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 Apr 2017
her affection
can't be expressed
she will reach you like...
she irritates like Mickey Mouse
short tempered like a Cat.
she may walk like Donald Duck
with a gun...... but for
only to shoot the misunderstanding
to fear whether she was whole Himalaya's
such kind of silence.....
who knows she may come back
as a sage.
am waiting....
 Apr 2017
It Will Change
When i was suffering,
I had no one by my side,
When loneliness surrounded me,
I just wanted to hide,
When i had no cure for my strife,
I wanted to end my life,
So i started to pour my feeling's,
With so many thoughts in my mind,
The best thing i could find,
Was my cellphone-my only friend,
With the help of words,
That could never end,
Words helped me to heal,
Words taught me to feel,
Words even consoled my heart,
Now i have words to express my feelings,
Calling it a new art,
That's then reason i say,
It's a gift,
Telling in the end,
It was pretty much the gist.
 Apr 2017
Friend's Sincerity comes with Silent Comfort.
-six word story-

I've seen far enough superficiality in this world. That's why I don't ask much advice from anyone in the outside world. I've decided to look for them myself. A friend who understand without saying much at all, is a treasure.
 Apr 2017
The days are endless
and the pain is permenant
The nights are watching the fan dance on the ceiling
and the tears are flowing

It all started when they poured the anger and the sadness
into my heart
I couldn't tell them to stop, I couldn't do a thing

& it turns out, it was actually cement

And thats when you came along
right there, at the perfect moment,
to walk all over me,
and now my heart bleeds your footprints

& thats the thing about cement
once it hardens
it takes years and constant strength to
if your lucky.

They tell me
I should be okay
That what they did
shouldn't hurt me in the slightest

Then they tell me my thoughts
are wrongful,
that I should just move on
but I can't grasp what they mean
all I want is someone to drill my
cemented heart to smithereens
then, maybe, I'll be able to sleep again

& maybe I'll be able to feel
that heartbeat
the one they say, makes you a free spirit

For now the endless days carry on
and I'm stuck with a cemented heart
that just won't break.
 Apr 2017
Irreplaceable you,
Drifting into my world
With so little a care
As the heat of the evening
Turned into a sordid affair

Irreplaceable you,
Riding me gently, tamer
Of heavy waves
Tangled together in shadows --
For you, I’ll always misbehave

Irreplaceable you,
Slipping from my grasp
And into another’s  --
Trembling toward your kiss
Tell me I’m your only lover

Irreplaceable you,
But replaceable me
Left to wilt at the shoreline
While you sailed off to sea.
inspired by Humoresque (1946)
 Apr 2017
Richard Grahn
Comparing the past with the future at last
Sitting on the fence in between the sides
Caught in a moment of grand reflection
We weigh out a measure of our place in this time

Loosing the arrow of change, it flies
Into the deep heart of space it climbs
Correcting the manner we chose to stand
We ladle our sauce from the grand design

Born of contention we pass it along
Setting our feet on a different path
We can sell our souls for a scrap of stale bread but
Aren't we just dreaming our time in the sun?

Passing the day with a turbulent fact
Losing our way on the pathway back
We are telling our tale for a chance at success
Reliving the moment a it rolls off the press

Saving our tick for another day
Tomorrow is fiction or so they say
The day past the moment always comes and it goes
We’re drifting and gleaning the time that we’ve sown

Measuring the thought that we’re glad to know
Surrendering nothing, we take some time
Never regretting the breadth of our soul
Believing in a future that will make us whole
 Apr 2017
DaSH the Hopeful
I peeped through the keyhole a little to the left
      And noticed that Futility had left a note    
           before it went vacationing.

Triumphantly throwing the door open and
             stepping into the brisk afternoon air
             with a puffed out chest
          I bent down to see the tiny words scrawled upon a mere 2 inch scrap of paper

"I give up. Bye"
 Apr 2017
Gaby Comprés
i stopped being the rain
and the sun
that gave you life
and i turned into wildflowers
 Apr 2017
It took me years
to fall in love with myself.
It was a foreign idea
throughout my childhood.
I remember the jealousy I felt
for the girls with flawless skin,
and perfectly straight hair.
I thought they were beautiful,
and they were,
but not in the most natural way.
I wanted to be the girl
who was beautiful
after rolling out of bed at noon
without any makeup
besides the mascara
from the night before.
I wanted to be the girl
who was effortlessly beautiful
without giving it a second thought.
I always admired those girls.
I loved the security
that radiated off them,
like the shimmer of sunshine
on delicately tan skin.
It took me years
to become one of those girls.
It was a slow process.
It took the shedding
of a society built for
flawless makeup ridden
artificially created beauty.
It took acceptance
for who I am without the mask.
It took forgiveness
for the flaws I was blessed with at birth.
It took years,
but I'm finally there.
I'm one of those
naturally beautiful girls.
I'm one of those girls
that could careless about shaving,
or washing their hair.
I'm a girl without cares.
I'm a girl in love with herself.
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