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Dawn Treader Jun 2017
Original Cheese,
Wishes he was right,
Jealousy gets you embarassed,
In front of everyone,
Instead of attempting to call me out,
You could've learned it was me,
And what it was all about.
Not really a poem.  Someone on discord accused me of stealing work not realizing the account is mine. HAHAHA loser.  Jealousy gets you majorly embarassed in front of an entire group of poets.  Sorry for your luck theoriginalcheese.
Dawn Treader Jun 2017
Socrates consumed Hemlock,
Cleopatra embraced the Asp,
Alan Turing ate an apple laced with cyanide,
I, like those before me,
Have picked my poison;
An absinthe-eyed, quicksilver-tongued boy.
He was unsettled when I answered with the truth of his query,
Yes, he is poison,
I knowingly and willingly consume every drop of him,
Not all toxicity is solely adverse,
Radiation treats cancer,
Venom in low doses is an antidote,
Ethanol relaxes muscle and numbs the emotions.
He is my poison and my antidote,
He is the corrosive acid that dissolves gear-stopping rust,
I, in kind, am the poison apple of his eye,
Or so he says,
And so, we two, bask in the destruction of ourselves,
Consuming each other's pain, insecurity, madness, and lust,
Why is it that he, a poison, is the one I trust?
Two toxic individuals clinging to each other. Perhaps there's nothing better he can find.
Dawn Treader Jun 2017
Clinging to what's left,
The debris of us,
Floats down the calmed delta mouth,
A night of turbulent storms,
Has laid waste to our ship, "Golden Heart,"
Mighty was she, but no match,
For the storm of lies that welled up,
The waves carelessly consumed us whole,
You steered us right into the storm,
Instead of running you faced it head on,
Ramon, a formidable captain with the best of intentions,
Chose poorly that night,
Yes, he'd sailed that course a-plenty,
Assuming we could skip port and rest...
But this night was different,
The air was abnormally still,
I questioned the Captain's choices,
I too had sailed these waters,
I'd seen these types of clouds before,
I'd smelled this still and seemingly calm air,
A maelstrom of despair, doubt, and, anger
Violently rocked her,
We couldn't keep the sails,
The mast snapped like a twig,
We were at the black water's mercy now,
Two beloved crew members float lifelessly face down
Their skin, pale and bruised from the rocks,
Which tore into the ship's bow,
The black water, now satiated,
Basks in the afterglow of our destruction,
The warm golden sun rise brings no comfort,
It illuminates the debris of us, laughing in our faces,
The ship is gone,
We managed to lash together a few jagged pieces of love-red deck,
She was beautiful, a pain to navigate, but beautiful nonetheless,
All that's left of her are us,
Clinging to each other with calloused hands,
Cold, damp, exhausted, and bitter,
A waterfall is up ahead,
Nothing but a few pieces of rope and broken wood,
Stand between us and the jagged rocks below...
A recent event has left us a wreck.  It seems bleak. Gods help us...
Dawn Treader Apr 2017
Knowing you belong to someone,
Understanding the risk of loss,
Still hoping for the best outcome,
The heart is the ultimate cost.
Love is trust
Love is pain
Love is losing yourself to gain
Love is letting go
Love is a reason to grow
Love is counting your lucky stars
Realizing things aren't "mine" but "our's,"
Love is allowing distance so it never sours
Love is talking at ungodly hours
Love is pure
Love is sometimes feeling unsure
Love is willingness to surrender
Love is confessing after last night's fight you're bitter
Love is admitting you're wrong
Love is thinking of you when hearing a song
Love is acceptance
Love is forgiveness
Love is wishing my beating heart was next to his
All of my thoughts of us
Dawn Treader Mar 2017
Anybody who knows her
Understands she's not like the others
Head in the sky, feet on the ground
Detached when she speaks, cold she sounds,
But her heart is a warm place,
For those she lets in,
The select few see her distant but gleeful grin,
Aware she's different and that's alright,
Because this Nefelibata is always in flight
Head in the sky, feet on the ground
A nefelibata's mind knows no bounds.
Nefelibata: A cloud walker; One who lives in the cloud of their own imagination or dreams, or one who does not abide by the precepts of society, literature, or art; An unconventional, unorthodox person.
Dawn Treader Mar 2017
A heavenly glimpse
I saw you, spinning there
In a field against the 3 o' clock Spring sunshine
Hands outstretched at either side
The encapsulation of pure bliss
The rays of sun illuminated the slopes and curves
Of this angel dancing before me
Cicadas and crickets played their symphony as you danced
The dandelion wishes were your partners
I called out to you in pure elation
And you faded away with the breeze
An aberration
A figment of my imagination
Are you alright where you are?
Oh how I wish you were here with me
Death has robbed me of my heart
I'd give anything to see you dancing in a meadow again
Without a care in the world
Death, give me back what's mine
I, a selfish girl, want nothing less than what belongs to me
And she was my love
She's gone and it frustrates me to no end. I love her and always will. My grandma loved to dance anywhere and everywhere.
Dawn Treader Mar 2017
Warm fuzzy slippers still sit where she left them
A beautiful lady closed her eyes for the last time
They took her pulse
They took her body
They took my love
They left her favorite shoes
In the foyer they sit
They wait for her
Never to be filled by those tiny feet again
My grandma passed away this weekend. It is surreal to see her belongings still where they were when she died. Almost like she hasn't left me.
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