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Ava Bean May 2016
When did you decide it's better to bite other people's tongues
And leave them never wishing to speak again
Just because you can't stand to bite your own?
Brutal honesty is still brutal
Ava Bean Apr 2016
Be kinder than necessary until there is no reason left for you to be kind; do NOT let yourself become a doormat that people can wipe the **** off their shoes with.
Shower often to wash the weight of the day off your delicate skin.
Floss; it makes your mom proud of your dental exams.
Study only when you need it.
Learn to do your own laundry.
Go to your friend's performances and games when you can.
Keep your room clean.
Say please and thank you regularly.
Stare harshly between someone's brows to make them stop staring at you.
Smile at people in public, but only with a closed mouth.
Carry extra tampons and pads to give to people who may need it.
Plan your day before you go to sleep.
Offer help when you see someone struggling,
But don't offer help if you need help yourself
Things I have learned over the years
Ava Bean Apr 2016
In my Prada purse, I carry my heavy medical textbook
I carry an extra tube of my MAC lipstick in Russian Red
I carry a comb
A clear nail polish topcoat
And a bottle of eye drops that I avoid using because it makes my mascara run.

In my wholesome home, I have glossy tiled bathrooms
Pristine, crisp, snow white curtains
Organic, citrus scented cleansers
Granite counter tops
And large mahogany desks.

In my hollow heart I cradle my worries of a straying spouse,
My anger towards the anonymous administrator
My notions of a sneaky baba
My choking OCD
My crippling debt to a vile man
And the breaking weight of having to shield my children from all that goes on behind locked doors.
A character perspective of "Lillian" from the book "Trafficked" by Kim Purcell
Ava Bean Apr 2016
Her soul is being dragged down
Towards the dream realm.
You can see it in her dreariness;
You can see it in her grey and clouded eyes.
You can hear it in the "I'm tired" mantra that she repeats through waking hours
You can feel it when she puts all her heart's heavy weight onto yours when she leans into you for a hug.
She's being dragged down
Towards the dream realm...
Perhaps she will be better off there.
tired eyes say more than anything
Ava Bean Apr 2016
Dear ocean tide,
I can see you wave to me
With your fingers
With your golden, sandy hair.
Ocean tide,
I can see you creeping closer
Wanting to greet me
Hoping to envelope me,
To pull me deep down into your depths
Where I will find myself
Having to fend off all your dark creatures that eat away at my guts.
Ocean tide,
I can't survive down there!
You will get distracted by the next maiden to dance along your shores.
You will forget me
Until she drowns too.
Ocean tide,
I can't keep up anymore...
I'm tired of swimming through your inconsistent currents.
You wash me out in a the most tiring way;
You leave grit in my hair and teeth
And it makes me want to spit you out.
Ocean tide,
Even though you are so breathtaking
And I would love to see you everyday
To feel your calming cool rush settle over my skin,
Leaving me filled with goosebumps but empty from air...
Ocean tide,
You are filled with far too much salt and so many sharp stings
That you may not notice...
But I notice them.
You give me nightmares about that one time you almost drowned me.
Ocean tide,
You're no good for me.
I am going to the mountains,
To the forests
Where I feel strong and safe.
Goodbye to your murky waters that leave me nauseous.
All you do is come and go
Ava Bean Mar 2016
He was afraid of losing me
And I was afraid of him.
That kind of game quickly destroyed us both
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