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 Apr 2017
Jack Jenkins
You're feeling every brick
of your house falling down
each thud you shudder and
shake because you're scared
of all the elements you're
going to be exposed to now
that everything is collapsed.

Hold onto what you believe
you're not a bad person at all
I promise you're going to live
I promise I'm here to hold you
up through this hardship you
are going through. Embrace
the challenge and overcome.

**I believe in you.
I'm writing this to inspire my friend who's going through a difficult time in her life. I hope she knows there's still somebody that cares about her.
 Apr 2017
Yesterday night
a dream
In the dark woods
She took me
for an adventure
to play
Hide and seek
I slipped and fell
into the ditch
become dumb  
after half an hour
Could hear
her shouts and scream
in search of me
I could not shout
and can't come out
her agony of missing
heard throughout the night
I was eaten by wolfs.,
 Apr 2017
Every one
starts drawing a circle
But ends with some distortion
on completion
Other says,
it's not perfect circle
a simple reply
It's mine, that's how
my circle look like
was a way to move
toward life.
In life, every imperfections
is an identity of
 Apr 2017
Her relationship
like walking on a tightrope
her eyes says
Why rope??
construct a Bridge!!
 Apr 2017
Druzzayne Rika
She wishes him the best
says her Goodbye
with a warm embrace
but he replies her back
with a nod
and goes away
She waits for him to come back  
Many messages everyday
of his day , stay and others
with few to no replies
Hopeful less every next day
messages too decreased later
one and then none
He came after few months , changed
tried to locate her
but never found her again ever
 Apr 2017
You are no longer bound to your past,
or to anything or anyone that made you cry.

You are no longer bound to your mistakes,
to your actions or to the way you speak.

You are no longer bound to ask forgiveness,
or to seek approval or ask chances.

Remember that you are bound for greater things:
for travel trips, good education and more than flings.

You are bound to live a life that lights others.
You are bound to share your dreams and aspirations.

So get out now from your cave,
because you my little angel is what the world need.

Just breathe and be free
Let's fight depression together!
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