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There he stood
Far, far away
Far, far beyond
From her reach
Among the twinkling stars
Bright but calm
He was not a star
Among the millions
Only moon who amused her
With his different phases
 Apr 2017 SteffyWeffy
SA Morales
Everyday I suffer from self-hate
I never know why I have this fate
Everytime I smile, I feel insecure
I hope there is a cure
Giving up has always been an option
Because it feels like I have no direction
Is living really worthwhile?
You feel awful even when you smile
I used to imagine a future so bright
But now it's just as dark as night
Cutting myself seems predictable
But I always make sure that it isn't visible
I had to call the cops on my ex-boyfriend last Thursday:

Stop looking at me like I did something to you.
I have campus police on speed dial, if you do not leave, I will call them.
You need to stop pretending like I did something wrong to you.
I am dialing the number right now.
Look at me. Look at me! Stop looking at me like you're a victim! I didn't do anything wrong to you. I don't deserve this.
Look, it's ringing. You need to leave.
First, you need to stop looking at me like I did something wrong to you.
No. Leave.
Look at me!

You feel a special kind of guilty when you have a stalker. You don't want to believe that someone you ever loved would to this. You really don't want to believe that someone you were ever intimate with, or someone who has pictures that you painted for them in their room would do this to you. You don't want to feel vulnerable. And you really don't want to feel that every few seconds, you need to be looking over your shoulder for them. You just want them to leave you alone.
This is pretty personal, but whatever.
I was not invited
So I didn't come
Feeling sad and slighted
My thoughts begin to run.......

Meaningless and worthless
Fate spun it's unforgiving wheel
Leaving a life that's mirthless
Dealing sorrow with gleeful zeal

I find myself alone again
The wheel can only spin around
Ending where it begins
On familiar battleground

On my shoulder sets the crow
Memories continually fanned
Very slowly I sink below
Standing firmly in quicksand

©Pauline Russell
Before you get in bed with me, there's a few things you need to know.

I'm a lot more than just a warm body you lay with, I promise.
Don't get me wrong, I love a woman's curves as much as the next man; but I know it's not the thing that matters.

I'm good at what I do when we get between those sheets, but I'm not going to just run there to get laid. I'll take you to a world of ecstasy and pleasure you may not have ever had before, but I don't get there so easily anymore.

I'm really a sensitive guy who's heart has multiple scars on every wall. See, I've been in love. I mean real love; the kind of love that should be made into a chick flick because it's so unrealistic but it actually happened to me. And it happened to me twice. And I lost them both.

So I have a lot of trust issues, and a lot of pain - really I'm terrified of being hurt again. I'm so tired of being hurt. And I know you want to take my pain away, but if you're just going to use my body then that will hurt.

I don't really care about the ******* anymore. I care about what's going on in your heart, I lust for the emotional intimacy and security and vulnerability that comes when we take off more than just our clothes. Cuz I want to be close.

So take that all in, I'm an open book. I won't hurt you, please don't just leave. If you're okay with something more than just flesh, then let's give us each other until morning light.
Not based on something that;s happened. Just a reflection on how I've changed from the flirty boy ******* myself for a thrill to a wounded man just looking to somehow heal.
I don't think most people understand depression
                                                    ­                         suicide
                                                         ­                           PTSD

or the cycles that they come in as if they were tides.

People don't see past the smiles and laughter to the darkness within;
That you could be surrounded by love and feel okay
                                                            ­                            yet still be dead

That no matter how much comfort or peace you have it still gnaws away in the beck of your mind and chews a hole in your heart.

Cut wrists and suicide attempts aren't a cry for attention but for help;
does anybody out there hear me? see me? feel the way I feel? does anybody get that I am on the edge and losing it? why does nobody listen? why don't they take me serious? am I worth anything?

It disgusts me we execute the wounded and condemn their suffering;
Maybe they shouldn't feel the way they feel, but it's how they feel, so quit trying to tell them to stop feeling that way!

Just be there... they need to know they aren't alone.
Not exactly poetic, but I wanted to get my point across as sharply as possible.
to be defined
by an assault
nobody should
ever endure
more than just
**** is an
assault on your
whole being
scars go deep
& you don't
understand how
to heal from it

but there is healing
beyond the 10 minutes
of fear and tears
there can be
intimacy in future
physical closeness
without any tremors
total vulnerability
without fingers of fear
clawing at your gut
you can be okay
take it from me
it won't define you
you will*
I really wanted to share this to let anyone who's gone through what I have that there can be healing from this and you can achieve physical intimacy again without all the trauma flooding back every time. It takes a lot of courage to open yourself up again, but I can assure you it is possible.
 Apr 2017 SteffyWeffy
Need some one to talk
At least to hear me

So many were by my side
But I don't want to open
As they all were emotionally closed

Is a pain has this much power
To ruin oneself

But how could I be OK ?
After being with this everything

Oh ! Never expected that you're
This much stronger

But I will show you
That I am strongest

By living
With smiling
Just self conversation to pour out

I think I am still OK because of this protected God POETRY and a great protectors POET FRIENDS

:(:(:(  just will keep prayers
 Apr 2017 SteffyWeffy
Flowers on headstones.
Vivid colours amongst grey
To brighten the grief.
PS: The website seems slower today than it was yesterday. Please give it a dose of the hair of the hare.
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