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J Jan 2018
At birth labels were placed upon us
Neat and nice, perfection almost
Oblivious, unaware that these labels would form our outlook on life.

Tags impervious to the most powerful emotions, chained to the heart
The labels trapped and confined us
Dragged us from the depths of the ocean to the soaring sky

Our individuality seeming like a fleetting memory
The labels stalked and followed.

Purposefully picked and placed in rows.
We accepted them obediently,
However we were aware of the gloom

But labels can be snapped by a change in perception
J Jan 2018
Language can form and diminish
Paint pictures more vividly than pallets
A thousand different stories flowing through the veins of society

Words can be picked as subtle as a petal on a dandelion
Or rushing over rocks as fast as the tide.

Words and letters are as sharp as a knife or as lovlingly embracing as a hug

Conversation ties and connects, ravels and unravels.
Speeches can transform and inspire and move

But all words have meaning
J Dec 2017
Two paths sprawl out in front of you.
Both identical.
Both unforgiving.
A wisp of opportunity caught in the belligerent breeze. Both could mould your perception and life

You choose one, as you walk further, the end of the path seals itself; in a tight unforgiving knot.

Further and further, wistfulness and curiosity descended upon you, plunging its claws and whispering, seeding itself in your mind.

You peek over the divide however the other path has disappeared, travelled upon the wind.

As you saw the end of your path, the storm clouds of regret rolled and boomed, rain drops of sorrow cascading against you.

When looking back you saw only an impenetrable knot
J Dec 2017
Being called “annoying”
Is like a glacier, frigid, rigid, inescapable preventing from social contact

A choking, strangling feeling penetrating your veins. A stone crushed by the might of a palm

Isolated, observing, analysing social conversations yet never overcoming the boundary

A tether severed and knotted to the throat. A rush of pain caught in the wind at the hilt of the dagger.

But a hand, a few words can reach into the chasm, rejoice and untie.
Create connections and weave intricate relationships, to bloom into a captivating flower.

That hint of compassion, gradually using the rubble to form a new personality, saving esteem.

Blooming, prospering
J Dec 2017
He eroded himself like a rock into a fine powder.
Losing sight of himself.
He started to fall into the abyss of a dark tunnel.

A “Small purchase” he called it “Something to drink”
And she slowly lost sight of him as he fell into a dark chasm of sorrow.

He diluted and mixed
himself until he forgot.
He lost himself in drink and further himself from his loved ones.
He slammed doors.
The devils claws drew close .

But he was oblivious, he shouted and pushed.
But one soul reached into his heart
Showed him the error, his dilution
And he saw the light in the once dark chasm.
J Dec 2017
The tether faded fast.
The ***** in the chain becoming more distant to each other.
Two hands unravelling.

As the tether faded, the grief and sorrow grew, seeding itself.
An oak tree affirming its roots.
A cry of dismay in a blink.

With the tether gone, both oak trees became familiar with each other’s soil.
The tether a forgotten memory.
An ancient picture screen.

A brief wind of past occasionally shook through the trees.
A faded disconnection caught in the breeze.
Two lives

J Dec 2017
A Dagger In My Back

I  kept pulling the dagger from my back
I was deceived, I was a fool
You apologised and pleaded,
Although my wounds became a growing crisscrossed pattern

You promised me that you wouldn’t pull the shutters over my eyes
You promised me you wouldn’t hug and hurt,
Wouldn’t smile but still continue to weave a fine tapestry of lies.

You shook hands with a gun behind your back.
I just blindedly smiled as the blood seeped from my veins.

But I opened the curtains, dismantled the shutters.
I realised you were the one which caused me the doubt and constant pain.
I realised that you were the dagger in my back.

— The End —