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4.4k · Dec 2014
immature (be a kid)
Geary evans Dec 2014
I never forget what it feels like to be kid
But you have say I am immature but at least I know how to be happy at Least I can still feel like a kid when the world is too busy fighting each other i give myself time Out so I can reflect on my thoughts and ideas you being rough on yourself

Try being a kid sometime it helps

Remember you're as you think
2.0k · Dec 2014
Sutter(find the words)
Geary evans Dec 2014
Trying to find the words to say but I can't
I feel like I am drowning in my own words
Let me talk let me say what I want
I can talk just give me a minute to think
Times up  no I am ready to speak
How I am feeling
802 · Nov 2016
who i am
Geary evans Nov 2016
A strong man a servant of God
A lover and brother
A son and a uncle
A human being with flaws
I knowledge i am not perfect
But can you do the same
783 · Dec 2019
still looking
Geary evans Dec 2019
for what I cannot have
for what my heart bleeds for
still looking yes I am
move on you say how can I ?
trying to love you but why you ask
you're the  queen which I seek
still looking for you
777 · Nov 2016
I remember
Geary evans Nov 2016
I remember when I first met you
I remember when I first saw
I remember been there with you
I remember walking you to your car
668 · Nov 2016
Give up
Geary evans Nov 2016
I just started
No I am not done yet
I  am not tired
Just give me time
It pains me but I can I do it
610 · Feb 2016
flames in my eyes
Geary evans Feb 2016
How could I ignored it
How could I say it don't feel it
The feeling of been betrayal
The feelings of been sell short of my worth
Flames in my eyes burn with anger
And you don't see it how
Don't tell me to calm it down
How about looking me in the eyes
See how I feel before you say something

#sellout #bitterheart #flames
564 · Nov 2016
Geary evans Nov 2016
I am talking to you
Yes i know what you hear
I see what you see
I feel what you feel
I bear the burden you bear
Only if i could help you
542 · Nov 2016
i cried
Geary evans Nov 2016
How can I  stop
Why does it have to be you
I feel like I did something wrong
Please show me a sign you're listening
Only if I was strong enough
I cried because you not here anymore
I still pretend you here
Rest in peace auntie
522 · Jul 2019
Why does it have to be you
Geary evans Jul 2019
I don't want to think about it
Please don't let me see it
It must be a bad dream
You were supposed to be there
What will I tell you my future kids
I want to go i will not pull the plug
Where ever you are auntie i love you o pray God brought us together again
447 · Aug 2015
Trust me
Geary evans Aug 2015
Trust you  I did
Now I have knife sticking me in the heart
Trust i coudnt keep it sceret you coudnt
Trust me i been lie to
392 · Feb 2016
Geary evans Feb 2016
I feel so weak
I can't choose
I can't breath
I can't feel
370 · Dec 2014
Geary evans Dec 2014
Give me a minute to think
I am sorry if I am taking long
Please believe In my words
Tell me I am trying don't leave without saying I tried
Love story
366 · Feb 2016
I tried
Geary evans Feb 2016
I tried to live
I tried to love
I tried to feel
I tried to breath
I feel like I tried so much nothing works
Do you see my attempts or just my failure
349 · Dec 2014
looking down
Geary evans Dec 2014
Sometimes I sit on the bus
And wonder where my life is going
What I am doing wrong I look down at my
Feet I need new shoes but I have plenty
I look down off the roof seeing the world is
242 · Dec 2019
i want you
Geary evans Dec 2019
what must I do
what can I say
how should I approach you
what would be the outcome
for I desire you in my life
I want to you I want you
but I cant have you
for the one which I seek may my words get to you
234 · May 2020
Years of pain
Geary evans May 2020
How long must I perstist
How long must I wait
How long until I have to wait
Those lips those eyes those hands
Are you sent from heaven or just a fallen angel
Years I wait for you and yet I am still not worthy to be your
I. Wait for you
233 · Aug 2019
Love lost
Geary evans Aug 2019
the one I left at the door way
the one I cannot unloved
the one who see see the scars
your knows my name
your told soul will tame soul
love lost
178 · May 2020
The real virus
Geary evans May 2020
What tragedy is it to see what is coming
People dying people starving no way to survive
No way to eat the hangry must go on
The poor must suffer it is the consequences we pay for not knowing
The real virus isn't itself but humanity is the real threat
We can't coexist as one blood and flesh
Everyone wants war where is the peace where is the love
We are the problem

— The End —