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 Nov 2014
Dagoth I Am
here come the times of changing tide
here come the days of light and grace
here come the hours of wordless wonderessness
White light will fill this humble place

when you come, the stars will shine brighter than spun gold
when you come, the world will seem shiny and new
my mom told me that someday someone like you would come to set things right
'til you come I'll keep this place ready for you.
 Nov 2014
Eliot York
Throughout her adult life
all of the land shaded.
Feverless islands where the
aged couple sleep.
Never once have I hosted a party. Not once have I
told you, I have
been hurt.
Coco (The Hello Poetry Computer) wrote the original:

Aw of the land shaded,
feverless islands where the
aged couple sleep.
Never once have I hosted a party. Not once have I
told you, I have never
been hurt
repeatively throughout her adult life. She passed out from --
You left her
        And she stayed.
        And all alone she sat
        All the way over
   ­     And no one over
         Ever noticed when
         The girl over
         Started to
                                ­ a
                         ­              l
         When she went  S p l a t
          No one
          No one saw
          Because the girl over
           Landed over
  ­          After the
                             ­    a
                         ­              l
Hey it *****. But my brain ***** right now. I'll delete this but i wanted to put something out here today. I thought it was better before i actually wrote it out.
 Oct 2014
Kaye B Anderson
A step taken.
That first step -
Long and dreaded.

Trying so hard not to push yourself in,
As you watch yourself from the sidelines-
              Who have you become?

You see all that you could be-
And know all that you couldn't.
Watching and anticipating...
                                     What will you do?

All that you have lost-
                               All for nothing.
All that you had feared-
      you have become.

Good for the moment-
Then you realise doing nothing
won't get it done.

Stepping into everything you never wanted,
You ran into all that broke you.
Now you watch yourself falling deeper-
And refuse to swim.

All that life proposes,
A single flower in a vase of dead roses-
Saints and Sins and all sorts of things,
We love and then we regret...

Watching ourselves turn to-
all that we're used to...
           taking that first step.
 Oct 2014
JR Potts
The morning sun slices through the partially closed curtains
tenderly kissing your neck with a soft white glow
her light has traveled a distance I can hardly fathom
through darkness and nothing
finally resting upon your sleeping eyes
in this stiff hotel bed
our bodies meld together
your warm naked skin against mine
I bury my face into your shoulder
and kiss your back
I want to hold you closer and never let you go
but my muscle and bone bend and fracture
under the weight of time
she pulls like a howling riptide
casting you out to sea
beyond my reach

Yet I wrap my arms around you
with the knowledge
I will one day lose you
whether you fall into the final slumber
or into the embrace of another
we will be torn apart with the force of a dying star
its mass collapsing down to a singular point
so dense that even light cannot escape
its gluttonous grip
but for now
I lock my fingers, I clasp my hands,
I cradle you against my chest and I fight
I fight the very weight of existence
for an extra few seconds in this hotel bed
 Oct 2014
Kayla Behm
When you're little, you look up to your father;
A man who's always there for his little daughter.
He supposed to be there to dance and play,
and, maybe, even sing with you all day.
Your dad is the man to push you on the swings,
so high you feel like you have wings.

My father always had the whitest smile,
just like my dress will be when I walk down the aisle.
He always put his hands on his hips,
and flashed a smile yet not on his lips.
His eyes would twinkle when they met mine,
no matter the situation, he make you laugh every time.

My fantasy world was shattered at age five,
when my father stopped breathing and wasn't alive.
My mom cried and our family shared hugs,
yet there's still something on my heart that tugs.
That constant reminder of what my life was,
some people say it hurts, and I'll tell you it does.

But don't feel too bad, my life is truly great;
I promise this experience didn't fill me full of hate.
I love my dad and my step-father too,
some people say, "That's impossible to do".
So my life continues and he's still dearly, I miss,
How I said goodbye -- it was with a kiss.
Hope you enjoy my poem. This is a true story, I did lose my father. Don't think I'm trying to write this for sympathy. I wrote it because it truly means a lot to me.
 Oct 2014
Across the room a subtle glance
Victims of bad circumstance
Hoping you would take the chance
Yet, nothing changes
The makings of a great romance
But time estranges

There you are just out of reach
In my mind there is a speech
Of how your heart I will beseech
I still, can feel you
The words you say I will impeach
I know the real you

The one whose kindness from the start
Has torn my faded world apart
And shown the truth to half a heart
There's so much out there
Happiness you do impart
With how much you Do care

Still it's like just yesterday
So close and yet so far away
I need you in my arms, to stay
That's my suggestion
I want you each and every day
There is no question

So sunshine mornings I have seen
Because there is no in between
The love we feel has always been
Our worst disaster
If only kisses dared to mean
Forever after
copyright©PrttyBrd 09/12/2010- From 14
 Oct 2014
Dreams* crafted
useless yesterdays
empty tomorrows

Cracks spackled
makeup and tears

Porcelain facade

... *
 Oct 2014
The poet weaves his magic web of words
They dance in the moonlight
Glistening with dewdrops
Like mezmerizing stars
Stalk and pounce is left to lions
The prey will come to him
Lured by sheer beauty
A glimpse of the soul
Hidden secrets locked in boxes
Peeks inside draw her near
The truth is found in years of purging
Unabashed release without inhibitions
Darkness and light
Shadow puppets of reality
Watched, absorbed
And loved more with each passage
Harsh words foment
Pain breeds caring
Love and hope pull her in
Laying bare on the dewy silken words
She waits and he smiles
As he claims his prize
 Oct 2014
Burnt within his heart's agony
Forsaken by the moon
Bestowed by her eternal curse
He couldn't breathe
He's drowning in fear
The innocent he'd slayed
These dreams only made it worse

His prose structured constellations
Aligning to his onus
Reliance to the innocence that still resides
Wondering why the stars denied him
The hopes he had, diminished in an instant

"Why me!!?"
He growled with remorse
He didn't want this
He became what he hated
He became the vital source of hatred

His only solace was the sun
He once relented the only source-
That gave him light
Light of hope that never runs out

Staring at that silver spear
He picked it up, smiling

*And ended his life
Ever since i was kid.
I was so fascinated by werewolves.
Would go to the library just to read about them.
I would imagine myself being one biting my dad's arms.
Waiting till midnight, and i would go "Awoooooooooooo!!"
Simply i just love them.
And i wrote a werewolves's perspective being one.
How he hated himself.
Dedicated to this year's Halloween:)
Happy Halloween everyone!:D
 Oct 2014
A poem dedicated to all true lovers of Jazz.

I can feel its rhythm and beat,
Along with its pulsating pain!
Its music flows freely….
Through my arteries and veins!
Its beats always echoes,
Through the corridors of my mind,
As I get wafted slowly, on the wings
of mystic time!
Its music gets synchronized,
With my heart’s muffled beat,
As I try to keep time, -
With the tapping of my feet!
Each of its pulsating rhythm,
And all its background chimes,
With its syncopated lilts,
Jazz remains harmonized!

The piano players dancing fingers,
Caresses a rhythmic sway,
While the Sax’s deep-throated tenor,
Drives my loneliness away!
When I hear my old Jazz music,
And those golden classic tunes,
I forget I am getting old,
To time I become immune!
For it is then when I begin to feel,  
like the old King Cole;
As this music tingles my mind,
and rejuvenates my soul!
           - Raj Nandy, New Delhi.
I am a lover of cool & smooth Jazz & have composed the 'History of Jazz in Verse', available in ''. This poem is dedicated to Deborah Brooks and all Lovers of Jazz music like her. Hope you like it! Thanks, -Raj
 Oct 2014

O how the clock world turns!
O how to be inspired by
O pulent lace
O f high clouds lit
O ver me.
O lover's lace, I see your
O fferings of crystal clear
O rbs strung
O ut on a thread
O f pure silver
O fferings fit for an
O dalesque


Just an experiment
 Sep 2014
Hazy skies of stormy gray reflect your gaze upon my own
Blustery winds like fingers in my hair
Wrapped in end of summer heat
Signs of you beside me keep my crumbled heart whole
Patched with the greatest love at a distance
Bound in light eternally

For Him
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