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brandon nagley May 2016
Beautiful thou art
Gorgeous majesty;
Dazzling thou art,
Mine Filipino dream.

Kind thou art-
Soothing mine aches;
Speaking to me in angel-tongue-
O' how I'm one, with thee mine mate.

Jane, mine Jane, I'll sayeth
It again, O' how I'm in love,
With thee mine best friend;
For we shant end, I'm thine-
Thine alone; as thou art mine,
Mine sun that shines, for verily,
O' verily, with thee I am home.

For if thou were never shown
And not given to me by God;
I'd be lost in a pool, of birth-
Pain's of death and loss.

Though we've payed ourn
Cost, of tribulation's-patience;
Mine love, mine dove- O' with thee
I'm in harmony, with thy heart as my
economy, flowing in abundance.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou)
Art- are.
Thee- you.
Sayeth- say.
Shant- shall not.
Thine- yours.
Verily- certainly- truly.
brandon nagley May 2016

The atlantian theorists, of the Masonic order,
Wanted a new world, ****** indigenous quarter's;
They came by their ship's, to conceal native truth's,
Only coming for a plunder, to giveth satanic rule.


The warrior-painted faces, naturally painted by ash and red,
Sawest their shores, being broken by it's door's; mad-men in
Shiny silver, hand's open, yet were fed. Sachem prophet's
Bellowed the harbinger's long afore, now all hast come, these
aborigines weren't dumb; they prophesied this long before.


The wigwams, longhouses, teepees and lodges, were uprooted from their sacred ground's, the creator's meek were ravaged; as giant bones were taken while found. As hidden beneath the surface, the haut monde made none sound; playing dumbed with Gun's, they ran their fun, fabricating lies, under the America's sun. As tis they gave the world alibi's to be one, O' what hath they done; O' what hath they done.


First the viking, with dragon ship thunder
came to conquer,pillage and plunder
taking lives without a thought
unwary of the cruelty they wrought.


Then pilgrim's progress seeking new land
would have starved if not for the "savage" man
onward, westward, did they go
killing for profit, pleasure little did they know.


Grandfather, earth mother and spirit of wild
they watched as the white eye usurped the child
and still, no lesson has been learned
the people grew fat, their culture spurned.


Most of the tribes are gone away
and America has come to stay
but in my native heart i yearn
to see the Indian nation return.

©Brandon Nagley \Wolfspirit duo poem
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Indigenous harbinger's revealed
I say atlantian theorists because the masons came here to build a new Atlantis, based on Francis bacon and other high masons knowing of the once Atlantis that did exist ( facts out there under sea, why under sea? God flooded earth because of what the watchers , sons of god ( demonic beings did with women mating with them, in genesis 6:2), and the masons came to America, to base a new order ( thus in place the new world order being revealed now, came long ago from the men who ***** and plundered once native land, that once was untouched.) As many don't know 44 of the 56 signers of the declaration of Independence were masons ( not Christian as many want to believe, and being a Christian myself must wake others up to that reality and what's happening before you was planned long ago based on an atlantian theory, as if you know what Atlantis is, many say land of the gods. Though not being gods at all but offspring of the watchers or fallen angels... The giants...!!! That their remains are scattered all throughout your land as Smithsonian museum has well admired to destroying giant bodies 10-15 feet tall over a thousand bodies,!!! And giant skulls and bodies and Skeleton's have been found by the thousands and used to be mainstream news early nineteen hundreds in papers worldwide and especially America, something that the natives knew as truths... What you don't know the chiefs all over America have spoke of these giant beings that used to walk among them matching biblical scripture and world history and native history not told in your school history books because it doesn't match up to a new world agenda world view and mainstream new world agenda that's being pushed in your sights!!! As history channel ( ran by elite and mainstream lies) sais to you one minute giants never existed. Though next show they'll put on is of the gigantopithecus. Lol.. How much truths you don't know thst you really should this isn't mythical. This is reality not just native or biblical truth, world truth hidden for a new orders agenda... awake to that... Look up facts through Tom horn, look up the watchmen channel on YouTube, Steve quayle, you'll learn alot you never knew I knew this for years, yet more I learn daily how much covering and hurt has been caused in this once great place to hide truths for a dark agenda....
Sachem- means a chief or leader...
Harbinger- warning, forerunner of something.
Aborigines- meaning not just people in Australia- meaning original people.
Haut monde- fashionable society...
brandon nagley Apr 2016

In her silhouettes lee, I'm unscathed, unslaved,
Sheltered, free; tis she's mine sea, who guideth
me. Lief i'll cradle her, protectively, lief i'll be
the breath she breathes, lief O' lief; serenity.


In her presence I shalt bathe in her scintillating
albedineity, plenty O' plenty, shalt be in ourn
Cup; risen enduring creation's, just ourn love
Is enough, verily, verily, accumulating puff's.


Puff's of the holiness, surrounding ourn locus,
famigerating through the valley's; wherein we
Giveth epistle's for men's focus, that charity,
Forgiveness, and untainted Agápe, mayest be
a missive; for all humankind to copy.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome Poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) dedication
Lee- the sheltered side; the side away from the wind.
Lief- soon.
scintillating- sparkling or shining brightly.....
albedineity- whiteness
Locus- a particular position, point, or place....
famigerate or famigerating- to carry news from abroad.
epistles- letter, letters....
Wherein- in which.
Agápe- love in Greek, a godly love...
Mayest- may in archaic tongue ...
Missive- letter,, especially a long or official one( or message) message surely...
Verily- truly or certainly.
brandon nagley Apr 2016

Dacryop's falleth,
Whenever she
Is near; because
I don't deserve
Such a seraph
Of heaven's

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) dedication
Seraphim or seraph- an angelic being, regarded in traditional Christian angelology as belonging to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy, associated with light, ardor, and purity.
Dacryops- tears in massive amount, or just tears.
brandon nagley Apr 2016
Around two weeks ago, part of a three-part dream,
I hadst seen Christ as he is; and always wilt be.
I wont speaketh of the other sections-
Just the part of the Savior,
Get thou to the right direction.

I sawest mineself, what looked to be in a hospital bed,
Fear and anguish wrapped mine mind, was I living-
Was I dead?

The two women I thought, originally to be nurses,
Saidst to me Brandon art thou ready for thine
Shot, I felt the rush and high they gave was

They stuck the needle in, pain medication's rush,
I calmed, de-stressed, mine spirit un-bunched.
After a few minutes, of this reality's vivid way,
The two I thought to be nurses spoke to me-
"Brandon art thou ready to meet God",
Mine high started floating away.

They saidst to me, come on " follow us", twill be ok-
I argued " I'm not ready " not ready today;  yet they
Hadst a tranquility about them, as I noticed these
Weren't thy average nurses, I followed them out
Of curiosity, as the shot faded from working.

They led me to a gigantic tree, not the norm you'd see,
It was like an oak, but it's height spoke, from heaven's
Reach. The tree hadst a door, they opened it for me-
Again they saidst " Brandon art thou ready "?
I stepped into the tree, getting first view,
Their was a stairway leading up, the path
Narrow, darkened, with handrails on the
Sides, as an abode, or earthly view.

As soon as I looked up the stairway, to the unknown,
I sawest a face observing downward to me; mine eye-sight
Hadst froze. I couldn't seeith the ****** features, just the glowing
White thick glorious beard, and thickened wool-set hair, I didint look at the body, because his countenance shone- as a million sun's, I got ****** into the light, from his face I felt one.

Beams were rapturous, as if a halo around his head, though
Twas not a halo, just the way he glow's tear's wilt be shed; then the man I sawest, disappeared as if mist, it hit me it was Yeshua ha'mashiach, Jesus Christ in mine midst.

The two women saidst again, ready to meet God? Fear built inside me, I wasn't ready because the sin I've got; though the man I sawest, didint cause me any fear, he was waiting for me, ready-
As tis I followed these two nurses up into the tree's care.

Getting up inside this tree, I stepped mine feet on hard ground,
It looked as if I walked into a new York flat, if in luxury Earthly
Bound. The room was big, with a brick wall in the back setting;
The two women took a right, into a wall they disappeared.
Again I thought, " Lord I'm surely not ready ".

I kneweth where they went, into the realm where God's throne-room was, I cowered behind them, I ran back down the step's for mine own good. I ran all the way back down the tree, closed the top door, ran out the bottom, shut the other one behind me, coming out of the trunk, not needing to know more.

At the end of the dream, switching to the last part, I took mine parent's to the scene, as mine story touched their heart's. I showed them the wooden giant I was taken up into, I told them of the two women I thought to be hospital worker's; though in reality being Angel's of God's truth. I spoke to them of the face I sawest up the stairs in the tree, how it shone like the star's all together for thou and me. In the tree there was a shelf, mine parents walked in, saw it for themselves. The shelf hadst huge tomatoes, and fresh vegetables I've never discovered, this was a tree of life with Christ, it's signifying mean's soon a death for me, as Christ awaits me; or like all the rest having rapture dream's- Yeshua is telling me his coming is soon, I'm just warning one another.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©My dream 2 seeks ago,
Saidst- said.
Twill- it will.
Hadst- had.
Twas- it was.

This poem is based on a ( real vivid dream I had meaning more real then real can be) I'm not only one having these type of dreams. As a Christian I know Christ will soon be calling up his people when he raptures ( calls up) saying as in Revelation ( come up hither, come up here) taking his chosen off the earth before the coming 7 years of tribulation. I speak truth and many by the thousands are having rapture dreams by the thousands now. And seeing prophecy tribulation dreams by thousands to. I've had three prophetic fireball dreams along with seeing a huge mothership ( what mainstream news calls aliens is not alien as Hollywood pushes...) Pastors now agree there is coming a GREAT alien deception as what many Christian scholars that mainstream hides is what the watchers were.. The ones that corrupted gods man by the watchers in Enoch ( meaning fallen angels, demonic beings) coming down sleeping with women putting their seed into women... Creating giants also known as nephilim, though mainstream alien theorists don't believe in a good or what really happened as even scientists know the ( great flood from Noah happened) though will try to deny the fact why all these giant beings were swept away... As genesis spoke. ( 1And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. 4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

5And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 7And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

Noah's Favor with God
8But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

The watchers ( fallen angels) By mating with women tried to stop christs perfect line of blood which connects to Noah and other generations... God found favor with Noah and destroyed the corrupted bloodline here on earth that the watchers ( sons of God also known as, and demons in reality) tried to create... The men of renown and old were nephillim and called giants same thing that were around before and after the flood. Mainstream knows that and hides it.. Thus why schools leave anything out with God . and your history books dont teach you on nephilim or giants... Anyways back to story had three fireball dreams plummeting the earth last dream saw a huge ship ( not of alien kind as Hollywood preaches, the watchers returning during tribulation... Meaning demonic beings.... So I'm very aware what's coming... If you see what's happening in your world right now Quakes of huge magnitude have Hit daily from equador Japan Mexico 5-7.0 plus sizes... Volcanoes from Mexico to Alaska to now Russia to by where Jane lives in Philippines to other places are all popping tops off at once!! Scientists are shaking their heads who know not Christ and God but deny him saying this is all happening at once? What's going on?? They are scratching heads they know California is way over due for a major quake... Fish, animals whales species of all sorts are washing up worldwide dead matching prophecy Hosea 4:3( 3Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.) The seas are in perplexity as bible spoke would happen right before Christ calls his people up in the catching away, harpazzo, rapture ...( The Greek word from this term “rapture” is derived appears in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, translated “caught up.” The Latin translation of this verse used the word rapturo. The Greek word it translates is harpazo, which means to ****** or take away. Elsewhere it is used to describe how the Spirit caught up Philip near Gaza and brought him to Caesarea (Acts 8:39) and to describe Paul’s experience of being caught up into the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:2-4). Thus there can be no doubt that the word is used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 to indicate the actual removal of people from earth to heaven. Quakes are happening globally huge now and everyone's worried. What did Christ say before he calls his people up??? He said( Luke 21:11
“And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. Divers also meaning diverse meaning ( many) places shall quakes be hitting and in mass form which is happening now more then ever... Pay attn why all the Islamic people are coming to Christ converting in the middle East... Why? Because Christ is coming to them by dreams and visions and in death for these people to return and tell you same... Also he's showing himself to Hindus Buddhists monks, atheists agnostics in dreams visions and deaths... Many are seeing like me fireball dreams visions, quakes opening up California and seeing souls coming up into the heavens from the cracks...many are seeing global side tsunamis, seeing rapture dreams of actually being caught up into the air with many others with Christ and his angels right before the calamity hits planet earth!!! By the thousands friends!! Thousands!!!! In my dream... I saw two nurses I thought to be nurses... They gave me a pain shot. Looked like I was in the hospital, I felt high and good after they shot me up.. They said you ready to meet God? I wasn't ready because sins I must overcome in my life I'm not perfect, bible tells us to be perfected in Christ I'm still perfecting myself working on things I need to wipe from my life and need prayer for that ...anyways two women who I didint reallt see their features what they looked like I just knew they were good brought me a peace... They took me to a tree huge one. I looked walked into it door at bottom. Look up a staircase looked up in narrow dark way looking up with another door you must pass at top...  First thing I see looking up Jesus Christ!! Which fun facts... Mother got in a car accident  about two weeks ago little after I had my dream ...before she got in car accident she had dream of people taking her van( that crashed ) parts away. My mother chased the people and a man stopped her... A man she now knows was Christ as she was picked up into him arms as if christ was saying stop worrying it's gonna be OK....she got ****** into Jesus Christs turquoise blue like eyes... She said looking in there are pools of water... Guess what people say same thing in death??! They say his eyes are bluish green..and there are pools of water or oceans of water in his eyes and safety is there and peace... As all describe my mother saw that!! She saw his brown hair and how he was on earth before transfiguration.. I saw him like others do see people can see him two ways in death or visions or dreams... seeing him how he was human on earth. Or seeing like me when he will come back after Armageddon with white hair and beard with white robes and purple sash at bottom as people have seen him like that in death and the fiery eyes because he was transfigured .. Spoke of in Revelation....Revelation chapter one John the revelator speaks... ( 2And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; 13And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. 16And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

This is reality!!! I just don't know if it signifies coming death for me having death experience coming back to tell everyone or just dying? Or if it means like all the thousands of others having rapture dreams signifying he will be calling me up soon and to get ready. But yes told parents of this dream like my other prophecy dreams to Jane and parents and others... So I tell you now if you know not Christ a loving merciful Savior forgiving of all sins and wrongs...if you know him not as Lord an Savior won't you accept him while their is still time? Because I like many know reality... Time is short... Not mentioning your last breath could be today.... Please accept Christ as Lord and Savior.. Please don't be fooled because an Antichrist and false prophet are already on the earth and alot is happening prophecy wise I could tell you of for hours matching all biblical gospel ad christs words are coming true now.... Are you saved in Christ? Where is your eternal souls destination? Heaven? Or hell?? Not sure?? You can be sure in Christ... Christ said ( I am the way truth and the life , no man comes to the father ( God) but by and through me... Not works will get you to heaven ... Christians are saved by what christ did for us on the cross proven true... If we accept him as Lord and Savior... He died for you and me. This isn't mythical. All prophecy is being unfolded and has unfolded and mores happening as I write you this... Bible sais whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved... Will you accept him and say prayer of salvation accepting Christ into your heart soul and life as Lord Savior? If want to please write me this is reality... Time to wake up poets!!!! I am sending you a message... Heed the prophecy listen to my warnings. Don't be caught up and left behind when everything takes off... Find Christ please.... Reason I dont write here much anymore I'm busy paying attn to prophecy happening around me I'm preparing myself or trying to. Praying more... Telling others more truth waking others up...been busy busy paying attn to prophecy and letting others know what's happening... So I'll continue to like poems as much as can also my dad had heart attack March 31st and mulitple ones April nineteenth which I had been given signs by God through numbers something was gonna happen to my mother ( her car crash) and dads ( heart attacks) dad had dream of his father who died years ago months ago speaking to him .. Dad couldn't remember what my dead grandpa Nagley told him in dream. I knew was warning when loved one comes to you usually... As dad had dream the day before his first attack seeing me whispering to him two men are at the door... His dream came to life... When the first two men to walk in our home March 31 was two emts...thanks for reading.....!!!

BTW when the nurses ( angels I knew to be) said are you ready Brandon to meet God? I know God and christ are one!! Yet both separate. There is father yaweh Jehovah God, the son ( Jesus Christ who came in the flesh to die for mankind's sin. And the HOLY spirit a literal holy spirit that God will give you in times of trouble and when needing peace that flows from gods throne said by tons who have died and come back.. So when they said God .. Remember Christ and his father are one!! Facts fun for you.

As Joel 2;28 spoke
“And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions...
It's happening now
And by thousands!!!

Last part of the dream taking my parents into the tree, showing them gigantic size veggies in that heavenly tree .. Signified to me everything in gods kingdom isn't touched by man it's perfect..  Things there that mankind can't fathom..... Though I can .. The apartment looking place I landed my feet into up into the tree with the ( brick wall) signified to me I am blocking myself with fear.   And need to not worry as mother said.   Because with Christ I have peace.  . such truth!!!
brandon nagley Apr 2016

Aloof, alamoth shalt be as caffoy
To the effulgence; betwixt the
Stretched out firmament.

None more dacryop's; for
Euphoria is permanent.

            Multicolored adamant to be ourn walking step's,
            None ado; an ambassage of love so true, apace
            When airborne-balm of soothe.


                                           Cheek to cheek, Rosy blush
                                           ****. Top-to-feet, robed by
                                           Heat; from white sustaining


Mine lady, closer-feeleth me. Graze mine inner
Being. Touch mine blood that sing's; when thou
Art close. No longer art we the norm, we're now
Perfected from the storm's.


Surmounting through those once


O' now we art untouched, protected
Alongside high-rank Host's;
Beauty is the most enlightening,
Being seen through thine
Glorious view.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( pookie) dedication
Aloof- means at a distance, but within view .
Alamoth- music played in high notes...
Caffoy- velvety fabric..
Effulgence- brightness taken to the extreme.
Ado- fuss, bother.
Ambassage- message.
Apace- swiftly , quickly.
****- a person's face
Dacryops- wateriness in the eyes ... ( like tears, tears)
Adamant- rock or hard mineral.
Balm- medicine.
Infernal - of, relating to, or characteristic of hell or the underworld.
Betwixt- between....

If wanna hear this poem can find it on soundcloud. Com look me up if bored enough lol type in Brandon Nagley on SoundCloud you'll see this poem in their (Beauty is the most enlightening, being seen through thine glorious view) thanks for reading...
Thanks Brandon Cory Nagley....
brandon nagley Apr 2016
Verily, verily, I wilt thole
the strenuous measure
Without thee in mine
Reach. Thine countenance do I seek in
Sainthood luster;                                      O' how I needeth thee mine
                                         beloved of cherubic power,
                 Tis the moonlight hour's I dieth to layeth mine brow
Upon thine own.

Sweat cover's me, I needeth mine
Abode, for thou art mine home;
In which I hath sought after
Since afore the age of Noah.
                                                         O' how this locution screameth out loud to the crowd's of emptied lonesome-hearted mad
Men. Mine darling, àgapi mou, best friend. Tis not the end-
Only the beginning.                        I glance keenly dearest jane-

Into meadow's wherein the pool's of life art made for one man
And his wife, as godly intended;

                                                      ­   Foregone art the soul's that shalt
                                        wait ourn arrival, they've been waiting endlessly to enter us inside.
O' Queen Jane, Filipino treasure of mine;

O' how we shalt dine and feast amongst the golden pathway's and see-through streets, bare **** feet to lead ourn spiritual direction, ourn agápi reflecting Yahweh's glow in three-
Dimensional complexion.

One day to be as babes, Unchained, not slaves to menfolk's rule-

A place wherein one enters by the amount of love they've given
And hath shown, a kingdom
                                                   Wherein we shalt be renewed.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedicated
Verily - truly
Thole- endure, suffer.
Wilt- will.
Tis- it is.
Layeth- lay.
Afore- before.
Àgapi mou- my love in Greek.
Wherein- in which.
agápi- love
Foregone- past

If wanna hear this on SoundCloud. Can go find me
SoundCloud and look me up Brandon Nagley
Type in my name should see poem ( glancing into the pools of life) though part or two was cut out because stupid recorder... Or well. Enjoy
Thanks for reading!!!
Apr 2016 · 1.3k
Floshtarize in the light
brandon nagley Apr 2016
In a secret chamber mine love-
novel to other's, we shalt repose.
Thought's to not only be understood
In the physical, but in the kingdom
Wherein living water floweth
From ourn soul's. Pinnacle's
Defying scientific theory of
Time and space. For where
We shalt be there art sea's
Eternally unspoken; Only
By God shalt one seeith the
Glimmering turnstile, none
trespass allowed there, none
agápi to be defiled. Here, this
Place we shalt floshtarize in
unbarring liberty; a cordillera
Aloft the breeze we shalt ascend.
Ourn spirit's wilt twist and bend
To the notes of saintly chord's. O'
Anon mine girl, anon; we shalt sip
From the grip of turquoise pond's. As
The treasures we wilt collect, shalt be
providential, ourn residential abode-
white as snow, O'er the Show
of the most essential.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) dedication
Repose- be lying, situated, or kept in a particular place.
Novel- strange,
Chamber- room.
agápi- love in Greek tongue.
Floshtarize- this is a word I created as I do many.. This word I made means ( unite spiritually becoming one being)...
cordillera- a system or group of parallel mountain ranges together with the intervening plateaus and other features.
Aloft- up in or into the air; overhead...
Wilt- will....
Anon- soon ( archaic form).
Art-  meaning are in archaic tongue.
providential- involving divine foresight or intervention..
O'er- over ( archaic way).
brandon nagley Apr 2016

The gloaming is soothing in her presence.
Forthwith, raptured by her glimpse;
I mayest be penurious by worldly
Standard, though with Yahweh
Next to me, and mine queen
Sent to me, I'm opulent
With none enemies
As tis mine soul is


None ill-will in me breed's, I've
Walked the path of native tree's;
Wherein the places I canst ramble,
Art not from men's thought's; thus where Lucifer
Gamble's, and soul's art cleaved.


Mine feet and toes, taketh me where I need
to go, as tis the holy ghost; that dwelleth in me.
The Trinity- "father, son, and holy spirit", whereinto
Jehovah's brilliance reflect's sky ceiling's. As mine Jane is
There in dark or bright-in wrong and right, when thunder strikes,
Or in the fog unknown, when mine heart's alone, and skin need's touch, mine Jane giveth me love, a love uncrushed. A love so much; God as her lead, she dances for me, with her angelic wing's
Inside mine sleep. Her pictures I keep alongside mine wall's, to remembereth the intercession, and the bestowal from God.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) dedication
Gloaming- twilight or dusk.
Forthwith- immediately..
Mayest- may in archaic form.
penurious- poverty stricken, or poor...
Yahweh- Hebrew name for God.
Opulent- ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish, wealthy....
Ill-will- hatred, bitterness towards anyone.
Wherein- in which.
Afore- before.
Art- are.
whereinto- into which.....
Tis- it is .
Father ( God,) son ( Jesus Christ) holy spirit- "Trinity"
Jehovah- another name for Christian God in Hebrew.
Brilliance- intense brightness of light....
Cleaved- means split.
bestowal- gift, to present as a gift; give; confer.
brandon nagley Apr 2016
I ask you poet
Whom do you worship?
Where does your souls eternity stand right now?
Broken? Despaired! Pained? Sorrowful? Burdened? Seeing all the chaos in the world and yet don't know where to turn or whom to turn to, OK you can flip to the next poem if you'd like that speaks of worldiness, *** maybe, lust, hopelessness, a state of being lost. May I ask you? What gives you pleasure in this world? Idols? Things of gold, such as statues? Jewelry? Maybe dope? ***? Maybe video gaming, escaping anyway possible in food? By beating your loved ones? Or abusing those whom love you? Maybe cutting yourself? As many here do, they cut to feel alive. Do you? The thought of not living there where all hope is gone, unseen and lost? Wanting to give up? What you don't know or may have turned a blind eye to by so called ( fake pastors, religious nuts, Jesus freaks whatever you wanna call them.. Yes! There are false pastors for money, and Greed's purpose... As what you may not truly understand is this world isn't just physical, revelation 12:3-4 States Satan and 1\3 Of gods once good angels as Satan him ( Lucifer) was also a high or one of highest angels ruling over other angels.... Revelation 12:3-4 speaks of Satan and one third of the angels who were kicked out of heaven. Satan in other words wanted to play gods role.Luke 10:18 sais this. ( And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” )
King James Bible. There is a literal battle here poet whoever reads this for your soul. God wants you to come to his son Christ who said ( I am the way truth and the life, NO MAN comes to the father but by me) John 14:6 ... Christ offers salvation and hope to the whole world. As there is no life in Islam, nor Buddhism, nor Hinduism, nor all these other false ways and false ideologies of the world. Christ is the only one to have claimed to be gods son. As what you didint know. Christ was sent down to a ****** called mary, scientists now have a word for it where mothers literally have children by miracles of not having a man enter into them sexually at all. God put his son Christ who always was from the beginning before the foundation of this world. That's why us Christians also call God the great I am. Meaning he always was and will always be. God sent his son Jesus Christ. Also called in Hebrew original tongue. Yeshua ha'mashiach-. Meaning Jesus the Messiah or anointed one . Christ came in the flesh in the form of a man. To be sent here to teach everyone to love one another. And that he was the way truth and the life. He literally healed the sick, he healed lepers . opened eyes of those without sight and without hope...he was who he claimed to be . he came to die for me and yours sins... As the gospel in the Bible States..Romans 5:12- 12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Adam and Eve sinned against God, in the garden of Eden where scientists now know just about the location of the garden... Sin passed down to all mankind. Our bible teaches. Romans 3:23- 3For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; so I tell you friend to friend poet to poet... No good works will get you to heaven as the pope falsely preaches of the Catholic Church. Why works won't get you to heaven? Ephesians 2:8-9 main verses.( 8For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9Not of works, lest any man should boast. 10For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.) Notice how it sais for by grace you are saved through faith? Meaning by grace of God if you accept Jesus as your Lord and messiah and Savior personal Savior not some far away man. Or myth. A personal Savior you can speak to in prayer and hes always there for you. Also notice it sais ( it is not of yourselves, meaning you can't save yourself neither can works you do good on earth. It also said not of works, that any man should boast??? Boast showing off pridefulness. Buy through christs shedding of blood on the cross, we have redemption through that blood if we accept him or not. I'm sure you've heard from worldly religions and one world together we are all children of God? False lie! Fact is were yes all created by the same God. Though we don't all worship the true God we should be and wonder  why our lives and your lives are haywire? We are children of God ONLY through the adoption of Jesus ( meaning coming to him as your Savior you are adopted as gods chosen and children... Christ btw spoke more on hell then he did heaven. Though here's what he said on heaven. (
1 Corinthians 2:9 - But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. ( meaning in life, and after death in heaven.)
John 14:2 - In my Father's house are many mansions: if [it were] not [so], I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,

11 Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;

12 And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:

13 On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates.

14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

15 And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof.

16 And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.

17 And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.

18 And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass.

19 And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald;

20 The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst.

21 And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.

22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.

23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

24 And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.

25 And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there.

26 And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it.

27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.

( revelation chapter 21) speaking of the new temple God will literally bring down to earth that's already In heaven until after Armageddon where he brings down a new temple from heaven already ready and made to go for his chosen and believers who accept Christ Jesus.

And many more verses... Which btw just type in near death experiences on youtube see the thousands of REAL results of many whom have died meaning brain dead, heart dead both, no just one issue wrong. Both things dead some people for minutes, some for hour to hour and half. All telling you same things they saw in death. The tunnel of death. One way leading to heavens gates where there are literally pearlescent gates, and a door you pass through into gods throne room and huge place. They all describe how everything's living and alive.. There is pure joy there and peace. ( as bible speaks, the peace of God surpasses all understanding) told by a black man who's story in famous on CBN and world news. As thousands of others who match the same accounts yet may all be different in forms alll conclude who they saw. Jesus Christ, literal angels by thousands who sing and praise God all the day because in heaven there Is no time clock or time in human level. You know not time. For our bible teaches... 2 Peter 3:8 ( 8But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.) Notice how verse also sais God is long-suffering toward us meaning suffering in patience willing that NONE of you should perish in a real hell Christ spoke on dozens of times, but that all ALL should come to repentance. By accepting Christ as Savior and your messiah and turning from your old ways which I'll tell you as a Christian not one Christian is a saint or perfect. Though word tells us we are to be perfected in Lord Jesus meaning working on self to be as Christ was... Holy. I am a sinner like all the rest of human beings in this earth. And daily Christians must work at doing God's will, and yes takes practice patience and work. Though Christ and God his father gets you through any trials you face and tribulations. 2 Corinthians 1-
1/Blessed [be] God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;2- Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. Christ came and was scorned, mocked nby the scribes and Pharisees  of his day even though the Jewish Torah spoke of their coming messiah and the world's coming messiah. Though they rejected him as told in old testament they would do, he came preached love, to forgive another always!!!! Always no matter how many times one wrongs and hurts you. And as all say who die and meet God on his throne in a LITERAL heaven, seeing God on his literal throne, and seeing Christ his son, they always come back to say the same thing from death experiences, people will say I'd watch all hundreds of vids as I have..  Christ either told them to go back to earth thir job wasn't done from stuff needing changed in the person's life... These are accounts from Muslims, atheists agnostics, hateful people. Many ex terrorists from middle East. Many Buddhists , Hindus and people from All backgrounds and beliefs will say same thing... Christ told them to go back to love one another... To change things... That HE is the way truth and life. And no man ones to God but by him. And noone gets to heaven but through Jesus the Messiah... They also say God the father said the exact same to them. To tell humans to love one Christ will tell them in dozens of accounts, dozens!!! Tell my people ( Christians ) I'm coming back soon. Or tell them I'm calling them up soon.... Meaning rapturing up his Christians before the 7 year hell called tribulation on earth! When the Antichrist makes fale peace deal between isreal and Palestine. And the world will cry peace and safety! Peace and safety then will sudden destruction come upon man as a woman with child. Spoken in bible. As antichrists peace deal is mentioned in Daniel 9;27 27(And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.) He shall ( Antichrist will) make a false peace deal giving isreali land over to the Palestinian people who have no claim on that land... As even a Saudi prince cams out to say Palestine doesn't own Israeli Jewish land. But the Jews do through Abraham Issac and Jacob!!! Media mainstream news tells you none of this why? Their ran by 6 elite companies who run all news stations. As Rockefeller ( billionaire elite) has his hands in most politics TV news everything you watch and read is controlled by him, the cia. And false reporting. all for the love of money and greed they lie to the American public and world. I suggest anyone to look up the RFID chips matching Antichrist mark of the beast that will be coming money system, also healthcare info. On one small tiny microchip placed in the forehead or right hand to. Spoken of in Revelation 13 which btw It's already being tested in the forehead in monkey heads in labs. And chips are being bought sold and put into USA soldiers, high officials for money. Ignorant people who have no idea what the chips are are literally PAYING to have them placed in their right hands!!! Continue at bottom....
Mark of beast - RFID chips- Revelation 13:16-18King James Version (KJV)

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
This RFID chip is already in Barack Hussein Antichrist Obama's healthcare bill. Call me insane for calling him that, though he matches scripture 100 fold to who he is, as pope Francis is predicted by two St Malachi's to be last black jesuit pope. Black not meaning skin color. As everything the pope preaches to the Catholic good people. Is false. He preaches doing  good even athiests can get to heaven. Though anyone who knows coming beast system and new world order to come knows the world wants togetherness end quote... A one world religion. A one world dictator Antichrist. And their will be a false prophet to help push the Antichrist message ....this is coming and I warn you now who don't know Christ! Know him now!! Our bible speaks many will come saying they are the Messiah DONT listen to them! Accept Christ now while you have breath in your lungs! Why??? Here's why! Number one when dead and you don't accept christ as your Savior you eternally seperated from God. From gods light, love protection. Only in Christ will you be protected and saved not the world not Muhammed not Buddha. Which none of these people claimed to be of God or a part of God. Buddhist theology preaches in enlightenment that all can be a budha enlightened!!! Muslims Muhammed what they don't tell you mock Christ. And preach Christ will come back with the Islamic Mahdi ( messiah to Islam, Antichrist in reality who they will accept,) and Islam teaches that Jesus will return to claim to Jews and Christians he's a Muslim! FALSE he was a Jew born in Bethlehem lived in nathereth born of  a ******, as Muhammed as a man, who lived in sin, killed to get converts yes Christians in!past days pushed on wrong ways converting following believers as even Christ wouldn't of wanted that. Muhammed converted by the sword. Meaning follow Islamic law, or be beheaded and die just as isis does now to thousands of Christians in middle East matching scriptures in our bible. Where in old testament it sais ( when you see them coming by the sword claiming to do God a service, know the end is near.
Who's coming by sword claiming to so do god a service? Islamic real teaching that even most Muslims won't follow!!! Why you see so much bloodshed being led on by Palestinian radicals and terrorists from Al shabbab in Africa, from also Iran's ayotolah ( religious leader) telling his people go **** the Jews and Christians wherever you find them!!! Just as Islamic law teaches ( The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and **** infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.) Examples- of Islam-
Quran (2:191-193) - "And **** them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing...
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)" (Translation is from the Noble Quran) The verse prior to this (190) refers to "fighting for the cause of Allah those who fight you" leading some to believe that the entire passage refers to a defensive war in which Muslims are defending their homes and families. The historical context of this passage is not defensive warfare, however, since Muhammad and his Muslims had just relocated to Medina and were not under attack by their Meccan adversaries. In fact, the verses urge offensive warfare, in that Muslims are to drive Meccans out of their own city (which they later did). Verse 190 thus means to fight those who offer resistance to Allah's rule (ie. Muslim conquest). The use of the word "persecution" by some Muslim translators is disingenuous (the actual Arabic words for persecution - "idtihad" - and oppression - a variation of "z-l-m" - do not appear in the verse). The word used instead, "fitna", can mean disbelief, or the disorder that results from unbelief or temptation. This is certainly what is meant in this context since the violence is explicitly commissioned "until religion is for Allah" - ie. unbelievers desist in their unbelief.


Romans 10;9-10
9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation
It tells their own people to **** infidels ( Christians and Jews wherever you may find them) and that is religion of peace!!!! Wake up!!!! A false prophet Islam follows. What mainstream news didint tell you is so this ..

Quran (3:56) - "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help...
How false of a God is that to worship? You see for yourself.

Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority". This speaks directly of polytheists, yet it also includes Christians, since they believe in the Trinity (ie. what Muhammad incorrectly believed to be 'joining companions to Allah'). This speaks on casting terror at Christian people. And others who dont wanna follow Islam ( sharia law, in their world that's what Islam wants meaning an Islamic new world order and it's happening before your eyes in USA and world as gvts are falling to their faces giving into them ..
There are over 330 million Hindu gods. Not many know that. Though Christ spoke ( he is the ONLY way, the truth and the life. Who was mocked beaten, beard ripped out, scorned. Whipped all over his body. Bloodied. Placed a Cal ( or crown of  thorns over his head which ripped into him more, mocked by scribes Pharisees, and Roman soldiers. His own Jewish people turned him over to pilate to fulfill scriptures,  to be put on a cross next to a thief and a murderer... An innocent sacrifice for mankind!! The only sacrifice! As noone else has ever died for mankind's sins and for us to have chance of salvation. In Islamic belief you got to do many things and pray many times a day as Muslims are some of the most devout in the world. Yet have no real hope!!! Take a look on Google and YouTube of truth you don't hear!! Why is the whole Muslim world converting to Christ? For one their sick of their false teachings of Muhammed. Which you didint know there's something called the satanic verses in the Islamic world. The satanic verses Islam argues of. Meaning, Muhammed literally had Satan's words in his mouth as he admitted speaking them. Islam will argue amongst each other over this! Though a dark reality!!! Even what many don't know ...though search yourself ....Christ was crucified on the cross... On the hill of Golgotha called the place of the skull known in Hebrew where a LITERAL hill sits high in the city with a skull actual skull in the rock. Christs tomb has been found years ago. He was buried in a tomb where Joseph of Arimathea a rich man who buried Jesus put Jesus in this tomb. The garden has been found. The trees are still there Jesus prayed and weeped under... The tombs found the rock that rolled over the tomb has been found. The nails in Christs wrists not hands as paintings falsely showed scientists know nails went into wrist in isreal. The nails were found with bone connected now in isrealis university. They were found in high priest Caiaphas tomb the high priest who had Christ killed... Story goes back ages Caiaphas kept the nails to find mercy with God because he realized who Christ was. Because after Christ died. The earth literally shook recorded in the Bible a freak quake happened, the moon was blood red. And the sky darkened the exact moment christs soul left his body. And the Jewish temples veil ripped into two. And shook. BTW scientists can look back in past cultures and even back in space and time. And see the quake that happened, actually did worldwide when christs death occurred. All religions and cultures recorded it at time Jesus died all way back to where mayans are and across the globe. Scientists now know a blood moon would have occurred during christs death signifying the messiahs blood was just shed!!!! For you and I!!!! WOW I can go on and on. Fact is you can accept truth and life? And God's son who came in human flesh who cried laugh joked like me and you felt what we felt. Because God loves us so much he sent his own son to die for you and me. Though those who reject God. This is some verses on that.

Revelation 21:8 - But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Every story I've heard where people died literally brain heart dead for minutes or hour or more.. Describe the real flames. Real pits. Prison cells underneath your feet in the earth, real demons who tortures day and night unbelievers and who take you down there .  as there are real crys. Pain. All senses in afterlife all will tell you are a thousand times more real than senses on earth! This is REALITY!!! Poetry is poetry I give you truth.
Also hell verses which Christ spoke more on because he loved us so much to die for us  that he wants noone to go there. Because mankind has free will and we can choose life in Christ? Or hell and death by free will of rejecting Jesus Christ!!!

Matthew 25:41 - Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.
This verse refers to the great white throne judgement ( meaning judgement of non believers who deny christs salvation and all of him. Who follow not him. As even Christians are call themselves Christians who aren't Christians but didint follow Christ will say in the day of judgment. Lord have we not prophesied for you? And did good works for you? God will tell them. Depart from me you workers of iniquity I NEVER knew you, we make our decisions and choice now where we go. Hell wasn't designed for you. It was oringal made for Satan and his angels his fallen angels... Though many deny christ and if don't accept him, will be there with Satan and his angels in a real horrifying place that Hollywood can't even put a finger in a movie on!!!
Also -
Revelation 20:15 - And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
The book of life is a real book in heaven your name is written in when you accept Christ if you didint accept Christ. Your name shall not be found in that book.

Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Eternal life is the gift of God through Christ alone.... For the wages of sin is death... And denying Christ is death.
the fire that never shall be quenched:

Matthew 10:28 - And fear not them which **** the body, but are not able to **** the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Meaning don't fear man who can just destroy the body, but have a healthy fear of God coming to him humbly, knowing God can destroy both body and SOUL in hell. As where man only can touch the body .

1 John 5:12 - He that hath the Son hath life; [and] he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
Simple saying- he that has Jesus christ as messiah has life eternally, literally. Those who have not the son, have not LIFE!!!!
I am not here to put down anyone's beliefs or religious thoughts and ways you grew up. If I had more space here I could go on with factual evidence more of Christ and tell you what's happening now in the world. I tell you not as some crazed poet, or some quote conspiracy theorist which the gvt calls those that's a threat to them. I tell you this as a being who loves all people. And I'm just giving you truth, truth maybe noone told you of. That there is hope, though also there is death and a real hell. Though God is light, he's love.. As our bible said. In heaven there's no need for a moon or sun for God is the light. And God is pure love spoken by thousands who have died to come back to tell you that!!! As there is God the father. The son Jesus Christ. Whom he sent to you to die one a cross so there wouldn't be need for Jews to sacrifice animals no more,or pray to false gods. But real sacrifice for our sins were carried on christs body in death!!! Now you have a chance of being saved! And WILL be no ifs and or buts about it. Christians if accept Christ are eternally secure and saved. Why do you think we have so much hope and can smile at ease? And in death when our loved ones are dying we can rejoice even in death.??? Because we know where our home is in heaven, and with our messiah Christ there. And God the father... What media doesn't tell the people in CNN fox news, MSNBC so on mainstream. Why muslims are converting to christ right now by thousands??? As China and middle East have biggest population of Christians around apbeing persecuted and killed ( for Christ said, remember the world first hated him. Before it hated us) and it's happening now!!! The hatred for Christians and God's chosen land the Jewish people!!! Muslims are coming to Christ by thousands shown on Google and YouTube by seeing Christ in dreams and visions by the THOUSANDS friends!!he's coming to them telling them by dreams, and visions and many death. Telling them he is the way truth and life and he is salvation... Muslims will tell you this... As in book of Joel in bible it speaks.... This just as I've like thousands of others haven't seen Christ but have seen the prophetic visions and dreams as are happening by thousands of accounts. Fireball dreams of asteroids I had three of them!!! Smashing the earth! Many are seeing those tsunamis, quakes in California and world. Floods, and seeing dreams of the rapture when Christ calls up his believers before the 7 years of tribulation and all hell on earth and God's wrath hitting earth and mankind's big bloodshed leading to world war three called harmageddon in Hebrew. Armageddon in English!! Joel in KJV sais Joel 2:17
17And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams!!!
Its happening!!! Gods warning us.. Im warning you... Christ is calling his chosen soon. Very soon... And I ask you, right now as a poet, and friend. Who do you believe in? Do you have Christ as your Savior? Or do you trust in world that will be renewed one day by God, and messed up by man? Do you trust in riches? Gold? Money? The razor to cut the wrist? Yourself? Bible said the man who sais in his heart there is no god, is a FOOL!!!Choose wisely. Whom do you believe! Do you feel worthy? Saveable? Well despite your beliefs Christ will save you no matter what you've done. Murderer  or thief or liars, or idol worshippers satanic worshipers, followers of Islam. Buddhism, atheist agnostic, those who don't worship Christ. Those in ****** sin, in any sin....He will save you. Christ forgives all if you want him as your Lord and Savior for eternity. Romans 10:13

Romans 10:13King James Version (KJV)

13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Meaning if you believe christ was born of a ****** Mary in your heart sent
brandon nagley Apr 2016

Certes, where wouldst I be, without the visitant who visited me, hallow and calefacient is mine sweet. Her camaca flaxen brown far east bisayan covering, like the wind upon her bones; Cling's on to wing's crystalline, hovering.


Many callisteias doth she hath, even in her most burdened of day's, light echoes the wall's of her laugh. Her nacre eyne, as a naos doth garnish the sign; spelling "ángelos mou".


I phlebotomized pond's of despair's tether's, I implored God for the mate of mine soul; even pictured this vasílissa in mine pounding blood's fetters. Thus one moment, in death's valley, undeservingly the Trinity whom always was and is; gifted me mine other-half, the woman from Asia's tribal secrets, the one with a aureole surrounding her chest.


Now, after generation's of awaiting, just to touch her luminescence I won't tire, nor debate the timing; for all
Cometh in good time, I just thanketh mine Yahweh.
For its his daughter he didst send, thus me didst he
Openeth mine eyen. O' blest divine, O' blest divine.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) Dedication
Certes- in truth.. ( archaic old word).
Wouldst- would...
Visitant- not many know this word - means supernatural being.
Hallow- as a saint, sacred, holy.
calefacient- something that causes warmth ..
camaca- fine silk fabric
Flaxen- pale yellow,
Flaxen brown -her skins a mix of flaxen yellow and brown two different shades and beyond gold. Heavens golden beauty.
Far east + Asian.
One of her tongues she speaks in Philippines is bisaya tongue.
Also this.plural noun
a group of islands in the central Philippines, including Panay, Negros, Cebú, Bohol, Leyte, Samar, Masbate, and smaller islands.
Expand, Spanish Bisayas  [bee-sah-yahs] (Show IPA).
Crystalline- having the structure and form of a crystal; composed of crystals, also meaning clear...
callisteia- awards given for beauty.
Doth- does
Hath- have...
Nacre- mother of pearl.
Eyne, or also eyen is archaic both for - eyes.
Naos- temple; inner cell of a temple.
ángelos mou- means - ( angel of mine) Greek tongue.
phlebotomized- archaic for bleed, to draw blood from, bled...can be used as bleed. Bled.
vasílissa- Greek for queen.
Fetters- restrain with chains or manacles.
Thus- therefore, as a result of...
aureole- a circle of light or brightness surrounding something, especially as depicted in art around the head or body of a person represented as holy.
The Trinity- the Christian Godhead as one, God in three persons: Father(God), Son(Jesus christ), and Holy Spirit.( same as holy ghost sent to us in time for need and help and to overcome, as the HOLY spirit flows directly out of gods throne. Told by thousands who have died ,returned to tell all same factual evidence...( fun fact, for anyone who knows not christ or the father God.)
Eyen- also means eyes- archaic way.
Blest- archaic for blessed....
brandon nagley Apr 2016

As she's in the land of Nod,
rustling azaleas in her
ancestral awe. She don's
the ensemble for the next


Her body like a cradle
Rocks back and forth
As a swaddling babe;
She's musing of ourn
Meeting, and it's
Patient way's.


Tis I as well who see-
saw's in mine bed,
Pretending she is
Next to me, swaying
the thread's, peeping
out mine window,
Awaiting her wake;
Counting down the
Hour's, to seeith
Mine Angel's

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou dedication)
Land of nod- state of sleep.
Don or Don's- means put on (an item of clothing)....
Morrow- following day.
Ensemble- set of clothes chosen to harmonize when worn together.
Swaddling- wrap (someone, especially a baby) in garments or cloth.
Musing- thinking.
Tis- it is...

Note- will have this on SoundCloud in few hours if you care to listen to it lol thanks friends and supporters for everything ...
brandon nagley Apr 2016
She came covered in satin-silk hair,
Displayed by rainbowed Ray's;
A visage of God's awe,
And wing's that flew uncaged.
I kneweth her once afore,
In the natural form of grace;
The welkin's own, a soul I've
Known, regalia clase.
O' athwart twas I,
That seized her
Breath, the
Roaring sky's o'er
Happiness. She tucked
Her head, into mine chest;
As the rest played out
As a utopian scene.
Twas not a dream,
Or drug induced
Illusion, some get
Amour confused
With the devil's
Confusion, though we
Art an infusion;
Two antediluvian
Specter shades,
Her color is yellow
For the sun, mine is blue;
From the deepest of water's,
And the river of life
Out of God's throne
I pulled Jane through.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) dedication
Afore- before
Regalia means -the emblems or insignia of royalty, especially the crown, scepter, and other ornaments used at a coronation.
the distinctive clothing worn and ornaments carried at formal occasions as an indication of status....
Clase- word I made up meaning- classy and tasteful.
Welkin- heaven or sky.
athwart- across; in opposition to; sideways; transversely.
Twas- it was..
O'er- over..
Art- are
Amour- love.
Infusion- the introduction of a new element or quality into something.
Specter- ghost...
Antediluvian means- of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood.
brandon nagley Apr 2016
John 13:34 ( king james bible) christ speaking---
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

1 John 7-21

7Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. 8He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. 9In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. 10Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 11Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. 12No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. 13Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit. 14And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.

15Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. 16And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. 17Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. 18There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 19We love him, because he first loved us. 20If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? 21And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

1 john- 3:11-24
11For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. 12Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous.

13Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. 14We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. 15Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. 16Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 17But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? 18My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. 19And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him. 20For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. 21Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. 22And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.

23And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. 24And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us.
This goes for fellow Christians ( and non christians who dont know christ or deny him....) who forgot what Christ is about and what Gods about and wants all humans to do, this is his main thing for us to love God first and to love all human beings , for we are all sinful and come short of the glory of God. It's only accepting Christ as your savior can and will be forgiven if ask him for forgiveness of all sins and call on name of Lord ( Yeshua) Jesus Christ for salvation you must believe in your heart Christ was sent here to die on that wooden cross, and rose again the third day... Which he DID!!!! Unlike any other... for faith comes not by sight, but hearing the word of God. Which there are to many proofs to back up the man of Christ and his prophecies and who he truly was and is!!! The Savior! The only Savior.Christ told us all. ( I am the way truth and life no man NO MAN comes to father God but. By and through me( jesus);!! Not others...not the world's way. Christ. As I've been saying this for a long time now something big is coming though are you ready for it??? Do you wanna be left in a world of chaos? Have no hope? No eternal security where your going after death? For you Christians LOVE is what God commanded us to do. Just go on youtube alone of realllllll death experiences people all coming back saying same thing. Christ told them to tell us HES COMING SOON! Or these people saw God the father on a LITERAL throne and tells most if not all go back tell others to LOVE another!!! Forgive another.... Why??? Our word said God first loved US that's why we love another!!!! He sent a man ( Jesus) his spiritual son in manly flesh to be mocked whipped bled out, tortured scorned to death and nailed to a cross to take me and yours sins Noone else in history has given us that love and noone else ever will.... For you non Christians take a look at thy world the chaos, the killings. Suicides , overdoses a world without hope ran by a very REAL Satan and his demons, many wanna call a myth! Yah as the scratches on my arm in marks of three are myths to? And all the demons in live evp recordings saying get out now well **** you, or the live apparitions me and family have all seen including my woman Jane on Skype!!! This is reality!!! Wake up and don't be fooled to an Antichrist that's coming to the world and soon!!!! The world knows something big is coming!!! I've been telling you all along!!! Christ said NARROW is the path to life ( heaven, Christ,)  and broad is the way to DESTRUCTION!!! ( hell, separation as well eternal from God) and many there be that find it!!! As Christ said!!! Who will you choose??? The real Savior? Peace? Comfort.? Love salvation? An eternal Savior who cares listens to you and answers you not always as you want but wants what is best for you??? Will you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord? Savior??? If want to inbox me I'll tell you more of it .. Thanks
Brandon Nagley!!!
brandon nagley Apr 2016
Iwis, in the overt eye's,
Her, mine Jane;         ii.
I'll lionize.                   Erelong, the psalmody
                                      Of courting gesture;
                                      A consort's
Tambourines shaketh
Whilst sistrum's
Jangle; horn's
And pipes
In the melody
            Sitar and harp peal,
            Shofar's explode
            The comet's; un-
            earthed by seven
            seal's, reeling in
            Renewal and
            birth's of one
                                     Free will is chosen,
                                     though by Yahweh
                                     abideth we; unclad
                                     to the human fad,
                                     In love- O' blessed
                                               To be.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( pookie dedication)
Iwis- certainly,surely.
Overt- done or shown openly; plainly or readily apparent, not secret or hidden.
lionize- archaic for - give a lot of public attention and approval to (someone); treat as a celebrity...
Erelong- before long, or soon.
psalmody- psalms arranged for singing....
Courting- be involved with romantically, typically with the intention of marrying. ( wanting or trying to marry one ) a man courting a woman. Old tradition more romantic in other countries a lost art if you may. And lost true romance...
Consort- a wife, husband, or companion, in particular the spouse of a reigning monarch...
Diadem- crown with jewels for a  king or queen.
Meet- ( fitting, or proper) archaic way of meet .
Sistrum- a musical instrument of ancient Egypt consisting of a metal frame with transverse metal rods that rattled when the instrument was shaken.
Peal- means- a loud repeated or reverberating sound of thunder or laughter.
Shofar- a ram's-horn trumpet used by ancient Jews in religious ceremonies and as a battle signal, now sounded at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Yahweh- a form of the Hebrew name of God used in the Bible. Just like Elohim is another name, and God also calls himself ( I am) meaning always was and always will be... He is the alpha and omega beginning and end. Before him was nothing and will be nothing after him! He always was and always is!!! The almighty!!!!. Jehovah is another name for him... (:: christs father God.
Abideth- or abide- accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation....( especially abiding in God, obeying him).
Unclad- **** or naked...
Fad- an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived and without basis in the object's qualities; a craze.
brandon nagley Apr 2016
Je vous remercie, for pulling me out of the pit.
dhanyavaad, for bringing a glimpse of idyll, with all the laugh's, comforting; thrill's. Gracias, for lending me thy palm's, in rough wind's and calm, to thee I knoweth I do belong. Dankie, for giving me shelter from the rain, wiping away my red spilt stain's, giving me liberty to be me again.

Faleminderit, thee I shan't forget, for its thee who hath payed mine rent, by thy sacrifice and affections. Āmeseginalehu, Jane of Asia, pearl of truth, i reside in thee, as thou me; mine poetic muse. Shukraan, mine unending dawn, mine burning sun, whom cometh from God; blazing lamp of the gates of heaven. Shnorhakalut’yun, ourn flesh of old, together doth know, in creation's show; tis we art one. Təşəkkür edirəm, star of the cosmos, Reyna: best friend.

Eskerrik asko, mine wholeness and whole, the actress of angelic shows, always smiling for hostly camera's. Dziakuj, illustrious calligraphist, bringer of kisses to mine Lip's, empress from head to toe, touch of bliss. Dhan'yabāda, amongst the cherubic Armada's, protecting me, gardenia breeze. Diolch, mine lass, in future I'm waiting, for we shalt forget ourn past; to embrace and engulf into another's gaze.

Salamat mine braud sharat, by patience and many nap's, I slumbereth mine sight's to awaketh to thee. Xièxiè honey bee, treasure trove of godly sweet's, in the air aloft we'll greet; Chandelier's of marble we shalt sparkle. Mahalo, daughter of halo, ethreal's own, tuning veil, lift up thine brows, accept mine mail, for it shalt be sealed and packaged by the crimson of mine heart.

Mèsi, for edifying me, teaching me nuance, and many way's to perceive; in thee I believe, O' in thee there's glee, of a woman not of this burning ***. Gomabseubnida the one I've awaited, the one I hath never forgot. Efcharistó, mine darling of island's view, mine Filipino perfection, chocolate eyed stew, of all that's grand in a world of departed riches. Toda, mine far-flung gaiety, the part of me I seeketh to meet, the part of me I yearn thy beat; Savlanout, Savlanout Jane sardua, Savlanout, Filipino rose.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedication
All the weird foreign words starting out sentences all mean thank you in different languages....
Idyll- an extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque episode or scene,.
Hath- has.
Shant- shall not.
Braud sharat- is a word I created + it means ( bursting beauty)
Savlanout- means patience in Hebrew....
brandon nagley Apr 2016
Filipino rose
Heaven's own;
Her winged abode
I want to settle into.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome Poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( dedication)
Apr 2016 · 1.4k
The awakening
brandon nagley Apr 2016
Over a month, or a little more,
Maybe two, or just before;
At mine last métier,
Working at the
Dollar store.
I kept on seeing
The vatic harbinger's
In tax form; thirty-one
And thirteen. The register
Wouldst with none other
Sign to me read. For one day
After earning mine wages, I told
Mine mother of these prognostic gazes.
In fret, and distress, I kneweth these symbol's
Hadst to do with mother and father, twas mine guess.
In mine soul, God gaveth me sigil's, in the appearance of extra-change; O' how mighty God is, powerful, unchanged. Just a few twenty-four hour's ago, on the thirty-first of  March, mine father went to the restroom in anguish; Lip's parched. Panic hit ourn abode, mother ran to father's side, I was in the living room as mine father walked out-tears in eye's. He was holding his chest, as if a stone rolled on his beating heart, his face crimson red, he was stumbling toward's death's spark. Mother grabbed the phone, I went into dismay, I ran to grab the aspirin's, and started praying in mine mind silently. Popping the bottles top, fortunately knowing what to do, Sat father down on the couch, mother talking to medics to. I told him in force, " chew these pills right now, making him drink water, to get those orange thing's down. I couldst seeith quietus coming from his heavied breath, I held his hand as If that day was the last dance, with mine father's paining chest. The two emergency medical technician's, crossed into ourn door, there bag's in hand's with oxygen tank's; machines and much more. As the emt's were keeping mine father conscious, I took mine mother by the arm, I took her into the bedroom-closed the door in silent charm. I whispered to mother quickly, " Come on were praying NOW", we bowed ourn head's on the side of the bed, asking God though faith in Christ, " Lord please hath mercy and saveth Ron now. After a few questions from the emt's, I went down to the ambulance with father, as whilst mine dad was dying, he to the ambulance men preached. I laughed and smiled, as dad was telling those fine men how to be saved; Mine father spoke of Yeshua, even whilst his heart beat in rage. Mother followed behind the ambulance, I was sitting inside with dad, knowing all wouldst be alright, for the Lord and Savior was on ourn side that day, and for all coming night's. We got to the hospital, doctor's gaveth dad some tests, A miracle happened; no damage to his beater, no issues with his chest. As after dad was taken for x-rays to a darkly picture room, I looked at mother left alone with me, and it hit me with prophetic swoon. I thought about the number's thirty-one and thirteen, as I kept on seeing them in tax form, I kneweth it was about mine father or mother both, as crazy as it mayest seem. Though Yahweh giveth signs; vision's, or by death, symbols and dream's. As water started flowing in that room, left alone with mother, I cried out to her, as we stared upon another. I told mine mother "GOD SHOWED ME ALL ALONG", mine father's day of birth, was the thirteenth back way long. His heart attack was the thirty-first thus both signs matching the story, thirteen God showed me his birth, and thirty first was when this happened, a harbinger in timely warning. Though the story doth not end there, verily more to it, father hadst a dream a month ago, that I did not tell. Mine father sawest mine grandfather Nagley, who died when I was only five, from tumors throughout his body, cancer the way he died. Grandpa Nagley warned mine father a month in advance, of mine father's coming soon shaking, mine father didst not remember the word's from grandpa's mouth in the dream, though now we knoweth it was truth on string's. And one day before mine dad's happening as well, mine dad dreamt three dream's in a row, three; the number of the father son and holy spirit, the Trinity in God's mode. Dad hadst dreamt three dream's right before what took place, dad saidst he saweth me whispering " there's two men at the door, wake up. He sawest the two men come in, the end of his dream. The two men that first walked in to help saveth his life, were those two emt's. ...........

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©dedication to father Ron Nagley..... Thank God your alive dad love you.... As angels were once again protecting you, as God answered me and mothers prayer... And God's giving mine father a warning sign to come back to him.... As if we turn away from God he gives signs for us to come back to him....and it's truth and reality!!! Though what a loving merciful God you are!!! This even isn't the end of the story. Found out 31 had to do with my mother .. Kept seeing 31 and 13 at work. On cash register... Lol. Well mine mother just got into a car accident Jane knows about now I told her. Mother made it home safe. Totaled her vehicle. So this happened all literally two days apart from each other... Both numbers God kept showing me and I kept telling Jane, Jane these numbers are bothering me because I know they have to do with parents!! And yes!!! They did! God warned me!!! 31 July 31st mothers b day. August 13. Dads b day both matching signs God gave me!!! God wants mother and father to come back to him. I'm his vessel he's using to reach parents. And for me to come back fully!!! An amen to God alot!!!
métier- job, occupation...
Vatic- describing or predicting what will happen in the future....(archaic word)
Harbinger- a forerunner of something, ( warning)....
Wouldst- would.
prognostic- archaic, an advance indication or portent of a future event.
Twas- it was....
Sigil- sign or symbol- archaic word...
brandon nagley Apr 2016
Amain I want to maneuver
Onward into her incandescent
Cloak, as the igneous smoke
That arises. Mine eye's art
Tired and crying; as I just
Want one fragment of her
Skin to feeleth. O' as a man
For I'm weak, as an extra-
mundane being mine thought's
Come out faster then mine
Word's canst speak. I wilt
Continueth not in the flesh,
For the flesh burdeneth the
Soul; though in patience
And spirit, ourn long-
Suffering shalt be made
As the finest of gold. O'
Loveliest Jane, thought
Of mine thinking's, red
In mine brain, How the
Day's and night's art
Long, though I wilt
Still continueth in
Prayer, hymns
Song. Giving
Glory for what
I do hath. In happy or
Sad, good and bad; I'll always look ahead.
To the morrow wherein mine frown wilt be laughter and the roses I shalt giveth thee wilt be of rose loving scent. O' soon mine tear's shalt be dried, and mine phantom wilt no longer be in rent.
As I giveth gratitude to ourn Potter who maketh all thing's new,
Who bringeth water, with droplet dew, who maketh bird's hath nest's, and babies hath homes, in places of peacefulness. O' if the morrow doth for some reason not arrive; I'll send thee an engravement on mount Malindang, With the ring that never
Made it to thee; and mine kisses to spell thy name.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( pookie dedication)
Amain- at full speed.
Canst- can..
Long-suffering- having or showing patience in spite of troubles, especially those caused by other people.
Rent-a large tear in a piece of fabric...
Wilt- will...
Morrow- tommorrow- next day....
Wherein- in which...
brandon nagley Apr 2016
Bon anniversaire, brother Eddie,
Continue in fondness;
To those in hurt
And blood

Felix natalis, compeer in Christ,
Showeth his mercy, love,

eyd mawlid saeid, man of God,
Like the Messiah hadst died
For thee; dieth for other's,
Spread the gospel as seed.

Charoúmena genéthlia, Edward
The star, a light amongst the darkness,
The soul to those lost to death's kiss;
Teacheth who the man was who hadst
Come in the flesh, to hath his hand's
Nailed, and head crowned with thorn's;
Mocked and scorned, his heart
Didst mourn, giving up his
Holy ghost, for thou and me.

Penblwydd hapus, disciple
For Yeshua, mayest another
Year of thy birth bringeth
beatitude not curse, as
Yahweh is thine church,
As the spirit is thine weapon.
Against Satan's doubting's
And question's, against the
Lonesomeness and heaviness,
Against the sin's and burden,
Against those who know thee
Not, whom hath not loved thee,
But thee they forgot, remembereth
Dearest saint, one day thou shalt
Hath a Robe pearlescent colored
White as snow, knowing heaven
Is thine place and home. Happy
Birthday O' happy blessed birthday:
To thee man of Yeshua ha'mashiach.
Man of the creator, creation and rock,
Wherein thine foundation is built
Upon stone and not sand...

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Edward star birthday dedication
I used the word happy birthday before every line.. I used Greek, Latin, Welsh tongue, also Arabic, French to.
Mar 2016 · 937
Blithe and mellow fool's
brandon nagley Mar 2016
Some swain art twain
Though we art sole;
Some liveth on sand,
Ourn foundation's

Some swain art lost
To temporal sight;
Though ourn birth's
Were matched, to
Meeteth in light.

Burst's that trickled,
Out from divinity,
Christ's foreordained-
Eachother to greet.

Strap's upon toes
Dirt to ourn feet;
Off the planet-
démodé; to
Those who
Hath gold
For safe

Remote from another,
By the blue polluted
Welkin; thus one day
We knoweth, ourn
Pinion's shalt be
As falcon's.

Splitting general edicts,
Trusting in God's rule;
Dying to the globe-
Blithe and mellow

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
Swain- young lover.
Twain- meaning two- in archaic tongue.
3rd form of sole- meaning one and only...
Derma- skin.
Hath- have..... Archaic way of saying it
démodé- out of fashion....
Welkin- the sky or heavens...
Thus- .as a result of this.
Pinions- the outer part of a bird's wing including the flight feathers.....
Edicts- or edict-an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority( men's law,not Gods)
Blithe- happy joyous
brandon nagley Mar 2016

A sapphire raceme, Symbolic dimples,
Radiciform, Ak-Shabreeze, consecrated;
Impeccable temple's.


None remembrance, of bygone vice,
Resumption of the new; perpetual
Life. Ramate by ourn rib's, sedated
By the paradisiacal.


Levitating toes, aloft the colored covenant,
O'er the bended bow, of God's plan's that
Art meant. We yaw the pleasant valley's,
We strum the lyre's of ahava; taking
Slowly to ourn peach rim's, desired
Coconut and guava.


Yealing's of another time, artist's of the
third peculiar mind, by the creator's
Design; finding another, amid the
Pearlescent hue.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( ahava) dedication
Raceme- central stem with flowers on small stalks.
Radiciform- means- like a root.
Ak-shabreeze- word I made meaning ( riding the storm's)
Bygone- past or former times
Vice- immoral or wicked behaviors. ( sins)
Resumption- the action of beginning something again after a pause or interruption.
Ramate- branched.
paradisiacal- of or relationship to or like or paradise.
Aloft- up above
Colored covenant I mean the covenant God gave to man kind with a rainbow telling man he's never gonna flood us again as he did. Though in the end renewal comes by fire...
O'er the bended bow. - means over the bended rainbow.
Yaw- means to move side to side.
Lyre- is an ancient like harp thing that would have been played in ancient Israel during king David's's heavenly!!!!
Ahava- Hebrew word for love.
Peach rims- me and Jane lips... .
Yealings- are people of same age. I dont mean earth wise I mean in heaven. Everyone looks about same age alot of stories I've heard and when die old you go to about thirties or so. Quite amazing!!! Of course if in heaven!!!!
Pearlescent- resembles pearl like colors. Or resembles Pearl...

Note- this is second spoken one I posted on SoundCloud as well.
Just look me up Brandon Nagley  on you can find this title of the poem. At end of poem speaking one I sing a bit... Romantically of course lol. Enjoy thanks for reading poets!!!
Below is what to look up on SoundCloud. Thanks everyone.
(Finding another, amid the pearlescent hue) SoundCloud. Com
brandon nagley Mar 2016
Mayest thy body be healed
By Jehovah's hand's
Of heaven's field's;
Wherein his tonic
Is spirit, light, and

Mayest thy ailment's
Leaveth, and thy
Sickness to
From the source
Of all creation, compassion,
That cometh from above.

Mayest Yahweh's Angel's,
Around thee be vangled,
As thine husband comfort's
Thee, breathe easy in and
Out, remember by Christ's
Stripes thou were made
Free, not just from sin;
But all thing's of Satan's

Mayest the seraph's
Be sent to thine heart,
Mayest the demon's
Depart, who feed off
The living, whom
Breed on sickly
Planning, though
Remember Mrs. Sardua;
The Almighty's word's- Fear thou not, for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley \ Mrs.Sardua dedication ( Jane's mother, Mrs sardua) prayer dedication
Vangled-or vangles is a word I made up meaning ( protective source of gods power, protecting angels of gods highest degree and healing power...)
Yahweh- another name in Hebrew for our Christian God just like Elohim, or the almighty, or great I am. Or Jehovah.
Wherein- means in which.

KJV bible-
Isaiah 41:10 - Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness....

Jane told me her mother was vomiting all. Morning and was very sick. Her mother's getting older as is her father... Any Christians out there who pray I ask you can pray for Jane's mother Mrs sardua for her sickness and vomiting to go away. Would be a nice gift for Mrs sardua especially on Easter Sunday. The day representing our Savior raising again from the grave Yeshua ha'mashiach- ( Jesus the Messiah)  raising the third day being seen by many the fourth day and even after that for fourty more days.... If you can pray for Mrs sarduas complete healing physically and healing for Jane and her families worries would be a blessing... Thank you very much.
Sincerely Brandon Cory nagley.....
brandon nagley Mar 2016

Lief O' Lief, or the gloaming,
Inly beholding; the imperium
Betwixt ourn palm's.


Beckowing song's, thro the chamber's
And corridor's; Crystal chandeliers,
Whites in the luster that Pierce.


An abatjour, bringing elan up through the floor's,
A woo for mine girl;
Mi amour', mi amour'.


We shalt accend, adamantine. Adaxial, tacent in talk;
Taction bloprined. Jerusalem's city, renewed, refined.
Inviolable Yeshua; afar off, Jesus abideth here,
readeth the sign.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Prophetic poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) dedication
Lief- means soon...
Or- means before...
Gloaming- twilight.
Inly- inwardly.
Beholding- seeing.
Imperium- absolute power.
Betwixt- between.
Beckowing- a word I created yet there may be others close to it not It though I made this word meaning- ( singing in the HOLY spirit of God).
Thro- archaic for through.
White's I meant as - whites of the eyes...
Abatjour- means skylight or a device that directs light into a room
Elan- energy.
Woo- or to woo someone- try to gain love of a woman especially for marriage purposes... ( mine queen Jane (::::    ).
Accend- to Kindle, Kindle.
Adamantine- unbreakable, unpenetrable meaning can't penetrate it.
Adaxial- next to or towards the axis.....
Tacent- silent.
Taction- touch or contact...
Bloprined- word I made up meaning ( perfect at the utopian moment).......
Yeshua or Yeshua ha'mashiach- means Jesus the anointed one or Jesus the Messiah in Christs oringal tongue as he would of spoken and known Hebrew and Aramaic tongue and language... Yeshua was his real name... We got Jesus from Greek texts how they pronounced it then we said Jesus.... Same as Yeshua.... Fun facts..
Inviolable- means- never to be broken, also never to be dishonored.

Now uploading new poems on SoundCloud... Can listen to this poem at

Brandon Nagley on SoundCloud... Find this poem.
Yeshua abideth here, read the sign( poem by me: brandon Nagley) - SoundCloud. If scroll down may find it. Thanks...
brandon nagley Mar 2016
Spring and fall;

O' do I loveth
Her; always
Dear God.

Rain, light
Dark, night;
O' the way's
Of her plite.

Sun, star's
Moon, sun;
Verily she's
Mine chosen

Destined to
Be, O'er we see;
Cherub's on harp's,
Playing fourty

Flutes, horn's,
shofar blowing;
Empyrean opening,
Past sin's atoning.

Peace, comfort
Joy and hope;
Inside her arm's
Mine head's

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( anasa mou) dedication
Plite is a word I made up- meaning ( unearthly atmosphere, heavenly atmosphere. Heavenly aura. Either one)
There is a real word on internet called plight. But this is my own word . plite... (:::
O'er- archaic for the word over....
Harps have ones with different strings. Their usually fourty to 47 strings... Chose 40 because very significant number in the Bible and to God... As he has his way's with numbers . as the universe is based on numbers... How God set them to be..everything is perfect...
Verily meaning truly.
Shofar- a ram's-horn trumpet used by ancient Jews in religious ceremonies and as a battle signal, now sounded at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur... What many Christians think to could be blown when Christ calls his followers up( come up hither) the rapture or catching away. Or harpazzo... Would make sense to use shofars though scripture does say trumpets... Well shofars sound like trumpets especially if being blown by angels in heaven...
brandon nagley Mar 2016
(Greek translation \version)

Ischyró, sígoura
tha aposvestoún

Parelthóntos, en afthonía,
lefkí stefáni tou


paratiritís kípou
Pýli tou katóchou;
Chrónos ágnosto.


Ékti aísthisi, Pra shatrent,
Eyne tis astrapís;


Ái tis pragmatikó, ái
tis símaine. Pántote
i feeleth; zontanós
kai to periechómeno.

(English translation)

Puissant, certes
whittled on


Yore, galore,
white corolla's


Garden watcher's
Gate keeper's;
Time unknown.


Sixth sense, Pra shatrent,
eyne of lightning;


Aye tis real, Aye
tis meant. Aye
i feeleth; alive
and content.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou)
Puissant- means powerful or almighty ..
Certes- means in truth or certainly .
Whittled means like carved ..
Yore- former times! Long time ago.
Galore- in abundance
Corollas are like petals same thing...
Sixth sense- a supposed intuitive faculty giving awareness not explicable in terms of normal perception.
Pra shatrent- is a word I made up meaning ( Aware of all spiritual things and non spiritual, aware of both ...
Eyne - archaic for eyes.
Aye- is yes in old form.
Tis- it is ....
brandon nagley Mar 2016

Today, O' today
I got her letter in the mail;
Filled with pictures of mine
Queen, she sent me
Poems done by me, in her


Today O' today
I got lipstick kisses on
Her notes, the red stood
Out of all she wrote;
As her amour was
So fine.


Today O' today
Anon mine spirit's soared,
That fashionable vellum
O' I adored. O' Jane Sardua,
O' Jane of Earl. O' rose of Asia;
The Luzon's pearl.


Today O' today
I smiled again, because mine lover,
And mine best friend. Her ardent sonnet
Displayed her touch, grabbing mine soul,
In heaven's blush, silently tear's came to
a rush; from joy's overtaking.


Today O' today
O'er the blue, I made mine stay.
Consatero, ah veray,
Queen Jane, Queen Jane,
Of Asia's praise;
Today O' today
How I fell in
Love again.

©,Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou)
Vellum- smooth writing paper...
Anon- at once, or immediately.
Blush- not of embarrassment... Meaning as of color...
O'er- over in archaic form .
Consatero- is a word I created meaning... ( blissful in sound and color)
Ah veray - is another word or words put together meaning- ( venerated ( meaning regard with great respect) and elevated in honor and glory ..

Note- I made this poem about the amazing love letter Jane sent me in the mail. The old fashioned way of sending love if ones far away how it used to be sent and still should be sent. Though everyone's so inter-web connected now they've lost touch with humanity in themselves and others... As big reason I took break from poetry sometimes we need it. Now I'm back. Plus I've been sick lately and not doing best but I'll be OK with God with me... Jane sent me a lovely envelope an envelope I've never seen before with a beautiful skin texted layer... Her handwriting is so beautiful, and her message in the two page letter touched mine soul where I did have tears because seeing how much she loves me really makes me feel blessed again and again daily!!! And she sent me three pics... Older ones. One of her as she was a little girl. One during elementary school and a later one... Alll so beautiful and queen like!! And she is a well know calligraphist and getting better by the day. Though really a starter shes already professional as she's getting professional lookers looking her way ... Calligraphy is the old fashioned style handwriting practiced from long ago. Like the beautiful old way of writing you used to see in poetry. She sent me poems that are mine own poems though handwritten in her calligraphy!!! Such a gift it was as I was very down yesterday and this was a pickmeup!!! A blessing!! And a treasure I will cherish until we meet and beyond!!! Thank you so much mine Reyna Jane... Soulmate... Best friend!! Lover...alll... My àgapi mou. Zoi mou, anasa mou!!!m se letrevo queen!!!!!

Note - wanna follow Jane and her calligraphy on Instagram you can find her I believe at yellow_majesty or Earl Jane sardua maybe that is try Earl Jane Nagley... But try yellow_majesty first. Also Earl Jane Nagley on fbook. To ask her for info on her calligraphy... As she needs support ... Thank you friends!! And thank you for all of your support!!! (:::
brandon nagley Mar 2016

Thitherward to Corinth,
Thus wherein mine
Grandfather's dad
Was from. To seeith
The bards of old,
Legends of agora
Soul, mingling
With the
Sea. O' the natural spring's
Of healing properties, a place
Of new testament biblical fact
And history. How I wouldst hath
Adored to seeith the apostle Paul,
First known as Saul of tarsus; eye's
Once sealed, then opened; By the son
Of God. Fain were the Grecians, in
Yesteryear's thought. The turquoise foam
Betwixt their homes, the beauty was told
And taught. Hither the Mediterranean center
I want to be, scribbling-scrawling, prophetically.
Breathing in the aura, mine ancestors once did.
Spirit-floating the isle's, of pious hymn's for mankind's sin.
Rendering the prognostication's, told in God's own word's,
Rouse a sleeping nation, that once resounded the laureates shores.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Prophetic poetry
Agora- Greek marketplaces and gathering place..
Thitherward- means thither... Or to , or toward that place.
Bard- one who recites poems like Shakespeare.
Fain- pleased- happy...
Yesteryear-( noun literary,) last year or the recent past, especially as nostalgically recalled.
Foam- relating to sea.. Called foam as well.
Betwixt- between.... ( love this word hahahahhaha)
Hither- to or toward ( this place,)
Pious- deeply religious.
Render- rendering. There are many meanings. This meaning is - (represent or depict artistically).....
prognostications- prophecies...
Rouse- awake....
Resound- echoes. Echoed...
Laureate- a person who is honored with an award for outstanding creative or intellectual achievement..( such as a poet or artist.)
A poet laureate is - a poet appointed to, or regarded unofficially as holding, an honorary representative position in a particular country, region, or group...
brandon nagley Mar 2016
Consider the lillies of the field
Mine love, they do not toil
Nor spin;

Consider God's love for
Both of us love;
Heaven we shalt get in.

Consider the lillies of the field
Mine love, they do not worry
Of the morrow;

Consider ourn blessing's mine
Love, for we art preordained,
Predestined, exladranes-
Some calleth us mad,
Crazed insane.

Consider the lillies of the field
Mine love, O' how ourn Lord
Taketh care of them all.
As he taketh care of us
Fairest Jane of them all.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
exladrane- a word I made up meaning ( extrasolar travelers on a path to a destination most men and women can't go)
Morrow- means tommorrow..
Lillie's of field I got from this-

Matthew chapter 6:25-34 king  James bible.

25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

This is telling gods children as Christ is one speaking...
Tells us why worry of tommorrow? Arent the lillies of the field clothed? Don't the birds have homes and nests... Arent gods creatures taken care of? So he tells us not to worry. But instead seek God's kingdom first and his righteousness and all other things will be added onto us. Though we must seek first gods kingdom. Christs father Gods kingdom....this is telling mine Jane don't worry of tommorrow or the next day. But just think about today for the morrow worries of itself.. And truth! I have problem with worrying so this message does go for me to. Lol I seem to forget alot God is in control and is in charge ...not Me. Him!!!

Toil- means overworking in short terms...
brandon nagley Mar 2016
The glacé savor, O' e'er how I needeth her so. O' she's the candelabra inside of me, sparking fires to maketh me whole. What's mine is her's, as what's her's is mine. Colonstias courting, O' to Highway Banadero; mine feet do I find. O' she canst healeth the blind, as tis I once was, mine sight is returned, as doth God through her work, didst thou not knoweth? She's a seraph by birth. Aloft the star's, she went through Apotheosis; hostess of the holy missives, O' how I received her amour long ago, afore the times of humankind's admission.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedication
glacé- means glaze with a thin sugar-based coating, or .
(of fruit) having a glossy surface due to preservation in sugar.
E'er- means ever.... And ever means( at all times, always).
candelabra- means a large branched candlestick or holder for several candles or lamps.
Colonstias- is a word I created meaning ( superb and captivating)
Courting- be involved with romantically, typically with the intention of marrying., to ask her hand in marriage in other words...
Highway banadero- is a main highway in Osamis city, Philippines that leads to mine Jane's Home!!!! Mine queen!!!
Canst- archaic for can.
seraph- or seraphim-an angelic being, regarded in traditional Christian angelology as -belonging to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy, associated with light, ardor, and purity.
Apotheosis- making divine, something, someone ... Meaning like divine being of God. From God... No not being God, as we're gods children but she is his angel .. (:: this word comes from Greek tongue...
Aloft- up in the air. Overhead-
Missive-a letter, especially a long or official one, message!!!
Afore- before...
Admission-the process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter a place, organization, or institution. Admittance...
brandon nagley Mar 2016

Mine forefinger is tapping the olden transelic piano Key's,
The room Grecian white, with an oriental shorite; her voice
Is soft, her halo's aloft the lid of mine musical box. As tis I playeth "Unchained Melody"'by the Righteous Brothers, ourn pupil's art jubilant; soulmates igniting together.       Brandon! Brandon!


She calleth out mine name.
The aria gets louder,
The habitation wherein we liveth,
Smileth upon us;
As affections groweth fonder.


Ourn flesh wrapped like nests,
Of a bird's home in wonder.
Gazing up into the the hereafter,
One day happiness there we to shalt


As mine angelic host
Lift's me up to the celestial yonder;
I heareth her feather's flapping with the cherub's,
Ourn amour splitting sky's, as lightning with the thunder.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( agapi mou) dedication
Transelic- is a word I created like I always like to do. This word means ( transparent and angelic) or transparently angelic.
Grecian- anything to do with Greece.
Shorite- word I made up means ( a shining light so beautiful, It can bring anyone to tears.)
Aloft means- overhead.
Aria means+ a long, accompanied song for a solo voice, typically one in an opera or oratorio.....
Wherein- means in which.
Hereafter- life after death. ( looking forward to heaven together, as being here together.. )
brandon nagley Mar 2016

Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, enlighten me and Jane's way,
For the juncture through the gunchern
Is wailing, therein the opening of the seal's
Art displaying their stage.


O' cornerstone, which the builder's hath refused, I beseech thee, and thy protection, sendeth me and jane thy perfect correction;
Fixing ourn sight's on thee.


O' heavenly dayspring, we seeith the harbinger's of the time's, in the great high blue, underneath the crumbling glue, of planet earth's loam confine.


O' door to everlasting life, showeth thine light betwixt me and Jane's life. Helpeth us to showeth other's what's right; in the midst of this global panic. Helpeth us to show thou art the one and only way, the path narrow, not broad, the road to Paradise wherein prophecies art coming reality, from the word's of thine father God.


O' king of king's, and Lord of lord's, mayest thou maketh a way for me and mine lass, showeth Jane we hath a bigger purpose. Not just to love eachother, but to showeth Thine amour to one another, to Christian sister's and brother's, and those with no vision, and with none hope. Worketh through us, to be thine cloud's that float- to sprinkle promise; to those without.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry \prophetic poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
Yeshua Ha'Mashiach - is the name Jesus would have been called by in Hebrew and Aramaic tongue. Meaning ( Jesus the anointed one, or Jesus the Messiah.)
Gunchern- is a word I created meaning ( broken firmaments, or broken sky's.
Juncture means- a particular point in events or time....
Seals meaning - seven seals of the bible.- The Seven Seals is a phrase in the Book of Revelation that refers to seven symbolic seals that secure the book or scroll, that John of Patmos saw in his Revelation of Jesus Christ. The opening of the 7 Seals of the Apocalyptic document occurs in Revelation Chapters 5-8 and marks the Second Coming... Also there are seven trumpets as well.
Therein- in that place.
Cornerstone- meaning : (Psalm 118:22) The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner. The cornerstone is Christ who the ancients refused... and others still refuse today. Yet he is the cornerstone not just of the church. But of all....the one who offers salvation. The one WHO IS the only way to salvation... For as our word sais. ( there is none other name under heaven by which men MUST be saved.)
Dayspring means - (Luke 1:78) Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us,... ( meaning jesus that came to die for our sins.
Loam- a fertile soil of clay and sand containing humus.....
Harbingers- forerunner of something, warnings, signs.
As Johnathan Cahn explains about our coming financial collapse that leads back all way to ancient isreal in his book the shemitah also found all over YouTube as wallstreet knows it's meaning and has a while every time shemitah date was on, financial collapse has came over the last 100 years either on the shemitah date. Or months after every time!!!!! As their is coming great economic collapse worldwide... This has gone back to time of the ancient Jews who defied God by building tower of babble.. Jonathan Cahn spoke of the ( nine harbingers that already occurred in America since 9/11... Matching everything the ancient Jews did when they built tower of babble. Note; Johnathan Cahn is Jewish though is a convert to Christianity a prophet Id call him of today's age speaking of christs truths. And how ancient Israel is being played out in America 100 percent. For any Christians suggest you watch Jonathan cahns( the shemitah ) and if can find him on youtube with shemitah in cbn show. He shows what america did just as ancient jews did....showing coming collapse. as If you look around the globe you'll see the world is collapsing money wise... And it will collapse and be apocalyptic!!! As wall Street bankers are saying and all over the globe economists are saying SELLNOW because they knows what's coming .. Shutdown of the world's economies leading into new world order and an Antichrist to take over ( bringing in martial law as all are seeing being practiced in their streets by police in military gear.. As dhs just bought 1.6 billon rounds of hollowpoint tip bullets ( for a reason) as USA gvt just bought 50,000 guillotines. 30,000 in Georgia. 20,000 more all over USA military bases as soldiers are letting that outta the bag... Before calling me crazy look it up... News is out there... As there are thousands of coffin liners stacked in Georgia!! Pics all over web and news well known long time let out... This is what's coming this is what matches revelation of an Antichrist beheading many during new world order ... Stated revelation 13 mark of beast... And the ten king meaning what united nations already has set up. Ten kings are gonna be ten division world when new world order hits. As USA Mexico and Canada will be one nation. Big reason the walls don't matter anymore for protection. There is no protection. Elite want a one world order with a one world religion... What false messiah Pope's been pushing to whole world bringing all religions as one... As pope Francis was predicted by two Malachi's to be last 113th pope. As signs of what he sais and does shows he is contrary to gods word 100 percent!!! As same day pope was elected an asteroid the size of the empire state building passed. live on CNN. Sign from heavens... Also another asteroid hit in Russia same day causing damage. as pope was elected March 13 2013. All thirteen as you know anything about 13 always been a bad number spiritually and biblically. Showing another sign.... With ten division world coming during Antichrist and false prophets reign together.... Ten nations . look up united nations ten division world  map already created and ready to come to play. Look up online YouTube why Obama just bought a 4.9 million dollar mansion in UAE. In Dubai. And( 7 year tribulation) when many won't accept the mark of the beast... Antichrist mark.. Already created Obama's new healthcare Law... It's called RFID chip. Will have all your health information on it... Also money info... And you won't be able to buy or sell If left here during tribulation. Unless having that mark. One issue. If you take this mark of the beast ( Antichrist) you will be branded Satans own in other words for taking that mark... This is reality... Already implemented in baracks own healthcare bill. As bilderbergs ( secret society) real group well known... Member Henry Kissinger one of many... Said by year 2017. They want all humans chipped. as bible sais in the right hand or forehead. Already being used... Soildiers have it in their arms... To scan at stores... Monkeys are being subject to experiments of the forehead chips being practiced on in labs... This is not underground no more!!! This is reality.... And in wanting what's coming... What John the Revelationist said years ago.. And prophets before him... And Christ spoke. I'm just relaying their message what's happening in your world now and what's coming... Awake... Awake to truth. Open thy eyes.... Don't be blind anymore....find Christ!!! Find him many I know won't like this poem because either not their style that's fine. Or because they call us Christians ( nuts, Wacko) lol though every prophecy spoken of is happening now!!! Right before thy eyes!!!! And many are being deceived by the world. And things of it!!! Though prophecies already came true. And still are and more is coming!!! More bad!! Every religion main ones believe their messiah is going to show between 2012-2016... Every religion but Christians .. This isn't a messiah coming... It's an Antichrist!!! The son  of perdition the false one...I suggest for you Christians learn what's happening... Look up RFID chip by 2017. Look up Johnathan cahns the shemitah!! Look up Tom horns ( zenith 2016) part one and 2 he speaks on who masons really are... And what their goal was all from beginning... And what mayans really said about 2012... Not that there would be end of world. But a new and last cycle occurring starting 2012. As internet liked to spread to many rumors during that time... Plz look this stuff up. Factual stuff....see what syria war really is about... How all gameplayers in bible are set up in Syria now. For bigger coming war.. Check out which shows why USA is in Syria and why? Not for isis!!! Find out facts!!!

Look up RFID chip by 2017 all over internet and YouTube. Social media.
Look up house bill HR3200 for RFID chip.
Look up NBC news even telling you in broadcast for news. Americans being chipped by 2017. Look uop bilderbergs telling you SAYING 2017 they WANT all chipped.
Look of Barack Obama buying house in united Arab Emirates. UAE. In Dubai worth 4.9 million dollars.. Which btw is legal to do as president you can't buy a home overseas as a president..
Look up Barack Obama Antichrist facts all over web.
Look up last pope Francis ( false prophet) church deciever said by saint Malachi over 500-800 yrs ago. Last 113th black Jesuit pope. Black dont mean skin.and Francis is first and only Jesuit pope as predicted. Also said by father Malachi a priest who said same thing of Francis.
Look up Muslims by thousands having visions of Jesus Christ right now all over middle East in HIGH numbers.... Christ is telling all who he loves equally in middle East through visions\ dreams to Muslim people to ( come to him he is the way truth and life) biggest reason Muslims are converting right now to Christ. Look that up online. As mainstream news don't tell what's happening because their run by six major elite corporations. Six elite men running your mainstream news and media. As Rockefeller owns Washington post. New York times. CNN, fox news, msnbc, mainstream news he works through. One who pushes for new order. Through council of foreign relations. Trilateral trade commission... So on. Just like the rothchilds own fifty percent of worlds money... Their worth 500 trillion meaning rothchilds worth!!! Running world with Rockefellers, and bilderbergs 500 richest families in world... Also look up skull and bones society as George Bush SR and his son and **** cheney and John Kerry all were in that secret elite society in Yale started in 1832. Well known group....
Look up near death experiences all seeing Christ... And his father God on a REAL THRONE!! In A REAL THRONE ROOM... As bible said Christ is always on right hand of his father...children by dozens seeing JESUS also called real name ( Yeshua) in gods throne room and in heaven period. And seeing angels by massive numbers... Suggest you look up ( heaven is for real, with colton burpo who died left his body in appendix rupture at hospital. He told his dad what his dad was doing while colton was in surgery. Seeing his dad way across hospital yelling at God! His dad being a pastor. Colton saw christ in heaven. Also seeing his sister in heaven who came up and hugged him. A sister he never knew about *** she had died prematurely in coltons mothers womb at Birth. As he told his mother as she asked him what was your sisters name you saw??? Colton said " mum you didint name her yet, she told me so.." As mother was stunned *** parents never named his unborn sister!!!! Colton met who he called "pop" his grandpa who was his dad's dad. Who died long ago. Coltons dad freaked... Colton said yeah dad pop told me how you and him used to shoot guns and work out ijn the field. How would a young boy five know this? Actually around four of age .. *** I was REAL!!!! Coltons dad them asked colton, ' son what did POP look like" colton saw pic of pop when pop the grandpa was older... Colton told his dad.  That's not pop. Then coltons dad showed colton younger pic of pop with no glasses!!! Colton said YA DAD that's POP!!! As everyone who dies and comes back say were all usually around age of thirties early to mid thirties!!! Ironically *** I think we're seen like that up there do to Christ died 33 years of age .  mine own guess and makes sense...not to old not so young.. As many are seen all ages there... As well but also many describe around thirties... Alot!!! Colton describes like all do, the singing angels who thousands sing all at once in gods throneroom!! Which every story I've watched or read all say the angels singing is beyond mind blowing... One man put it in a heard more match him. He said imagine all the world's radios turned on all at once..all the most beautiful tunes turned on at once. To us humans we wouldn't be able to understand all songs at once. And couldn't comprehend all lyrics at once from all songs... He said but up in heaven. A thousand songs even angels can sing at once ( which btw are all happy songs, no sad singing there. Complete peace. No fear. Pure love and joy as bible speaks of. All tears would be dry there, and no guilt. And no remembering past sins.  Or wrongs from you or others..) Anyways angels sing a thousand songs at once. Though YOU can comprehend each song and all lyrics to each song... Because the soul is no limited as body is.. So can do way more!! Someone else stated this, it's like all the earths choirs together. Times infinity. Beautiful beyond words of a humans mind!!! People Seeing a real heaven. Also a real hell. Listen to what they all say Christ sais... ( tell mine people I'm coming SOON) tell others to love another... Tell them I'm COMING SOON!!! As many see angels in death experiences.. I don't like it called ndes when their not near death their dead... Brain-dead and heart for minutes even up to hour... Or more!!! This is reality... The ones who pass and come back don't speak of Muhammed or Buddha!! Or Hindu dieties ( demonic beings) all these false gods... They only speak of Christ... May say oh just made up stuff.. Yeah so made up all these peoples stories collide in same direction. All different in one way or another... Though all same seeing Christ. Weather their Buddhists. Muslims, Christian. Atheist, no God. Not sure of God... Scientifically minded people... All see Christ!! All say same thing... Or match stories with angels.. Hell, heaven!! God!!! See loved ones gone for years whether mum or dad.. Or generations of family waiting for them!!! describing all same thing... Heaven and hell are A THOUSAND TIMES more REAL!! WITH SIGHT, TOUCH. SMELL. TASTE. FEEL. JOY IN HEAVEN! Pain in hell .... All senses you are billion times more real because your in real form soul. Not limited body!!!! This is reality!!! Pay attn to what all say... This isn't made up comedy!!! This is reality!!!! Even those who deny God their whole life... If you notice while on their death bed... INSTINCTIVELY KNOW there's a God. Because they cry out for God alot to save them. Though I thought they were atheist? And agnostic?? This is truth!!! Find Christ ¡!! I won't be politically correct!!! I won't hide truth!!! I love all beings... And want all beings to see Jesus Christ ( Yeshua Ha'Mashiach) is the way truth and life...and no man comes to the father God.( but by him)).... Pray you find Christ and find him soon...because alot is coming to planet earth... And many will be deceived. Scared... Not knowing who to turn to. Turn to Christ now... While there's still hope and time... Bible said anyone who calls on the name of the Lord, shall be saved... We must believe Christ died on the cross... Rose again the third day. Was born of a ****** màry... We must believe Christ is who he said he is.. As proof now shows by the buckets archeology wise.. Physically wise.. scientific wise... All facts show... We must believe it's by gods grace we are saved.. Not by our works that any man should boast the bible teaches... But by Christ dying on the cross for our sins.. We have a chance to come to christ for salvation. Because gods mercy and gift and grace to us. Through his son Jesus... Want to accept Christ? Or know more of him??? Inbox me... Because the time is short... The world knows it... every religion knows it worldwide.. Jews know it. Muslims know it... Everyone!!! This is reality!!! I pray you make the right decision today... If wanna find salvation in Christ and trust him as Lord and Savior look up online prayer of salvation and what to pray... And you must believe Christ is your Savior... Born of a ******. A sinless son of God who took on flesh form . died on the cross... Which nails of his are in museum in Israel found in priest who killed Jesus Caiaphas tomb. The crosses of Christ the murderer and the thief three crosses were found during Helena( ceasars) mother. During her hunt for the cross of Christ and the two next to hims crosses. written down she did find those crosses... That's where she built over a pagan place a church of christ which is known as chapel of St Helena in Jerusalem which is built in the lower level of Church of the Holy Sepulcher.... This is reality friends!!! So much facts I could give you it's mind boggling!!! I've studied prophecy for over 12-13 years... Biblical prophecy, as other religions prophecy to match to gods word in bible... And it's all coming true... It's all happening at an alarming rate!!! Christ spoke of the wars and rumors of wars!!! Just click the tv on... See that happening. Bible spoke of syria happening now one of many things before christs calling of his people ( rapture) and his return second time to earth.
A Prophecy Against Damascus in Isaiah...
17 A prophecy against Damascus:

“See, Damascus will no longer be a city
    but will become a heap of ruins.

Syria is in ruins and is
brandon nagley Mar 2016
Afield from thee, tis true,
Though I shalt abide;
Betwixt space and time,
Awaiting thy side-to be
Next to mine. Seven
Month's hath passed,
Another seventy-seven
Lifetime's I awaiteth
To catch, to catcheth
Mine eye's on thine.
An immortal's life-
Time; we shalt
Quobrasine in
This and the
Next life- happy seventh anniversary
Mine soulmate, àgapi mou, zoi mou, best friend. Godsend.
Mine Jane sardua.
Mine wife.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedication
Afield- means (  away, especially from home)
Abide- many meanings to it. Though I mean ( wait)
Thine- yours.
Betwixt means- between
Thee- you.
Tis- it is.
Quobrasine- word I created meaning ( connect in spiritual form)
brandon nagley Mar 2016

Zoi mou, how mine nourishment
Cometh from the great I am;
As his sentience he gaveth
Thee, to breatheth life in-
to me; for before I was
Just a man.


Beforetime, mine
mien was gloom-
And doom, no albedineity whitewashed mine room,
Amorevolous was just a word to be spelt, not having it close to me; just a moment of REM sleep.


Agapi mou, now I've been broken loose,
Mine once dolor, hath formed with color;
It shineth of yellow, and angelic ivory


Anasa mou, I'm purring now, pofray swathes
Mine veins; Moro mou of younger shade.
Matia mou, O' Matia mou, mine Jane hath
Entered, inside mine blue's.


Jane O' Jane, sayest I
Thelo to thou, thelo to thee;
Omorfia mou,
Kardia mou,
Psihi mou,
Thelo O'

©Brandon Nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedication
Zoi mou- means my life in Greek tongue.
Sentience- means - sentience is the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively. Eighteenth-century philosophers used the concept to distinguish the ability to think (reason) from the ability to feel (sentience).
The great I AM means- God ...
Beforetime- means formerly
mien- means a person's look or manner, especially one of a particular kind indicating their character or mood.
albedineity- means whiteness.
Whitewash- paint (a wall, building, or room) with whitewash( paint room white...)
Spelt- past tense of spell.
Amorevolous- affectionate, or loving.( feelings of) is what I mean.
REM sleep means- a kind of sleep that occurs at intervals during the night and is characterized by rapid eye movements, more dreaming and ****** movement, and faster pulse and breathing.
Àgapi mou- means my love in Greek.
Dolor- great sorrow or distress.
Pofray- a word I created meaning- love scented Cologne\fragrance...
swathe- means like to wrap like fabric.
Anasa mou- means my breath in Greek tongue.
Moro mou means- my baby Greek tongue.
Matia mou means - my eyes Greek tongue.
Mine blue's - means my eyes . baby blues my blues.
Thelo- means I want you Greek tongue.
Sayest i- means I say.
Omorfia mou - my beautiful in greek.
Kardia mou- my heart. Greek tongue.
Psihi mou- my soul. Greek tongue.
brandon nagley Mar 2016
The most beautiful, stunning creation I've ever seen.

Earl Jane, O' Earl Jane;

The most wondrous aglow, from her shoulder's doth flow.

Reyna, O' Reyna;

Paradise lies, betwixt her eye's, I'm embellished by her presence.

Vasílissa O' Vasílissa;

The most beautiful, stunning creation I've ever seen.

O' how I'm blessed to hath a Queen;

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( pookie) dedication
Aglow- means glowing.
Doth- does or do. I mean does.
embellished- make something more attractive.
vasílissa is queen in Greek tongue.
brandon nagley Mar 2016

Iniibig kita
Mahal Kita;
Minamahal Kita,
Iniirog kita.


Here do I cometh, I'm on mine way. The skies art clear tonight, just a tint of fine gray; though I spread mine plumage, fracture the tone, I knoweth one day, O' verily one day- I'll findeth mine way home.

And I thinkest, when I findeth the bungalow, I wilt rest, after long
Passage alone. As thou I wilt bestow, mine Lip's on thy own; quietly humming, Sayaw tayo?


A Tagal na ah, a Tagal na ah, now I'm here mine love, I've made it mine queen; some sayest dream's don't cometh true, Only if the other's couldst find; they discern science, just not the sign's of the times.

Though we behold, the spirit and soul, and ourn creator, the crowned head of the world's; Hallowed be his name, Yahweh, father Jehovah, known also Elohim. His son Yeshua ha'mashiach, English language "Jesus the anointed one". The son above all son's. Jane, mine queen.


Iniibig kita
Mahal Kita;
Minamahal Kita,
Iniirog kita.

Tagal na ah
Tagal na ah;
Now in thy
Grip, with
Mine kiss,
On thy Lip's
I place mine
Vow's. O'
Yadid, yadid,
Never let me go
Agapi mou-
Zoi mou,
Se latrevo
Mine queen.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedication
Iniibig kita.
Mahal Kita.
Minamahal Kita.
Iniirog kita--- these  are all ways to say I love you to Jane in Filipino tongue. Last one I used is the ( old fashioned) way to say it. (;.
Art- means are.
Plumage- collection of feathers. Feathers collectively.
Verily- means truly.
Hallowed means- to honor as holy.
Bestow- present (an honor, right, or gift).
Sayaw tayo- means would you like to dance with me? In Filipino.
Tagal na ah- means long time no see in Filipino tongue.
Couldst means - archaic for could.
Behold means- archaicliterary
see or observe (a thing or person, especially a remarkable or impressive one).
Crowned head means- king or a queen. This I mean God ( KING)
Yeshua ha'mashiach- would have been what ançient Hebrews would have called Jesus. This is his real name in Hebrew tongue and history. Fun facts about his real name
Today in English our Lord is commonly referred to as "Jesus Christ", as
if "Jesus" was His first name and "Christ" was His last name. In
actuality, His name in Hebrew and Aramaic (the languages He spoke) was
"Yeshua", which means salvation. During His life on earth, He was called

At the time Yeshua lived on earth, kings were given their authority in
ceremonies where they were anointed with olive oil. Yeshua was known as
the "Mashiach" (Messiah) or The Anointed One having been anointed with
God's authority. Thus He was known as "Yeshua Ha Mashiach", or Yeshua
the Anointed One.

In Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, "Yeshua" was translated as
"Iesous" which was probably pronounced "yay-soos" in ancient Greek and
is pronounced "yee-soos" in modern Greek. The word "Jesus" then came
from an English translation of Greek manuscripts of the New Testament.

The word for "Mashiach" in Greek is "Christos" meaning anointed. This
word is usually brought into English as "Christ".

Unfortunately, through these translations we've lost the true meaning of
our Lord's name. Which btw Jesus means ( safety) for you ones who are christs own. Good knowing gods son is named safety isn't it? Because he is our peace and our safety. Also his name means ( salvation) many didint know that. Also ringing true. He IS our salvation, and the only way to salvation!!!
Yadid- means beloved one in Hebrew. Beloved- means dearly loved.
Àgapi mou- means my love in Greek tongue.
Zoi mou means- my life.
Se latrevo- means I adore you in Greek.
brandon nagley Mar 2016
From thy neck
To thy visage;
As thou doth
Ache, and thy
Head pound's;
Like a clock
With none
Ending. O'
How I want
To healeth thee, and sprinkle God's
elixírio upon thine twinging. As when I shalt,
In thine ear's; thou shalt feeleth ringing. The chiming wilt be
Of the prognosticator's breathing, as Yahweh's sovereignty, shalt explode through the poverty of the wrong's all flesh maketh. O' ourn Lord shalt giveth, not taketh, yet when he taketh; it's for the good to those that loveth God. His will unknown, a holy applause. As we wilt clap ourn hand's and bow to his throne. On knee's, head looking to his features, fulsome and overwhelming in the most amastery shown. His figure monumental, all ardent, upon his seat. Omnipotent in his pity; as therein lies the metropolis of the spiritual Host's, wherein none dead is aloud to enter, nor fearing, nor ghost's. Tis only a toast of the blueprint map of the city of King David, the new Jerusalem awaiteth to cometh down to earth. As thee mine vasílissa Jane, Elohim shalt cureth thine pain's; mayest the Almighty's name be praised, as right now the sickness is leaving thou, and returning to Tophet from whence it came.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedication
Visage - persons face. ****** features.
Thou- you, doth- do or does.
elixírio- elixer in Greek.
Twinging- suffer sharp pains.
Prognosticators are like prophets.
Yahweh- what Christians call God - Hebrew word for God.
Amastery is a word I made up meaning- mastering in godly way.
Ardent means- archaic literary burning; glowing. Which means enthusiastic or passionate which gods is both definitions.
Omnipotent- having unlimited power; able to do anything, also means God!
Therein- in that place. Archaic form.
City of king David ( christs ancestor was as king Solomon David's son, Jesus was related by blood to both  of them fun fact and christ was sent in form of flesh as humble poor carpenter man like christs earthly father Joseph. Jesus took form of humble poor man even though his ancestors were rich because he was showing humbleness and he is king of kings especially after he died. He was also showing he is The Savior of not just poor. But rich all alike! He told all to come to him. Not poor or rich! ALL.... A mericful loving Savior to all of us.. A humble Savior...
vasílissa- means queen in Greek tongue.
Elohim- another word for God in Hebrew tongue Christians also use. Also( the great  I am) also Eloah. Also El- shaddai. Or El. Or jah. And Jesus gods sons name was originally pronounced as Yeshua written like this hebrew way (ישוע) yeshua means ( safety and peace. in old Hebrew tongue,) also ironically yeshua or jesus' name yeshua means ( salvation) as he is our Savior so his Name Matches who he was and forever will be and forever is!!! The Savior! Our salvation in which our hopes firm for those who know him! And those who don't know him or seek truth. Christ spoke ( I am the way truth and the life, NO MAN comes to the father ( meaning God) but by me. John 14:6....  Also he spoke there is no other name under heaven by which men MUST be saved. Goes like this exact.
Acts 4:12King James Version (KJV)

(12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.) You don't know him? Wanna know his love mercy and what he's about and his Salvation? Plz write me and ask. Because he is the only way truth and no life is given but through gods son Christ. I won't be politically correct on mine faith. If I didint tell you of christ I'd be more of a sinner than I already am our duty here on earth is to tell of Christs gospel!! And big purpose of loving and forgiving all beings, yet the world's in chaos because Satan has many demons working overtime to temp and hurt and persuade people. Not me.. I deal with very ( real ones) that scratch me. Curse. Mock God. So on. Not people. REAL demonic forces, and dark beings... This is reality. You can choose the way of Christ ( life) or death and hell... A real place and reality. Though what do you choose? Life? Narrow path in Christ? Or death( hell) broad path many take.? Not mine decision we all have free will.
Tophet- another name for hell in Hebrew...

PS; originally wrote this for Jane sardua mine queen, or Jane Nagley as you know her, because she's been getting many headaches for long time now. She doesn't like taking headache pills which I understand why. So much junk in pills though we were given medicines to help us, and for curing and illness. And we have choice to use even natural stuff doesn't have to be nonsense from a store... Jane denies medical treatment unless I beg her to take headache meds... Lol. She won't see doctor and always has head pains. Either from tension from stressing over school constantly which sorry Jane that's sad, that our world puts education before others ourselves and God and family. Though it helps while on earth, though when doing education you must balance education, and if you let mainstream false education run your life you will get sick!!!!!! And get illness beyond words... You need balance since doing schooling as you know I back you 100 percent for engineer schooling... Hard for anyone who hasn't seen what engineers do that's what Jane does hahahahhaha mine smart Reyna!!! So anyways. Jane doesn't wanna see doctor. For headaches, plus she's been getting cold out of nowhere. All this poem is for you Christians who pray and would like to pray for Jane! I ask you pray for janes healing physically woith headaches and her healing with sickness and cold she's been having as she's losing her voice to. Plz pray for Earl Jane Nagley. Also know as earl Jane sardua( yellow majesty) in some places.... Thank you friends...
God bless
Brandon Nagley
brandon nagley Mar 2016
i.                                                               ­                                                  iii.

                                                           ­                      Daliythers expand,
Afore man's image,                                              bridging Nova's.
                                                         ­                        Twin flame heat;
                                                           ­                      Extra-amourials,
                                                ­                                 lantern's to be the
There were writing's.                                          Star's.
On the wall's; carved
Afar, betwixt the jar's,
Wherein tear's art
Stored from children's

ii.                                            ­                 iv.

Exuberance aroused.                          Me and mine Jane
Dark matter to ourn halo                   O' mine twin flame;
                                                          ­       Me and mine Jane
                                                            ­     From the heaven's whence
                                                          ­       We came.
Head's; bairns of the super-
Natural, never born, never

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedication
Afore means- before archaic form.
Art means - are archaic form.
Betwixt - between
2 form of long what I used means- have a strong wish or desire.
Wherein - in which.
Exuberance means-
the quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness; ebullience.
Arouse means- evoke or awaken (a feeling, emotion, or response.
Bairns- young children.
Ourn is our.
Daliythers- is a word I made up meaning ( delightful feathers)
Extra-amourials- is a word I created means ( extraterrestrial amour or love bringers......) Also meaning- bringers of amour from heaven.
Whence- means from which.
brandon nagley Mar 2016
Note; this is for all to read everyone .... Everyone involved in HP war of words with another, , everyone on this site... This isn't singling out anyone, this is truth, that no one will say. Though I choose no sides, I stand for god, and god told us to love one another.... So here's a message for all to read. Note; this message isn't to boost wolf by any means, this message isn't to boost me. This message isn't to cut down anyone, or hurt anyone. I support all of you equally. And love wolf just as much as all involved in war with wolf,as wolf wars with you!!!...,read first, and see truth. As there's a war here over words between all. So this goes for all... I'll tell you before you read this, after I found out Gary originally unblocked wolf first. Mine heart spoke to me to unblock wolf and write him. And wolf was humble enough to write me kind message, and the message is from a hurting but real and open heart... As everyone knows me and wolf had throughout the time I've been here been dealing with our own conflict. Though who am I to scorn this man? And judge him? Being a sinner mine self, and a man whose done wrong a lot in life... Please read, if I loose support from even those I support, so be it, but truth is, I stand with god, and the reason why were here is to love one another, and forgive. No matter what the actions or words said. Please read,this goes for wolf,and all in a battle with wolf, and wolf in battle with these others who I love just the same as wolf, no partisan ways meaning not choosing sides, just speaking truth to each of you so please listen and read.

(Wolf Spirit  5 days ago)
thanks for the unblock and friendliness, B..i know you have seen some viscera from me....i apologize for that...seems some folks have ways of making all look bad in the wrong light. i wont use names...please accept my whole hearted apologies for any misdirections.....and indiscretions....if you prefer, i will post a public apology. HP is no longer a viable option for my poetry, and i am sorry that this came at this really are, and have turned out to be, a stand up guy. may your travels be fruitful and your days be many and most jubilant. bless you, good sir poet.

(brandon cory nagley  4 days ago)
Hey thank you friend wolf!!! Glad you wrote friend , I wanted to yet didn't feel the time was yet right , not knowing all to say right asap, lol. Glad to see you hanging in their Wolfie. As you see I try to stay away from others who still cut you down so on and don't like poems that cut you down.. I have no hard feelings against you like so many others do, though I respect the ones who don't like you much , though I respect you a lot to, and stand like you just to write poetry. Not here to hate or **** with words another,.. But to learn from each other, show love to another, as I have seen you do give love to so many despite many fights on here with others.,,I've seen and see your beautiful soul wolf... You are a man whose humble, and has much influence!!! Use thy influence to the good brother, when others attack you like I've been attacked.. forgive them no matter if they keep attacking, forgive them. When one cheeks slapped, let them slap the other,,, the fact is you win with love wolf..hatred and anger as you well know, as any human knows burdens our souls, not just in this living physical world. But the next spiritual world. The next reality that's more real as you know then this one. So while here we need most to love another... Forgive always! Even when people keep attacking you and backstabbing you and all other hating speeches, or defaming, and ones murdering us with words, or physically, however the case, yes as you know we must stand up against it. Though while doing it, showing the one killing us love, forgiveness, maybe just maybe to change their hearts in the process of that love, friend wolf I don't expect no apology to the public lol you are a good soul, yet with burdens like me and everyone else...I've seen you wrote you had a stroke? Many say that's quote ( a lie) though I don't know whether you have had stroke or not? I can't judge you and I also can't assume you didn't... If you did friend I pray you will heal wolf... You want to know something? Since I first joined hp I've always respected you as a soul... The one behind the flesh and bones....... I've always respected your soul is bright, many as you know hate bright lights.,. And like me friend. You have many spiritual demons you are battiling as I have ( literally) battled them with proof, not just in the head lol... As I see you battle very real ones, though wolf you can and we can overcome them, and part of that is trading love from your heart, to those of hatred, and when darkness comes... Light it up with light... Your a true light wolf not just a poetic one, but a true spirit of light and yes everyone deals with struggles, depression at times! And literally demons that attack us on a regular basis, attacking both me and you, not speaking of people actually speaking ( demons forces) and real demons, we can overcome them. Though you must have faith to do so, it took a lot for you to write me I know, and its taking me some courage,,, I have no hard feelings for you friend!!! As I said, I respect your real soul wolf. I take no sides with no one.., as I friend I tell you this, I love all people, you, everyone including others who have all written bad about one another,,, I love each and every one of you equally, not just because your all flesh blood and bone like me. But because god put us here to love another, not judge another's skin. Or look, or life... But to help one another... And as you know in poetry especially a site like this, we can learn from another, if we choose not to learn from another and hate another, what help does that give another soul? And our soul? NONE help... So friend, I take no sides,., I stand for gods love to others, what we were sent here to do, love another.., and wolf I see you have love in you. I don't hate you nor any others, the fact is I'll say this as a friend ( I've seen you attack others, though the other truth, I've seen others attack you) and a person who wants to show love, and not give into hatred I step out of the bounds beyond the hatred that was spewed out on this site..,, but I love each and every one of you all equally... Now you all must do the same.., mine Christ I believe in spoke this... As a christian this is what I do, even if I didn't believe in jesus I'd still do it,,,
John 13:34-35

34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

1 john chapter 3-
13Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. 14We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. 15Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

One who hates another god considers same as being a murderer, and no life will abide in him, and he won't have life, our goal here is to love and forgive always friend..
Verse 23-same chapter and john...
23And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.

Just as peter the disciple of christ spoke and asked jesus he said ( lord how many times shall I forgive a man? 7 times lord,).....
Jesus replied to him( I tell you forgive him 77 times) he was trying to teach peter,, there is no limit on how many times you forgive, you always
ALWAYS forgive, no matter what friend wolf. always,
As I forgive you Wolfie... As I hope as well if there was anything in the past I don't remember saying if maybe I did wrong to, you may forgive me.,, thank you for your letter wolf, you ever need a friend... Please write ok(:: anytime wolf...

Your friend, Brandon Cory Nagley

(Wolf Spirit  4 days ago)
thank you for that....hang in there

brandon cory nagley  4 days ago
No thank you friend wolf like I said friend write anytime you want, and you ever need anything just write (:::

Wolf Spirit  4 days ago
thanks, B
I wrote as you noticed, I stay away from any writing cutting another down, defaming another, and hateful angry words, whether they be from wolf, others, all involved with war!!!!so on. YES wolf has attacked many, though fact is how is this war on HP ( poetic site) going to end. If no one ends it? The fact is wolf will keep attacking back if being attacked, even his name, wolf you know what a wolf does? They will keep fighting when you attack them. Christ spoke to you when someone smacks your cheek, you turn the other and let them smack that also, This goes for wolf and everyone involved in this nonending war!!!! Peace doesn't come by continuing in attacking... This goes for each of you involved... Peace comes from being humble, forgiving another ( as Christ also forgave you by suffering on a cross,) the Christ you deny by actions and words,.,, as Christians there is a verse we go by. ( love god, because he FIRST LOVED US) yet I love you wolf, though friend if you keep attacking Vicki Gary, r, James, woody, so so. Whoever. Wolf this is for you, if you keep attacking. You will be attacked back. Though fact is, same goes the other way around. If others keep attacking wolf. The WAR WONT END!!! Why? Because neither of you are doing the simple task of just stopping the warring words... Instead every one of you! Everyone!!! Continue to attack another, cussing at one another.... Though in reality, you could all ALL stop the hateful things toward another, and instead attacking another, learning from each other... Sharing a poem that's beautiful as all of you I look up to as some of the most amazing poets I've ever met!!! And most amazing poets in today's era!!! Though you know what saddens me? Not just seeing poets attack poets, but you not realizing there are real demons tempting each and every one of you... The ones others deny that I deal with spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally. Real ones !!! With real proof as I said already. Not ( ones in head for you skeptics..) Real demons that scratch me leaving physical marks. As old testament spoke of the fallen angels ( demons) and Satan being kicked out of heaven. By god, because they followed Satan, and turned from god. And those fallen angels run the first and second heavens. Air we breathe and sky are first heaven. Second heaven universe planets, stars moon sun, third heaven Paul spoke of where Christians will be raptured ( or caught up, taken away) as spoken in new testament, where real heaven is ( gods throne)... These demons are swaying you all, because Satan's goal to humanity, is to ruin them. Why? Because it goes against god. To pin another against his own flesh. To have one **** another ( mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically) this is reality happening before thy own eyes. And no ones paying ATTN!!!!! This is reality, what's happening on your planet... Take a look around you can see there's not just a warring already between humanity, but between good angels and bad. Gods angels and the fallen ones... Yet the world isn't waking only few are compared to over 6 billion plus people on the I ask each and every one of you a personal ? This goes for wolf, and all involved with wolf... And war... everyone of you plus more names I can't think of. I ask you this. Do you think a continuance of hateful words toward another will make peace? Or continue to hurt another? I ask you this? Do you forgive? Can you? Is it in you heart if ones hates you and continues to do so, can't you forgive them as Christ said to peter do 77 times? ( meaning no end to forgiving) or continue to be hurt and respond back to another in verbal violence,.. Not helping any one of your souls...I also ask you this? You realize one day, every one of you shall pass away. When you pass away ( die) give last breathe, what you did in this life, you get to see played back for you, told by thousands in near death accounts ( real dying experience) people brain heart dead... You will see all you've done whether good or bad by god, or Christ (gods son) showing you as they'll all tell you. And I ask you this? When god shows you your life before your eyes. What will each and every one of you see? How you didint do as god wanted? ( love another, forgive another if even others mock hurt you **** you) what would you see in your life being played out before you? Hating others? Continuing to write hatred? Or will he show you your self forgiving and loving another as he asked? And will you see yourself giving unconditional love, as christ gave you on that cross, I ask you that ? And I will leave it at all....
Your friend Brandon Cory Nagley... With this I'll leave you from Luke 6;27-49 king James bible.
(Jesus speaking)
27 But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,

28 Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.

29 And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also.

30 Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again.

31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

32 For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.

33 And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same.

34 And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.

35 But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.

36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.

37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your *****. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

39 And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?

40 The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master.

41 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

42 Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye.

43 For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

44 For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.

45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?

47 Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like:

48 He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.

49 But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great.

Also good one for all
The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant-
21 Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?
22 Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.
brandon nagley Mar 2016

Afore flesh hadst cometh to existence,
I was remembering thou;
Spiritual past's reminiscence.


Afore the automobiles, of men's formation,
I sawest thou, in scarlet gown;
grashasta mesmerization.


Afore the birth of the sun
I knewest mine jane;
Thou were the chosen

©Bʀaռɖօռ Naɢʟɛʏ
©Lօռɛsօʍɛ քօɛt's քօɛtʀʏ
©Eaʀʟ ʝaռɛ Naɢʟɛʏ ɖɛɖɨċatɨօռ ( Fɨʟɨքɨռօ ʀօsɛ)
Afore- archaic for before
Hadst- had
reminiscence-the enjoyable recollection of past events.
Grashasta -word I created, meaning-a high degree of,
mesmerization- being mesmerized, in trance, or in awe other words...
brandon nagley Feb 2016
Zoι мoυ, тнιѕ ιѕ тнe тrυтн,
Inѕιde oғ тнιne aмвιence;
I'м rapтυred вy тнιne
Fιlιpιna carтoυcнe.
           ιι.    Thélis na horépsis mazí mu?
vasílissa; O'er тнe gaze
Oғ Sapang delaga ғallѕ.
Herald'ѕ oғ Zιon,
Wιngѕpan'ѕ oғ
                Dιѕcιpleѕ oғ тнe lιvιng God
                Hallowed вlaѕнonιc'ѕ;
                An anassa тнoυ arт eтernally,
                Jane oғ ѕĸy'ѕ ѕυperѕonιc.

Arιa'ѕ ѕprιng, вeтwιхт oυrn ѕeaм'ѕ, вoυndarιeѕ none, O' cнιldren-we'll вecoмe. Wнιlѕт ιn тнe ғυn, and laυgн and play, agapι мoυ, I needeтн тнιne мoon, тнaт вeaтѕ ιnѕιde тнιne cнeѕт, wнereιn вaвιeѕ reѕт, and нealιng Begιn'ѕ; Wнereιn I'м waѕнed wнιтe aѕ ѕnow, ғroм вygone old, ιnтo тнιne ѕoυl. I'м вorn agaιn.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry founder..
©Earl jane Nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
Zoi Mou - means my life,,, greek tongue,
cartouche- means ARCHAEOLOGY
an oval or oblong enclosing a group of Egyptian hieroglyphs, typically representing the name and title of a monarch, though can be any culture showing a king or queens name in print on a cartouche,,, mine queen Jane! (: her names been in the tablets a long time now (:::::::
thélis na horépsis mazí мυ- Greek translates to-( would you like to dance with me?)
vasílissa- is Greek for queen.
sapang dalaga falls- is a place I wanna go to when meeting jane in Philippines's, its a place formerly called baga falls, close to jane in misamis Occidental.... Cottages, a canteen and a function hall are available next to falls which is so strange but beautiful.
Albatross definition-
a very large oceanic bird related to the shearwaters, with long narrow wings. Albatrosses, some species of which have wingspans greater than 10 feet (3.3 m), are found mainly in the southern oceans, with three kinds in the North Pacific.
blashonic \blashonics is a word I made up- meaning-( a lass and her young lad,) meaning young woman and her young man she's with, me and jane...
Hallowed means- holy, or honor as holy. Or make holy, I just mean holy.
Anaѕѕa ιѕ ancιenт word ғroм greece- мeanѕ qυeen.
Anaх oppoѕιтe oғ тнaт мeanѕ ĸιng ancιenт greeĸ.
Sυperѕonιc- мeanѕ + involving or denoting a speed greater than that of sound..
Zιon мeanѕ-  the heavenly city or kingdom of heaven.
noun: Zion; noun: Sion, also the hill of Jerusalem on which the city of David was built..
Arιa or arιa'ѕ мean- a long, accompanied song for a solo voice, typically one in an opera or oratorio.
Agapi мoυ- мy love ιn greeĸ,
Wнereιn - arcнaιc ғor ιn wнιcн,
Bygone- belonging to an earlier time ( ancient time)
Betwixt is between.
Herald or heralds are messengers,,,
brandon nagley Feb 2016

Tաas I tɦat աas sɛռt tօ tɦɛɛ,
Fʀօʍ ɮʀɛaɖtɦ's ʄaʀ aռɖ աɨɖɛ;
I օɮsɛʀʋɛɖ tɦɛɛ ʄʀօʍ Vɛռʊs,
Jʊst ɮɛtաɨxt tɦɛ aʟʟ-sɛɛɨռɢ's ɛʏɛ's.


Caʟasɦaʏ ɦօʟɨɖaʏ, ɦɨք tօ ɦɨք,
Faċɛ tօ ʄaċɛ; ʍɛʟaʟօռʐօ ɦaʀքsɨċɦօʀɖ,
Sċʀɨքtʊʀɛs tʊʀռɛtɦ ɨռtօ քɨċtʊʀɛs,
Dɨaʍօռɖs ʍaҡɛ ʊք tɦɛ ʄʟօօʀ's.


Rʊɮɨɛs ʄօʀ tɦɛ ɦaռɖʟɛɖ ɖօօʀ's,
Gʀaċɨռɢ tɦɨռɛ tօʊċɦ; a ʍɨʀaċʟɛ
Oʄ tɛʟɛքatɦɨċ sքɛaҡɨռɢ, աɦɨʟst
Sɨքքɨռɢ ɢʀaքɛ sքaʀҡʟɛ ʄօʀ ɮʀʊռċɦ.


Iռċɛռsɛ ʀɨsɨռɢ aɮօʋɛ tɦɛ tɛʍքʟɛ,
Fʀaռҡɨռċɛռsɛ aռɖ ʍʏʀʀɦ; օʊʀռ
Tʀaʋɛʟɨռɢ's ċօռռɛċtɛɖ ɮʏ sքɨʀɨt,
A ҡɨռɢ aռɖ զʊɛɛռ ɨռ ɢօɖ's աօʀʟɖ.


Jʊst a ɮօʏ aռɖ a ʟɨttʟɛ ɢɨʀʟ,
Gɨɢɢʟɨռɢ tօ ɛʊքɦօʀɨċ ʄʊռ;
Pʟaʏɨռɢ ɦɨɖɛ aռɖ sɛɛҡ, ռօ
Pɛɛҡɨռɢ; ʝʊst tɦɛ քʊʀɨtʏ օʄ
Oʊʀռ ʟօʋɛ.

©ɮʀaռɖօռ Naɢʟɛʏ
©Lօռɛsօʍɛ քօɛts քօɛtʀʏ
©Eaʀʟ ʝaռɛ Naɢʟɛʏ ɖɛɖɨċatɨօռ ( Fɨʟɨքɨռօ ʀօsɛ)
Calashay is a word I created- meaning ( perfection of grandeur)
Melalonzo- is another word I made up- meaning melodious and openly seen publicly,,,- melodious means also tuneful,
Breadth- means width.
Venus I used *** venus is mine horoscope ( Libras) ruling planet.
Betwixt is archaic for between..,
Harpsichord is- it looks like Piano but has chords inside it instead sounding like a harp a little bit, amazing...
Telepathic or telepathy - communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses. Meaning communication actually from thought to thought, without having to speak with lips, as everyone describes you can do in heaven who comes back to tell this by the thousands in near death experiences... Truth and beautiful truth,

Brunch- is like a later breakfast past breakfast time.
Frankincense and myrrh are famous incenses in bible. They smell great I love lighting both incense sticks at home though would prefer real stuff in markets in middle east,.. Still love it!!!
brandon nagley Feb 2016

Mayeѕт Yaнweн ѕнιneтн тнroυgн тнy ѕoυl
Mayeѕт Eloнιм мaĸeтн gold; ιnтo тнιne нand'ѕ
I coммend мιne ѕpιrιт, arcнaιc gнoѕт'ѕ oғ day'ѕ
Foreтold. Mayeѕт Adonaι Lιgнт υp тнe darĸ, тнaт
Sυrroυndeтн мe and тнee, мayeѕт тнιne reѕт enтer
Inтo нeaven; a place ғor ĸιng'ѕ and Qυeen'ѕ.
And мayeѕт I мeeтeтн тнee,
Inѕιde тнine dreaм'ѕ.


Mayeѕт тнoυ ѕeeιтн propнeтιc vιѕιon'ѕ,
Mayeѕт тнoυ enтereтн ιn; вy тнe тυrnѕтιle
Oғ тнe rιgнтeoυѕ, none нυrт тнere and none
Sιn. Mayeѕт raιnвow'ѕ ѕнadow overнead,
Mayeѕт roѕeѕ cover тнιne ғeeт, мayeѕт
Peтal'ѕ ғroм тнe ѕerapн'ѕ, gleaм ιn тнιne
Eye'ѕ мeeт. And мayeѕт I мeeтeтн тнee,
Inѕιde тнιne dreaм'ѕ.


Mayeѕт тнy ĸιn be вleѕѕed wιтн none worry,
Mayeѕт тнe ѕтar'ѕ coмeтн oυт ғor тнee;
Mayeѕт тнe coѕмoѕ gιveтн тнoυ a тoaѕт,
Oғ paradιѕe мιne qυeen. Mayeѕт coмғorт
Gυιdeтн alongѕιde, мayeѕт oυrn love'ѕ cнarιoт
Rιde, мayeѕт we never looĸeтн вacĸ, тo тнe devιl'ѕ
In dιѕgυιѕe. And мayeѕт we мeeт
Beyond тнe ѕĸy'ѕ.


Mayeѕт тнe cнaperoneѕ oғ тнe тнιrd celeѕтιal,
Pυт a нalo υpon тнιne тop, мayeѕт нealιng вe
In тнιne Woe'ѕ; мayeѕт god never вe ғorgoт.
Mayeѕт мaтrιмonιal cereмony, coмeтн тo υѕ
In oυrn Creaтor'ѕ wιll, мayeѕт тнe wιne oғ тнe
Greaт dιvιne, enтer ιnтo υѕ and overғιll.
And мayeѕт тнy ғιngerтιpѕ
One day I ғeel.

©Brandon Nagley
©Loneѕoмe poeтѕ poeтry
©Earl jane Nagley dedιcaтιon ( Fιlιpιno roѕe)
All the names I gave for god.are the Hebrew names for god, as us Christians go by the Hebrew names for him. Such as Elohim, Yahweh, adonai, also called ( I am) or ( the great I am) meaning he always was from the beginning, always in existence before the ages...also Jehovah. Fun facts for those that don't get that,..
I made this song after listening to the beautiful song ( forever young) by Bob Dylan.... So the lyrics go to the tune of that if you know the song..,
brandon nagley Feb 2016

A Sнaĸeѕpearean joттιng,
A lovnaтrae oғ тнe ageѕ;
None parтιтιon тo oυrn
Aмoυr, мιraclιndιne oғ
Renewed pageѕ.


Dιғғerenт ѕтageѕ
O' laѕѕ, aѕ вυттerғly
Eғтѕoonѕ, тнe тranѕlυcenт
Rooм, ѕнalт lιgнт υp
Aѕ we glowѕнaze тнe ѕтage oғ
Aмazιng grace.


For тιѕ a place
Oғ ѕpeedιng ғlιgнт;
Gone вy day, none
Darĸ, nor ιмpolιтe.
A joυrney's connecтιon,
Wнereιn proтecтor'ѕ
Maĸe тнe cнιмeѕ. Heaven
Wιlт вe opened, вeтween oυrn wιng'ѕ and мιnd'ѕ.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedication
Shakespearean- having to do with Shakespeare.
Lovenatrae- is a word I created ( meaning divine love note)
Partition- is like separation.
Miraclindine- a word I created ( means miraculous and divine)
Lass- young woman.
Eftsoons- is archaic for ( soon after)
Translucent- meaning only letting light pass through
Glowshaze- a word I created meaning ( light up, make something glow)
Wherein means - in which.
Wilt- means will.
Jotting- means short note.
Feb 2016 · 1.9k
John 14:1-6
brandon nagley Feb 2016
Holy bible.
John chapter 14: verses 1-6
(Jesus speaking)
“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father’s house are many mansions;[a] if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.[b] 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. 4 And where I go you know, and the way you know.”

5 Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?”

6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
brandon nagley Feb 2016
Aร ɑ yѳuɳg Gʀɛɛk รѳɳɳɛtɛɛʀ, I รɦɑʆt รtʀɛɑk tɦʀѳugɦ tɦɛ ɦɑรɦiɳɑ'ร. Fɛttɛʀ'ร ʝɑɳɛ ɑɳɗ I รɦɑʆt ɓuรt; tɦɛ ѳɳcɛ iɱpɑรรɑɓʆɛ, ɳѳw iɳ tɦʀuรt. Gѳɳรɦɑɳtuร ʀɛɑʆɱ, witɦ ɗɛɗicɑtɛɗ tʀuรt. Twѳ ɑɳgɛʆ'ร รɱiʆɛ ѳɳ รuɳรɛt'ร tѳucɦ. Sɦɛ ʆѳѵɛtɦ ɱɛ, ɑร ɗѳ I ʆѳѵɛtɦ ɦɛʀ รѳ ɱucɦ. A Cupiɗ'ร ɑʀʀѳw ɑt Miɗɳigɦt'ร ʆuɳcɦ.

©Bʀɑɳɗѳɳ Nɑgʆɛy
©Lѳɳɛรѳɱɛ pѳɛtร pѳɛtʀy
©Eɑʀʆ ʝɑɳɛ Nɑgʆɛy ɗɛɗicɑtiѳɳ ( Fiʆipiɳѳ ʀѳรɛ)
Hashina is a word I created + meaning high heavenly passing, hashina's,- is high heavenly passings ( gates into heaven)....
Gonshantus is a word I made- means far from mans touch.
Fetters- are chains for the ankles,,..
brandon nagley Feb 2016

Her vιѕage ѕнone ιn тнe ѕтarѕaleт ѕalυтaтιon.
Her reѕιdυe, oғ ѕυnѕтreaĸed groove; O' нow
Holy waѕ тнιѕ ιnvιтaтιon.


Oυrn ѕтory waѕ long тιмe overdυe.
Waιтιng, paιnιng ғor one-anoтнer;
A ĸιng, a qυeen, a poeт;
Hιѕ мυѕe.


Aѕ тнe color'ѕ oғ yellow, green and вlυe,
We ғυѕed, ιgnιтed, вιrd'ѕ eхcιтed;
Taĸιng oғғ ιn wιngѕpan oғ
Kroѕнonтυѕ velaвeeм.


Loѕт lover'ѕ, ғoυnd agaιn, wιтнιn
A dreaм oғ aιѕleѕ we ѕwaм; ѕqυalιne
Beaм-ѕнιne, paѕѕιon ғroм тнe dιѕтanт
Age, eхιѕтence oғ Cнrιѕт'ѕ cнoѕen. Once
Enтoмвed, now awoĸen. Bonιeѕ claѕped,
Spιrιтιnιυм υnвroĸen.


Marвle'ѕ opened, тo тнe grand, тнe new.
Dιvιne вooĸ вeғore υѕ; ιn тнιrd-нeaven
Trυтн. None мore тнιng'ѕ тo нoldeтн υѕ
Bacĸ, none мore нencнмen, nor тнe nooѕe.
Necĸ'ѕ ғree, lιғe'ѕ ĸey, тo paradιѕal ғιrмaмenт,
Allelυιa we ѕιng.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
Visage is a person's ****** feature. Or face.
Shone means past like shined.
Starsalet- is a word I made meaning ( starry sunset)
Salutation- means greeting in old form.
Kroshontus velabeem- is a phrase I created meaning+ ( amazing speed.)
Squaline is another word I created meaning- divine scribing...
Bonies- a word I made up meaning fingers.
Spiritinium- is a word I created meaning ( the spirits momentum)
Marbles I say here-- I mean the eyes.... Marbles.
Paradisal means- like paradise. Heavenly.
brandon nagley Feb 2016

Mine doting of thou,
Is not wilting amour;
Mine love is more
Then floating, outside
Thy door.


Even in mine woe,
And caging dolor;
I shouteth thy name,
"Sweet jane' mine girl.


Whilst even in mine
Suffering, and the
Battle I'm in; with
Satan and his lackey's,
I wilt step upon them.
With thy help, and God's
Discipline, Jane O' Jane,
I'll soareth to the highest
Apex, mine plume's to expand,
Wing's to stretch; Yahweh's mighty
Word, to push them back to the gates of death.


So mine Jane,
I telleth thou this;
I'm not losing amour,
Nor am I tenderness.
I'm in the stage, of trans-
Figuration, O' soon queen,
We shalt meet in blissfulness,
Beautiful apparition's. Ghost's of
Old, ancient soul's, we'll tasteth
Cascade's of mezmerdade; bralishas
Of barinthia, thitherward the province of
Ourn holy one, next to El Shaddai, meaning
Elohim, also Jehovah, mine Jane and honey-
Bee. Aside the Almighty's throne, And elevated
Seat, his son Jesus Christ on the right- garbed
In robes that floweth with the vim of life. As there
Shalt be none need for the sun or moon, the creator's
Ourn light. A place that's right, wherein there art none wrong's,
Ourn sin's art forgotten within the angelic song's, these song's wilt be sung, on a basis of eternity; none ending, just befriending of the saint's at God's feet. Wisdom shalt be deep, from the beginning of ages, none more false prophet's nor greedy men to ruin the nation's, Concord within ourn Lord shalt follow the month's, as Jane, mine swain, it wilt be in this time's happening;
It's still thee I shalt want. So hold on tightly, don't let loose of mine hand, we'll trounce these dark bearers, and pour holy oil upon their head's, None more wilt they torture us, as they'll flee instead, before of ourn Lord, Jesus Christ, the risen, the man, the son of God, ourn protection, whom hath arisen from the dead.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
Doting or dote- means adore- or adoring.
Wilting- as a leaf. Wilting away.
Dolor- means a state of great sorrow or distress.
Whilst- means while.
Lackey's or lackey is - servant or servants...
Wilt- also meaning archaic form ( will)....
Transfiguration- a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state. ( for me inward)
mezmerdade- is a word I created meaning- mesmerizing undying beauty.
bralishas- another word I made means- juicy lips.
barinthia- is a word I made up meaning ( bountiful or "abundant" era, or time.)
Thitherward also means thither- or to or toward a place.
Yahweh is a name for God in Hebrew form.
So is Elohim, and Jehovah.
El Shaddai- means God Almighty in Hebrew tongue. If you are confused why I use Hebrew names no I'm not Jewish if you know Christians we use same name for God as the ancient Hebrews -( Jews do) except most Jews don't except their own real Messiah Jesus like us Christians do . as the Jews should be doing.they've mocked Christ their own messiah from the beginning and will look for a false savior and messiah ( Antichrist as spoken in Revelation.) Though God loves his chosen Jewish people and wants them to return to him. As many will. Though many will be
Decieved by the son of perdition, the man of sin ( the Antichrist)..
Swain- means young lover...
Trounce means- .rebuke, conquer or punish severely.
brandon nagley Feb 2016

Happy birthday
To thee, dearest
Friend. Mayest
This remembrance of birth
Be another year for thou
To thinkest of none end's;
But a brighter tommorrow.


Resteth gal sarah,
Put away all of
Thine sorrow's,
Didst thou not
Knoweth; there's
A God who breaketh
The alshshayatin
Who cometh against


Thou art not alone,
As me and mine Jane
Art alway's there to
Be, a friend in need.
Growing seed's, to
Help-another grow.


Mayest the morrow
Be for thou, as white
As snow; mayest the
Seraphim, who surround's
Thy worries and protects
Thy home, showeth
Thee the light above thine tear's.
Smile mine friend, a friend is here.
Mayest thy sight be clear, and thy crown
Be uplifted and flared. As the world's glare
Hast betrayed thine eye's. Observeth upward
Wherein paradise lies; as thou wilt hath wing's one day
O' laureate of poetry's net. O' brilliant friend; of Jane and mine.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Thepoet(Sarah Ahmed) birthday dedication.

Sorry Sarah day late on b day dedication... But a happy wonderful birthday from me a friend if you ever need one there as you have always been there for me and Jane and have always been a major blessing to me and Jane!!! May the heavens open to you, and may you overcome your battles you face in this world...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY poetic friend !!!!
Mayest- means may...
Resteth- means rest.
Gal- young lady
alshshayatin- demons in Arabic.
Morrow- next day in archaic tongue.
Crown means head....
Seraphim- highest angels in gods kingdom.
Flared- burn with sudden intensity.
Wherein means- in which.
The world's glare betrayed thy or your eyes. Means this Sarah. The world and the wicked of the world ( demonic beings, bad people, and worldly things have tried to blind you. Though truth lies in god and in the heavens...
laureate means-
a person who is honored with an award for outstanding creative or intellectual achievement
brandon nagley Feb 2016
Valentine of mine, quempress of the sublime,
Oriedjewel of the Filipino pool's, afire art mine
Eye's; to the ray's of thine beams.
This heart-shaped package is
Thy own, pull the string's;
And kiss mine being,
Touch mine breath.
Layest thine head
Upon mine *****,
Caress mine neck.
Unsharae with me,
A serenade fit for a king and queen,
Wherein the after-hours of moonlight desires, maketh
Budded roses and flower's out of thou and me. Mistaglare,
O' in season's fair; mine Valentine, mine love unwind, soak into mine bubble's, as the liquid wine. I'll stroke thy skin, thou wilt
Tour mine mind, as valentines shalt be felt, between ourn blood
Combined. Heaven's line's shalt be crossed by us, the sound's of Harp's, til' dawn and dusk. Perfumed pearly gates, therein fountain's gush. Ourn amour explodes, rainbow gold, freely spirit's, next to God's own throne. Telepathy as telephones, manor's with lantern's, heated ember glow. This the place wherein angel's roam, a place unknown; to unwelcomed guest's. A banquet full of peacefulness, none forgetfulness, as ourn satisfaction is apart of the attraction, O' how we conquer the valentenic terrain.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( filipino rose)
Quempress- is a word I made up before and used- means queen and empress.
Oriedjewel- another word I made up- means oriental jewel.
Beams- Ray of light.
Afire.- burning or on fire.
Unsharae is a word I made- meaning be free as a child.
Mistaglare- is a word I created to- meaning ( an abundance of mystical things.)
valentenic is a word I made up- meaning valentines like.
Therein means- in that place. Archaic word.
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