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 Sep 2017 Erin Brown
Dear Daddy,
Do you know what these men say to me?

With their
eyes and their mouths
when I walk on the street.

With a grin and a nod
and a look up and down.
A wink and a kiss
and a cat call heard from downtown.

With my skirt short
and my top
It’s a cold world daddy
and no
doesn’t mean no.

Daddy do you know
how these men look at me?

Like I’m a piece of meat
strutting down the street?
With my head buds in
and my favorite song on.

I’m asking for it Daddy,
I’m in the wrong.

Do you know how it feels
not to wear what I like?

To walk a little faster
when I’m alone at night?

Daddy the world is my predator
and I am it's doe,
Daddy what happens
when I can’t say no?
She came to him one day and said
That She wished to fly
He met her gaze and shook his head
And begged her not to try

Her lips twisted and brows knit
As She failed to understand
Just why He wanted her to quit
And be content on land

An oath, She made, to herself to see
The stars She would explore
Although He said no just let it be
And wished to hear no more

She asked him why She shouldn't go
And why He so loved the ground
For She dreamed of soaring to and fro
And living amongst the clouds

He looked at her, sighed and said
That this journey would only lead
To disappointment in the end
As She would surely not succeed

Encouraged by his stinging words
She set out to do even more
She promised to be just like the birds
To not just fly, but to soar

So for a time, through night and day
She tried again and again
Until the morn She found her way
And rode, gracefully, the wind

She glided, majestically, here and there
And also far and near
And so She told him so, with love and care
That He had nothing to fear

Yet, on the ground He wished stay
And still refused to go
So the two went their separate ways
She flying high, and He perched below

Through his eyes, his sorrows fled
His heart a heavy stone
Because He had known how this would end
With her free, leaving him alone

And He remembered the day She said
That She had wished to fly
For it was not She he doubted, but himself instead
As He had never dared to try
 Jul 2017 Erin Brown
I forgot what it was like to be happy

until you painted my whole world with colors.
 Jun 2017 Erin Brown
The Jolteon
Trust, honesty
And mutual respect
Are these things
We forget
Or things
We neglect

For our friends
We attempt
A semblence
Of intent

For our lovers
We invent
Illusions of
What's best
 May 2017 Erin Brown
James Court

(meanwhile, on
earth) ... what
i do
about it?
Continue to do your thing
Work hard and stay on track
Move towards your mission
Forge ahead and do not look back
Be the epitome of excellence
Greatness is within you
Just master your craft
Always be the best at whatever you do
 May 2017 Erin Brown
It's time

for you to begin seeking

the great world

that is in front of you.
 May 2017 Erin Brown
James Court
Waking in my room -
pause and consider; should I
leave the house today?

Nobody would care.
Nobody else at home. I've
no good reason to.

It's safe in here. I
have my bed, my piano,
things to distract me.

It's a rare day that
I want to leave the house. There's
none to judge me here.

Alone in my room,
breeze arousing my curtains,
but I'm not lonely.

This is the place where
I feel more comfortable
than anywhere else.

So maybe I'll just
stay at home, write a poem
or song. And just be.
They may look to the sky or to their reflections
in windows and water but I am only looking at you.
The way petals fall into the sky when the wind
pulls them apart or how colour seeps
into daisies has never intrigued me. Why would it
when I could look at you, the timeless flower
who takes language and turns it into a colour?
You never die no matter what the weather is,
blooming and blooming.
You make me try to blossom and become beautiful
even if I am wilted and ugly.
You see me as a flower too beautiful to leave
behind when it's you that is the beautiful one.
You're the flower I pick every time I see it
and somehow you never die
because your beauty is too intense to allow
your colours to fade,
so I'll keep you tucked behind my ear
and I'll sing with the swans
because your beauty is reflecting on me.
~~ You're the loveliest flower I can see. ~~
 Apr 2017 Erin Brown
I need to pay more attention in chemistry

instead you're all my eyes wanna see

So I began paying you more attention
And wondering if we had chemistry

But then you moved seats permanently

So I decided you probably wouldn't be into me
Goodbye to my slurpee dreams
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