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 Apr 2021
this daily death
and nightly rebirth
these swelling buds
and falling leaves
this piling snow
and torrential flow

this in- and ex- halation

this building warmth
and inertia of cold
this body grows
and then it grows old
this rhythm of life
and imminent death

pervades everything i see
so, could it be
that, perhaps, this rhythm is me
 Apr 2021
To release the weight you hold
 Apr 2021
Emeka Mokeme
I see your pain
hiding behind your smile.
I see the tears
behind the smile
you try to hide.
I heard your heart
pounding as it buried itself
beneath the tears
behind your eyes.
I see your fear
peeping through your smile
to hide the unspoken words
dancing on your lips.
I feel your heart
as it hides itself
beneath the breathe of
each words you utter.
But i know the power
of the strength within
flowing like the river
to conquer your shame.
I see you rise
like the leaven bread
to share the beauty
that was once abandoned.
Like the morning sun
you rise from the
ashes of your brokenness.
With vim and vigour,
you are full of vitality
to get back to
the business of living.
And like the sunflower
you opened up to spread
the love of your glory.
©2021,Emeka Mokeme.
 Apr 2021
Sean Critchfield
I have these old grey mitts.
I want to use them to hold your heart.
The are worn and scratchy. But they are warm.
I can’t promise that my care of it won’t leave marks. But they will all be made from a loving touch.
My hands have callouses that run deep. They are cracked like stone.
Your heart deserves a softer touch.
But I only have these old grey mitts.
You heart deserves a birds nest. A place to wait and dream of flying.
Your heart deserves a silk cocoon to rest in until it is fully transformed.
Your heart deserves a heart to sleep in. A beat to match in time.
But I only have these old grey mitts.
I’d like to hold your heart. And if you’d let me, I’d protect it like my own.
For when I saw your heart, I spun my own into yarn of blood and bone and wove it into something soft.
I’d like to hold your heart.
But I have no heart.
I only have these old grey mitts.
 Mar 2021
night was cold
I think  this is my idea
road was empty
I dont sure
a cat cry
voice does not come to my room

why so
teh surroundings are strange
 Mar 2021
Adriana Barreiros
I celebrate the sun
A sweet warm yellow
That dawns on my cheeks
Harvested from the
Fertile fields of infinity
Ancient stardust sprinkled
Over the wet sand

I celebrate the waves
The shrieking birds and city
Sprawling at my back
I celebrate the song
Of my time-worn body
Tumbling like a leaf
In a time-worn world
Coming and going
As might please it
To come and go

I celebrate this

Life telescoped into a fraction
Of its expanding breadth
As though someone said
"To see a world
In a grain of sand"
To which I'd say
And to celebrate it
To celebrate it
No other time than now
The quote is from the poem "Auguries of Innocence", by William Blake
 Mar 2021
Hiding feelings has become normal
putting on this mask of a fake smile
crying silently at night into a pillow
always feeling like the issue
 Mar 2021
Dr Peter Lim
I don't have the answer
but will not die for such account
perhaps many years later
it might on its own quietly come around
 Mar 2021
The deep shall
Always go deeper
All the way down
Without a trace...

Spirit attempts to wax brighter
In a symphony of perpetual grace

Love does not extinguish it's own flame
That's the ego playing it's foolish games

A Poet don't complain
Nor bear a bitter heart
The gift of acceptance
Is discovered in our art

So take some deep breaths
And think about thinking
Get beyond the past
And you will quit sinking!
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