasonable man.
Feb 2014 · 1.4k
Western Misogynist
Helen Murray Feb 2014
Gentle ladies, take a while
And choose your mate with lesser style.
Beware the charismatic charm
Of the misogynistic arm.
He’ll ply with love charms, charmingly,
Until he has you all at sea
With this imagined love you’ve found.
He’s swept your feet right off the ground
And carried you away with stars
That twinkle in your laughing eyes.
Yes he can play this game for years
If need be.  But slowly he tears
You right away from those you love,
For you to him your love must prove
In every tiny detail now.
And if you can’t then face this row
He’ll find your weakness, badger you
Until your broken health ensue.
His buffets then you can’t oppose
Yet constantly inflicted those
Abuses in the verbal might
Turn physical, and then the fright
Brings on its shame.  You will not tell.
Results of that you know full well
Amount to just some more abuse
And then some, coming so obtuse
From left and right.  It’s your own fault.
Well so he tells it.  You’re the dolt
Who so upset him, made him fire
Assaults at you.  Not his desire.
And you believe him.  P’rhaps if you
Had not done this or did eschew
That other thing.  
                                You cannot win.
You finally will see this thing
For what it is, and pack and leave.
That’s if there’s some-one who’ll receive
Your brokenness, and take you in
To give you time to heal again.
‘But he’s so nice’, they say in town.
“We can’t imagine him knocking you down.”
He tells them how you selfishly
Took off with children.  You must be
The meanest woman round this place.
He’ll find someone to take your place.
He must have someone on his arm
Whose looks are sweet and full of charm,
Who’ll do the work he needs her to.
What else is there for him to do?
So many girls go for the name in lights big noise man only to find him unaware of a partner's needs and verbally or physically abusive.  She struggles with her inability to make the relationship work until finally her health is destroyed.
Feb 2014 · 1.8k
Soul in Travail
Helen Murray Feb 2014
.Soul in anguish,
Soul in torment,
Soul in delirium,
Soul in pain,
Soul in ecstasy,
Soul in anxiety,
Soul in frustration,
Soul in disdain.

Soul in passion,
Soul in laughter,
Soul in death and
Soul in life.
Soul in penitence,
Soul in reflection,
Soul in love and
Soul in strife.

Oh, my soul, you
Keep me dancing.
I can never
Dance alone.
I search for my
Soul’s companion.
Who will offer?
Is there one?

Here are now my
Suitors willing.
There is envy.
Look at hate.
Bitterness and
Pity looking
For a date.

What of vengeance,
Dressed up fine,
Pride and guilt with
Sad depression,
What a line!

I have danced with
Every suitor,
And I’ve wondered
Who is mine?
I don’t want to
Lock into a
Partnership that
Doesn’t shine.

All of these have
Looked attractive,
Yet they weaken on the spins.
Where is one that
Lasts forever?  
I will only
Look at him.

I need one who
Will not fail me,
Leave me when the
Going’s tough,
One who’s strong and
Knows the dance steps.
Treading on my
Toes is rough!

Something deep
Within me tells me
Suitors there are
More than enough.
I must search the
Highest mountain
For the one whose
Name is Truth.

Mr. Truth will
Undergird my
Weakness, lift
My spirits high,
Warm my coldness,
Light my darkness,
Hold my trust as
He draws nigh.

He will lead me
Without falter
To a banquet
Richly spread.
I will follow
Every dance step
Waiting for the
Day we wed.

Then forever
All those suitors
And their lies will
There will only
Be the glory
Of beloved
Jesus here.
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
I Am
Helen Murray Jan 2014
I am the rising sun.
So when your eyelids open to explore the beauty of the day
I pour My light into your soul, and set you on your laughing, loving way.

They shafted steel into My heart
That when My children linger, longing, looking at the Cross of Hope
I pierce their hearts with shafts of love for all who near their pathways lope.

I am the eagle
Who rises on the wind and sees the visions of the future dreams,
Who gives his eaglets flying starts so that they too the visions can impart.

I am the cobbled pathway.
My children pick me out among the highways, hills and valleys of their lives.
Their prayer-flowered Kingdom road is tough but leads to pearly gates and open skies.

True and Faithful are My thighs.
Disciples know I’ll never leave but pour My peace on all their fear.
Their weakness will become the towers of strength that men hold very dear.

Blood Brother is My name.
Commune with Me and in the strife your back is covered by My Life,
And you will all blood brothers be to one another on this sea of strife.

I am the Truth.
The truth established long before the breath of life was mankind’s tool.
Rock-solid, stationery still, though winds of change blow good and ill.

If you will cast your lot with Me I’ll surf with you on curling sea.
We’ll ride upon the tides of life on boards of love.  You’ll be My wife.  
I’ll cherish you beyond whatever you could dream or e’en consider.
Trust Me.  That’s where it begins.  You get to know Me and life spins
In exponential, ceaselessly expanding spirals of liberty.

Jan 2014 · 1.3k
Deep Calls to Deep
Helen Murray Jan 2014
There’s a noose around our necks to drive out feeling,
To **** the sweetest instincts planted deep within our souls.
It’s too hard to feel, it hurts too much, so **** it –
Replacing it with lust so that we think we are alive
But we have lost it.

I think therefore I am?  So said that Greek man.
Someone could likewise reason that “I feel, therefore I am”
It’s a possible conjecture but the suffering incurred
Is overboard , impossible, I cannot cope with that.
I’ll take the substitute.

This lust gives me to think I’m feeling something,
Be it money lust, drink, drugs, or sexuality or things.
Somehow, though my ego escalates, I’m feeling grand,
But my relationships are failing, flawed, I cannot understand –
I’ll take the substitute.

I’m at the bottom of the pit.  I’m on the outer.  
The substitute has got me.  I’m in isolated rink.
It’s living hell.  My friends are gone, and everything is bad.
I cannot cope with this.  I need some love. There’s none around.
I’ll take the substitute.

I’ll take the substitute.

I’ll take the substitute.

I’ll take the substitute.

This is hell.

God, where are You?

“I’m right here.”

“I took the substitute.”

"I know."

"It's finished me."

"I know."

"Help me."

“Will you take Me now?”

“I sure don’t want the substitute any more.”

“Will you take Me now?”


“You believe Me now?”


“Do you believe that I love you?”


“Do you understand, I did the substitution for you?”

“On the Cross?”

“That’s it.”

“I believe you.”

“Do you trust Me in all respects?”

“It’s either You or the other substitute?”

“It’s either Me or the other substitute.”

“I’d rather trust You.”

“Come then.  I love you.  
Walk with Me and I’ll restore your deeply broken heart.
You are My child. Draw ever closer, never to depart.
Revive yourself in Me.  My Words will give you back your Life.
I’m your blood brother, at your back when problem scenes are rife.
My Spirit, Truth, empowers you in strife.”
Seeing so much misuse of  alcohol, drugs etc rather than deal with the pain of life by asking God's wisdom and help to walk through troublesome situations.
Helen Murray Jan 2014
Didactic or not didactic,
That's the elementary question.
Those who say they're not didactic
Challenge those who write didactic.
But although they're not didactic
By example are didactic
Teaching not to be didactic -
Excruciatingly undidactic.
Who would want to be didactic
When you can be undidactic,
Or the other way around!
Think I'll take the silent ground
And storm the rest for didactism
Wherewithal I'd not be found!
Much heated online discussion about what is didactic poetry and whether it is acceptable or not.  I had to get a giggle out of it.
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
Wholly Holy.
Helen Murray Jan 2014
Black holes in the human psyche –
Depression in the laughing space –
Hopelessness amongst us rising,
Shadows illustrate disgrace.
All we’ve put our faith in fails us:
Reason brings its power of war,
Unity of hearts eludes, thus
Severed isolates we are.

Most of western humankind
These days prefers the company
Of dogs or cats to people bonds.
They do not bite.  Well, not many.
If nothing else this observation
Clarifies the entropy
Of this rational thing called reason.
When, of such, shall we be free?

One tenth of the human brain power
Is the maximum we use
If we are to credit science.
“What if…”  What is our excuse?
We can wonder what if we had
All the other nine tenths  too.
Would we not be chuckling, die-hard,
“Just Neil Armstrong on the moon?”

Where would lie the great credential
If a man could understand
How to implement potential
Past this morbid limit land.
P’rhaps we’d learn to live together.
War would now no longer rule.
No starvation, lonely fever,
Intimacy no more a duel.

Man has known, since history
Began to make its mark on time,
Of the other world of spirit.
Some are terror, One sublime.
One there was, who visited
This planet in the days of yore,
Astounding elders with His wisdom
At the age of twelve – no more.

He grew on, no less inspiring
Thousands with His repartee.
Everywhere He went they’re gathering
Immeasurable compassion He.
Miracles his feet accompanied.
Where He trod served love profound.
Yet His voice sliced through the need
To self-promote with loud resound.

What had He that every other
Man throughout the history
Of humankind could find no brother
Quite like this?  Who could He be?
People fight, Him to discredit.
“No man could perform like this.
**** Him off.  We’ll simply edit
Him from all our histories.”

So they did.  Or so they thought to.
But the grave could not defeat
This super human. Think we have to.
Human brain is now complete.
Jesus had the Spirit intact -
Mind and Truth now entertwined.
Change to holy human impact.

If we ask He gives His Spirit.
We can entertain His heart
Overflowing with the wisdom
That the Spirit can impart.
Yes we too can yet experience
Life in full 100%.
Well, nearly.  Falling short of holy
Puts a smudge on every sense.

He empowers with His Spirit
Settled in a human heart,
Livening up the old grey matter
So it works in every part.
Exchange misery for gladness,
Shadows for a radiant light,
Thrown those lies out with the garbage
And the long depressive night.
I'm seeing so many poems about depression, misery, suicide on this site.  Believe me I understand this scenario but there is a way to deal effectively with it.  My destiny is not depression, or the black dog, but the Light of Life.
Jan 2014 · 823
Psalm 1 Lookalike
Helen Murray Jan 2014
1.  Powerful is the man who isn't listening to culturally correct counselling, isn't cautiously trying to please everybody, and who doesn't see outright scorn and sarcasm as a reason for backing down from the truth.
2.  But he is so excited about the teachings of God that he spends time learning them every day and night.
3.  He shall be like a  giant-sized redgum tree by a great river, blossoming and seedbearing regularly each year, never looking even a little bit dry, and every year he'll be getting more and more successful at what he does.
4.  Outside of God there are no guarantees like that.  The wind can blow anywhichway for outsiders.
5.  They'll fall over when the rubber hits the road on the Day of the Lord, and narcissism won't work among God's faithful people.
6.  The Lord can easily pick out His faithful followers, but the others won't be able to hold their heads above water in the long run.
Jan 2014 · 743
Helen Murray Jan 2014
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh.  Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh. Creation is groaning.
Its beauty is losing its wonderful face.
Tears there are streaking and staining its liberty,
Yet there’s the Spirit of Truth in His place.

F = ma and G = gravity
falling at 32’/s/s.
Natural law doesn’t change from its infancy.
Earth was made perfect and that’s on the record.

Why then this fracture of precious inventiveness?
How does it happen that something went wrong?
Was it intended, this frightful disaster?
Why this dischord in a beautiful song?

Earth waits in agony for re-commissioning,
Blood on the ground.  It’s the spirit of death.
Yes he was placed here to sort out the heartening
Souls of creative men tangling with Truth.

Creation is groaning ‘cause Truth is the soul of it.
Those who embrace her inherit the earth.
As for the others, when death’s reward comes to them,
They’ll know the Truth, but destruction’s their path.

One day the Son will arrive to inherit
This earth, and restore it to vigor and Life.
He’ll have no party with lies and their consequence.
King of the times He’ll just rule out that strife.

Then will the earth once again reach its majesty.
Then once again mighty mountains may dance.
Then will the joy of the great restoration
Complete the perfection, the longed for romance.
Romans 8: 21, 22.  The creation itself, also, will be delivered from the ******* of corruption into the glorious liberty of the Children of God.  For we know that the whole creation groans and labours with birth pangs together until now.
Jan 2014 · 777
Psalm 23 lookalike:
Helen Murray Jan 2014
1:   The Lord is my wonderful mentor.  I have no fears of lack when I'm around Him.
2:   He is so peaceful to be around, so SAFE, it's like spread-eagling out on the grass, or dabbling one's feet in still water to make my ripples.
3:   He always has encouragement for me so that my soul feels well content and animated.  He teaches me the amazing values of righteousness, of  keeping my behaviour honed and clean, because He wants my intimacy!
4:   No matter what happens, or where I am emotionally, or what I'm facing - even death itself - I have nothing to be afraid of
Because you are defending my back with your powerful weaponry, and that is a great comfort to me.
5:   There is the most dazzling table of goodies that You have set up for me, and those who make fun of me have absolutely NO IDEA about it - they have no idea of what they are missing out on!
      Not only that but You pour the oil of your favour and blessings all over my head and life.
      My cup isn't half empty.  It isn't half full either.  It's absolutely running out all over the place!  It never stops.
6:   If there is one thing I am sure of, it's that true love and gentlest touch are my environment every single day that I live, and that is exactly where I will remain - right there in the Lord's House, for ever and ever.
This psalm is a favourite of mine especially verse 5.  I really love these secrets!
Jan 2014 · 3.6k
Psalm 31 Lookalike
Helen Murray Jan 2014
1:   The Greatest Insurance Policy Ever!
Lord, You are my personal insurance plan.
Don't let Yourself out of this contract.
Extricate me from all my troubles with your superb mastery.
2:   Flick your wonderfully sharp ears in my direction,
Get me out of this quagmire ASAP;
Be my total fall-back blueprint,
My absolutely secure fall-back scheme.
3:   Yes, You are my complete, rock-solid defense.
That being the case, and so that You are recognised by everyone around me, direct my footsteps and show me the way.
4:   You know about that trap they hid for me - so get me out of it fast.  In you is my surprisingly  sprung rebound.
5:   I am only too happy to fall untterly into Your hands, body, mind and spirit
Your indomitable truth has freed me over and over.
6:   I hate the deference given to fool's game icons when I can trust in You.
7:   How ecstatic I am dancing here in your compassion, for you are intimately concerned with my problems, and my very soul is safe in Your hands when I'm struggling.
8:   Never once have you let the enemy take over - It's always surprising how you extract me from their schemes.
9:   And here I am again, Lord, in big trouble.  Don't know if I've got any tears left for this poor old body and soul.
10:   All my life there is nothing but depression and misery.  I've made some stupid mistakes and now I'm paying for them.  It seems I haven't a leg to stand on.
11:  My detractors make a fool of me, and that includes my close circle of friends.  It seems they can't stand the very idea of me.  They can never stop to talk but are always busy somewhere else.
12:   I might as well be dead for all they care, as long as they don't have to think about me.  I feel completely knocked out.
13:  They don't get it Lord  They're telling lies about me.  Their bullying is just plain scary.
They get together to eliminate me out of their picture.  ****** is no problem to them.
14:  Yet I know I can bet on You, dear Lord.  My answer is You.
15:   I know that times are yours to deal with; Just get me out of their hands, and get me somewhere safe from this constant persecution.
16:  Make an example of them Lord, by exonerating me.  Let them know that You are my BLOOD BROTHER!
17:  I am dependent on You God, and I know You won't shame me.  Let them wear it themselves.  The grave will stop their boasting.!
18:  I do like the open mouths when liars have nothing to say, because the proud, contemptuous rhetoric against your people hits the dust hard.
19:  There is such magnificence about your  kindness torque which you set up for us who have finally learned to esteem You., which you spread out for the ones who have joined Your ranks, and it's right out there for the sons of men to covet!  (That's what they need to covet.)
20:  It's so fun that You protect us secretly by Your very presence, so they can't get a grip on us..  Yes, Your Truth keeps us safely secured, away from their tongue-lashings.
21:  I'm screaming out "Blessed be Yahweh" because He has demonstrated to me his kindness torque right here in a dynamic place.
22:  I thought, and indeed I said, "You don't care about my situation."  Even so, You paid attention to my pleading voice storming your ears.
23:  Oh, How can I say it any stronger?  All of you who are His children, that the Lord immunises the faithful, and boy does He repay arrogance.
24:  Get your war boots on everyone.  He is your backup cover - (BLOOD BROTHER JESUS of the NT).  Your heart beats in sync with His heart all you brothers and sisters in Jehovah, and that is your strength.
Psalms are songs.  I love to re-write them as if they had been just written in Australia.  They are certainly not accurate translations, but directly inspired, verse by verse, by David's psalms
Helen Murray Jan 2014
What earthly good is the poet?
He spins webs of words just to show it.
It takes up his time,
Is no good for a dime,
He’ll just shuffle a thought and then blow it.

I shuffle through acres of poems
Trusting when I see good ones I’ll know ‘em.
Then finding a gem
That electrocutes whim
So, transfixed, my heart pounding,
From Facebook and tweeting,
I'll copy and save,
On my blog write a rave,
And in emails distribute and stow 'em.
Derived from a discussion on Linked-in about what is a good poem.
Helen Murray Jan 2014
Death I see, that ugly spectre,
Coarsely overshadows youth.
Lame, they look for interaction
With the bondman.  Shame, forsooth!

Drowning in the dams of liars
When they could be shining lights!
They believe what e’er is told them,
****** in by the TV sights.

Culture told them there’s no future,
There’s no healing for despair.
Bet they never read the Bible –
Words of LIFE spelt loud and clear.

There’s no need for this attrition
Of our children.  Give them truth.
Let them listen to the old ones –
Hard they learned the facts of life.

By the power of scripture they have
Overcome the skull and bones.
Into joy and peace they’re marching.
Youth could follow in those zones.

Up to them to stop and listen.
Perhaps the media got it wrong.
Find a person in their nineties,
Who survived the wars and so on.

They are old because their attitude
Enabled them to plunge right in,
Boots and all in right perspective,
Shake and move, the truth to win.

They’ve believed in right and beauty,
Principles and sacrifice.
Not for them the great self pity
Serving death – man-trap device.

Rather they’ve bent over backwards
To embrace another’s need,
And serving, felt the great dynamic  
LIFE FORCE.  Yes.  They were a breed!
So much culture/poetry today celebrates death, and consequently breeds death.  It is entirely un-necessary.
Jan 2014 · 1.6k
Your Wedding
Helen Murray Jan 2014
This is your day in the sun,
Your day of triumph,
Of commitment,
Of promise and intention,
Of New Beginnings,
The end of loneliness.
This is the new foundation,
The plying together of bricks and mortar
The bricks to give colour and shape,
The mortar to give structure and soundness,
So that together you are an impregnable fortress
With doors of heartfelt love,
Windows of vision,
Rooms of peace and generousity,
Furnishings of service and beauty,
And a garden of sweet memories to grow.
I wish you success at every turn,
Joy on every path,
Delight in all the little things of life,
Deeply rooted and vigorously sprouting shoots of loyalty and love
Nurtured on the fertiliser of experience and wisdom,
very much love
Jan 2014 · 992
Exquisite Blue Wrens
Helen Murray Jan 2014
Brrrrrm Brrrrrrrm halt, now geared in park
With the brake on,  waiting, just for a lark.
Here in immediacy, come out to play
Exquisite blue wrens, at the end of the day.
Leaving their nest in the bushes close by
To examine the scene, for here is a wry
Little creature,  we clearly can see
The great disappearer.  Invisible he
Will only come out when the car arrives home.
Wherever he goes other times is unknown.
Flutter, flutter, question mark.  How can this be?
And what is this hard thing that we cannot see?
Now where is his nest, his wife and their egg?
They must be somewhere in this space that we peg.
Committed to finding what this bird’s about,
And then we will boot him from our garden out -
But such an enigma.  There is evidence, sure,
Right there in the mirror, we’ve seen it before.
Jan 2014 · 1.5k
Shooting Goals
Helen Murray Jan 2014
There’s a horse in my backyard,
Most magnificent to regard,
Black his colour, long his mane
Upon his shoulder tangling down.
Jet coat shines and muscles ripple
As he rears and prances danger.
He’s a stallion, powerfully built.
His name is Anger.

There’s another little pony,
Very lovable is this one.
Bright and sunny is her nature,
White and gold her bristling colour.
As everybody’s favourite choice,
She works the long, extended hours,
But overworked, she has a voice!
She is Compassion.

Next, the pinto comes for breakfast,
Trotting sweetly to the repast,
Tough and wiry, head tossed gaily,
Snorting, stamping, propping daily,
He’s the one with his own mind,
Hard mouth, slow to understand
What is needed tags behind.
He’s called Willpower.

Can’t leave out the lovely racer,
Chestnut, and the red lights lace her!
Most eye-catching, charged, and ready,
Whipping round upon a penny,
Found where other horses run,
She’ll toss you off if she thinks she can,
Ever dancing in the sun.

There are many steeds at stable
In my backyard.  I am able
To learn to manage every one
Under tuition of the Son.
Jealousy, Envy, Hope and Fear
Are some of the others that I hold dear.
Each has its place and each its task
And each its sting.

For the rider who is highly skilled,
And has his mounts all daily drilled,
Will play life’s game of polo well.
His coach will keep him on the ball.
And every horse will become his friend,
Learn good manners, when to stretch,
When to pull and twist and send
The ball to goal!
This was one of the first of my poems inspired by years of telephone ministry and discovering that people have no idea what to do with their emotions.  I think emotions are like horses - powerful, it's no good starving them in the back paddock, and you can,t let them run the show because they'll dump you, wipe you out under a tree, bolt with you, squash you against the barbed-wire fence - unless you can ride.  Then you have a wonderful, powerful partnership.  It's a case of learning to ride them.
Jan 2014 · 1.9k
The Bear
Helen Murray Jan 2014
There’s a bear in there!
“ A bear? Where? Where?”
“In church. See there?”
“Can you see the bear?”

“It’s a fashion trend
With a flirty look.
It’s a magazine
With a gossip hook.

It’s a leading man
With an undead past.
It’s a promise made
That doesn’t last.

It’s a lazy trend
That wastes the time,
And doesn’t relate
To the heart sublime.”

“I always said that
We musn’t judge.”
“But we must discern,
Maybe give a nudge.”

“But the Scripture says
Take the beam out first.”
“That’s exactly right,
And so we must -

But then we durst
Turn a sinner back,
Save a soul from death
For His great love’s sake.

Our lampstand must
Remain in place.
May not ******.

Toleration and
Bring death. Not there the
White stone lies.

Comfort Gospel
(Jezebel’s whim
And society’s ease )
Is a preacher’s sin.

Earthly treasure will
Close the eye so
The Light is dim
Where many go.”

“But Jesus promised
His healing hand,
Great plans for our future
We understand.”

“You’re right, He did
But the problem is
It’s not in the carnal
His purpose lies.

It’s in character building
Through struggle ,pain
And sacrifice
Again and again,

Until His children
Can submit
To his greater plan
In a perfect fit.

Until they can get
A handle on
His vision for Life
And eternity strong.

Will you go there?
With determined tread
And a single mind
His purpose read?

Will you open your page
In His blueprint plan
And download a copy
To your hard drive, (wo) Man?
Pastor’s Sermon this morning exactly mirrored my prayer concerns over the last weeks. I saw a bear, huge, upright, very fluffy in a burnt honey shade. He looked so cuddly, but the warning was that he had sharp teeth. As I have been praying about it I had the thought that the bear was our culture which has permeated church communities and contaminated them to a major degree.
Jan 2014 · 678
Helen Murray Jan 2014
A heavy landscape clouds my weary eyes.
The fog lies low and hides those pretty flowers.
The London cab is almost red and vanished
The traffic slows, while sleet has walkers punished.
Wealth eludes.  So driven, I’ve found new sights.
I dream. I struggle. Distance calls. I fight

Within myself a battle.  Shall I go
And leave my loved one lost and grieving so?
Will she wait for me, that bubbly lass
Whom my heart longs to hold in soft embrace?
Will she upon our romance shut the door?
Or when my fortune’s made in the lands afar,
Will she then come to share my rising star?

Will sweetest heart remain my faithful friend?
I fear the question curdles like a fiend.
The ocean barque awaits and I must board
In just three weeks.  I heartily adored
Her flouncing curls of bronze, her laughing eyes,
And heart-shaped, pouting lips and turned-up nose.

Yet go I must, for fortune calls my name.
“Dear Barbara, will you faithfully remain
In England’s arms until I send for you
From lands downunder. I must say adieu.
I bought some land and go to build a house,
And graze some cattle, new life to espouse.

When all is done I’ll pay your passage out
And wait for you to come in style. I’ll shout
And tell the world that you are mine alone,
You’ll have such finery.  I’ll see it done.”
“I will not wait,” it broke my heart to hear.
She paused and, teasing, cast her eyes down drear,

Then lifted up her head and tossed her curls,
And planting both her lips upon my own,
“I’ll come WITH you when your ship’s flag unfurls”
She cried. With that the deed was quickly done.
The captain married us upon the seas,
Our life began amidst the high sea’s breeze.
Written at the request of a sailing friend whose love is for the great sailing ships of the old times .  He gave me the title and the first verse of Gray's Elegy to begin it, but having written it I had to re-write the first verse as it was 'stolen'.  I tried to re-capture a similar theme for the first verse.
Jan 2014 · 945
You and me and you.
Helen Murray Jan 2014
You made me laugh – when I was crying.
You made me strong – when I was weak.
You gave me wisdom – for my foolishness.
You gave me vision – when I was bleak.

You asked me one thing – that I would trust You.
You showed me something I’d never known –
Yet it was something my heart was aching for –
Your overpowering love and gentleness were shown.

I knew that I would always trust You.
I knew that You would walk with me.
Whatever life might throw down my way
Your Truth would always keep me free.

Life’s bitter highway has thrown me boulders,
Resuscitation comes alone from You –
And with it light, the shadows all surpassing.
This life is known by far too few.

So many lies twine round the heartstrings.
So many demons tranquilise the soul.
So many shutters cancel out the vision
Of the One and only Christ who makes men whole.

A man must choose his fate. His future
Depends entirely on his choices now.
Believe the lies and blindly follow fortune’s way,
Or find the truth and wear a winner’s gown.

Could you be brave enough to look for truth?
Could you be one who’s willing to believe?
Could you then trust the Man who went before us all
Through death to Life, our vision to retrieve.

Could you dance when the chips are down?
Could you be one unstoppable at last,
Whose back cannot be broken by vicissitudes of life.
Could you be one with Him?  It’s no great ask.

Could you tell Him “I’m not quite all I thought I was,”
Could you face facts with vision’s morning dew,
And find the blood of Jesus quite up to the task
Of full resuscitation.  You could be brand new!
Jan 2014 · 2.1k
Helen Murray Jan 2014
"Boots for sale . Boots for sale.
Who will buy my beautiful boots?
They are crafted with broken hands,
Designed individually, beautiful boots."

"What is the price of these beautiful boots
Crafted so carefully with broken hands."
"The price is a pure heart within a dead body
Resurrected, clean, by the Blood of the Lamb."

"What will I do with these boots you are selling me?
Where will they take me, all washed in this Blood?
They will take you to mountains all craggy, majestic.
They'll never wear out till you complete the job."

"And what is the job I must do with these boots on me?
Where are these mountains that soon I must climb?"
"These mountains are everywhere. Cast your eyes round you.
Their summits are glorious, their victory sublime.

It's you who must yearn for them, cry for them, live for them,
You who must ***** up them breathing your fire,
You who must plant our flags right on the crest of them,
Make them the cynosure of human desire.'

'How can I yearn for them, cry for them, live for them,
***** up their rocky tracks yet breathing fire.
How can I carry a great waving flag up them
Too many enemies . Think I'll retire.'

"You're not a Jonah. I bred you for greater things.
I'll deal with enemies they're in my hands.
Yours is the task just to excel in holiness -
Every wee part of it. Holiness stands!

Simply draw near to Me. History is in my heart.
Use your great talents and display My name.
Hide not your trust in Me. Speak it out joyfully.
Just be ye perfect and true without shame.

These boots will not wear out. They'll reach the mountain peaks.
Seven tall mountains you'll claim for the flag.
Look at the enemy. They'd like what you have!
So you can give it them. More to be had.

But don't plagiarize my Name, hide the annointing.
Shout from the rooftops that JESUS IS LORD!
Do not pretend My blood can be rejected
While yet all My blessings are cutely absorbed.

This is the lie that all men must face up to.
I am the Truth that will light up the way.
You are the torches I chose from eternity
You are the ones who will light up the day.

You are the troopers who'll take every mountain.
You will not flinch before death. It is dead!
You climb those mountains and take them for Jesus
The bridegroom who's coming so soon to be Head.

These are the mountains I've named for the taking.
Media first, moved by terror and fear.
You will redeem it by truthful reporting
And seeing the visions that Jesus holds dear.

Second is Government. Take its high places.
Don't be afraid of its big brother frown.
Third, Education, the heart of our children
Who need, above all things, in Truth to be grown.

Fourth are the Finances. Greed is the notion.
But Greed will fall heavily as giants do.
Fifth, Celebrations need Life at their centre,
And this is rejoicing with hearts pure and true.

Sixth is the Mountain of Family Unity,
Bleeding and tearing our children apart.
Fire of the fathers will take on this mountain
While mothers' sweet gifts set the family heart.

Last is that towering mountain, Religion,
That covers the truth with it's layer of lies.
Hear what the Spirit is telling the prophets
And see what he'll do with his wonderful spies!"

The spies of the Spirit are those who see Heaven,
Who hear and declare what the Father wants known.
Helen Murray Jan 2014
Noah, have you built your floating ark yet?
A tsunami's on its way to clean up earth.
Banks, seduction tumble and the media gets wet.
Noah, have you built your floating ark yet?
Obfuscation, hedonism ready set
For obsolescence. Visions replace dearth.
Noah, have you built your floating ark yet?
A tsunami's on its way to clean up earth.
Jan 2014 · 626
NEW YEAR 2014:
Helen Murray Jan 2014
May you make the New Year happy for some-body.
May your new year bubble over with holiness and a pure heart limitless before God.
May your resolution be strengthened and the capacity of your heart enlarged.
May you partake liberally of the table set before us in the presence of our enemies.
May love be your response to every situation and person – not soft fuzzy love, but love made wise and strengthened by the truth that sets us free.
May you stretch liberally to meet the demands of love and so grow rich in freedom and peace.
May prosperity haunt you and laughter regale you, friendship storm you and the Freedom of the Spirit of Truth always prevail.
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
Sexual Abuse Victim to Be
Helen Murray Dec 2013
Hear my cry.
I’m just brand new.
I survived the womb
and my first breath drew.
For the next twenty years
must I suffer child abuse?
Must I be the victim
Of  a criminal choice?
There’s a twenty per cent chance
That my childhood will provide
An evil ****** education
that I will deride.
There’s a twenty per cent chance
I’ll have a very large account
for my mental health requirement.
Think I’d rather dismount
from life right now
than go through all of that.
Can you please change my outlook?
I’m being very frank.
I cannot face life
Through such insufferable pain.
I’d rather go back
To the place from which I came!
But I can’t!
P-L-E-A-S-E  H-E-L-P   M-E
I like to present this poem with a picture of six human babies plus a baby elephant, so that people might consider which will be the victim.

— The End —