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My mind runs rampant
As the days pass quickly
While I work endlessly
In the heat of the evening
The world reminds me
daily, that I'm not alone
This life is mirage in my daze
I'm the bee making honey
Beneath the queen of queens
Yet I stumble upon the lives
Of those who serve beyond
All that I have ever known
They work like slaves
Bruised and exhausted
Under the light that reminds us
That there is more than night
There are stars and a moon
Shining the haze of thought
Which beams the essence
Of human flesh on the grill
We are burned and cooked
To nothing more than ash
Yet there is a depth beyond
This strange life we lead
A horizon that awaits our soul
The fresh air that renews
Like the dew that waters grass
We will find our salvation
When we finally make a choice
To relinquish ourselves to the king
The only one who knows torture
And finds sanction in hell
For we are not our own person
Rather the product of a warrior
Who suffered for every thing we are
The sins we find to define us
Are nothing more than the mirage
We painted in our hearts before
So I tell you me friends and foes
Don't dream any longer than you have
Live each day as your last
And serve not the honey to the comb
But the fruit of the tree in your heart
The apple in the orchard
The sweet berry of the wild
For we are not the slaves of the kitchen
But the servers of our brethren
 Aug 2016 Arfah Afaqi Zia
You x2
 Aug 2016 Arfah Afaqi Zia
You used to tell me about your day and stories from your past, I think the farthest back you ever got was telling me the memories you have of the summer you spent at your grandparents lake house

You were six when you fell off the deck and hit your head on a rock and that's why you have that scar shaped like Florida behind your left ear

I remember when your grandpa died, the dream you had almost every night afterwards was too much for you so you tried to stay awake as long as you can

I hope you and her never spend almost 40 hours chain smoking on your trampoline like we did when I told you my biggest secrets and you told me yours
 Aug 2016 Arfah Afaqi Zia
Come catch me in your paper plane
Baby I am waiting for you in rain
Say my name for wind to carry it
Watch the rainbow and the day lit
Let the sky see us together
Lost profoundly in each other
Pull me in and hold me near
Squash all my lucid fears
Strong roots give you wings,
so you can learn to leave behind
what you’ll gladly come back to.

Love will raise you up,
so you can discover destiny
without fear of falling.

Nowhere is as everywhere,
and no-one is as everything
as this home and family of yours.
How many times have you been burned by a relationship?
I have been many times.
They build you up,
Talk about a future together,
Then the next day forget you even exist.
So please understand-
When you talk about living together,
Getting married,
Having a family-
I've heard it all before.
All from other people,
Who said they wanted the same thing,
Then told me I was worthless,
In less than an hour from the other.
They dragged me along,
Showed me a future so warm and bright it made me cry,
All to kick me aside,
And make me feel cold.
My dear, please be gentle and know:
I trust you,
I love you,
But I fear of what you can do,
By simply forgetting about me.
Believe me, you're not the only one
who's broken, because If you look close
enough at all those around  you, you'll
only see remnants of scars and wounds from
past experiences that make up quarters and halves
where there had once been wholes.
Everyone has a story
 Aug 2016 Arfah Afaqi Zia
I spend hours looking at her
Her lustrous hair, her glowing soft skin, her eyes so beautiful.
She sits there, as I stare intently, creating my sculpted art of my one and only love.
Her giggles, make me laugh
Her eyes, give me hope
Her soul gives mine a home.
Stare I can do all day, and do. Then with her soft spoken voice she asks (are we finished?)
My reply as I make my final smooths (almost my dear)
A few minutes later I reveal a clay heart in my hands.
She says it's beautiful,  but I thought you were sculpting me.
I was my love (I replied.) I see how beautiful you are everyday.
Before I could never express what I felt about you in any just way. Until today when I never looked down at my hands and just made what I feel when I look at you.
You'll be sitting on a step
Some party raging behind you
And you'll be contemplating walking home,
Or finding that girl from earlier
The one who tangled her fingers in your hair while you kissed,
When it'll happen.
A girl, maybe 18,
Will plop down beside you,
Purposefully skin to skin,
and she'll smile.

She'll pretend she's more drunk than she is
And you'll want to protect her.
Like always.
People will be looking for you,
The life of every party now,
Inside the house
But you won't care.
This girl will tell you she's got to walk home,
And you'll take her hand,
And tell her to lead the way.
She'll lean over and kiss you,
Just like she planned she would,
Just long enough to give you the right idea.

You'll stand up together
Wobbling just a little
And she'll start walking
And you'll keep pace and a lookout.
She'll glance at you,
Hunger in her eyes
Waiting to feed off the attention you wrap yourself in,
Like an otter in seaweed.

You'll become very aware of the condoms in your pocket
You might think about how you need to buy another box
As she's the fifth girl this month to take you home

Hungry for the fame
Hungry for the attention
Hungry for the talent
But not hungry for the you inside.
And you'll know it,
I hope.

Stay safe out there, love.
I'll remember.
And you'll keep falling in this nosedive until you hit the ground and shatter. Please, before this skydive becomes a suicide, remember your parachute.
 Jul 2016 Arfah Afaqi Zia

I sleep beneath these darkened skies
as silence takes me in
So that my mind may wander off
to find that dream again
And when I wake upon the dawn
to brighter skies of blue
I’ll smile for in that special dream
my night was spent with you
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