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 Mar 2016 Hannah Martin
m i a
lonely nights,
verbal fights,
no more flying kites,
blind to imaginary knights,
losing sight of light,
this doesnt seem right,
life is no longer a delight,
reality woke me up today telling me, "get the **** up, you're not a kid anymore." which was oh so lovely.
 Mar 2016 Hannah Martin
why am i
being blamed for something
i didn't do?

when is it going to stop
being my fault?

why is it
always me
who takes the fall?

when will i
put myself
back together?

will i still
be able to?
'Dad...tell me something about women' he said.

Well,son...i'll tell you three things...
First-A woman is as mysterious as the chances are that you will never ever decipher the woman you're with

Second-A woman is as untamable as the never try to control her..rather respect her and love her for who she is

And third-Never let go of a woman who truly appreciates you and cares for you

'But will i know which woman is the one for me?'he asked

'Don't worry son...when you meet that special will know...your heart will tell you.'
 Feb 2016 Hannah Martin
No words of wisdom can cure
a feeling felt
by the victim so poor.
A killer coming out
before the clock strikes three
stabbing you from the inside
Oh, anxiety

Now you start to feel shaky
And you know
it's another night without sleep
The feeling so nostalgic
Oh, anxiety

Those days were over
I knew my soul is free
From my body hanging
on the ceiling
Oh, anxiety
Oh, you have... scars?*
Your words are drenched in disgust.
But don't let what you see deceive you,
you can't guess the stories I don't tell.
And you can't know if you don't ask.

You should know better than that by now;
my scars are not what you'd expect.
And neither am I.
For someone who thinks seeing me without clothes means seeing me naked and bare.
 Feb 2016 Hannah Martin
I find it scary how there is no escape,
There is no escape from ignorance,
There is no escape from arrogance,
There is no escape from being judged,
There is no escape from racism,
There is no escape from sexism,
There is no escape from homophobia,
There is no escape from cruelty,
There is no escape from heartbreaks,
There is no escape from disappointment,
There is no escape from failure,
There is no escape from fear,
There is no escape from hatred,
There is no escape from war,
There is no escape from reality,
              NO ESCAPE FROM LIFE.
Day 1. I was in complete denial, but I thought about dying.
Day 2. I cleaned my room and it didn't make me feel any better.
Day 3. I cried so ******* the phone with my dad. And it was his birthday.
Day 4. I knew you replaced me.
Day 5. I started thinking about other people.
Day 6. I went out by myself for the first time in my entire life.
Day 7. You asked me out, and I was terrified you were going to leave me again.
Day 8. I heard a song that made me think of you.
Day 9. I saw you at our bar, and it ruined my night.
Day 10. I went home and snuggled with my mom, and she told me that I'm not allowed to say your name anymore.
Day 11. I stayed up for over 24 hours because I didn't want to see you in my dreams.
Day 12. I spent the night with a man who makes me feel like a queen.
Day 13. I watched a black and white movie and the main character looked like you and I didn't cry.
Day 14. I didn't check your facebook.
Day 15. A man gave me $300 just to spend the night with him after we drank scotch.
Day 16. My anger has turned to nothing. I feel nothing about you.
Day 17. I saw you on the street and slowed my stride so I wouldn't cross paths with you.
Day 18. I'm okay. And you're horrible. But I wish you the best.
Day 19. I hate you. What is Valentine's Day without you?
Day 20. I miss you. But I never want to be with you again.
Day 21. Who will I watch Game of Thrones with?
Day 22. The man I've been seeing is so much better at *** than you.
Day 23. I'm so bitter that you replaced me.
Day 24. I can't listen to Alt-J anymore because it makes me cry over you.
Day 25. I wish you would've just stayed and came to Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Day 26. You're welcome for buying you "Life is Strange".
Day 27. It makes me so sad that I won't be able to quote South Park with you anymore.
Day 28. I love you, but I hate you.
Day 29. I fed you popcorn when we saw Star Wars and it felt like we were back together.
Day 30. You've made me feel grief more than any family member has passed.

— The End —