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ARI Sep 2015
You look at me
As if Im already broken
Soon Im going to shatter

For I can not seem to explain
The reasons for the demons
Knocking on my door.

ARI Sep 2015
From the innocence
That she portrays
You'd never guess
She'd seen such days
Of drugs and *****
And easy lays

You'd never guess
Upon her cheeks
Once lived the tears
That always wreaked
With self disgust
At its highest peak

You'd never know
Upon her thighs
Is where shes written
All her lies
And in those scars
Her hatred hides

ARI Sep 2015
You were the tune
That played in my head
For hours at a time

You were the song
Without a name;
Not knowing, drove me crazy

You were the beat
Id tap with my hand
While gently nodding my head

You were the notes
Sewn into my beating heart
With the vibrant threads of eternity

Then you kissed me
You truly loved me
Now my melody has an everlasting name

ARI Sep 2015
Don't make a sound
Shes coming
Can you hear her?

Don't open your eyes!
If you see her
She will never leave.

Please, child
Don't listen to her!

Shes lying!
Beauty is not kind
Beauty is not caring
Beauty only wants your soul!

She will scrape her eyes
From the top of your head
to the tips of your toes
and she will laugh

She will mock you!
She will make you
Wish for a death so cruel.
She will make you hate yourself!

You will be glued
Helplessly weighing yourself
Begging God to take away
Just five more pounds

Then one day
Beauty will leave you
Crumpled up on the bathroom floor
Barely a breath inside your lungs

As her hateful eyes turn to walk away
The last sight you will ever see
Will be the broken spine
Of the demon named Ana.

I wish I could have saved you
But couldn't even save myself.

Ana- Anorexia
ARI Sep 2015
I wish I could hold her shaking limbs
Tightly in my arms.

I wish I could make her forget
The scale inside her head.

I wish I could take away
The scars she placed upon her flesh.

I wish I could wipe away
Self-hate pouring from her soul.

ARI Sep 2015
The razor
Oh God, that razor!
I swear it lived inside her flesh!
I couldn't make it disappear.

Her cries,
Like acid being poured into my ears
I couldn't stand it!
Her pain destroyed me.

Bony fingers
Always gripping my wrists
I swear her trembling touch
****** away my aching soul.

Help me!
"Please help me understand!"
But she wouldn't
Because she was unable to.

That razor,
Oh God, that razor!
It became my friend that night
Because finally I understood.

Bony fingers,
Resting in my weary hands
I blame myself for her starvation
For I had nothing left to give.

ARI Sep 2015
Every penny looks the same
When you find it on the street.
Scratches cover its surface;
Unknown junk makes it unclean.

I wonder who was the first to use it
I wonder whose hands had held it close
I wonder where that one penny has traveled
I wonder who let it go.

Every beggar looks the same
When you find them on the street.
Scratches cover their surface;
Unknown junk makes them unclean.

I wonder who was the first to meet him
I wonder whose hands had held her close.
I wonder where that beggar traveled
I wonder who let them go.

Every girl looks the same
When you find her on the street.
Scratches cover her surface;
Unknown hands make her unclean.

I wonder who was the first to hurt her
I wonder whose arms had held her close
I wonder if that girl would travel
I wonder why she doesn’t go.

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