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 Apr 2017
Meghan O'Neill
There is no wrong religion

There is no wrong sexuality

There is no wrong weight

There is no wrong skin color

There is no wrong nationality
There is no wrong opinion
There is no wrong choice there is no wrong answer

You Are Perfect
You Are Beautiful
You Are Not Wrong.
 Apr 2017
McDonald tsiie
Black hills
Immaculate feet
Tattoo on her hip
Eyes glowing like a diamond ring
Her beauty in sync
Red velvet colour when she blinks
Seen on Rockville
Gold bling on her wrist
A muse with red lips
Once we meet lets take a pic

Custom made
Fine piece of China don't let anyone treat you like a paper plate
be a rose that gives fragrance even to those that crush it
 Apr 2017
Alvira Perdita
i'm going to fight for her
to keep her by my side
you don't deserve her;
her love, her effort, her dedication.

if break her again, or force
her into this kind of situation,
i'm going to take her from you
because she deserves happiness,
love, kindness and someone
who can stand up for her; who
will stand up for her.

i will take her from you,
because she is my sister,
my best friend, my soul mate mermaid.
i love her too much to let this keep happening.
 Apr 2017
you are a diamond unique  and rare
your beauty is  beyond compare
but you are unaware
so let me declare
your beauty is like no other
you will never find another
let no one tell you otherwise
so take off your disguise
your imperfections is what makes you unique .
 Mar 2017
Jack Jenkins
boy meets girl
girl meets boy

boy falls in love
girl doesn't know

boy tells girl
girl gets scared

boy is always there
girl just doesn't care

boy gets wounded, starts shutting her out
girl wants to be close, gets hurt by the wall

boy suffers guilt from hurting her
girl suffers guilt from hurting him

boy can't stop loving her
she can't stop being afraid

round and round they go
in circles they orbit

boy wants to let her go but can't
girl just wants to find real love

boy ends it all because love just hurt too much
girl finally opened her eyes and saw love was always there for her

too late
Happy Monday everyone... sorry to depress the mood so quickly...
 Mar 2017
Agony of memories shackled in soul
Loss of control

Cult raised isolation bred within youth
Eureka of truth

Abandoned by love own motherhood start
Burden of heart

Maternal disease and death's lengthy fight
Daytime to night

Caring in vain is like tightening rope
Grasping for hope

Sweet child now mortal illness attacked
Mind being racked

No support acquaintance or true friend
Alone till end

Questioning Deity in trial with doubt
Childish I pout

Weakness in battle spirit slowly died
Strength not inside

Broken wondering why His small pawn
Can't carry on
 Mar 2017
Denise huddleston
Of all the friends and family
I never thought that you would throw me downstream

I am your flesh and blood
I bet your just stuck in the mud

I wish I could save you some time and a great big headache
I hope you can make a clean break

In my wildest dreams
I never thought you'd be the one to bust out my seams

I feel sick, can't see, or think
Why can't you be in sync

Rejected by you hurts I hope you never have to feel this pain
It can make you go in insane

Always remember I'll be here
In this atmosphere

I'll always love you with all my heart and soul
Stand up be a man and take control
Written about my son who got trapped in a bad relationship
Tough love
Written by: Denise Huddleston
 Mar 2017
So tell me
Is it possible to give love
And have it returned equally?
Is it possible to give him your soul
And have it returned whole?
Maybe this emotion is nothing
But a fictional feeling
The key to misery.
A lie,
Birthed from misleading childhood story lines.
Because I believe
There's never gold at the end of the rainbow
And a heart that's broken can't be sowed
There's no happily ever after
No perfect ending finishing the last chapter
No white picket fence or perfect family to show
Love doesn't exist
Just people here to use u as their personal

 Mar 2017
You call me strong
But babe,
I'm far from it.

I cried all the time
And now I don't let anyone in.

I always ******* up
And now I wish I was smarter.

I have gone through a lot
And it made me a damsel.

I was hit
And now I'm scared of quick movements.

I was screamed at
And now I hate loud sounds.

I was shut down
And now I have no confidence.

I was sent away
And now I can't get comfortable.

I was suicidal
And now I'm damaged.

I was anorexic
And now I'll never be healthy.

I was lied to
And now I can't trust.

I was always the target
And now I'll never be strong enough.
 Mar 2017
Gregory Dun Aer
Am I allowed to see
you smile one last time,
the ghost of you is still
so pretty in my mind.
Do you mind if I say it,
your love was war,
but it was my favourite
so I keep the bloodied bandages.
The care package changed hands
I am a letter in a book of pages
I now fight a different war
but much doesn't really change.
The rainbow behind your eyes faded
I remember every one of your eye colours
and how they persistently persuaded
me to hold live ammunition to my chest.
The artillery remnants
scattered across the soils
I stand in line at remembrance
holding sepia stained photographs.

**I am fighting a different war,
one that is worth fighting for.

— The End —