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 Mar 2015 DeadMan
 Mar 2015 DeadMan
I am free.
Free to smile,
At whatever makes me smile,
Free to dance,
Whenever I want to dance,
Free to sing,
Wherever I want to sing,
Free to run,
However far I want,
Free to love,
Whoever warms my heart,
Free to be,
The person I am for no reason,
Other than that it is who I am,
That it is who I will always be,
And that it is the one thing I don't need to explain:
I can't stop thinking about you.
What I'd give to turn it off.
I can't stop dreaming about you.
Please, someone, make it stop.

Why do you get to be happy?
When I'm here feeling so sad.
The memories of us taunt me.
But you've moved on —
You had it so easy.

I sit in my regrets.
Did I waste my time?
Can I go back?
Is there a point to all this thinking?
I can't make these thoughts stop.
I just want someone to save me.
I just want to be able to move on.
Like a fading dream,
I envision what no longer remains.
The softness of your grin.
Your smirk was of pure desire.

Looking in your eyes,
Was like looking at the ocean.
The blues of your iris captivated me.

Lightly I would stroke my hand,
Up and down your soft, pale skin.
Your complexion, perfect.

And that cute patch of freckles,
There on your back shoulder,
Made me smile.
Even your imperfections were perfect.

But it's all a dream now...
You disguise yourself.
You hide from all that is true.
But I can see you.
I hate feet, but shoes are stupid.
You look so sweet, but your heart is broken.
Get your life together,
That's what they tell you.
Get your life together,
That's what they say.

Trying to make ends meet,
While staying simple.
Paper or plastic?
They never ask anymore.
And what ever happened to
Face-to-face communication?
Maybe I'm too strange for it all.

I just want to do what I want.
Stop telling me what's right and what's wrong.
Sometimes I like pasta for breakfast.
Lunch tastes so good in the morning,
Don't you think?
I don't hate the planet,
I despise the people that inhabit it,
Cuz I'm looking through their eyes and all that matters is how much cash you spend,
Or how much you make,
But it don't matter how much I hate the twisted ways of all this waste that's in this place,
Cuz either way, this life ain't how I imagined it,

I pray for disasters,
I hope that it shatters,
I'll watch your world crack while you drown in my laughter,
Cuz all this won't matter when it turns a new chapter,

You'll watch me on my mountain top watching all you cowards fall,
And I'll sound the song and pound the drums at God before I curse him for letting this go on this long,

Flip the world off while I watch the ground just drop from under yall,

Take my place as king at the side of the devil cuz he sung his song,

You can call me the son of God,

Dear world,
I hope you ****** rot-
You shouldn’t have done that.
Told me you loved me when I was distracted.
I was caught up in another’s web of lies.
I was holding on to something that didn’t exist.

I had to push you away.
And now you’re gone.
You’ve got a girl now, that’s cool I guess.
Whatever makes you happy — does she?
I shouldn’t have told you it was over,
But you shouldn’t have done that.
Will you ever love me again?

You’ll take her to Spain.
Heard it rains a lot there.
It could have been us on that plane.
Every memory we’ll never have makes me so angry.
But you shouldn’t have done that.
You said you’d marry me, remember?

Maybe you were just lonely,
When you said all those things.
Maybe I’m a fool for thinking
Something could have ever happened.
But it’s too late now either way.
You’ve moved on because I made you.
I was loyal to some other non-existant fantasy.
But you shouldn’t have done that.
You shouldn’t have done that.

Often times I think of you.
I shouldn't care but I miss you.
Through every good and bad thing, I fear.
I could never forget you.
And I wonder what will become of us.
Because we are just like strangers now.
But you shouldn't have done that.
 Mar 2015 DeadMan
Eleanor Rigby
It wasn't the heartbreak, no.
It wasn't the anxiety or lack of motivation.
It wasn't the drugs that killed him.

I think that he simply got tired
Of all those lined up houses
In his neighbourhood.

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