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 Apr 2017 allie
 Apr 2017 allie
Du kannst nicht wissen, was du nicht willst;

Du kannst nicht wollen, was du nicht denkst;

Du kannst nicht denken, über was du nichts weißt;


You can't know, what you don't want to know about;
You can't want, what you don't think about;
You can't think, what you don't know about;
Mein erstes versuch, etwas auf Deutsch zu schreiben.
 Apr 2017 allie
Breanna Stockham
Some value money,
Some value time,
Some value success,
Some just want to feel fine.

Some give their all,
Some give only half,
Some give none,
Some give more than they have.

Always on the run, we aim and strive,
Running on empty, yet we never arrive.

But what is our goal?
What leads to fulfillment?
Giving the world
One hundred percent?

We lose ourselves trying to gain,
And then we're lost, but who's to blame?
Giving our all in search of bliss,
Is success found in emptiness?

You deserve balance,
It's your life to live.
So oh, please remember,
Emptiness cannot give.
The small rock representing your birth
engraved deep into a necklace
proving your worth
to the world
and to you

the one sitting there
staring out into a moonlit sky
the thousands of twinkling stars
dapple the sky
as the whooshing wind whispers

the proud dark eyed girl
standing tall along an old wooded pier
the spray of the sea splatters your face with its salt
bellowing waves crash underneath your feet
You belong

And You
are still here
one of many
on this earth
loved and guided
through this life and to the next
and you,
so many people feel out of place here on earth, i wish that i could change this but the ***** truth is, that i can't..  I've always felt different and sort of out of place, I'm still not quite sure why.. maybe because I have different passions/interests that other people, but that burden is mine, not yours, always be who you are.
Soaring high above the clouds
Your wings flying like shrouds
Never to land on the earth
Never wondering the worth
You use your wings to your advantage
And I never doubt that you can manage
The sky has always been your playground
And you were crowned
it’s playful child

Your feathers linger
Like wild fingers
Brushing gently along my shoulder
And I stand here resting on land
But death swoops along like a big hand
And falling through the sky
I can almost hear you whisper good-bye
Landing crumpled on the dirt
so I wrap you in my shirt
to carry you back to the sky
in the hopes that you will be able to fly
once again
I love birds, I mean, who can't?! ;)
But I saw a dead one today, which motioned me toward this poem..
 Apr 2017 allie
blue mercury
i do not think i am depressed,
but i've been showing signs of depression.
i'm holding on until
god knows what/when/where.

i need
i need
to be
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