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 Feb 2017 FiesaLy
Dead Account
Tell me is it strange
to be someone I am not
to find my true self?
First haiku.
 Feb 2017 FiesaLy
 Feb 2017 FiesaLy
I did not mean to fall
for you but it's
your words
that made
me do
I didn't
give in that easily
just because you were
so nice and sweet every
time we speak.
 Feb 2017 FiesaLy
Cup Noodles
some things
are better left
but this one probably isn't
 Feb 2017 FiesaLy
Gabriel burnS
every grain of sand
is secretly
a polyhedron
that despises science
like every grain of joy
has at least one side
that hurts
 Feb 2017 FiesaLy
Damian Murphy
All those who look but do not see,
Those who listen but do not hear,
Show such a lack of empathy
That those who truly care should fear.

 Feb 2017 FiesaLy
Mohd Arshad
Key to open the  door of unexpected joys
its magical,
how black stains,
transform in small galaxies
in our body,
and make everything stop to seem
like an bruise,
in our soul.
how can a black stain,
be so beautiful?
 Feb 2017 FiesaLy
Organized Chaos
The best part of a shadow
is you know there's Light around.
For the ones who dwell within
you may be lost, but *can be found.
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