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Dec 2016 · 518
What You See
Ryan Carney Dec 2016
I think it's true
That what happens
Is meant to be
Somehow or someway

Even if it isn't clear
Time moves the clouds
Revealing a masterpiece
Clear as day

I see the awe
Deep within your eyes
Infatuated by what you see
What you hear

Do I strike a cord
When you look into my eyes?
Or do you just look away
And fade from me?
Written 12-12-16 for a friend.
Dec 2016 · 598
Confident (revised)
Ryan Carney Dec 2016
Confident that it’ll be okay
Times will change
The storm will pass
And peace will return

Sometimes you have to suffer
To find happiness
Rough patches happen
You’ll push through it

Confident you can take it on
And beat it
You’ll be strong
Stronger than you've ever been

I know that it can be tough
But I know you’re tougher
Just hang in there and fight
And beat this thing head on.
Revised 12-10-16
Dec 2016 · 391
Ryan Carney Dec 2016
Confident that it’ll be okay
I know it will
The storm will pass
And peace will return

Sometimes you have to suffer
To find happiness and joy
Rough patches will happen
You’ll push through it though

I’m confident you can
Take this head on
And beat it
You’ll be as strong as ever before

I know that it’s tough
But I know you’re tougher
Just hang in there
And beat this once and for all.
Written  12-7-16
Dec 2016 · 1.1k
Storm Clouds (revised)
Ryan Carney Dec 2016
Dark, gloomy clouds fill the sky
The day feels dreary
Rain pours from the heavens
Lightning strikes and thunder rumbles on

The force it brings
Makes the ground rumble and groan
Hail falls from up above
At first, penny sized
Which then grows to golf *****

Cracks form in the ground
The earth shakes overwhelmingly
The sky opens its inner fury
And unleashes it on the world below

A tornado forms through it all
Fear is evident in the air
Within the hour
All fades away
As the sun returns to a clear blue sky.
Revised 12-7-16
Nov 2016 · 939
Storm Clouds
Ryan Carney Nov 2016
Dark and gloomy clouds fill the sky
The day begins to feel dreary
Rain pours from the heavens
Lightning strikes the earth as thunder rumbles on

The sheer force which it brings
Makes the ground rumble and groan
Hail falls from up above
At first, penny sized
Eventually, they grow to golf *****

Cracks begin to form in the ground
As the earth begins to shake all around
The sky opens up its inner fury
And unleashes it on those below

A tornado forms through the turmoil
Fear is evident all around
But, within the hour
All begins to fade away
And the sun returns to a clear blue sky.
Written 7/10/16 ; Revised 11/11/16
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
Stuck Again
Ryan Carney Nov 2016
Stuck wanting something more,
Stuck knowing I can do better,
Stuck living and feeling all alone,
Stuck to my depression like glue.

Stuck to my "what ifs" and "if onlys",
Stuck to thinking about the past,
Stuck feeling like less than a man,
Stuck feeling my heart be broken again.
Written 11/11/16
Mar 2016 · 636
The Aftermath
Ryan Carney Mar 2016
Wandering down the highway
Which has been abandoned for decades
A bridge by the water, bruised and beaten down
For Mother Nature has shown her wrath, but it stands tall still

Rigid and rough, the road claws at my shoes
Cracks and small openings line the sides
Is it still safe to cross? Hopefully
Once I had crossed, something caught my eye

Resting on the beach front was a small cabin
Equipped with a dock and fair sized fishing boat
I was relieved at this sight, as I had been searching for life for weeks
Many have died in wake of the recent attacks, but some still stand

Parts of our country remained unscathed, but not many
I dashed to the door to see if anyone was there
And yes, an answer!
"Hello!" I said, "I survived too!"

The man opened the door cautiously
He stopped for a breath, then said,
"You're a very lucky man, but I have news for you."
I pondered what it could possibly be?

He then said,"The nation is in tatters. We lost the war."
I froze with fear, I knew what was coming
The enemy was approaching, and there was nothing we could do
All we did from there is wait, waiting for what fate had for us.
written 3-12-16
Mar 2016 · 536
The Voyage
Ryan Carney Mar 2016
On a bright summer afternoon
Down by the old pine tree
Lived a man by the name of Lee
He said to meet him home by high noon

As I sailed to go to meet Lee
My ship begun to toss and turn in the angry sea
The furious waters brought me to shore
And then I was saved in El Salvador.
written 3-8-16
Mar 2016 · 1.3k
Greater Good
Ryan Carney Mar 2016
Although some things may not be good for you
It is good for the greater good
For all of us, we believe
That one man's sacrifice, is the greatest there is.
written 3-8-16
Mar 2016 · 382
Night Thoughts
Ryan Carney Mar 2016
As the sweat rolls off your body
While you lie awake in bed
Pretending it didn't happen
And wishing you were dead.
written 3-8-16
Mar 2016 · 755
The Tune of the Horn
Ryan Carney Mar 2016
From the distance upon a mountain top
A horn bellows its sharp tune
For all to hear and all to stop
On a simple Tuesday afternoon.

Once more the horn makes its sound
It is as though it wants all to hear
If this fine tuned noise should go ignored,
The price to pay is feared.
written 3-7-16
Mar 2016 · 1.4k
Ryan Carney Mar 2016
When love is made, a bond is created
That no matter what happens the morning after
The bond will never be forgotten

"Silence!" I cried to her
As she let me penetrate her slow and deep
For once this is soon over, all we will do is sleep

We passionately kissed by the fireplace
As she then soon sat on my lap
And begged me for more as, "Once is just not enough!"

So we climbed up the towering staircase
Back to the bedroom door
As soon as we jumped into bed, our clothes hit the floor

Riding as though she was on top of the world
"Please don't ever stop!" she screamed to me
But eventually, we did have to stop, as the fun was finished

The night after the previous before, we climbed back into bed
For neither one of us could resist
As having *** is the best medicine for anything.
written 3-7-16
Ryan Carney Mar 2016
As I drifted wearily down the weathered road
I see on the horizon, a mother and child
They looked as though they were stranded
I could hear the baby's wail from miles away

The street lamps began to ignite
As I approach the two figures
The darkness grows behind me, larger and larger
Exposing the creatures of the night, and those that lurk in the shadows

The pavement on this long winding road is in tatters
Almost one day since passed since I first saw the two figures
Mother and child, they were in danger
I ran hurriedly towards them, as quickly as I could

They saw me then, and looked as though their lives were on the line
Perhaps there was still some time
I tripped and fell, but rose to my feet again
I approached them at last, but alas, they were dead.
written 3-7-16
Mar 2016 · 306
The Girl
Ryan Carney Mar 2016
There sat in front of me a girl I once thought I knew
Somewhere from before perhaps? I didn't have a clue
Her eyes amazed me and set my heart ablaze
That smile of hers would make any guy fall on his head for her

With her long brown hair, like one of a wild horse's
She stops just for a moment to look into my eyes
Again those eyes start to drive me wild
She's everything and more, absolutely incredible

The search goes on as I seek out more
Wandering aimlessly questioning myself
Why does she intrigue me so?
Perhaps I'll know with some time, but for now she's just a mystery girl that I hope to discover.
written 3-6-16
Mar 2016 · 401
There is No Impossible
Ryan Carney Mar 2016
Things don't seem to get better
For everything always stays the same
As time goes on day by day
You start to remember your old name

Yes, could it be? With what God gave to you
They expect something in return as pay
You feel as though she knows it too
What's inside you is visible to few

Emotions, memories, sorrow all build up
Hearts begin to race as anticipation builds
Both of you feel it, for it is the inevitable
As you meet her in the pouring rain

Finally at last, lips meet
Hands touch, an embrace is finally here
Memories come flooding in
Oh how could it have been so long?

And the realization hits you like a wall of bricks
It may never happen again
But only in your mind, for it is your deepest dream
And maybe, just maybe, she thinks the same  in her deepest thoughts

In her heart of hearts she knows
That how you feel will never change
Although it may never happen
You will always dream for it, for there is no such thing as impossible.
written 3-6-16

— The End —