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ARI May 2017
Those three little words
Like surgical wire
Sewing my heart to your shirt
As they waltzed from my lips.

When our backs turned
I was left the shredded remains
Of my once vibrant soul.
You were left a tattered shirt.

ARI Apr 2017
I once had a friend
Who was afraid to die.
That very same friend
Was afraid of life.

I once had a friend
Who hated herself.
That very same friend
Loved everyone else.

I once had a friend
Whos soul had unraveled.
That very same friend
Had often traveled.

I once was a friend...

ARI Mar 2017
I lost who I am
In a sea of religion.
As the sharks made
From scriptures
Tore my limbs apart.

ARI Jan 2017
want my-
No. I need
My voice to be
Heard by any soul inclined to listened.

If youre at all curious to know what else I could possibly have to say check out my voice on paper-
ARI Dec 2016
I once heard a story
Of a boy who loved a girl.
I heard she let him love her
Until her mind grew bored.

Then she packed his measly bags
And kicked him to the curb.
She crushed his bleeding heart
On his way out the door.

He never even had the chance
To scrape the pieces off her porch.
Now there is a jagged cavern
Burned into his broken chest.
Filled with *****,self-hate, and ***

He never even had a chance.

ARI Nov 2016
Anxiety has an army
She's marching through my head.
She's twisting up my body
I swear she wants me dead

She's climbing down my throat;
She's wrapped around my spine.
She whispers in my ear
"Your souls forever mine"

Anxiety has a song
Of harsh and dreadful laughter.
A voice that tells your story
As unhappily ever after.

She'll rock your broken mind
Until all you do is sleep.
She'll dig her nails into your head
For your joys she craves to reap.

ARI Oct 2016
It* is like
I was sleeping
Then suddenly
I woke up in the middle
Of a circus; All eyes on me
And I'm 100 feet
In the air balancing
On a rope thinner than
My hair; it breaks
I'm falling and everyone is screaming
Then suddenly
There's silence and my eyes are closed
Something heavy is in my hand
I open my eyes
There's a thick whip and hoop
Pressed into my hand
An angry lion stalking me
I'm shaking
Not knowing what to do
"Don’t let him know you're afraid."
"Don’t let him know you're afraid."
I chant to myself
But it's too late.
He knows.
I try to scream, I try to run
But before I move
He already has me pinned
His teeth crushing my throat
My blood gurgling within
My gaping mouth
Then suddenly
My head is bursting through
Salty waves and I'm bobbing
In the thrashing ocean.
I cannot breathe.
My arms flailing for something,
Anything to save me.
Hands grasp my shaking fingers
I think I am safe.
Then I wake up
Back inside that circus.
The Lion is waiting.
I cannot escape.

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