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Don't let a piece of paper define you
You write who you are
You don't rub out
You leave a mark

Your romance carved into trees
Your sadness watercolours of ink
Your happiness an explosion of paint
Your anger scrunched up beside the bin

You write essays on stories you don't care for
Read something that makes your heart cling to your chest seeking love
Something that makes your brain question the very beauty of life
Something that gives you goosebumps with feelings you cant explain

They are scared of how strong you really are
Schools don't educate they dictate
Educate yourself
You are the greatest teacher

Your brain is the self made nuke
They are scared you are going to blow
A war that is your true self
Its better to fight standing than fearing on your knees.
I no longer cared about sweaty palms,
After I felt her hands
I would catch every disease just to hold on
It no longer mattered. Only she mattered.

Everything but my hand, a void
My body, space;
My hand, the earth;
Her fingers, the sun.

That hand taught me how to live.
Nothing past had mattered
The thing that mattered was this hands owner
Not even the voice that wanted to let go and run.

Following up her goose bumped arm
To a dress that made summer jealous,
Skin that beat fresh snow
And hair like autumn trees.

If mother earth was real
Her real plan was this girl
The sky was made to reflect of her eyes
Then bounce into my soul.

The only time the horde in my brain halted
And the fleet in my stomach retreated
To think the best medicine could be a human
She threw all the pills out the window

Pain killers came through kisses,
The psychotic moods gone with hugs,
Vocal novacane caught tears
And the only sickness was love

Now without her.
Its withdrawal of happiness
Human touch now words on a page
Love hidden under the bed.
 May 2015 Alexis Rose
Write me a book,
Call it:
"All the Ways I Was Unable to Love You."
List the reasons
why it was all my fault
Tell them about
the impossible pedestal
you placed me on
Describe the way my hands shook
trying to put your pieces
back together,
and how I no longer knew
whose hands were bleeding
I never wanted to change you,
I just wanted to be enough
to fill your emptiness
But the the void became to deafening,
and with your brokenness suffocating me,
I used my last breath to say
"Im sorry."

*-I was always sorry for your mistakes
 May 2015 Alexis Rose
Nicole Dawn
Straight A's
Tall and lovely
Big bright smiles

She is a poster child
Happy as can be

Always polite
Never interrupts
Answers sweet and quiet

She is a poster child
Never in the way

Very mature
Speaks quite eloquently
Sharp as a tack

She is a poster child
Gives it her all

Cries herself to sleep
Works far too hard
Never eats, to keep her figure

She isn't a poster child
But hides it all away

So nervous she can't breathe
Pushed far past her limits
Just wants to escape

She isn't a poster child
But doesn't let it show

She is done with the world
She'll never be perfect
She can't do it anymore

She is a monster child
She let her true colors show
This isn't about me
 May 2015 Alexis Rose
Nicole Dawn
I knew it would never work out.
When I first said hi,
The weather man inside my head warned,
"There's a storm a'brewing, be careful."
I ignored him.

A few weeks later, we became friends.
The weather man was back,
More urgent this time
"The storm is  coming in fast,
Best to take cover,
Or your chance will be past."
I fired that weather man.

A new weather man now,
He gives me a warning:
"The storm's overhead,
Take cover, now listen!"

I count the time between
Loud rolls of thunder,
And sharp streaks of lightning.
I have plenty of time, I think.
Just a bit longer.

The weather man soon calls,
"Your time is now past,
I wish you had listened!"

The rain begins to pour,
The lightening overhead.
I cower in a corner,
Why didn't I listen?

I look up to see,
Some lightning strikes ground.
It illuminates you,
Waving goodbye.

I knew it would never work,
I had all the warnings.
Oh, and I wonder,
Why didn't I listen?

Now the weather man's gone,
And so are you.
Today I still wonder,
Why didn't I listen?
They say that evil prevails
when good men fail to act.

What they should say is
**Evil prevails
My writing is the calamity of my soul.
Hoping that once it hits paper my shattered consciousness will be whole.
Raging and boiling it crashes with strokes of ink.
Mind writhing and seizing, the words pour out before I can think.
Blah, blah.

Blah b-lah blah,
blah blahblah blah blah.

Blahbl ahblah blahbla h.
Blahb lahb lahbla hblah.

blah blah,
Burn* my words on paper.
Turn my thoughts to ash.
Some people's plague's come out by their asp's of poisonous tounge's ,
Yet me ,
Mine cometh out by mine own actions,

Yes I admit,

It's such a shameful scourge!!!!!!
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