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455 · Jan 2018
Nina McNally Jan 2018
"Confess my love........ you're
Holy to me." You get me, you
Understand me! I love you! You make everything better.
Right now, I just want to be with you, "a time
Capsule for the future"...."I'm just a
Human trying to avoid certain doom."
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Inspired by Fall Out Boy and my fiance.
453 · Dec 2017
Nina McNally Dec 2017
Champion; what does it mean?
How can you be a champion?
Always afraid, but *"there's a fog from the past that's giving
Me, giving me such a headache,"
"I'm a champion of the
People who don't believe in champions."
I* got nothing but dreams inside!"* You are the
Only one in charge of your future.
No one can tell you what to believe in and

                 Remember; *"If I can live through this,
                                                           ­      I can do anything!"
So another acrostic I wrote using Fall Out Boy's Champion title and lyrics.
Go check the first draft to take a peek into how I write my poems, sometimes its hard to come up with the right words and phases for each letter.
Enjoy. 2017.
McNally/Flabders, Inc.
Nina McNally Mar 2010
Right now are
Fighting for the right to
Eat & survive.
Can we help
Them? We need too.

But we too are in a crisis,
Or is it just in our minds? Only
You can decide -- Go Help!
©2/8/10 McNally, Inc.
447 · Apr 2013
Alone Together
Nina McNally Apr 2013
All I ever wanted in
Life was that
One True Love and
Now here it is 1 year later and with
Each day

That goes by feels like the first
One! I'm so happy I found you and I'm not
Going anywhere -- I'm here to stay.
Everyone around us, even strangers,
Tells us that we are prefect
Here together.
Each day, my love for you grows bigger!
Right here next to you is where I want to be       forever!
Inspired by the LOVE of my life!
Title from Fall Out Boy.
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
436 · Dec 2017
The Last of The Real Ones
Nina McNally Dec 2017
"There's been a million before me,"* and
Having been in the mental health field for a while now;
Each day I'm always learning and sharing "That ultra-kind a

one that I'll "never walk away from."
And "I will shield you from the waves, If they find you."
So "I'm done with having dreams;
The thing I believe;

Oh, you drain all the fear from me."

From this moment on "I will protect you."* I'm "just

The last of a dying breed,"

Hoping more people will come out and help others.
Every day someone needs help and

Really we're all in this together. No one is alone.
Every day "I wonder if your therapist knows everything
About me."
I'm just "here in search of your glory."
Love is all we need!

One day, we'll see that mental health is okay,
Not something to be feared.
Enjoy life for what it is and
So much greatest will come to you!

                                                           ­                        *STAY STRONG!
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
wrote this as I was staring at the lyrics to this song from Fall Out Boy.
When I first heard this song I always had a special feeling to this song and it's one my favorite songs! Plus mental health is super important and we aren't alone, there's always someone to talk too, a teacher, a friend, family, or therapist. Just find someone and don't let go of them. Stay Strong, you are loved!
433 · Dec 2017
Stayin Out All Night
Nina McNally Dec 2017
Sitting here in
The club, dancing
And hanging with friends; Feeling
Young and free
I'm not coming home tonight! The
Night is young and so are we!! "Staying

Out All Night"

Under the stars and
The moonlight, we own the night.

Another hour passes and we're still out not
Longing to go home.
Loving you is all I know and

No one can say otherwise, so
In this club in between the drinks,
Girls, guys, and dances
"Hold Me Tight" and
"Take Me" home!
Something I wrote tonight, feeling inspired by some song titles from Fall Out Boy and Aly & AJ; Let see if you can spot them. :) Enjoy.
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
426 · Jan 2011
If You Only Knew
Nina McNally Jan 2011
"It's 4:03 and I can't sleep."
From all the memories I have of'

You, I swear,
Oh, "I swear I've lived and learned." If you only
Understand, I never wanted it to be like this.

Oh how the times come and go and
Now I sit here, refusing to
Let you go. I don't regret the days, or the night I've spent with
You--You helped me live and learn. "If you only

Knew, I still hold onto the letters you returned."
Now, I am free and someday you'll see I was probably your
Everything, but it's done-we're done, and
"Whatever happened, happened."
based on Shinedown's If You Only Knew, and the last line from LOST's character; Daniel Faraday.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc
true love can come and go, but it's life--just enjoy the wild ride.- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
412 · Jan 2011
Here's to Poetry
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Where I can go to My Secret Place and get inspired by Dorothy Parker's Resume.
Where I can write about Nathan Fillion, and Joseph Adam Jonas all I want.
Where I can quote Richard Castle, >>even though he's not real.<<  
Where it can be Just One of Those Days and pouring Rain, but not at my place.
Where my Secrets are safe, and it's nothing but the Truth. And throughout the truth, I find myself.
Where I can write about ****** and it is okay.
Where I am in Control of the Rock & the Roll.
Where I can write some of the Best poetry.
Where I don't say F.M.L., How Can We Say it's Over?, or feel Invisible.
Where I will never feel Alone in the Hallways ever again.
Where I can talk to My Baby Boy.
Where I can embrace my Irish Pride!! And feel good.
Where I can make up stuff about New York and a Boy with his Perfect Life.
Where I can go to complete **Abby's Song.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
I took the titles of the poems that I wrote so far and made 5 poems.- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
406 · Dec 2018
Bishop Knife Trick
Nina McNally Dec 2018
Before the night is over,
I need to tell you
Something; "I'm yours till the earth starts to crumble and the
Heavens roll away.
" I'm yours forever!
One day, we'll start a family!
People say they have a
Soulmate and now I believe.

Knowing what I know
I wouldn't change a thing. My
Feelings for you never change---
Each day I love you more.

Together we make a good team.
Ready for this life, moment, and
I'm ready for life with you.
Come with me and we're watch the sunset!
Knowing life is precious and short!

                              Let's Live!!!
copyright; 2018
McNally/Falnders, Inc.
wrote this a while back..last song on Mania album.
Title by Fall Out Boy
396 · Jan 2011
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Childhood. Remember the days when what you
Had was everything you ever needed? All
I** ever wanted to do was to play in the dirt.
Loved hanging with my friends,
Down by the river--the ones who knew me as I was & didn't care
How poor or rich I was--Childhood isn't about the money.
Oh, how I wish to go back to those times...
Oh, but how I love being where I am now
Down by the sea, instead of the river.
copyright; 2011
Here's a poem to remember the good old days, back when we were kids.
Don't you just love poetry and how you can write something and it doesn't have to make totally sense.- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
379 · Dec 2019
Dear Future Self (Hands Up)
Nina McNally Dec 2019
"Dear Future Self," how are you?
Everyone is unique
And different--- "I'm sitting at an Airport bar,"
Relaxing, "drinking cheap whiskey." I hope in the

Future people are more
Understanding of others.
The truth is this world is not so
Understanding of people having different options. And
Reality is, why do we want
Everyone to think the

Same---we are all have different brains,
Everyone thinks and closes their
Live differently; be kind and maybe the
Future can be bright!

(Hold on, wait a minute, life is hard
And can **** sometimes, but
No one can tell you what to
Do and no one can
Say to you 'you're wrong'---

Understanding is key and
People need to realize we are all different!)
Written: 2019
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Title, lyric, and inspiration from Fall Out Boy
371 · Mar 2019
Nina McNally Mar 2019
Please be kind,
Really we just need more kindness,
And love-- show each other we care.
You only have this one life so why live
Everyday with hate and anger?
Really we are all the same, human,
So live each day for what it is and spread LOVE.
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
a little poem I wrote about loving each other.
Title from Good Charlotte
348 · Jan 2011
How I Feel
Nina McNally Jan 2011
I'm running away to a place,
that is my secret place,
where I figure everything out
in this messed up head of mine,
but how can I get there (with no way there?),
when can I go (what time, day?),
I need to go soon before I explode (into a million pieces).
I need to get a way from this drama
high school I'm in, I need time
to figure out what I'm doing (right now)
because right now I'm doing everything in a *trance.
copyright; 2007
McNally, Inc.
Sophomore year was rough, but high school is rough, and hard. I'm glad I had music, and writing...I probably wouldn't have made it out there alive if I didn't.- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
338 · Dec 2018
Learning to Let Go
Nina McNally Dec 2018
Letting go in life is something you should do
Every now and then ---
And when you do, it will be so
Refreshing and freeing!
Now, here in the darkness
I stand to tell you, you are
Not alone! You are beautiful, you are
Gorgeous and wonderful!

Thanks for being you, you are the
Only one who can be you!

Love is powerful,
Everyday is peaceful, and
Tomorrow's a new chance ---

Go out and do something.
Only you can be you!!
copyright; 2018
Tile by Kesha
wrote this a wile back and just catching on posting my poems
335 · Jan 2011
My Secret Place
Nina McNally Jan 2011
where is my secret place
where I go to think things out?
right now it's no where
because my head is so messed up now.
I can't find my secret place;
wait, I think I just found it.
copyright; 2007
McNally, Inc.
when I started writing a lot more, because I needed a place to go to get a way from everything, and I found writing, of course. :)- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
327 · Mar 2019
Self Help
Nina McNally Mar 2019
Sometimes in this world,
Loses their minds and
Find the negative---

Everything and anyone who doesn't believe them.
Longing to hope other
People think the same.

But if we all think the same, the world would be a boring place.
Title by Good Charlotte; another inspiration of mine.
Be You and Don't be afraid to be anyone else.
327 · Feb 2013
Out On The Town
Nina McNally Feb 2013
On this wonderful night, watching TV
Under the stars, and laying with my baby, I
Think about my life and how wonderful it is

Only right now I am in between jobs, but I know something will come and
Now more than ever I know I am with

The right guy! He is the one I will spend the rest of my life with.
He's the one that I will marry one day!
Everyday that I wake up next to him is

The most wonderful thing in the world.
Only now we lay in bed, me-
Writing, and him- playing a game. But someday in the
Near future we will be Mr. and Mrs. Flanders! ❤
Writing for the love of my life!
Song title by fun.
McNally, Inc.
320 · Aug 2010
Nina McNally Aug 2010
Tomorrow's another day.
How long has it been since we've talked last?
It's been so busy, I've been busy.
Sitting here now, I realize how much time really means.

In one minute I'm with you and the next I'm
Sitting at home checking my e-mails.

Why does time have to be so fast or so sloooow?
And why do people always take time from me?
Really they don't, but it sure feels like they do.
NinaAbby: written because I seem to never have time. & I'm sorry for not being on here much anymore...but stuff needs to be done, right?
copyright; 2010
McNally, Inc.- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
315 · Jan 2011
What If...
Nina McNally Jan 2011
What if...
Heaven was
A** dream and
Time was stoppable.

If all our dreams came true, we would
Forever be grateful--but that doesn't happen.
copyright; 2008
McNally, Inc.
But of course we can still keep on dreaming, that's what dreams are all about. Don't give up on your dreams.
I love asking "What if?" questions.
-title of a Simple Plan song-
This is my 61th poem.- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
299 · Jun 2019
Better Demons
Nina McNally Jun 2019
Beginning of time,
Everyone longing
To be with someone--
Together to love and care for.
Every day we learn; we
Realize, and see that there are

Demons in this world-bad people-but
Each day is a new day and
Maybe just maybe,
One day we find someone special; someone to
Never leave your side and maybe
Someday we can change this world around.
Title by Good Charlotte
Copyright; 2019; McNally, Inc.
We all have someone out there.
294 · Dec 2019
Dark Days
Nina McNally Dec 2019
Dream big,
And never give up!
Reality is hard,
Keep it real "in these

Dark Days"
And share the positive and light and
You never know, maybe,
Someday the world can see the light again!
Copyright; 2019
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Title and Inspiration from Fitz and the Tantrums
294 · Dec 2019
Don't Ever Let Em
Nina McNally Dec 2019
Don't forget we are all different,
Only human, and unique ----
No one is prefect and
Today's a new day to start anew ----

Each day is. In this moment, this
Very moment,
Everything seems like dream and
Reality seems so far away, but this is

Life and change changes has to be made,
Each day; little by little changes happen.
Tomorrow is a new day and

Each day forward is a chance to change---
Moments like these are amazing! <3
copyright; 2019
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Title from Fitz and The Tantrums
291 · Dec 2019
Maybe Yes
Nina McNally Dec 2019
Maybe this world is dead
And we are all in hell.... Maybe this is a
Yesteryear or another reality...?
Because this doesn't feel right,
Everyday feels like we're less human and

Yet humanity never seizes to surprise me.
Each day it seems like and awful tragic
Situations happens..... .....Be Kind. <3
Copyright; 2019
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Tiltel from Fitz and the Tantrums
284 · Jun 2020
Nina McNally Jun 2020
Great.... This world is going to ****
Right now: the media loves to spread fear
And not hope.... Can we get some good
News?! And not just
The Some Good News on Youtube...
Everyday that the news share fear is another
Day where people will continue to be stupid...
Written back in May, 2020.
This wasn't my best write, but It's how I feel about the media and news. :/
Title by some local artists, J Spin and Spose
274 · Dec 2018
Nina McNally Dec 2018
Begin of warm weather
And the
Start of baseball, the count down starts;
Each day it gets closer to Opening Day.
Baseball season is the best season!
And I love watching my
Love play while I keep score, official!
Let's go Red Sox!!
copyright; 2018
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
wrote this back in the spring about the excitement of start of baseball
273 · Jan 2011
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Memories come and go and
Everyday my love for you grows
May our love stay strong through thick and thin.
On to today; a new day with new
Riches; friends, people, love, music.
In every way enjoy life,
Enjoy this world and the people who
S**urround you, they are worth more than money.
copyright; 2010
McNally, Inc.
written: Enjoy the little things.- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
271 · Jan 2011
Naked Heat
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Now is the time to do something,
And now is the time to stand for something. I never
Knew I would be here, where
Everything is on the line and with each
Day I get closer to the edge.

How did this happen? Why are people,
Every where, going crazy? Why
Are some people afraid of change?
T**ime, what is time?
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
Just wrote it because I am struggle to stay afloat right now, and with the media's hype about the shooting in Arizona. What has this world come too? Can't we see their are others we need more help then us...and why do they need to hype all the shootings...
I have too many questions in my brain hurts sometimes because of this...- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
262 · Aug 2010
Nina McNally Aug 2010
Time, time, what is time, really? What does
It mean? How does one measure time, really? Time is the
Moments that makes everyday so special...the
E**veryday moments, the little things. that's what time is!
NinaAbby: written in semi-response to THIS IS WAR.
copyright; 2010
McNally, Inc.- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
260 · Jan 2011
Just One of Those "Days"
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Slit one I'm bleeding,
Slit two I'm falling,
Slit three I'm dying,
Someone, Save me please!
Everyone has "those days," where they want to die,
but some actually follow through with "those days,"
they don't see the good things coming.

Why do we feel this way? I don't know.
Is it apart of life? Yes.
But there's some who get saved at like the last minute,
Can we get-feel better? **maybe, but just remember *look ahead, not back.
copyright; 2007
McNally, Inc.
I had some darker days back then. this was just a poem I wrote and after I wrote it I wrote a reason to it, answering my questions. The pen is my knife. As I put it in a side note in my notebook.- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
252 · Jun 2020
Bob Dylan
Nina McNally Jun 2020
Bring in the new year with love;
Our chance to change and
Better our future.

Don't worry and be happy. It starts with
You--one person to smile and
Like a yawn, the happiness can spread.
Another day, another chance to change.
Now who wants to be happy?!
Wrote this back on New Year's Eve, 2019...
Too bad my hope for 2020 got ****** by Corona and the world going crazy....
Title from Fall Out Boy
248 · Jun 2020
Nina McNally Jun 2020
Run, run, running away from the demons
In the middle of the night when it's
Very dark and
Everyone's asleep. I'm
Ready to fight them. These
Are not real but they feel real,
Life is short, so make the best of
Everyday and be as Positive as you can be. :)
Written back in September of 2019; title from Riverdale
Just felt like sitting and writing whatever came to my mind.
239 · Jun 2020
One for All
Nina McNally Jun 2020
One day, we're gonna look back on this and say
Now why did we act like that? Why did we treat
Each other so poorly?

For now we see we acted like idiots
Only caring about ourselves and not each other...Forgetting our
Rights as Humans--- the most basic right---

And it's one we all share, we are all human,
Looking for kindness and peace. Be Kind and
Love one another! <3
Wrote June 2020
Title from Zombies 2-One For All
Another positive write. When in doubt be kind, love one another.
235 · Dec 2019
Kiss The Sky
Nina McNally Dec 2019
"Kiss the sky"
In the darkest hour of the night,
Sometimes in the heaviest moments and
Sometimes in the lowest is

The most important time to
Hold onto and be together!
Everyday that's all I

See-- to be with you, achieving, reaching, and
Keeping my dreams real! Only
You are stopping you!!!
Copyright; 2019
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Title and Inspiration from Fitz and the Tantrums
and Inspiration from Fall Out Boy
219 · Jun 2020
Flesh & Bone
Nina McNally Jun 2020
Fear or hate.... Highs and
Lows..."The world has gone crazy and no one seems to listen"....
"Everything we built is coming down";
So..."No more
Hesitation, it's time we start to realize"
: We

Are in this together; "Are you standing with the crowd?"... "It's
Now or Never"
...."This is a
Declaration of a new generation"
...... "No, we won't

Break, we're more than flesh and bone"

One day, we're gotta realize than we are repeating history....
Now.... "History changes, but we lost the pages we wrote"...
Everyone right now, can stop repeating history as it starts with you.

       So will you just be part of the problem
        Will you be part of a solution?

"With all this separation, silence is still taking sides
So use your voice, make a choice
And tell me, are you standing with the crowd?"

"History changes, but we  lost the pages we wrote
When you lose direction, can't see the reflection you know
We came from the bottom then became the problem
Now everything's out of control
So hey, are you with me? Let's go!"
written June 2020
Title and lyrics from Zombies -Flesh & Bone
215 · Dec 2019
All The Feels
Nina McNally Dec 2019
And when all else fails,
Loving you is amazing and my
Life without you is boring.

This moment, this
Heat and passion is
Everywhere-I live and breathe

For you.
Everyday, you are my life, my
Everything and
Seems so simple when I'm with you! <3
copyright; 2019
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Title and inspiration from Fitz and the Tantrums
207 · Dec 2019
Nina McNally Dec 2019
Back to the beginning, back to the start,
And sitting under the moon looking up at the
Stars--Here and now is where I want to be.
Everyday I'm with you is amazing and
Everyday is a gift that I don't take for granted,
No one should and Life's too short
To not live in the moment. <3
Copyright; 2019
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Title from Fitz and the Tantrums
194 · Jun 2020
Nina McNally Jun 2020
"Life gives you lemons, you make lemonade"....
Everyday is a new chance to
Make the best
Of your life!
Now is your chance to
Start your best you! *
Stay Strong!
Wrote back in May 2020 and just wanted to write positive.
Title by Ashley Tisdale
193 · Dec 2018
Why So Serious?
Nina McNally Dec 2018
'When did we get so serious?'
How can we go back to those childhood
Years without losing our knowledge?

Sometimes it's best to live life with---
Out regrets.

Sometimes it's best to live life carefree.
Everyday, do something new,
Reach out to someone who
Is alone, live with No Regrets!
Only you can be you! Try to
Understand what others might have to deal with;
Step in their shoes before you judge.
McNally, Inc.
Tile from Alice Merton
189 · Jun 2010
*Nightmare* or Dream?
Nina McNally Jun 2010
Is this a dream
Or a nightmare?
it doesn't feel real, anymore.
There's too much PAIN and CONFUSING
in this real life then they promised me
when I was younger........
They told me I would have a fairy tale ending but
I don't see no fairy tale here...
They lied. I wish I had someone to tell me
not to grow up, like I do to the younger kids I meet.
Oh, how I would take to being 8 again
and not caring where or when my next meal
will be or health care.
Oh the joys of childhood
>>Don't wish to grow up!<<
copyright; McNally inc.
Nina McNally, 6/20/10- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
184 · Dec 2019
Nina McNally Dec 2019
Something's in life is
Uncontrollable and life's too short to live with grudges.
Each day is a new day, a new chance to
Right a wrong, fix a
And move on.
Go forward not back, everyone makes mistakes
In this world--No One Is Prefect!
Keep positive, do your best with what you know!
Copyright; 2019
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Title from Fitz and the Tantrums
174 · Jun 2020
Level of Concern
Nina McNally Jun 2020
Living in this world
Everyday and everyone's stupid....
Very stupid.... but
Each day people never seem to amaze me at just how;
Living together

On this planet,
Following guidelines or taking

Care of our beautiful Earth--
Only caring about themselves and
Not the **** world...
Can anyone hear the
Earth calling out?

Right now, in this outbreak, the Earth is actually healing itself--
Now, hopefully, we can keep her and help her heal more. <3
Written May 2020; decided to wrote a poem about how when we stopped for a moment to go into self-isolation that Mother Nature fought back to reclaim itself.
Title from Twenty One Pilots
163 · Jun 2020
Nina McNally Jun 2020
Can we all just pause for a minute?
Right now in this world, it's crazy and we all
Understand as we're going through this together!
Stop panic buying
And just breathe the fresh air,
Don't worry "this too shall pass." Take
Each day for what it is and Be Kind to one another!
Wrote this back at the end of March (2020) during the middle of the Corona crisis.
Relax, "just coast with me" "it's gonna get better" -Patrick Stump
Tittle from Marshmello
156 · Jun 2022
Nina McNally Jun 2022
Others try and fail
But do you have what it takes?
Life is too short to complain,
It's too short to be negative, and
Too short to not show compassion.
Everybody deserves a chance for a little
Respect until proven otherwise. We are
All in this world
Together-- weather we like it or not.
Everybody will have a different opinion than you- No need to argue about it.
another write from Jan. 2022
song title from I Fight Dragons
125 · Jun 2020
Attack of Panic
Nina McNally Jun 2020
Another day goes by and
That day
Turns into a month that went by
And we're all going
Crazy and still out of our minds...
Kindness; where did it go? Heaven

Only knows... To busy listening to
Fear and

And not enough Good
News.... Come on and wake up
In any moment this
Can all be over!
Wrote this in May, 2020..
I was tired of being negative and worrying about the future that I decided I write something positive. Make my own luck!
Title from Aly & AJ
107 · Jun 2022
Me Against The World
Nina McNally Jun 2022
Many people go through life without a care or
Even realize what they are they’re on

Auto-pilot or something..
Going places, but not really knowing how they ended up there.
And now with nothing to do, even more people driving,
In the middle of the
Night with nowhere to be--just to get out of the house.
So someone-anyone-listen, wake up; we’re gonna get

This together! We will!
Here and now, it’s not over yet, but
Each day is a new chance and new hope!

When this is all
Over--Before this is all over-we need to stop with the
Racism, hate, politics, and whatever else; stop tearing us apart--spread
Love instead-
Don’t you see “they” want us to preach hate to divide us..
90 · Jun 2020
Livin' For The Weekend
Nina McNally Jun 2020
Living in this world, this strange world, full of
Innocent people going about their day and this
Very moment, people just want to live their lives their way.
I wonder how many mistakes we have to keep making
Now and when we will learn from history?

Forever we have been repeating
Our history, I mean look at the wars, how we treat
Races-- Africans, Native Americans, and more--

They deserve more than
How we treated them.
Everyday I

Wonder how can we get away treating
Each other like that...
Everyday is a new day, take it as it is, and spread
Kindness to
Each other and maybe someday we can bring the peace.
Now, pause count 1, 2, 3, and be kind and DREAM big!
Copyright; 2019
Wrote this back in December.
Be kind to one another! We're all in this together!
Title from Fitz & The Tantrums

— The End —