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This multiplying illness complexes this weariness,
Ominous steers for you,
A three tiered system is written in the hearts of dispysing old *******,
Not soon yet,
Not soon after!
Climaxing evildoer's initiate in iniquities triangles love affair,
Many go thine distance,
While the darers do dare!!
Clean slates thou wilt not find in a confine of magic fairy tale cells,
I'm sick combusted of all energies,
I feel that bursting flame raising of hell!!!
Chestnut beans boil near by one,
Some play on open courts,
While others believe in freedom of pistol ranged fun!!!!!
No extinguisher to put out volcanic smoke,
Wickans to quick ones,
No lighter to spark thine throat!!!!
Pleasures are shamefully no fun here,
Even amongst thine own kind your a diseased plague,
Of settled bacteria!!!!
Hysteria entereth ones mind to rid him the twinge of this vivification!
Forget wrong and right,
You knoweth neither,
Unborn one!!!!!

Thou art a star of creation,
A rector to all nations,
The moon, the earth, thy sun!!!!

Captured beauty thou art,
Thou photographic film you!!!!!
Do we inquire to just be heard? Or found?
For I thirst both!!
A movie, a toast, to all concupiscence!!
An attraction between Atlantis and mythology!!
An ideology,
Gleemed between twos kisses,
Where two benches shall be made one!!!!
A clasp tightend by staunch extremities!!!
One soul connection,
Two entities,
Unflawed by mans ***** delight!!!!
A tunneled heaven,
A table polite!!!
Musteth I gait this ill-fated terrain?
Where there's no love, yet all pains to come as womb grosings!!!!
Disheartening it is to find mine other fragment,
Where no dialects cometh with mints,
No fridges to hold enduring magnet!!!!
Gridlocked I am to such erroneous enterprise!!!!!
A lint roller I use to roll off all thine loneliness that clings to me!!!
Suffuse sure does floret this time of season,

Just not around these parts!!!
Cold chills shred through,
The sick move in the most nonchalant ways!!!
Time here seems to hold itself in the most sick of bays....

How beautiful art the smiling faces when they appear,
Some move farthest away,
Some destitute while here!!!

What dont they telleth you,
When thou arriveth at  thine castlenest boutique?
That worries shall go far?
What awaits are thine pokered sheets!!!!

Disillution thine own party goers,
Thy touch hath been lost to moonshine elypticals,
And thine stone of diver toss!!!

Shruggers are raiders alike,
Craters are far from no device where vikinged critics are systecly nice!!!

Entertaining wilers subject to falsifications own warden,
All receipted,
All burdened to clear away to memories you whence forgot!!!!

Now remember,

Remember all thy difficult ways you whence knew!!!
Thy albatross masked conviction and shrew!!!!!
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