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Doy A May 2014
All the nights I’ve spent huddled
in the dark,
in this room,
talking to you ceaselessly
about dreams and nightmares
and The Killers
are the best nights I’ve had
"with" you so far,
so much better than
that night I lit my cigarette with yours
so much better than
not remembering holding your arm
because we were wasted.
I love your brain
more than anything else.
Word *****, you and I.
I wish we could be like this
when mornings come.
I mean, just talk like normal human beings
when our faces are 4 feet apart
because when you’re 2 miles away
is the only time your sentences make sense.

Sometimes I want to install
Facebook Messenger
on my face
and yours
if that’s the only way you and I
can ever get past awkward and jittery
when we stare into each other’s eyes.
Doy A May 2014
I am lost
for words
for feelings
for everything in between you and what could be
for all that cannot be.

I am lost
in your eyes
in this confusion
in this complicated mix of delusions and false reassurances
in my own dreams and goals.

There are still a lot of things I need to prove
to you
to everyone else
and most especially, to myself.
Doy A May 2014
As quickly as the ocean's waves turn themselves in
And as nimble as the ballerina making her final spin

As timely as the spring flowers come to life
And as melancholy as tonight

As agile as the lion's prey
And as doomed as the words I could never say

I love you, I love you
With as much blood as my heart can take
With as much breath as my lungs can contain
and let go.

I love you, I love you
With as much width as these tiny hands can hold,
With as much as steps these feet can muster

I love you, I love you
With as much time as this universe has.
Doy A May 2014
Room 20: Emergency Room

She is lying there,
Barely breathing
With a heart barely beating enough
To keep her alive.
All the tubes, wires, and prayers
Are fueling her soul to hold on.
"Please, don't leave us."
And then,
The sound they've all been dreading.
The endless beeping echo of death
Resounding in a room full of
Regret, anger, and relief.
"She's in a better place now."

Room 22: Stroke

He keeps on saying
He feels better
Ready to go home
All the while,
His wife's patience is dwindling.
"I'm all he's got now.
I can't leave him."

They're 70 years old,
Married for 45.
45 years and a ruptured artery
A plaque on his heart
And a boxful of God-knows-what drugs
She still holds his hand
Even when her own heart
Is heavy.

Room 24: Cancer

Maria went through three cycles in past the months
Three excruciating cycles of chemotherapy
They tell you the anti-emetics will reduce the side effects.
When you're 65-years old
And all alone,
And cancer is swimming in your veins,
What else do you hold on to?
These are the side effects:
You lie awake at night
Wishing you lived a better life
Wishing you didn't shut everyone out
You should've married
You should've spent more time living
Instead of merely surviving
"You're a survivor."
But what good is surviving when pain comes with it--
The type of pain
No medication
Can take away?

Room 25: Beauty

I am a mother of two.
A boy and girl.
Is what they call me.
I'm looking at my daughter,
And if only I accepted her,
For what she was
For what she wasn't
Then we wouldn't be here.
I took her to the Dermatologist
To fix what wasn't broken
She injected her with chemicals
That would heal her
But a horrible allergic reaction ensued.
I should've seen how
Beautiful my baby was.

Room 26: Prostate

Everybody loves him.
Even all his 20 kids
Whose mothers he can barely memorize.
I honestly don't know how many wives he has.
I don't even know how many
He has actually married.
All I know is this:
I am his current wife.
At 71,
His body doesn't work right
At 31,
I have needs
He could no longer meet.
But I love him.

Room 27: Not For Admission**

I am dark & desolate
I am hungry
For souls that need shelter
And tears that need hiding
I've seen enough deaths to even care how I'd look.
My paint is almost drying up,
My walls are almost ready
I can't wait for the next story.
Almost based on my real life patients. Everyday, I see too much suffering and joy and it would be a shame to not write about it. Thank you for inspiring me, I wish I could take away all your pains.
Doy A May 2014
If you'd let me,
I'd take your heart out from the cold
And warm it with my hands
Just so you'd know how
You make me feel alive
Except when you look at me
Because that's when I die

If you'd allow it
I'd tie strings on the sun and stars
And give them all to you
Just so you'd know how
You are the center of my universe
And I gravitate
Around you.
Doy A May 2014
I hear ten… No, eleven.
Eleven different voices everyday.
I try to shut them up,
But it only gets worse.
They shut me up.
Until I can no longer hear my own voice,
Screaming, as I tell my friends about the man I see across the room
Holding a dagger, ******.
Smiling, with teeth stained with the flesh of all the people he hurt before me.

They tell me, "It’s all in your head."
But how can that be
When I feel it piercing through my skin,
Gnawing on my bones,
Eating up my brain?

Eleven.. No, six.
Six voices telling me I’m beautiful
In languages I was never taught.

They tell me to calm down.
But what they don’t understand
is how I can never tell the difference
Between crazy and sane,
Reality and delusions

You held my hand one night,
And I knew for sure
*I was ******.
Doy A May 2014
Roll the windows down
Because it's getting harder to breathe
With your mouth on my neck
And my hips on yours

Roll the windows down
Because it's fogging up now
And it's getting harder to see
Who's coming our way

Roll the windows down
So they can hear me scream
As you push me down
And I pull you in

I live for these stolen nights
With your arms, strong, around me
And your kisses, hungry, to feed me
Your voice, ecstasy, to calm me

But daylight is coming
It's too soon, I know.

We have to roll the windows up
I can't let them see me
In this stranger's car
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