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 May 2017 allie


g o o d b y e
 May 2017 allie
 May 2017 allie
Close your eyes
Count to ten
Think happy...
what is this 'happy'
does it really exist?
how does one know...
when they're...
h a p p y

and when will I know

p l e a s e   t e l l   m e
h o w   t o   b e   **h   a   p   p   y
When I was a kid,
Whenever the word, 'Ouchy" was used, my mother would rush to my assistance.
At the age of three, I realized that every time I said that golden word, my mother would come.
So I decided to keep saying it.
I craved my mother's attention.
I would scream, "Ouchy" as if I had just lost a finger.
She would run to me and I would only smile.
"Only kidding* I would say.
But see, now I realize that that's gone.
It wont be coming back any time soon.
See because now I'm on my own.
I look out the window,
see how the sun and the moon revolve around each other.
like a budding friendship,
swayed by the moon,
where the sun is hot
and the moon is bright.
Just like the way my mom used to make me feel.
The more I've grown
the more I realize,
hell, I need my mother
Because now if I say Ouchy!
no one gives the slightest bit of a ****
When I was young,
when responsibilities where irrelevant,
when "ouchy" was my call-sign
I abused it. I abused that time.I used it for personal gain.
Now, I'm a nobody.
Doesn't feel good now that I'm an average citizen.
I have a story,
I used to tell my mother "ouchy" for her attention.
But so did the other hundred people behind me in the welfare line.  
Now, average faces in these average places are meaningless.
I walk the same streets I did when I was a kid, hand in hand with my mother.
With her, every pace seemed to be an adventure.
With her, every place was a new sight, even if I had been in the pizza shop a billion and one times.
So now I stand in the very same pizza shop
standing on the same tile floors
with the same smell of rising doe and pepperoni dancing in the air.
Walking in,
I wasn't paying attention and shoulder-checked the door
and felt myself whisper "Ouch"
Amazingly enough,
mom wasn't there.
She didn't **** out of the clouds, with an epic crash as she executed a perfect landing, her cape flowing in the wind.
No, instead, as a tear hit my cheek,
(because I did hit it hard)
No one even looked back.
Instead I just waltzed straight in.
Ordered my childhood favorite pizza
(pepperoni & mushrooms)
and took it home.
Couldn't help but to keep whispering, Ouchy, Ouchy
It felt so weird to say it again.  
Even weirder
To simply have no one respond
So this is just a weird way of saying
thanks mom, for covering my every ouchy
even if,
they *weren't real
To Mom
I love my dog
*what about you?
 May 2017 allie
 May 2017 allie
What an interesting memory
it was sweet
yet bitter
tastes of life
Shadows dance along whitewashed walls
scattered dark shapes float in the air
outlining thin patches of sunshine
splattered like yellow paint
on my bedroom wall
staring out the window
feeling more depressed than before
thinking of reaching up
taking the glowing ball
by its feathers of light
taking it in my arms
and carrying it away
not to hide it from the world
but only
to scatter sunshine
Be happy! Scatter sunshine
Whistling a gentle tune in the forest
as the wind swoops and bends the trees
chattering with the birds
their flashes of red blue and yellow
swinging throughout the green branches
that hang low over a glistening meadow

Singing the song of the sand
as it swirls and twirls around you
whispering its silent prayer
a lure into the depths
of the hot grains

Humming a lullaby
singing sweetly to the enchanting river
as it carries you along
Its white waters wash
away your sins
as it carries you away
through the heart of the jungle
the middle of the scorching desert
through and through
up and up

Now here I lay
on the face of the moon
a glowing arc in the sky
whispering kind wishes
from our spot in space
I sit here with my mouth closed
for I am silent
and therefore
my songs will not touch the earth
not ever again
 Apr 2017 allie
 Apr 2017 allie
how does it feel
to spring up
to stop old habits
and gain new
you go through 'phases'
that end up being more than just

how does it feel
to spring up
to start new things
and give up
you go through 'friends'
who end up being less than

how does it feel
to spring up
to realize life
doesn't always go your way
you go through looks
that end up being you hating yourself
even more than before

how does it feel
to spring up
and die
and be happy
with this version
of yourself
i m   s o r r y
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