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X marks the spot but still I am lost,
                Stuck on the spot but feeling drawn to you.
       My lips go dry, yearning after your gentle touch.
Seeing you there shivering on the curb                                 brings tears to my eyes.
      You hold out your hand,
                  I am found.
Hope you enjoy and any thoughts/feedback appreciated!
Birth is a beautiful event,
Birth is a wondrous thing.
If it wasn't for birth, none of us would be here, not even a single breath.
Birth is when life is given to you, for no cost but is worth so much more.
Savour it.
Kind of random but hope you enjoy all the same, any feedback/comments etc welcome!
Hello friend
the sweetest greeting I've known
hello friend
the word carries
the emotions
we all feel to need to receive
with my time here linked
to the community
they are words I always
need to hear

Hello friend
oh sweet friend
your heart I see
your mother's influence
I feel
and I love her too.

I love her for making you be
for allowing herself to receive
and I know this is new
but the confidence
and commitment you have to me
makes hello friend
sound good to my ears
oh yea, there are people
who like Me

throughout the years there haven't been many
or so my eyes see
though in these days of my
I know the relationships
would have blurred my vision
they would have had me
spending my days
talking about what she said
and who she thinks she is??
drinking and falling asleep with a man
that I don't like the smell of
but he put that work in
my body settled
I sit up wishing he would fade
with my feelings of alone

but friend, I don't know why,
and I dare not ask
as I'd rather just embrace what is to be
you somehow awakened me
your message of creativity
(though I know you don't remember actually giving it to me)
answered this question
I've had of me
what do you really have to contribute?

Hello Poetry, once again
as I feel I would say hello to you
for ever…
or at least until my heart says
I could say hello friend
as you too are committed to me
you stir my juices
in a biodynamic sort of rotation
blowing air in to help the
spread out.
over the soil

that's why I'm here
you taught me a new way to say
hello friend
with arms wide open
the embrace on the opposite
not as important
in reality
cause I'm here with My messages
and here to hear yours
we claim to know too much
the wise trees tell us
no child, you are
an observer
your depth yet to be fully realized
by yourselves
your roots too
dependent on city water systems
you grow along the ground
interrupting concrete with your
power I am working on harnessing
and sharing
cause thats what I do
and my friend, thank you for sharing YOU
my personal piece of the sea my friend
No light or air touches this broad chasm
And few have been known to ascend from it
Reconciliations to phantasms
All sensation and love you will omit
Why try and claw your way to the surface?
The darkness embraces you like no other
You become addicted to the abyss
So you spiral down further and further
It is feasible for one to break through
To take that solitude expedition
I know the specifics of this deep blue
For I have risen to behold the sun
Keep kicking your feet and reach for above
Exhaling your gloom and inhaling love
Always looking around
Every day events unfold
In front of our eyes
And beyond
World is spacious
Abode for us
Why things happen
As they do
Why not any other way
Do we know all
Or, are we in the know at all
What we try to find
May not be there after all
We are on the fringes
Yet to be in the core
Are we afraid of depth
Or think it’s an abyss
Where we will get lost
We look around
Yet we can’t see
What eludes our senses
Just a thought
For us to keep looking
We maybe mirroring it
Without knowledge
 Oct 2014 Barkley Layne
2 A.M in the morning
A pure calming light illuminates the room.
Father is not home, yet.

Brother, go to sleep.
Tell mother, I will wait for him.
Brother, don't be afraid.
I am here facing the darkness and the wind.

Here, in front of the thing he called home, I am waiting.
Waiting for him to come home.
Waiting to **** him.

How badly i want to stab his heart.
One, two and three. He'll be dead.
One, two and three. I am a winner.

For my mother and my brother.
Go to sleep.
Father won't be home.
He has gone away taken by the wind.
In your presence, I become curious.
Alone, with thoughts of you I ruminate.
An infatuation so infectious.
Oh, how you make my life illuminate.
All I ever hear from you is silence.
What makes you so reserved, timid and shy?
Oh what I’d give to make your acquaintance.
So I listen and wait when you are nigh.
A quick connection of the eyes, a glance.
Your acknowledgement I’m barely given.
So strong is my desire for a chance.
Allow me your love and to you I’d run.
When will a mutual feeling flourish?
No confidence that I’ll gather courage.
We are but streams of atoms
saturated with strange beliefs
rituals and rants, circuses of  meaningless blather

yet we follow trodden footpaths
to the same end
once gone, gone for good.

all the crap that comes with afterlife
all the books and mementos gone too
'gone for good'

so this is life
live it in abundance
dance where you must
become a borderline personality
write meaningless drivel
so what

religion exists because people exist
did god make man or man make god?

bury me with no mantra or magic
or shoot me into space
once again into the stream of atoms
of nothingness.

Author Notes

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, a month ago
 Oct 2014 Barkley Layne
why won’t anyone just tell me it will be okay

my eyes ******* burn
and now I understand the phrase “hot tears”

everyone in my life is as useless as I

my teeth hurt because i clench them too much
just like my heart hurts because I’m burning it with anger

my stomach wants to jump out of my throat, and I wish it would
my body should just self destruct

god, why won’t anyone tell me it will be okay
 Oct 2014 Barkley Layne
nails dug through soil
tearing stems in a sunflower field
lavender and daisies melt her heart like yin and yang
skin ruddy and golden from grand star kisses
bohemian waves compliment her cheeks
along with a blush warmth has masked
dream catcher strings substitute her veins
as if she was a native myth in soul and body
bare feet stained earthly she runs, flies
like a finch with dappled wings
the spirits underground
lift her high into the stratosphere
she lets passion overcome fears
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