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Freedom of appearances - you don't even realize - drunk, and later, in your durable disillusionment, is drowned much later into permanent nausea. With stolen time, you may not always be able to treat 100%even so; You move in the orphanage of your closest familiar friends, as if you were no longer there, or just intentionally linked the lines of a pathetic, small -style life.

You think you are compromised with yourself, and that the curved mirrors were telling the truth when they showed a false torso image; Behind your childishly horned-naive face, the waves of decades echo silently, incessantly. At the zebra, the urge to commit suicide is caught; When should you step out of this confused, superficial world so that you wouldn't be able to live here?!

A lost romantic moment -if it had been -could hardly compensate for so many stigma seals; They said that they had not been fired now, only forced the expensive suits in a temporary exile, which you even openly know that it was always a roar.

It would be good to cling to the unbridled scream of seagulls, but feel that you can fly and discover new places from the very, very low, lean severance pay that the powerful directors have been pushed to you. - True, true! Now you are just a ruined debris wall, a tile without a fugue that can fall and break on the ground at any moment.

You know, it is not good for a long -term shortage or the everyday brainwashed indifference; Rather, stay yourself and don't believe in unnecessary rumors that things will change! Do not have a condition in your existence or as if!
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
You can measure yourself to southern star stars, octopus hairy amoebas - You were created as a human, so use your head consciously and think! The iris of your existence feels back and always returns to its corpse, and because you always know: As a sore tumor, your consciousness grows in you so that you can leave memory traces behind you! Who else can perish with you if you suddenly go and get over there - if at all - what kind of otherworldly **** non-existence ?! "Your orphanage, too — may have become more conscious, in which you cherished the Hailing Hope as the eternal treasure of Hope, and as a hanged Man on a rotting tree branch — even with a confident face on the handshakes of Sensitive Gaze!"
You can know that even without you, Being will gradually steal your gift-graces, and yet in your heart there is an unconditional, proud shard of a mysterious smile breathing for you and a small wall of the sorrowful moon! "The Mercenaries have long been alienated from you, who could only take care of themselves!" On your sad, constantly squeezed face, the terrifying Moonlight still fingers with its tentacles, and in the depths of the well-pit of your soul, the dreaded fear still builds its crystal towers! In the cup of your face - if you want to - rosy dawns are hardly blushing and your cherished dreams are popping up! - You feel in your heart, in love, the greedy mole is chewing more and more zealously; deep, crusted Time can only mature slowly! - The curious, exploratory child is hiding in you like a shadow, only to be always open to peoples.
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
Whispering a dagger of danger in a hundred figures a day is raised to me by my snarling Present! I run out of rails for suicides under my feet; clicking heartbeats scratched my face ditches! The station of retired inheritance cannot wait for me! It would be good to engrave the conscious, submissive formulas of my fears in the exile walls of minutes, and with the jumping Time, it is as if the Hope is stumbling into a vacuum and sooner or later Hope will escape! A tiny network of cells strikes each other every second; locked in a stubborn prison of my fateful state, my chances of stopping are dwindling!
I consciously measure my significant statistical life! I’m going to be in self-danger escapes instead of the Beloved one I have to cling to! A clicking, wild rumble rips through the cell wall of my eardrum, echoing the judgmental word of my pounding heart! - In crazy, imagined reality-show worlds, consciously thinking intellect is thrown out useless! My discouragement can only be overwritten by a pair of walnut-brown Gioconda eyes; if the enduring, angelic miracle could still be rocked around balmy moonlight romances! I have an apocalyptic rejection of the trembling of my little boy, my limb; the shackled agony is numb!
Today, humanity pays attention to appearances and sensations! Uncut diamonds are rarely discovered from the ancient roar of shining, reflector-buzzing: misconceptions, glittering pleasures of tinsel reign over easy-to-buy, cheap souls that vulnerable people have nothing to do with.
Norbert Tasev Apr 2020
It was as if the Sun had once made an atomic attack on us: I looked at the blurry heifer patch of the universe and saw the knife-pointed light as a blinded wound! The Last Supper of Suicides, a heatwave-craving heatwave - an artistically composed, pearly sticky death! "Believe me, as stray drunk staggers who don't know about ourselves;" suspected, necessary malice!

I am commanded by tyrannical obedience to do what I could and could not do as I crush like walnut armor: I was tense in the rage of unemployment. - My mission is simply to leave footprints in the cradles of cultures as modern as possible!
Like the all-obsessed woodpecker, who with obedient indifference tolerates the watched stabs of thorny arrowheads; my essential eyes are wounded by the ray, the last straw flame cut from the sky, with lost anger - the public harakiri is already a public matter here! And they leave no spark of dignity to the innocent!

***-licking chorus echoes, "We're embracing, just wait patiently for your destiny!" "Counting hordes of enemies would grin their hyenas after the prey of cheap acquired columns!" Here the sudden-fame and the clown-stupidity is going on now! When will there be a well-deserved place for our valuable earthly things, which will last longer and be more lasting than the sure iris life?

Romance grinds mocking and rustic slangs: ,, Good ***! Are we going to bed? ” "The knightly-minded idea and deservedly polite English etiquette, puking here, has already become a miserable *******!" The heightened raging hormone nucleus of adolescence, the testosterone explosion is bubbling in everyone: a real dignified

there is no place for dignified, noble emotions - it is forbidden, and a bigger problem is that abortion: conception and the prodigal, irresponsible vulnerability of existence: Crying angels sink into garbage cans, abandoned paper baskets into eternal hunting grounds. - Mothers, too, are worthy Saints.

Self-depressing, bloodthirsty, lost wolves! Who won more in tearful battles: Who gave their tears as a sacrificial offering in return, or who wiped them away in icy death consciousness?
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
Some desperate, fierce impulse, Some exasperated temper, with many handfuls, Has gathered in us; from fierce hatred A simple word of help is seldom heard! The sound of indigestible preaching is carried abroad by a howling wind! From fire-breathing, roaring throats Peace can seldom spring! A cheap legion of micro-quakes of small lateness goes forth, Even sneaking suspicion-men are cut down! Some secret flame of love should be planted anew in the hearts of men, to blossom again!

High-energy vibration-sounds, soughing at high freckles, in cacophonous alarms, frighten us needlessly! Stubborn dissent is better off as a sneaking thief, searching and searching for only forgotten and non-acute experiences! This degenerate, degenerate civilization is being measured again by the new, profiteering distribution of material wealth! Ladies of ebony body, like enthusiastic, exotic consumer-mediums, dance out of a vegetating, man-wrecked existence; nor should the dignity-laws of the Golgotha-service be violated by outward, parade-like celebrations!

Under beams of eyebrows carved in stone, redeeming love might once have been born at any time, and the superstitious, smiling Deity sought to quench his ardent passions with kisses: from cordial meetings, whoever feared or dreaded ***, might boldly flee! - Wonderful knives of noble steel glide flickeringly sly on the frightened faces of petal-crystal gazes; the wing-cracking of night-butterflies is heard hesitatingly even in the deserted doorway!
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Gitty deniers, allied with dacha, do not intentionally step on the Light today! Everyone is crowded and just sneaking in! Here, everyone can be a victim-culprit just for cheap success without relationships you can hardly know! Night Celebrity Owls need diligent prey; illuminated moonlight is nestled in their eyes with ever-breaking envy! For those leaving the career, merry widows are waving! Jealous gossipers hate anyone who still keeps the laws of his chivalry! "I could have been the immortal Universe;" I could have felt the kisses of blood petals as I filled my everyday life with redemptive confidence.
Witty, self-bored, jampec-siherers exchange theater tickets and thrive like guests of ****** bachanalias! Being always pushes before man's purposes; project an unavoidable map over the heads of its victims! He laughs at the messenger and the warning prophet! Their nasty taste buds alone honor the omnipotence of Money! The lips of collagenized porcelain dolls fall to pieces from self-sealing adhesives! Where the tabloid media is loud from career-mimicking bazaar monkeys is actually a wilderness at stake too! They show whistling alpha males and fitness kittens with non-stop complex continuity!
And he who cannot worthily strike the pedestal standard set up to be an attractive enough *** god or ultra-hot goddess can no longer be worthy enough to prosper worthily among the pitfalls of Life! "I have to be stunned to stare at the lattice lights of bohemian nights as the zigzag knife flashes - maybe you can easily cut my throat!" "Chirping, idiotically smiling leeches, like the tax collectors of an insidious age, make their lives easy on a hanging foot!" Morality and Goodness are found in a state of extinction.
Norbert Tasev Dec 2024
Now just think about that little boy who was sad and anxious to the core, who kept crying, and then there is no need for false words, curvy mirrors, another Janus face, another mask that covers everything. If something binds you, chains you to life, to the world - break, destroy the obstacles that bind your existence with the defiance of a lion and the courage of a swaggering pepper.

If you can no longer be free, because forced happiness, an arranged marriage forces you into rage, even then DON'T GIVE UP! Just think now of the millions of treasures of unbridled memories beating inside you, and then there will be no need for unnecessary words. Then there will be a face from the present, a mask on it, and also a third person who is taking shape, who can now manipulate the explained, convoluted lies at any time.

Then your once innocent, naked face—your soul—will be less visible. Then the brainwashed, deliberately blunted, dumbed-down reality is worth nothing more than a renewed, falsified consciousness based on an already unprofitable formula.

In fact! You don't need them, because flattering words and sweet-sounding promises are completely unnecessary for you. Your vanity is a murderous, narcissistic desire. Everything is embodied in a mirror, ready to show you - your soul, not even like that - can guess or feel the chemically pure truth.

It is enough if you collect a single bright but honest teardrop that lasts until the grave and immediately knock on the door of Someone's heart one by one until you gain admission. "Your troubled past violently pulls you out of your life every day."

Your life - whether you like it or not - is an ominously lurking metaphor, or just a silently resounding rock song, which always needs Someone to fulfill the completed finitude within you!
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
It still lights up with the dazzling lights of Autumn - why aren’t you with me?
He cuts the woody arms into honey-flavored gold - why did you throw me out? - Gentle branches are replaced by skeletons, indifferent death hooks, and the sudden coming Winter quickly wears away!

Immersed in the captivity of shelter pillows, caring maternal dunes, why don't you comfort me anymore? In the deserted waves in the field, he still hits his head, the mature avar breeds peacefully — as if you were lost chestnuts with your lost eyeballs — where did you get away from me?

Rosehip breaks down its red berries, twilight wounds: Your blushed face is happiest at this time! - Where could you go from me? Morality gets its name on your wall, your proud head shines! At Nagymaros, the silage and the wild Danube are wicked into fragile tenderness, and caressively caresses the blessed eggs of swan soles! - Why didn't you stand by me? Only the broken wounds of your heart should heal, - I understand that - we should have judged one last judgment, and we should gently tell each other as long as we could, until the magical sunset burns twilight roses in your hair!

- You're not by my side yet! Yet now the emotional need is very close to you: In me, a starving child chuckles for babysitting and love like an innocent selfish! When we were even younger, did you think there would come a time when the immortal Universe would also thirst for our unquenchable eyes?

"You can't be by my side at this poisonous, murderous moment," you know.
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
The petal waves of dawn gently wrap around the Goddess sketch of your budding body. The bronze-brown arch of your fragile dove shoulders, like a bow-string trained at rest, stretches gently first and then balances halfway between the Universe and Immortal Transcendence! Shining brightly like a Star in your petal face, your fiery Gioconda's eyes glow, constantly conveying with faintly hidden secret smiles, "How much I love you!"
In the crystal pots of mirrors there shines the truth of your pearls: the essence of your smiling tears! You’re not smashing your precious diamond treasures because you were sad, but because you feel the irreversible future deep in your banging bell-heart! The passing will be able to enter between us in a perilous time and the wind of Death will hiss in our cracking bones!
Even on our flaming faces living for each other, tears can be a stigma if our pain is stronger than our giving love! We can still boldly pass on the drumming little piece of our body while dissolving and comforting in each other's redeeming kiss! Clean water wells are our souls! If a bucket can fall into them, we can watch its splashes forever! Our feelings for each other are falling apart!
The purple piano of my tongue kisses your navel on your pond, even drunk on a donor! - In realized brilliance and Destruction in each other, although we can decompose into our elements, we can still brave
The world is now cosmos, Donga's legs are still moving towards the cosmos; Stone, whimsical, silent celestial star in the nests of stratospheres. Other times, in a negative way, he would almost flatten himself back to another galaxy if possible. At the edge of existence itself, there may have been some confusion between the two endpoints of the silence that no one has understood nowadays.

It may be better to flee from sun-busters that look helpless, because they can't even listen to more experienced, wise words that the scientist gave birth to their brains; On wandering serpentine trails, they march over our heads in the way of curling snakes, which have been disgusted, and for decades. The loosened staples of the souls were as if they had long been rusted, as the lubricant oil was also being cut by someone.

The Dariido People are now increasingly stinking from the arrogance of the Hübris-nourished manner, and they smell so daddy in their souls, although they are stretching out of the outside in a branded suit and showing the imagined standard; Tiny shiny rings shine in the heroic lovers, while the night falls back into the darkness of the night.

Uncertain, the world still feels the selfish-mown truth, which he can never prove enough, and his victims have become unprotected by dedicated to the hopes of survival to the hope of a better and noble period. Perhaps the earthly fruits of the universe will also be trapped halfway?!
Norbert Tasev Dec 2024
Now we have to live more and more in the age of Caliban, where everyone deceives, cheats and robs everyone. The channels of existence close in front of our noses at an early age, while there is no one who does not fall halfway to the afterlife. Man, whether a wanderer or just an exhausted traveler, takes minutely into account the one-time limit points of his predictability, condemned to mortality.

It may be that there is no longer, nor can there be, a chance to definitively explore the innermost spaces of insight, which are hardly visible to the eye, because everywhere the superfluous appearance, the ******, manipulable interest prevails. Conscious self-destructive decay bordered on petty, childish folly; honey-glazed sugary words will soon lead to a lot of boiled bile, which tends to be accompanied by persistent nausea; out there, greedy, pitiful little worms with a penchant for fighting are robbing each other according to rules of the game that can be permanently rewritten, but can also be broken.

Now many petty Darius and Harpagon are counting their cursed treasures in heaps, and no one would ask the average person what troubles he has caused in this no man's land in the countryside?! Even the common man now carries corruption by the hand, like a weight-carrying ***-heaviness, as if deep inside he knows that dreams of luxury in paradise will never come to him. In an age where voluntary submission has become a trendy fashion, the frail man makes deals and breaks them. When locals?!

And they will be and remain the servants-mascots of eternal losers-losers who only dared to fantasize about a simpler, happier life, and have not yet intentionally sold themselves; Nowadays, there are more and more secondary side tracks for people who like to push themselves, where they can stream to their heart's content and pull the profit. In the end, the broken, often humiliated person will be a silent scream at the bottom of a lace bush...
Norbert Tasev Jun 2020
My friend, no matter how many unemployed people now find themselves in the abyss of subsistence, no struggle: He struggles with the enveloping annihilation, which takes everything by relentless methods and spares no one, and how many vulnerable attempts go out of Hope on solid feet - what a merciful : "There are no more places to earn a living today!" "It can be divided by mouth!" - Everything seems to be destroyed and shattered, and even life-sustaining existence is becoming more and more difficult - children can only pay for one or two snacks of sacrifice with tearful pearls, because none of them: S longing back to the idyllic island of peace, escaping back and forth!

My friend, the summer is going to have better days in the saddle of beating soon: everything slumps down - the heating bill is a thing of the past - even tactile words, promises of cheapness bind, scratch, disappear most of the palate

What Man Can Afford: Set aside and squat as much as possible: Make jam in a thick stream from the ash face of peaches, and accumulate as many well-closing useful cans as possible for even harder times: And the very bitter fact remains: also rotting canned residue

precious number gone! It is the hardest to survive the alley-scented hours of the days, so that the Thought has already froze in gelatinized brains, and that the will, the compulsion of the ancient method of wanting to do, has been ground by the hopeless Nothing!
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
What am I used to? The push back and forth, the onslaught of chaotic sarcasms? Blood sponge geysers from the stained organs? Fist whitish-colored purple-pimples, cam-trenches? The singing of charmingly chirping fairies, flirtatious ladies in my childhood when an immortal emotion arrived in a single superstition, a sigh of magic?

Twilight red blood flames reflected in crystal eyes. At night, my heart cherishes nightmares and, as a strangled prison cell, I even tolerate indifference if I have to! - Is that what I'm used to? The constant dread of little boys that greets you every minute! Is the cherishing of you wasted? As a dilated crater, my broken ****** wounds all hang up, open up!

Your encouragement is needed for my livelihood. I wanted nothing more than to place my perforated heart on your fragile swan hands, and to be able to sit with you at the end of old age and soar on the heights of happiness, like a sky-whining plane flirting with the skirts of cloud continents!

I would have changed my life: for noble, chivalrous, proud purposes, because I found the secret tunnel in the hearts of ladies and listened in whispering sighs to the stray beats of our hearts!

"I wanted to be with me the one who would lay the guardian angel wings on me, if the sizzling fear greeted me again, he would share my sorrows and joys with a cherished maternal understanding!"
Norbert Tasev Jun 2020
A stream of melted chocolate pours richly on your forehead, - brown straw flames encircle your deer gaze. Your gaze is scanning, like paying attention to detail - now you’re searching with killer thoroughness and paying attention. Towards sunlight, you reveal the sincere, courageous radiance of your earthly face: The thorny thistles of rays, the proud sheaves, wrestle with your curls while the melody of your rest trembles in peace on the island of my shoulders,

feed! The dazed afternoon stretches lazily around us, and the unearthly wail-cry of your prayer reaches my mouth, its peaceful supplication, That it may never end - in vain I look, I pay attention, I search the tender, tender vaults of your face, I cannot find the sincere, pure light, the ancient which surrounded

s defined You! He became more suspicious of almost every lover. Hotter than love: Soul-shackling Faithfulness that has bound me to you, and now I am merely blessed with self-mourning in the Universe! "It would have been nice to fall into the intoxication of kisses together: The Universe would have surprised us with the need for completeness - as an inheritance I gave you my mood to protect it with your proud affection," I should have seen it; I was the perfect, foolish - that Heureka's spark didn't flash for me: And anyway

I wanted to hold it in your arms as the last romantic breath of your arms, as it became a hole, you have fallen into the priceless Pearl of Truth, and you have forgotten all too soon! As a Prometheus, my wound ruptures daily because of you: Do not accuse, do not grieve yourself! - Our destiny as a wise judge smooths the crosses of our existence
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
There's nothing to start with the air drilling! He was an astonished idiot; he stood open and gnashing his teeth in a confetti shower of romantic foolish festive evenings! A tender tire might have liked a chubby, good-natured skull! There could have been no proactive shift for him; he would have settled for a friendly conversation - only the correctness of konok-dac hindered his attempts! Among naughty, curious smiles, it could be harder and harder to stop his hesitant knight's place!
Guardian freedom - you know - is still more power! Creative culture has always been a reins in the eyes of highly valued committees! - You weren't looking for a insured loss! Many times it was just that! All rules of the game are precisely-known to either suicides or autists! Public Dangerous Truths are more likely to be fired, while the slouching machine belt holds during its civil battles! Your wolf blindness can remain beneficial to itself on its own to draw courage! In many cases, your station is always: Vulnerable Nobody's Land!
The intrusive curiosity of intruders can’t be enough enough when a shoveled husband or a swarming Latin macho lover arrives and begins to interrogate! There could be only one compass left: His humanity! With trembling knees, the dimly stopped in the obscure cover next to the decorative lodge, and his disguise grimace trembled! On your skin taken to the fair, who knows who else will draw luck and fate ?! - You cannot still express your selfish Dissent with a calm heart; Unquenchable dead end for culture! In the depths of his bitten sentences, a boyish muttering echoes still echoes…
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
A soul-seeing series of stifling silence, sacred romance, beautification, sincere compliments, chivalrous kindness - when someone knelt down, because their heart-oath was obliged to do so and because that would be dictated by etiquette! It would be good to remember everything then and humbly wolf-eye the motherland again! Why do we feel a flow that wounded, earthly lights can become transient in us?! Our life-confession that we have left to people every day may wipe out all sins!
It is rare for a person from his past to stray back into a hesitant present! Our talkative silence always has a severed neck! Today, they make favors of pseudo-messiahs, and they don't even know for themselves whether the greedy career desire will squeeze out more favors from them? - It's a shame to shiver and sigh for secret sound, suggestive, noticeable noises! The noise of squeezed heart sounds should be deciphered in ecstasy squirrels, strokes that can be snapped out as strings! Cheering, aggravated oppression echoes in silence while its festive culture settles on me!
Arbitrary, **** phlegmas endlessly step into the mud! In the soft sigh of Fugitive Twilight, a drunken, honey-like moment of Eden trembled: swan-tender ducks cherished their heart-loving hearts with their velvet caresses! Our dreams were puffed up with superstitious desires by the longing vibrations of the Universe! Immortal desires in our cell-deep loneliness were carefully concealed by our heart-cups!
The only scientists of the secrets of passion-sighs trembling through the ladik of the mammoths; memorable Wings of weightless imagination from time to time captivate the living! “Leave your shattering, raven-black locks free, while your superstitious broomsticks tremble at the tastes of the Universe
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
I no longer care about fashion because of old-fashioned flavours! Rid yourself of your newfound susceptibility to new fashions, who cares only for the telltale signs of appearances! The reconciliation of interests may soon suffer from a difference of tastes! What does the exceptionalist trend mean?! Have we stopped noticing others simply by their dress code, so that we can mix with the sophisticated, elegant elite?

The Acts and the Sacrifices are thus placed together, in a conspiracy, in a pretended stalemate, for fear of what the patrician public would say if many of them showed their teeth! - And if the superficiality of the health-obsessed, all-embracing superficiality is enough to make you very nervous; it might be a problem-solver to try to see the exceptional One among many like him! In the glass of curved mirrors, even difference looks different!

In penultimate glances, can the Good Friends of Faith be recognised?! Gyugyok and Timotheus Tikitakik?! - Already in every respect there lurks silently the cold rejection withheld; a conceited misunderstanding cleaves their heads and may yet keep them in cage-captivity! An imperial rank of impossible dreams, that someday Someone or Something will do without them all! Even now some conscious distrust is spreading among them!

More interesting has become every cheap-fangled sensationalist Celebrity-pilot; peaceful at-home sit-at-home conversations with sticky masses of secrets, instead of messages from sinking airships!
Norbert Tasev Mar 2020
I don't care about fashion anymore because of the odors! Deprive yourself of a new susceptibility to zamtok, who only cares for the telltale signs of externalities! Balancing your interests can also quickly lead to defects in taste! What does the exibitionist trend mean ?! Perhaps we don't even notice others simply because of their dressing habits, so that we can blend in with the sophisticated, elegant elite?

The culprits and the victims are thus put together, in a complicity, into dead-end stalemates, because they fear what the public opinion would say if many of them were to detect the protein in their teeth! - And once a health-minded, superficial-looking superficial, it is very upsetting; it might be a problem to try to see that exceptional One among many like that! The difference in the glass tiles of curved mirrors also looks different!

In the penultimate moments, are the Good Friends of Loyalty recognizable ?! Thugs and Timothy Tikitaki ?! - In all respects, the silent refusal of refuge is hiding silently; cocky misunderstanding shakes their heads and can keep them in cage captivity! The Imperial Ranking of Impossible Daydreams That Everybody Says Somebody or Something! Even now, some conscious mistrust is infecting!

All the cheap sensationalist celebrity pics have become more interesting; the message of sinking airships, instead of sitting at peaceful home conversations with sticky masses of secrets!
Norbert Tasev Apr 2020
For a long time, in a sure, deceptive consciousness, I too believed: Man is a central link in the courtyard of pearls, and his irreconcilable Robinson's instinct drives and drives him into uninhabited realms of ever-new adventures to guide his conscious and evolving intellect to his desired, achievable goals,

whose shores of Atlantis are lined with immortal familiar footprints. - In the age of long-standing eras, a “happy time of peace”, when a person could still have a secure retirement job and did not have to lie down and lie down every day; to hide the coming of executive executioners specializing in eviction, judges of dirt money.

With brain explosions in science, too, new nuclei proliferated and germinated every day, and if you could be a flame instead of an easily forgotten beautiful butterfly, even a bird could easily absorb your happiness - but did you even guess and know how long you could stretch? How long do you get there? "Because your existence, like your tomorrow, is Uncertain!" And the dragged everyday life pierces to the bone, penetrating to the barrier of blood vessels: Overheads and bills are waiting for you as commissioned assassins, they threaten you. - Do you still give up the happiness that can be achieved in return for ensuring your intentional security,

for you were a cautious coward and an alamus: You gave up and did not seek? Like you're a lost fly: You buzz aimlessly, your fleshy wings soaked with buzzing Kematok until finally the scorched resin smell of fly paper and the omnipotent human hand spread it out. Yet to rebel someday: Don't just tolerate that you can't be an equal party, just an emigrant, and resting in foreign conditions, - fidgeting

connection - and you have not been here for a long time Here is just silent, silent despair - Yet every day, as long as your body allows you to greet the first explosive rays, hold your head with your waist outstretched, your luminous brain-torch: Don't despair dust off many times!

Stubbornly, even among unbelievers. As a stubborn Sisyphus, do not stop, and in your selfish wisdom, do not forget it; if your career breaks at your waist, shouting heat-frog behind your back, your new firefly belief
Norbert Tasev Jul 2020
Missing the kiss that you often deserve! Just "Knock it off, right now about me" - just a swearing in my eyes that I can only be *******, perfect in love, only "shut up", and the other cheap melodies, even though I wouldn't have heard pus -fraters ’caressing anthems, then ******* fists would not have exploded on my face with their striking judgment!

I just disappeared from the World vulnerable, captured my three-hill ridges, and listened to explain what bumpy rocks, eternal green mosses could say in their million-year-old immorality? "Whatever I wanted, the grace of the Heart just didn't come!" And now it's been almost twenty years since I stepped into the realm of palpable pain! I can't be free in my unfolded mood, in my truncated temper, and now the consciousness of companionship has haunted me!

"The minutes were just fine, on tiptoe." The Desert enters four walls, and the sun threatens to scorch the Sahara killer if it becomes summer. I would hurry after unrepeatable eternal minutes: Yes! When even my mother was balanced and happier, today she is just a hard-working, hard-working woman.

Stomach-turning frost crawled into my throat with his injured ice-blade! My sprouting words have long since been lost: There can be and perhaps cannot be, who can be a crying voice in the night! I am gathering an offensive and squeaky silence, my soundtrack stretches like a ready-to-shoot, stretched bow on guard: My eyes are guarding talkative stars, while you are in tears all at once!
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
In his superstitious eyes, a tingling, false, flirtatious caress is born when he looks at the other in a self-giving way and deepens the given encounter every second; confessions made in the atrium of purple-petal flaming hearts are made and the dream charm of ****** kisses is seldom if you can give comfort! In mutual-beneficial blindness to each other, a solid telepathy of thoughts flows back and forth in the secrets of the eyes! Excited trembling travels its way through the channel tunnels of throbbing blood vessels, and each other's souls glowing in restless love suddenly migrate through the chemistry of the body!
The little secrets of our hearts, pounding in the rhythm of flowing, refractive pulsations, are all coming together! And he continued to ring-knead its members from cell tissues that could be built further! Can he find in his absolute adulthood, as others have demanded of him, a childish, more playful face and, through it, can he still marvel at the blind spots of falling vulnerabilities? From time to time, only the heart trembles, bleeding drums in every miscarriage clamp socket! In the past, every burned minute memory supports another squeaky mouse! "Where is the giving, protective Angel with wings, spread with his human goodness?!"
In his superstitious voice, he keeps whispering, "He still loves and forgives my childhoods!" - They would squeeze each other's outstretched hands so that we could still cling to the hopeful possibilities of moments and hope; point traumatic enrichment can be interrupted somewhere like an invisible thread! There are more and more tragedy-like ordeals, even rats on sinking ships: no one is comforted by the vulnerable crying of ourselves.
Norbert Tasev Jun 2020
Well, what an impossibility it may have seemed, they said indignantly at the time, the wild flare of the seagull and the hedgehog, its late, sparkling, idyllic romance: petty jealousy, the scandal of searching eyes, situation that I'm already married! You don't care anymore! ” -

The heart would break, and Love gave its handcuffs to rust! He just slapped him up; Your message for Valentine's Day! Gossipy, delicate congregations would not have tolerated the bookworm leech with the earthly goddess anyway! Instead of a discreet face-kiss, the snare fire of slaps snapped on my left cheek - I lost my crumbly faith - it was an irresponsible fad or

just a gamble with sincere emotions? "To this day, he could only listen silently, his pain - if he had, he hid it carefully in front of me!" "And as long as it was expedient and good to be cuddled, to laugh and whistle like a roaring Winter with a stubborn swearing, the World wishing to be annihilated!"

Of course - perhaps - we knew, quite precisely, that Things are about something different here: We have taken responsibility for the protection of one another with the Law of the Heart, and that now there may not be another opportunity - that Everything is for the last time, because it has finally happened!

The relentless forgetfulness of memory, the Judgment that it was a play on the part of the well-played feasibility of immortal transcendence: In a mad snowstorm, I am forced to walk home alone with helpless faith -
while I turn to death, I try to make myself aware and comprehend: Someone else can squeeze your fragile swan hands!
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Everyone in Being crashes like wolf traps are the researcher wild! Behind the face, another cleaner and more sincere look besieges our beating hearts! Because in a sensationalist world today, Minute Blue people continue their handball gang time and the looming danger also comes from the smiles of artificial liver! He who confesses and reels is forced to wander into other circles! They freeze in a rush because it is no longer possible to get out of bribed robot tempos! Many people bribe from bribed careers overnight because they stifle everyone and fame crumbles!
At the crossroads of fear, heart attacks are pounding and you can feel the silent killers already threatening them all! - A child plays on the rails: even the sure Death laughs! The word fluttering on his lips is still but not laughing; as a little survivor, Man has already surveyed the spatial relationship! All orphans have childlike faces because they proclaim Peace by themselves! Behind our stuff is a lying fog motoz! These now furry Truths are already teaching everyone! Why is it necessary to incite escaped game to fleeing fugitives ?!
The happier paradise shores of the Future have also fallen to Atlantis! Prophet fever cannot tame the guards anymore! The gaping sermons of the lattices are listened to by the crowds, and the Truth is lost on every needle! "Beyond all the roots of the Shadows of Time, I stand in front of closed gates without a shadow!" Only the stupid can have the courage to stand up for myself with more courage.
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
The wedding ring of glass plates rolled in dark eyes; how much psychological recognition does it take for the eternity of the moment? Who cherishes the gates of the Universe that shine like human stars, and would you call them with a smile sincerely? On the bodies of Adam and Eve, the sweaters, the enchanting oaths whispered to the loving lips stick to each other as Beads of Truth: The self-rule of “I love you”! "Mysterious Wild West door squeaks signal a distress predictive of the siege campaign of cooling winds!" In our idyllic dreams we could be deep wells falling into ourselves and discovering the childlike essence of the other truthful in the lake mirrors of our souls, while we could cling to each other like snoring buckets!
Even in the face of each other, we tied our perpetual games in such a way that we can learn the rules of survival more boldly even in ever denser masses of love! Like ten dim and fierce wildcat eyes - so we watch in silence, out of ambush this unworthy Big World! In itself, with real honesty to illuminate the recognizable fear of a real Colombian deed! Like discovering insidiously vulnerable sins in heartbeats that betray ourselves! - When did nicknaming seductive stars tell true truths?
When we learn to cherish in another, the orphaned love can be brought together again by the all-embracing Loyalty! We could not deny our mutual compromises, while in the unfolding Universe of flaming kisses we felt to break out and always renew the other
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
Not the Celeb Striptease that bitterly enters everyday life, the fierce spiritual sin that can reach the intentional peak in deliberately sold-out ****** pleasures! The stench of revenge that does not reach the perpetrators still smells so far! All the candles are already broken! Already, the ghost roller coaster is puffing in idiot showcase heads! As a stair constriction, they cut off the path from career opportunities! For pious handrails, you know, there is hardly any laurel these days!
Buksi also cherishes childish hopes for Hope, which is the only opportunity to hold on! Man would be forbidden to crush himself; on the trampled donkey ladders of careers, only the better known can have the prerogative! He can be succeeded as Susuphos by those who have managed to book accommodation on the shores of failure! The cultural and human **** lurking in everyone can still backfire and hit hard!
Thrown out depression should be forgotten; loudspeakers should stay away with their inexplicable accusations once and for all! Overbearing bad faith gets stuck in every fence obstacle! As an iron ball thrown into a river, he dredges in a confused seaweed, the unknown groping, who could better understand the giving emotions! A ship that has been sinking for a thousand years has become a beautiful prayer of morals and compliments! Things that happen happen are always always repeated, and the human mind often wonders: how does it exist to put young chicks in well-paying jobs with a giggle giggle ?! "Every scene tolerates the Traitor, but only a few trust him.
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
Not the Celeb Striptease that bitterly enters everyday life, the fierce spiritual sin that can reach the intentional peak in deliberately sold-out ****** pleasures! The stench of revenge that does not reach the perpetrators still smells so far! All the candles are already broken! Already, the ghost roller coaster is puffing in idiot showcase heads! As a stair constriction, they cut off the path from career opportunities! For pious handrails, you know, there is hardly any laurel these days!
Buksi also cherishes childish hopes for Hope, which is the only opportunity to hold on! Man would be forbidden to crush himself; on the trampled donkey ladders of careers, only the better known can have the prerogative! He can be succeeded as Susuphos by those who have managed to book accommodation on the shores of failure! The cultural and human **** lurking in everyone can still backfire and hit hard!
Thrown out depression should be forgotten; loudspeakers should stay away with their inexplicable accusations once and for all! Overbearing bad faith gets stuck in every fence obstacle! As an iron ball thrown into a river, he dredges in a confused seaweed, the unknown groping, who could better understand the giving emotions!

A ship that has been sinking for a thousand years has become a beautiful prayer of morals and compliments! Things that happen happen are always always repeated, and the human mind often wonders: how does it exist to put young chicks in well-paying jobs with a giggle giggle ?! "Every scene tolerates the Traitor, but only a few trust him."
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
Painted bleeding site leaks real wound! What is now decomposing inside is still visible from the outside and can be recreated! Accurate-minute clicks-conscientious-minute clicks cause-and-loss Measurement of time! Because everyone is getting closer and closer to stretched ropes, which both tightens and tightens them at the same time! Being as a rampant life imprisonment task; its capacity is always doubtful! It's better not to get lost in the guards of generations of *****! Late-read wolf laws can quickly fool a child-naive man into the thousand!
The commission tree of pleasures has been deliberately picked! Those who have been quarreling early on can lie and become guest-condemning, insidious monsters when it comes to their selfish careers! With the protection of familiar tentacles, the Truth is also getting harder to probe! Killer-cynical gazes cross-stand increasingly dangerous! Selfishly, they will be Golems who can only keep promising! Dust in the eyes of foolish witnesses! It is difficult to rebuild from indelible blunders! Tensile strength of conditions is not yet safe to withstand everyone!
As a pop-up computing spring, it’s still getting harder and straighter! Conflicting cynical ditches in the folds of faces; behind every smile is a carnival at once: that’s why, sooner or later, everyone is stumbling down the alienated side! The dustable human-decency ramparts of the World are still wasting in the depths and cannot break out due to superficial jerks! Their cord-level measure is the only way of life greedy for those who get rich! "The Living is wasting good faith on a shattered, isolated floor, even if we try to make aimless circles!" As a lazy guard, the balloon-Man can quickly puncture
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
A desolate, mysterious multitude of taboo-bending V.I.P.-partying, disco-ball, swamp-gardening, through which even useless late-night rambles, crying; in the indifference of predictable phlegm-faces swollen to a sea of mud, everyone is now merely a prisoner: no one can be free! From collagen and botox injections, like a bacchanalian company of cursed, puffed-up wax dolls, the canary-peacocks, demanding luxury, recognition, new unassailable privileges from higher elite powers!

Lonely, lonely doppelgangers mimic the taste and mass-bunkified commodity culture! A few light nights in the shade of a night's adventure forgotten, and the whole of the camouflage universe is ready! The cries of boastful infants echo from alley depths, barely heard by any! As the ancestral history of bones, if we can still piece together some important fragment of the cursed past, we should know and feel what things are to pass away!

Into the dreary uncertainty of the remaining tomorrows May soon drown him who scrambles worthily against the tide! The curious and tantalizing questions of waking sleep should somehow always be sought within themselves! On glowing golden-apple-bikini skins, sprinkling water creates sparkling pearls of truth! - Somebody or Something may still strike down swiftly - like a calculated desire for revenge - the teeming biology of blood molecules with uproarious animal howls, and no longer can one know on the pitiful debris of dried bone remains who was Man and who was the victim of the decaying victim!
Norbert Tasev May 2021
During ugly's swarm of cheap prostitutes, don't worry about crushing! Don't let anyone believe you peeed in fear! If every curse-memory and minute-man rushes, a thousand ghosts could throw lasso into your throat every day! Silence can hardly surround you anymore, because you could not come to terms with your Difference! Indifference is listening to you with its great petals! Sooner or later, the World will collapse again, and you will hardly hear the supplications of your wounded soul! Honest prophets are worried about freethinkers and the Sincere Prophets are turning into stray dogs! The chaos-silence of the stars hugs her upside down her *****, the Nirvana-Nothing is still bleeding from the wounds of the earth!
I notice the grin of Mayan-smiling, ******* Angels: as Man sells himself for sale! The restless tranquility of your soul is a privilege and a rare holiday! "You should become one in eternal universe life on your Dear side if you could hear the wide screams of my heart attack!" "This is how you hide in stone silence if you are tensed into the Hangman-smelling, hibernated Time every day!" With fierce fear, atomic bomb angers are also lurking; instead of the right paths, they steer you towards your diverted, cross-decisions!
Your lonely ancestors are named — no wombat puppies and loyal hedgehogs! You have your last solid excuse for yourself! From barely pre-human swaying nights, you can barely hear: You pay with the momentary click of your being when called by otherworldly voices! The horror of your suicide is getting closer, trembling over your head! "You have to be in pain all the time to understand the incomprehensible human offspring constantly censored even in the forbidden phase of your body!" With whom will you share and share the childish cramps of your soul?!
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
During ugly's swarm of cheap prostitutes, don't worry about crushing! Don't let anyone believe you peeed in fear! If every curse-memory and minute-man rushes, a thousand ghosts could throw lasso into your throat every day! Silence can hardly surround you anymore, because you could not come to terms with your Difference! Indifference is listening to you with its great petals! Sooner or later, the World will collapse again, and you will hardly hear the supplications of your wounded soul! Honest prophets are worried about freethinkers and the Sincere Prophets are turning into stray dogs! The chaos-silence of the stars hugs her upside down her *****, the Nirvana-Nothing is still bleeding from the wounds of the earth!
I notice the grin of Mayan-smiling, ******* Angels: as Man sells himself for sale! The restless tranquility of your soul is a privilege and a rare holiday! "You should become one in eternal universe life on your Dear side if you could hear the wide screams of my heart attack!" "This is how you hide in stone silence if you are tensed into the Hangman-smelling, hibernated Time every day!" With fierce fear, atomic bomb angers are also lurking; instead of the right paths, they steer you towards your diverted, cross-decisions!
Your lonely ancestors are named — no wombat puppies and loyal hedgehogs! You have your last solid excuse for yourself! From barely pre-human swaying nights, you can barely hear: You pay with the momentary click of your being when called by otherworldly voices! The horror of your suicide is getting closer, trembling over your head! "You have to be in pain all the time to understand the incomprehensible human offspring constantly censored even in the forbidden phase of your body!" With whom will you share and share the childish cramps of your soul?
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
During ugly's swarm of cheap prostitutes, don't worry about crushing! Don't let anyone believe you peeed in fear! If every curse-memory and minute-man rushes, a thousand ghosts could throw lasso into your throat every day! Silence can hardly surround you anymore, because you could not come to terms with your Difference! Indifference is listening to you with its great petals! Sooner or later, the World will collapse again, and you will hardly hear the supplications of your wounded soul! Honest prophets are worried about freethinkers and the Sincere Prophets are turning into stray dogs! The chaos-silence of the stars hugs her upside down her *****, the Nirvana-Nothing is still bleeding from the wounds of the earth!
I notice the grin of Mayan-smiling, ******* Angels: as Man sells himself for sale! The restless tranquility of your soul is a privilege and a rare holiday! "You should become one in eternal universe life on your Dear side if you could hear the wide screams of my heart attack!" "This is how you hide in stone silence if you are tensed into the Hangman-smelling, hibernated Time every day!" With fierce fear, atomic bomb angers are also lurking; instead of the right paths, they steer you towards your diverted, cross-decisions!
Your lonely ancestors are named — no wombat puppies and loyal hedgehogs! You have your last solid excuse for yourself! From barely pre-human swaying nights, you can barely hear: You pay with the momentary click of your being when called by otherworldly voices! The horror of your suicide is getting closer, trembling over your head! "You have to be in pain all the time to understand the incomprehensible human offspring constantly censored even in the forbidden phase of your body!" With whom will you share and share the childish cramps of your soul?!
Norbert Tasev Mar 2020
Homes like bombed, stateless beetle nests, clouds of cotton candy, - The ****** twilight's callous, cautionary voice would have to go home: The Dark is threatening, the secret whisperer! There's still room to get home - at least for now! The landscape alone, guarded, protected, and standing - with unshakable will, raised in armor like a glorious relic, is robbed of its natural plunder.

An unknown, alien face to you is still on the panel island - tiled carpet, and as a special piece of art in ladies ears I was able to freely congratulate the wishes of my congratulations, beautiful acts! Now it was just the gassed, grizzly destruction: outside, there were unpopulated pampa grasses, alfalfa waiting for long-lasting mowing. The passion for the day's knife has faded! "Man has always been a mini-Taigatos, like a lonely one-man."

the struggle for existence had been diligently exercising her birth-fragile capillaries. An exploratory curiosity about the captivity of longing, comforting mother's lap. - Only the priceless evocation of memories remains with me: the seductive scent of flirtations, the bombshell gaze's silent and blazing body, the cry of lips, tongues

the extinction of a glowing bully in the atomic bomb moments of passions! - You can only keep it as a mini-tyrant in your all-knowing and storeroom consciousness, with a sufficiently arbitrarily captive past; This is your home, your untouchable, earthly paradise! - Great

the blazing cauldrons of injustice will boil over you if you hold your head up to the point of innocence quickly: You don't have a heavenly smile with your loyalty, keeping morals - your dreams can only be hanging on,

stubborn, self-reassuring Prometheusian renewal, - smiling faces around you; a set of towering viper nests - your being is constantly twisting. And only your heart can beat! Perhaps pointless and increasingly futile? Suicide's lighthearted, hotheaded and irresponsible intention to bring even to life a deadly plague for their incomprehensible death
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
As bridges, you’re trying to balance your scrapable, debris life! You already have all the ****, junk props! Between the tear-filled lines of your face listen to wasted unrealized dreams! Rise at your fingertips as a barrier wall are the columned towers of doubt; in the long shadows of your fear, magnetic anxiety attracts even more frightening dread! The diamond shards of the shop windows broken into the selfish blood-wave waves of your dawn judge public safety! Your face is resistant, passive ash! It is rarely reminiscent of fire! Tested tohonya; the bells break out of the rubber sponge! Being sharpens the knife over you and draws circles threateningly around your neck!
You may already know that you rarely get closer to your planned planned goal! A menacing cry ruffles your shipwrecked, sheltered moods; the words grind among the ancient millstones of your silence! Punched stone blocks in place of your heart drum even further! Wavy roots roll in your face, encrypted, chashing roads meander: you will slowly traverse in another dimension and your vowels may bark at the Moon!
The judgmental whips of your cry will snap into the calvaries of horde-like cat-and-mouse battles! The pain in your eyes holding true pearls has become palpable - but it is elusive! - Never have to build a bridge of memories! You’re more back to curved mirrors that show everything, and you want to believe: maybe even you can stay your chance!
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
*******, gutted Age! This is how we live under playable chess games; the witnesses of the fallen flies as diligent camps from today! Information Cyber-cascading brains brainwashed our minds every day but empathy falls to the ashes if Man prefers to be sold to stepmother! A long line of those who want to prosper, exchanging new homelands, want to get out of here: Who has not learned how to prosper, but rather leaves the stage of Calvary!
When crossing border lines for a living, they always give up something valuable on their own and leave it behind! Leaning towards each other, friendly hands clasped into themselves often continue like this! How much can diplomatic gestures decide at Europe's table ?! - When can this supersonic electronic age enter a self-evolving stream of purification?
Everything s Everyone alone finds pathetic, bribed benefits; while he takes the learnable prosperity from others; he looks overwhelmingly at this time other than a huntable prey! You know: whoever has put his soul as a commodity in the market of compromise can rarely expect Human patronage! Savior Hope can seldom illuminate the superficial face of a man who waders others out of interest every day, but let his selfish greed be maintained!
As the bouncing of monotonous nuggets, the End echoes in the bongo earcups; in all finite human respects giving to the True Pearl: rainfires, infinite concentric circles shine and circulate…
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Then it was running harder and harder every day: My heart-stabbing **** knife was already every moment of mortal Immortality even bleeding in me! While the Great Time steered him here and there like the never-to-be Negotiator! Tiny, glued-handed gigolos, trendy jambs, trampled the chances of survival in others as well, until in the end they selfishly sinned! My soul, ready to soar, was forced to be shackled by bound shackles; the consolidation of imagined Friendships could have been mine alone, if I had already given up on the happiness I could find!
I would need something beyond an unspeakable need to be able to live with content again, and not just be ashamed of my own guilt! By deliberately contemplating the unexpected traps of Being, it is better to avoid and look back, so that even memories cannot haunt you! A call to morning awakening often lacks a sense of duty; In addition to the basic need for filling bites and the testimony of responsible toddler feet, the exploratory mind also selfishly desires more: It wants to reflect and testify and formulate!
My fears, which are so wide, squeeze my throbbing heart in the basket of my chest, and if my dear one could know that even the most mundane tasks often rise to the line of trying trials, he would understand
Norbert Tasev Dec 2024
I've been through this many times. I carried humility like an evil little garaboncia of resentment. The heavy shackles of despised destruction, secret promises-guarantees for better and happier tomorrows. Many left-behind eccentrics flocked to me, until eventually they too soon wore off and ran out.

He held an angel-scented flirt, a charm-grinning look, and if I had to, I showed: who, when and where can it fully prevail? I gave everyone - who hasn't told me yet - a chance for a second fresh start, so that this time they could get to know me better and really.

I put before them the trust of true friendships thought to be forgotten. – When suicidal, wandering thoughts began to take over, and there was no one to talk to or report to.

People with families have a million times more to do. And instead, they appointed more fluidly the official, legal, online connectors of friendships. Rather, they distributed the right to make false promises and links among themselves. "I've been through this many times."

In the neighborhood, a baby-child screamed in a nerve-wracking way, as if this was the only way to protest and argue with the existing Order. Connived and frivolous, sooner or later everyone gives in and even the gentle stars lie down from the high sky. Those who have had a secret assignment here and there cannot forget for a single minute that their existence as a cultural rescuer is more and nobler than even everyday challenges!
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
As a broken blow to couch silent; vile powers change hands as lingerie; the self-rescue movement fell voluntarily, the Infinite long ago destroyed! Something took hold of the selfish Souls and split! Bone-white, the faithful blinds stumble into the uncertain future! History re-sells itself with **** faith and serves everyone else instead of self-esteem! The Angels' redemption wings weigh heavily into sticky mud, for they are full of Twilight wounds at the base of their backs; in cages, puppies are devoured by bargained jackals - and there is no way out!
One-way streets are designated as intentional dead ends to make a possible career impossible from others! The little ******* chirping cute mini-lives are bustling yet because they can’t mouse paths to dance wobbly! The researcher, the vigilant moon, also became a blind man; he can only sit lame and motionless contemplating! In the Cosmos captivity of loneliness, only howling dogs can hear their judgment! The Seer fantasizes about dreams that have fallen into a well! And the thirsty one still follows dreams!
Judgment is constantly foaming at the contemptuous mouth of intestinal lepers because they cannot accept the changing differences! Worms are also raised in their selfish mirrors by exotic Beauties; today the World itself is tearing apart the threads that can bind Man-Man! Goodness can soon escape from ourselves and only the killer tuna selfishness remains! "Neither can people with spiked-mouths really be the ones to show themselves: there is a desperate maze of labyrinths on indulgent Faces.
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
As a broken blow to couch silent; vile powers change hands as lingerie; the self-rescue movement fell voluntarily, the Infinite long ago destroyed! Something took hold of the selfish Souls and split! Bone-white, the faithful blinds stumble into the uncertain future! History re-sells itself with **** faith and serves everyone else instead of self-esteem! The Angels' redemption wings weigh heavily into sticky mud, for they are full of Twilight wounds at the base of their backs; in cages, puppies are devoured by bargained jackals - and there is no way out!
One-way streets are designated as intentional dead ends to make a possible career impossible from others! The little ******* chirping cute mini-lives are bustling yet because they can’t mouse paths to dance wobbly! The researcher, the vigilant moon, also became a blind man; he can only sit lame and motionless contemplating! In the Cosmos captivity of loneliness, only howling dogs can hear their judgment! The Seer fantasizes about dreams that have fallen into a well! And the thirsty one still follows dreams!
Judgment is constantly foaming at the contemptuous mouth of intestinal lepers because they cannot accept the changing differences! Worms are also raised in their selfish mirrors by exotic Beauties; today the World itself is tearing apart the threads that can bind Man-Man! Goodness can soon escape from ourselves and only the killer tuna selfishness remains! "Neither can people with spiked-mouths really be the ones to show themselves: there is a desperate maze of labyrinths on indulgent Faces."
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
Underworld, obscene galaxy underworld catacombs; mazes without entrances! They did it themselves with disappointed prophetic votes! We drag the swearing with ourselves! We are constantly clinging to an extended presence! The fleeing Time is no longer pursued by anyone; a ghost death leap or somersault mortuary pirouette should be performed so that they can finally pay attention to ourselves! Is the loss survivable?
Insidious nights lined up in a sleepless moonlight; a terrifying tick-tangle imitates somewhere in a circled clock! Vulnerable human wrecks like undulating leaves fall into the shadows of Nothing every day! “You could only feel like a yellow sponge deep in your chest when the beating heart was offended; fancy Celebs chattered about their *** life spread out in silly shows! Factory chimneys also became crows hanging upside down; it would also be good to demolish the brick piles arranged next to each other!
One can hardly pay attention to the friendly voices that want to talk even in a tangled underworld noise; in the force field of lost vulnerability, everyone deforms into a weak coat-shadow! The tearful magic of your breathing eyes torn by fire! A whirlwind light swirling behind you! Guards' detached aura can barely be guarded by budding eye-stars! "They will commit your sins because they cannot bear them, even as the culture-sanctuary will be for ignorant judges and beasts, while the delivering Prophets will be strangled by insidious snakes!"
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
We are all interoperable! Clumps of hair cling to us at the gates of the inner, much-lost Spirit! We dream of finding a home while chasing the way of our selfish career and prosperity! Hypocritical, well-moved moods change everyone into cared-for thank you people! Who nods at the real play all selling himself for kilos and grams and his prestige squabbling! They deliberately subdue the refreshing knowledge, and the nourishment of the more curious spirits can only extend to another private life of Celeb sensations!
He who dares to confess in verses, when he kneels down as a sign of his faithfulness, immediately laughs with a simple wave; remains a target! The multiplied phlegm-tangled style is becoming more and more twisted by itself: those who have forgotten the Human Law and who are fair are already trampled on by indifferent arbitrariness. Idiots, giggle-etudes jingle throat-brain, hysterical kittens, whose only desire is to be able to show up in a deliberate-syrupy reality show with a self-promoting *** gesture! - All of us
they got lost between two points of light; With Sisyphus architecture, the tabloids and the public media are also constantly thinking about brainwashing! Sick pink will not be a balmy bronze brownness for bombarding bikini fairies lot, but even the teenage chick looks wrinkled in the artificially generated rays of solariums and thus conserved mummies! Even under their enchanting bikini line, vanity cellulite rashes occur! Easy-to-forget bachnalia ****** are struck in a whirlpool jacuzzi; but who can honor immortal love?!
Your little one, who has had a cigarette in his angel's mouthpiece, is potted in darkness, and irresponsible carelessness can give birth to new criminals.
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
We are all interoperable! Clumps of hair cling to us at the gates of the inner, much-lost Spirit! We dream of finding a home while chasing the way of our selfish career and prosperity! Hypocritical, well-moved moods change everyone into cared-for thank you people! Who nods at the real play all selling himself for kilos and grams and his prestige squabbling! They deliberately subdue the refreshing knowledge, and the nourishment of the more curious spirits can only extend to another private life of Celeb sensations!
He who dares to confess in verses, when he kneels down as a sign of his faithfulness, immediately laughs with a simple wave; remains a target! The multiplied phlegm-tangled style is becoming more and more twisted by itself: those who have forgotten the Human Law and who are fair are already trampled on by indifferent arbitrariness. Idiots, giggle-etudes jingle throat-brain, hysterical kittens, whose only desire is to be able to show up in a deliberate-syrupy reality show with a self-promoting *** gesture! - All of us
they got lost between two points of light; With Sisyphus architecture, the tabloids and the public media are also constantly thinking about brainwashing! Sick pink will not be a balmy bronze brownness for bombarding bikini fairies lot, but even the teenage chick looks wrinkled in the artificially generated rays of solariums and thus conserved mummies! Even under their enchanting bikini line, vanity cellulite rashes occur! Easy-to-forget bachnalia ****** are struck in a whirlpool jacuzzi; but who can honor immortal love?!
Your little one, who has had a cigarette in his angel's mouthpiece, is potted in darkness, and irresponsible carelessness can give birth to new criminals!
Norbert Tasev May 2021
We are all interoperable! Clumps of hair cling to us at the gates of the inner, much-lost Spirit! We dream of finding a home while chasing the way of our selfish career and prosperity! Hypocritical, well-moved moods change everyone into cared-for thank you people! Who nods at the real play all selling himself for kilos and grams and his prestige squabbling! They deliberately subdue the refreshing knowledge, and the nourishment of the more curious spirits can only extend to another private life of Celeb sensations!
He who dares to confess in verses, when he kneels down as a sign of his faithfulness, immediately laughs with a simple wave; remains a target! The multiplied phlegm-tangled style is becoming more and more twisted by itself: those who have forgotten the Human Law and who are fair are already trampled on by indifferent arbitrariness. Idiots, giggle-etudes jingle throat-brain, hysterical kittens, whose only desire is to be able to show up in a deliberate-syrupy reality show with a self-promoting *** gesture! - All of us
they got lost between two points of light; With Sisyphus architecture, the tabloids and the public media are also constantly thinking about brainwashing! Sick pink will not be a balmy bronze brownness for bombarding bikini fairies lot, but even the teenage chick looks wrinkled in the artificially generated rays of solariums and thus conserved mummies! Even under their enchanting bikini line, vanity cellulite rashes occur! Easy-to-forget bachnalia ****** are struck in a whirlpool jacuzzi; but who can honor immortal love?!
Your little one, who has had a cigarette in his angel's mouthpiece, is potted in darkness, and irresponsible carelessness can give birth to new criminals!
Norbert Tasev Feb 23
Tan would have been better -you say -to stop the other in Pőr, Adam's costume, to be sure to manage the personality of the deliberately hidden lyrical self; The more real, honest seed hidden in the walnut. Because the world, which has been stunned in the cobwebs, is already completely excluded.

Inversely staring in the mirror, the face looks like a wolf multiplied by himself, until one sooner or later it only gets caught and voluntarily cuts a distortion, like a teenage eternal child with all the hair; There are two types of disgust - often - necessary because it always matches. In the depths of the inner soul, the covenant of direct, friendly words, the appearances of secret compromises, the miracle of Pisla perhaps only excite only one.

Inexorable silence is tense when the cross-section of two naive-lovable dialogues unfolds at all, and not just the consolation of the hugging arms, the glance of angelic superstitious eyes would be important, but the thought of stripped, crystallization. that we can count on someone.

Often, it is better to have been done instead of unnecessary, tricky words and spoke, and the secret apocryphal shirring that they thought was that only the selected, privileged, perhaps, may have the same average. And while the soul tends to disappear, fade away by the intermediate ventilation gaps, it is time for a real and sincere emotion to be lost if it is not estimated and is not taken care of enough.
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Sleepless Night splashes of Light; in a haunting lunar world, a little boy swells with tears! The silent pearl drop of rays sticks to his face! In his troubled soul, Angel marvels and hesitates over the mortalities of the present World! The lush mane of wise trees still boldly hides the darkness, but there will be a time when the ****** parental hand will create a space shortage around you again! The fish-stepped Twilight also knocks the rusty canal to the chattering word of falling dew, while re-mixing with the juices of the life-giving earth!
As a familiar, familiar friend, Sorrow greets me with sorrow; the driving force of my pessimism! And if it weren’t for the wounded consciousness in my self, perhaps the happiness found in me would come out too! The melting mood of the evening is haunted by horrors; rest hesitant, my boyish soul rocking in foam foams Cheerful Universe kisses when wake me up ?! My slowly aging lonely Pygmalion face wipes away the cautious laughter! "What is happening here today cannot be enough to bring life-giving, gentle tears!"
The fever was still dancing in wanton-rogue's eyes and I had to explain the firm laws of Humanity again and again to the deaf ears that had stopped! Human hearts and talkative eye-stars are now lurking! The insidious, little-style rats of Time are running around us on kangaroos! And the orphaned Spirit already attracts like a starving pooch! The seemed Time scared consolation! Rib-crushing passions are still raging in me; I have yet to see that trial-and-error hearts of hero-loving hearts of Bliss fail! "We couldn't stay true to ourselves enough!" My tired heart still watches and guards the intoxication of Despair…
In most cases, one would not believe, unfortunately, not only criticisms, not only criticism, scalp -like remarks, but also the trumpet archangels blowing out the sinister trumpet. The lies are now increasingly small, pathetic, as almost everyone has become a deliberate compromise and made a bargain or a good pact.

Now, it may seem that the desire for glorious fame is in constant, even in the hazelnut brains that have been brainwashed; Human life is everyday, small -style, little hell of time, unexpectedly, unexpectedly. Now, the latent roots of the desire for power are increasingly wanting to gain from the earth, his deliberately ruined life again, venturing to the light of the world again.

Well -sounding visions have now been infected in their vanity that you. The beauty and glorious model industry will perhaps spoil them for the rest of their lives, and will be treated as queen, and while the average is only increasingly burdensome, pleasing, and in lasting unhappy, the robot.

Momentary, calculating pleasures, reconciled unhappiness, they are disturbing, crossing the labyrinth, deliberately uncertain paths. And waking up on the boundary of the dream, with half-paths the next day, with its visceral headaches, a few raven birds swear over a continuous, unprecedented head-up heads. Who knows if they are just waiting for another winter or for another start?!
Norbert Tasev Jun 2020
Life just wouldn’t be so unbearably complicated. Don't pay bills, utility debts, lean-earning bums Judas pennies would depend on Everything, the point: You can live if you don't spend anything on yourself anymore, even in the condominium you call your supposed home, but you don't use your elevator politely your inner circles!

Just wouldn't romance be vulnerable. In his blood-red-twisted wounded lips, two orphaned Human Stars stood, perhaps ready to confess, and trembled for moments as the atomic bomb minute erupted, passed, and the loser-kissed, eternal losers guard the delicate, fragile trembling of the Almighty! While the half-nail is in love practicing with new deployment practices!

I just wouldn’t have so many half-nails, thoughtful, and foolishly charming tutyimutyit that ***** knife tips if you approach with his light the sun’s rays get in my sweetheart’s hair. Wherever I act, I compliment you as an enthusiastic, squeezing troubadour and serenade even with a plucked guitar - as a stick-ear - as an overly enthusiastic amateur, and face the possible possibilities of seduction with us!

He sneaks at us because there is nothing in vain, and because there is no responsibility and no will, but the ever-present, current currency! "We all know — and yet, when we confront the possible True as we wink at us, a diminishing sense of shame nestles in them: The Failure is that we have approached with the responsibility of dishonest intent."
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
A double, twinkling candle flame flies in our eyes; ash ***** two movable hemispheres! Your palm-shaped spine tightened like a bowed-nerve in the moments offered by the Universe! A tiny tadpole heartbeat thrives between the muscles of your ***** and the blessed bones of your pool! Light-adolescent instinct stimuli will surround you and not let you go! I see the charm of your beautiful, exotic motherhood in the distant Future and a part of my being will calm down with confidence! I can know myself many times in you: Peter Pan syndrome - which can only grow slowly! You take Eva's nakedness as a spark-breaking female body, even I am overly mundane and prudent!
In the blind-mirror desert, it is increasingly difficult to find True and Sincere emotions! We tremble immortal in our own audible heartbeats! There is a short circuit between each other's proud detainees and superstition! A purple snake scroll in our gothic cavity mouth; search for decipherments with your beneficial teeth! Pecked stars are our smiles and it would be good to cling to the Possible, which hugs and keeps you safe! In bird-throated Twilight, rose sleeves caress jungle hairs on my lush chest!
You already live in me somewhere! My fallen little boy essence has become one with you! "Serious Angels have invaded my bones!" The ash wing arch of your collarbone rises audibly and sinks to the music of subtle sighs! We can boldly cling to the path of encrypted telepathies without words
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Every day I wake up as a stranger in the morning until I can get back to myself! The crease of my face: a hair-stricken, war map, an uninhabited oasis that lurks in Peace! My chubby, pathetic body is a crooked mirror of the functioning of my organs! They can hardly want to recognize me anymore - although I also think about hygiene with a razor blade every day! My existence radar, tormented in the rib-atrium of my chest, sends panting signs to the age of bean-busting Angels!
It would still be bold to say no to a stubborn Death, a cutting Judgment, if the transporting blood in my set of molecular cells were not tiring! - The far-reaching echo of my orbiting lunar loneliness transmits incessant signals, sends valuable messages: s The cheap rag of word-rags will be even truer and more honest! - The Presence that is constantly grieving is petrified in me; I cannot dare live if I cannot feel that I can always count on Someone and as a patient Protective Angel always follows to the shadow of my heels!
My heart may be - sometimes it just mimics how it beats! It has become terribly cumbersome in In there, but it is often more and more excruciating out there! I am still honest with myself! While my others say my broken scarecrow face is covered in masquerade! If something can touch: Stimulus or another brainstorming idea to cry back the compulsion that comes true: can I stand it ?! "Isn't the conscious compromise of Life a worm for me?" Tears shed their pearl petals from crusted crater eyes and often obscure everything Nivan's milky white desert! In my mortal existence, the tiny events of minutes immortally unite when I know that the fallen-Self I have learned in the other will die at any time! The Mirror presented to myself is sure to shine from the inside!
If our lives could, in half of our lives, could be put together with the original nature of real, sincere friendships, and how many came and come up with honey-glazed promises, cheap, small-style, pathetic lies, perhaps as a deciphering. They stepped through a hesitant, uncertain will in an unfinished, much-to-tender life like the last legion of the Sahara sand dunes.

The love of love, who still has something flirted with the universe, thinks of the nights, and when he wakes up hibernation, he often does not really understand whether he could only make a mistake alone, or the one who betrayed him?!

It is incredible that this forty years have gone, and as they say, as something of a brain, ancient mantra text is that you. You have been a hysterical, dreaded, peeled puppy in your world life, you did not intentionally want to change and become absolutely, rigid than those who are more likely to have a comatose in the world.

It would be a good idea to collect the deliberately death of the happy-sadness that was deliberately died, which were still loyal by the lovely ash, princesses. Listening to the shadow of snow-white sandy, palm wooden beaches not only the murmurs of the seas but also the music of horns, what else can the uncertain doom in which we were born to live?!

It is always a bit more difficult to wake up to a real realistic reality, because it is already a bit of a nausea, nausea speeches, and - feared - if not taking care of it in itself!
Norbert Tasev Feb 17
I would say something else to you orphaned, eternal worrying kid, I have to get yourself up if they hurt me, people who are nothing. I would tell you something if you are dreading a crouching full moon at night, because you think you are just ghost or goblt, just be firm and brave and not show your wounded-*******, dreaded fears.

Many times I would call you a time-to-date machine mobile, if you would be a little more attentive to my wise, thoughtful words, which you still think would rather be discarded rather than meaningful advice; I know childhood may often seem like a two-way dead end, which sooner or later may fall or get lost, but you should always stay yourself and by no means let the absolute, Marcona adults sit or influence your Kobak head.

Put your childhood, playful curiosity with your sick heart, your liver, shaking hands and secret oath to yourself: _ I will stay for a couple of years who can know my friends so far! I will be loyal to myself. "_ - and while your aging, eyeglasses would look at the uncertain horizon, sillabising where the end of existence can be and how much more can happen. There are alms, sanding hands, sanda, nonsensical promises.

Something, even so many decades - would be good to tell you; You can never feel that they are mocked, deliberately shamed, mocked, evil, and if your grandchildren will not be ****** on your balding ping-pong head, you may have stayed yourself all the time!
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