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 May 2020
Roger Turner - Poet
psychic transportation
transcendental meditation
end of elvis generation
detrimental situation
******* secrets resignation
political assassination
free thought mindless constipation
church crime hidden deprivation
split with no consolidation
roe and wade argue creation
banks financial manipulation
country in need of sedation
the sixties dead, no more elation
no direction, no recreation
sitting, waiting, at the station
time for psychic transportation
and transcendental meditation
to the elvis generation
remove me from this situation
******* is just pure elation
still political assassination
and more need for quick sedation
back to psychic transportation
train is waiting at the station
transcendental meditation

 Apr 2020
Roger Turner - Poet
Gates and boards and reels of wire
Garbage by the gates
Driveway overgrown with grass
The factory is a state

Security checks once an hour
To make sure all's still locked
Another business shut it's door
the economy was rocked

Another workplace bites the dust
Another one shuts down
To find the business district here
You've got to leave the town

They're closing up 'bout one a month
Jobs are leaving by the score
When you leave, turn out the lights
And please folks, lock the door

Work is leaving faster than
It has ever in the past
There's more folks on assistance
How long will this all last?

Fifty years a hundred ten
Factories closing shop
There's more buildings that are vacant
Our growth came to a stop

It doesn't matter where you go
It's that **** covid one nine
If you are not essential
Out goes the "CLOSING" sign

It all comes down to profit
You're a number not a name
It doesn't matter where you go
Plant closure is the game

Another workplace bites the dust
Another one shuts down
To find the business district here
You've got to leave the town

They're closing up 'bout one a month
Jobs are leaving by the score
When you leave, turn out the lights
And please folks, lock the door
 Sep 2015
Roger Turner - Poet
Another Day
Another dollar
That's what I get
For, I'm blue collar
Working hard
For all the bosses
Sitting upstairs
In the office

Grab a coffee
On the way
do the same stuff
every day
nothing changes
It's routine
That's the way
It's always been

I am just a working man
Doing the best job that I can
Nine to Five, or Eight to Four
Do my eight and out  the door
Loading trucks to hit the road
Get 'em out with a full load
Doing just the best I can
I am just a working man

Twenty minutes
and two breaks
That is all
The time I take
Sneak a smoke
When I can
This is the life
Of a working man

Old and rusted
two tone truck
Always busted
Just my luck
Working hard
To make a dollar
It's the lot
of a blue collar

I am just a working man
Doing the best job that I can
Nine to Five, or Eight to Four
Do my eight and out  the door
Loading trucks to hit the road
Get 'em out with a full load
Doing just the best I can
I am just a working man
 Jun 2015
Roger Turner - Poet
History is written by winners

Their story's the one that is told

The loser's are like dust in a zephyr

Blown away by the wind and the cold

A battle is waged on a hillside

The armies are dressed in chain mail

One side is left battered and dying

So...which side will write down the tale?

A submarine sinks in the channel

It's just off the Dover coast shore

No one survives but the story

of sailors we'll here from no more

Villages destroyed by a virus

It spreads through the town really quick

You know that the story gets written

By the survivors who didn't get sick

Pompeii was wiped out, that's a given

A volcano did wipe out the town

The people were burned to a cinder

So who writes, when there's no one around?

In the movies the cowboys and Injuns

All fight for control of the fort

Do the Indians spread tales of their losses

Do they write it all down just for sport?

As years changed the stories came forward

Of the armies and people who died

They were defending their loved ones and country

It's too bad they were on the wrong side.

As time lumbered on to the future

The winners were not just the ones

Who told what had happened that day

They were not just the ones with the guns

Bystanders came and told what they saw

This would change how stories were told

There was now a new player with stories to tell

And the winners did not look so bold

Things now were written that no one did know

Of the other sides battle attempts

They were not heroes or winners but, losers no more

For these writings now made them exempt

They spoke of their battles, their loyalty, grit

To stand strong and fight for their lives

Even though it was futile, they still thought they would win

Thinking only of children and wives

Now history is written as quick as it comes

Television has surely changed that

You can watch things at home on your big screen tv

And you can feel like you're where things are at.

Deception is gone and the truth now is told

In seconds, not years like before

You see things as they happen, and the final result

May shake your soul to your core. History is written by winners

and by losers as well just the same

And no matter, whatever the story

You now know all players by name.

Regardless of whatever the story

Be it ****** or sports,  games or war

We can now see just how each one has ended

And their honor, and that's what life is for...
 Jun 2015
Roger Turner - Poet
It is with great sadness that I must announce that wit has withered and died. Actually, it probably died years back, but, like a character on a soap opera, it returns in flashbacks on occasion.

The ability to use wit to insult, as Will Rogers, Dorothy Parker, and the great writers of the past is no more. The use of wit to make someone leave feeling good about themselves, while having just been put in their place verbally, is an art.

I told someone the other day that he was a veldt of intellect, he didn’t know what veldt meant, I could see from the complete look of “duh” on his face. He told me *******….and then after I laughed, he said it again.

This is the replacement comeback now….*******. Witty…at the least. Groucho Marx, was great with the witty comeback, Noel Coward was a genius with his ability to use wit to disarm a situation. Now, *******. yep….that’s it.

If, wit has a resurgence and there is a verbal afterlife, let’s hope ******* is left at the door, holding a copy of watchtower.
 May 2015
Roger Turner - Poet
Roll up...Roll up
the show is set to start
One playing for your head
One playing for your heart

It's time for an election
To see who rules the roost
Time for your selection
Who gives the bigger boost

Matchmaker, Matchmaker
make me a match
Pick me a President
Which one to catch
Matchmaker, Matchmaker
Show me a name
It's doesn't much matter
They are all the same

Roll up, Roll up
They're all set to speak
A ten minute talk
That may take all week

Choose either party
and their rainmaker head
make promises of fairy dust
You'll get once your dead

Matchmaker, Matchmaker
Show me the one
Who will unload the bullets
But, still own the gun

Matchmaker, Matchmaker
The time is now here
To pick a new President
Please ally my fears

Roll up, Roll up
The choices are few
I'm voting for one
But, I do not know who

Roll Up, Roll Up
The show's set to start
with enameled fake smiles
I can't tell them apart

Roll Up....Roll Up...
 May 2015
Roger Turner - Poet
Ok, I didn't want to do this
but there's rules that you must know
Etiquette to be followed
A line that you must toe

Listen very closely now
I think you all should try it
The things that you will now learn
About a protest and a riot

Firstly, have a purpose
Just random shouting, that's persay
If you do not have a topic
Then all the new folks go away

Throwing bricks at coppers
Breaking windows on the street
Is this a sign of protest
Or is it idiots in heat

No signage, and no speakers
Just random yelling for a cause
This isn't a good protest
Just breaking random laws

A protest has a purpose
It presents a point of view
A riot is an ugly thing
Which one is right for you

MLK could run a protest
Make a point and get things done
All without a mob forcing
A cop to use his gun

The rules really are simple
Keep the young ones all at home
For people in glass houses
Should really not throw stones

A peaceful resolution
From a protest is the goal
But a riot is just aimless
It puts the city in a hole

Victims of a riot
Are not the ones who are to blame
They're just owners of the business'
Who get caught up in the game

Next time that you protest
Protest rioting instead
It will turn out for the better
And nobody will end up dead
 May 2015
Roger Turner - Poet
There is no more
civil war
it's changed from days gone by
You can not have a
civil war
no matter how you try

Rules of the engagement
done and dusted
all forgot
now Rules of engagement mean
you give it
all you got

Armies lined up on the field
civil war, I'd say
Now, you push a button
and **** from
ten time zones away

Pleasantries forgotten
War's not civil
With all of our
progression, we forgot how
to have a civil war
 May 2015
Roger Turner - Poet
The civil war's not over
The sides are re-arranged
Those who once were allies
Now, they are estranged
The uniforms don't matter
It's now the colour of their skin
That's put the country back
To when the trouble did begin

Slavery abolished?
Have you looked outside your door?
Just take some time and ask yourself
Just who you're working for
The civil war's not over
It didn't ever end
Just watch your local nightly news
and see it's continuing my friend

America is burning
The flames are getting higher
The country's feeding on itself
Throw more fuel on the fire
Ferguson and Baltimore
are the start of the new pyre
America is burning
Throw more fuel on the fire

One percent to ninety nine
That's slavery to me
It's not just racial segregation
There's more than that to see
The civil war's not over
It's continued rolling on
It will stay there in the background
It's the country's most successful con

Johnny comes marching home again...hurrah, hurrah
Johnny comes marching home again...hurrah, hurrah
The country will be burning when he comes
From a war where no one really won
As another town burns, for all the world to see
 May 2015
Joe Cole
Equality For All

Why do you despise
Those who must fight to survive
In our lands
The lands of the free
Those who walk the cracked concrete streets
High on the cannabis ****
The dull glaze in their eyes
No will to survive
No hope, no future in sight
Hispanic and black and *** country white
Painted with the same ***** brush
Their only crime is the place they were born
Born on the wrong side of the track
But they to have rights
Be they black brown or white
They to have voices to be heard
You live in your big house
With untold wealth
The taxman to defraud
Fancy car and swimming pool
A room filled with fancy shoes
Yes shoes never worn more than once
Then left there on the shelf
You write a cheque for a million dollars
But never give a thought
For those on the other side of the track
Down trodden whites, Hispanics
And the un educated blacks

*yes, our lands, the lands of the free
All to often we call upon them to serve and die for us but still all to often treat them as second class citizens

— The End —